A Unique Hunter

Chapter 817: Goodbye Lori

Second more

I’m crying in my heart, and you must know that I can’t eat anything in front of Cook. I can think of my miserable life in the future. I lose weight and lose weight my smooth fur.

"It's time to lose weight, hand over the space equipment." Cook looked at Xiao Wu and shook his head and said

The little bad guy looked aggrieved and looked at Cook with a flattering look and cowered and handed over the space equipment space collar on his body.

"Okay, I will rob others. I have long heard that you are the boss of this academy." Cook checked the gold coins and found that there are tens of thousands of coins. The intelligence agency in the Baron of Cook has long targeted The people who came into contact with Mickey were closely monitored. Xiaobai was naturally monitored, so Cook will wait for Xiaobai here.

"No, no," the people in the tavern are only now realizing that the Nima Academy tyrant actually handed over his space equipment obediently. Ballas's head has been confused and completely at a loss.

Cook looked at Xiao Hao's aggrieved appearance and continued to teach angrily: "Look at you and see that you are only level 4, but Big Mouth is already level 6. It's embarrassing to me. Take it and see Lori."

Little Bad hurriedly nodded and then jumped on Cook's shoulder to please, rubbed his head against Cook's cheek. Cook put a gold coin on the table and waved out of the tavern.

The people in the tavern saw that Cook was gone, but the academy one hegemony was so clever to please that guy. Who is this guy?

When Cook walked out of the tavern, he found that someone was following. Cook frowned and asked, "Go over there."

The little bad hurriedly swung his paw to one side. Cook took out a magic scroll and tore it open. Then a blue wing appeared directly on Cook, and Cook turned into a streamer and flew directly towards the courtyard.

"Windwing Nima actually uses a six-level scroll to drive the road" the person who just came out of the tavern behind immediately yelled

"Who?" As soon as Cook flew up, several griffon riders flew into the sky and shouted

"It's me" Cook stopped and said directly

"My Lord Baron", the Griffin Rider was actually Cook who was immediately in awe

"Okay, I just don't want to be watched. You are very alert and do a good job" Cook said in admiration.

"Thank you, Lord Baron, for complimenting Lord Baron," the griffon rider immediately gave a military salute and said excitedly, then watched Cook fly to a building

"Listen to my order and let everyone come back to perform the highest security mission immediately." The Griffin Rider who had just spoken to Cook went back and reported the incident he encountered and paid the Magic Shadow Crystal. This is an important means of forensics. Some people in the academy are children of nobles. Evidence is the most important thing. The head of the academy responsible for the safety of the academy immediately called out loudly.

What Cook didn't know was that he appeared in the academy and suffered countless children of nobles. He was only fined before. Now he must be locked up for at least half a month. There is even a king's prince holding a weapon in the academy to chase and kill others. The **** kills directly. Since this day is Saturday, it will be called Dread Planet VI in future academies.

"This is Lori's residence." Cook looked at Lori's residence and found that there was no big difference. It was almost the same as an average girl, except for the color, and nothing else.

Xiao Bad quickly nodded and opened the cabinet and took out a bunch of delicious things including dried meat, fruits and miscellaneous />

"You guy is really happy, but you are not up to the level. So what do you do when you get old? You can live up to fifty or sixty years now, but if you reach level nine, it will be at least hundreds of years. Think about that. "Long time" Cooke’s lesson of heart and soul

Xiao Wu turned his head and looked confused. Cook was also amused. Obviously Xiao Wu did not understand decades and hundreds of years.

"Then this is dozens, this is hundreds, and that many" Cook directly spread the sugar cubes with snow sugar to the little bad guy and asked.

Xiao Badi lied on hundreds of pieces of candy and looked at Cook with joy and said: "Now I know it and I will improve my level."

When Lori walked to the place to live, the atmosphere felt a little weird. Today, the guards in the academy seem to be more and the law enforcement is very strict. Lori wants to ask, but Lori considers that the security of the academy is not under her own jurisdiction, so she has to bring it. Look while walking in doubt

"This classmate asks you to put your weapon at the designated place" A guard at the gate stopped a soldier with a weapon

"What's the matter, it's not allowed?" The soldier was obviously a senior soldier and asked very arrogantly.

