A Unique Hunter

Chapter 815: Peach blossoms

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When Lina and others came to the seal of the Demon God, a tangy smell made Cook feel his brows frowned. Cook instantly judged what the blood was: "Dragon Blood"

"Yes, it's Dragon Blood" Lina also judged it as a pharmacist

Xia looked around and said, "The dragon must have entered."

"You see that the warning magic circle I set up has been corroded by dragon blood for more than half of its effect. This is not the most shocking dragon blood is not only hugely corrosive, but also has very powerful magical power. I guess this giant The dragon has opened the teleportation array," Xia said, pointing to the huge seal

"Why" Lina asked

Cook opened his mouth and replied: "We all know that the magic circle needs magic power to activate. It turns out that the magic circle needs to activate the energy core of the magic circle. The magic circle can operate. The blood of the dragon is equivalent to the liquid with rich energy. The array will be absorbed by the magic array, but the magic array absorbs the energy and cannot flow back to the energy core. The only way is to open the magic array"

"It turns out that there is still such a thing. I was originally surprised that some artifacts in ancient legends can't be used with a squirt of blood. That's why," Connie replied suddenly.

"Yes, but although the current magic array has magic arrays to prevent this, they are rarely arranged because such a magic array will occupy a part of the area. The power of the magic array is much smaller." Cook nodded and said affirmatively

Lina looked at Siakook and asked, "What should I do"

"Would you like to go in and have a look" Xia was a little moved

"No need, let's go back" Cook said, everyone around was surprised

Several people returned to the baronial territory. Soon after Cook and his party left, three golden dragons appeared beside the ancient magic circle.

"These guys didn't go in" said three-headed golden dragon full of scars bitterly

"Damn bastard, that guy from Cook took so much money this time, **** bastard" Keron gritted his teeth.

The three-headed golden dragon looked at Kalong with disdain, but the three-headed golden dragon is injured now, or he slapped Kalong in secret and muttered: "This guy didn't get any benefit from that **** Cook, so he came to me."

"Huh, let's go and count him as clever this time." The three-headed golden dragon snorted coldly

Kalong seemed to be angrily beside him, but he sneered in his heart: "The old guy would dangle behind your **** if it wasn't for money."

Cook and others went back to the Baronian Territory, Lina, and asked: "What should Cook do if the baby inside is taken away?"

"Haha Lina, what other baby do we need?" Cook asked rhetorically with a smile

"This..." After Lina said two words, she couldn't answer because now Cook and others don't lack anything.

But Lina and Ivys are not the only women who like Treasures and said angrily, "But it's not good to give it to others."

"Well, I agree with this point and our Hilton family still needs to develop on this plane, so we have to solve this dangerous place like the ancient ruins one by one. But we don’t worry about this, naturally some people will be in a hurry to stay in West Asia. Someone leaked out of the seal of the Demon God," Cook nodded and said

"Cook, you mean..." None of the idiots at the scene understood Cook's words.

"This kind of dangerous place is of course the more people there are, the better. There are at least four or five hundred legendary powerhouses. I also plan to sell a batch of portable magic crystal cannons. In case of any irreversible danger, at least others will attract firepower." Ke said slowly

"Cook, Cook, come out." Lina heard Tux's roar as soon as she was about to speak. Tux and Sofia lived in the Baron’s Mansion and couldn’t beat him.

Cook went out and looked at Tucks and Sophia and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Cook, I have a request" Tucks gave Cook a big gift

"It's fine if you have something to say" Cook replied carelessly, of course he quickly pulled Tux up.

"Cook, we ask you not to put our master in danger" Sophia also pleaded

Cook looked at the inexplicable brilliance flashing in their eyes. Cook asked dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing to persecute me?"

"No, no, no Cook. We are not forcing you but our master is not very powerful." Tucks shook his head and explained.

"Takes, I don't need you to tell me what I want to do" Cook is even more unreasonable

"Your Excellency Cook, we know that you are very powerful, but even in the low-level planes, there are places where the gods can fall, and you only need to say what your Excellency Cook wants, our Bright Empire will do everything we can to do it," Sophia said more tactfully