"From today onwards, no one is allowed to carry weapons in the academy," the guard said, pointing to the new regulations on the wall

"The new regulations, what should I do with this weapon? This is a boutique made by a dwarf with tens of thousands of gold coins, you pay me." The warrior yelled with dissatisfaction.

The guard looked at the warrior's arrogant appearance and said coldly: "There are two options: one is to put down the weapon and enter the academy. The second is to get out of the academy with the weapon.

"Huh, I want to see you..." The soldier is very arrogant and will force it.

"Bang Lai Ren made this man famous from the academy" A knight came out and kicked the senior fighter directly with one foot, and then shouted orders.

Several guards rushed up and expelled the soldier from the academy. The people around them all saw their necks shrink until they were able to study in this academy. Basically, the family was not good. There was no need to lose this for a weapon. Share of studies

"This..." Lori saw what she wanted to say, but thought that these guards were not under the academy's jurisdiction and didn't say anything.

"Little villain, I'm back..." Lori opened the door and shouted loudly, but she was stunned when she saw the person sitting in the living room.

"Lori..." After seeing Lori, Cook realized that it was not the original Lori. Lori's whole body faded away, revealing the temperament of some mature women.

"It's been a long time since you have become beautiful" Cook said with admiration

"Cook, you are here, sit down, sit down and sit down. Just now I said why the guards below are so strict. It turns out that you are here." Lori hurriedly poured water to Cook while talking, but Lori didn't know what was going on. Pouring water is not good

"Don't be busy" Cook said quickly seeing Lori like this

I don’t know that when Cook said that, Lori immediately covered her nose and rushed into her room, and then the sound of howling and crying came out. Cook was stunned and didn’t know what to do.

"Fool" a voice rang in Cook's ear

"Lina, you..." Cook was speechless

"Cook, go and see." Lina gracefully appeared beside Cook, picked up Xiaoyi, touched it, and said that Xiaoyi pleased Lina and gave Lina a piece of candy and stuffed a piece of it in her mouth.

"This..." Cook was hesitant. After all, Cook had some thoughts about Loli before, but now Cook has no idea anymore.

"Actually, I had some thoughts about Lori before, but at that time it was more of a kind of conquest. After all, I was just a civilian at that time" Cook explained.

"But people have ideas for you, do you know Cook, you are in everyone's mind; you are a hero and a well-deserved hero" Connie said affectionately, hugging Cook

"You can bring surprises to others anytime, anywhere. Just like what I used to be. I imagined that one day a prince charming would appear in front of me and give me everything I want. This fantasy has been going on for hundreds of years until I no longer have it. I imagined that my biggest idea at that time was to find a valley with beautiful flowers when I was about to die of old age, and then slowly die of old age. But where do I know that when my prince charming appears at this time, it is you that you gave me what I wanted you It’s my bsp; and Lori’s current life and family status, you are also her hero," Lina leaned on Cook’s shoulder and whispered.

"If that's the case, this world will treat me as a hero more" Cook said with a wry smile

"Hehe, let me talk to Lori, but you have to accept whatever the result is, okay" Lina volunteered

Cook thought that this was what Mickey had said to himself that Mickey had a kink. If you let Lina help me, I’m afraid Mickey’s knot would get deeper, so Cook shook his head and said: "You go first. solve"

Lina glanced at Cook and disappeared. Seeing this scene, she went straight into Cook's arms.

"Let’s come, I was not afraid when I came just now" Cook’s ill-tempered lesson, the little bad, the little bad, please lick Cook’s hand

Seeing Xiaobai's faceless and skinless appearance, Cook can't help it. After all, Xiaobai has given Cook a lot of help.

"Lori, I'm here," Cook said loudly outside the door

Then he pushed the door open regardless of Lori's answer or not. Needless to say, even a wall can't stop Cook, let alone the door, and Cook found that Lori didn't tie the door at all.

"Lori, I think we need to have a good talk." Cook watched Lori lying on her bed and weeping. Cook pulled a chair and sat in front of the bed.

"Woo..." Knowing that Cook just sat down, Lolly jumped into Cook's arms and burst into tears. Cook was at a loss for a while.

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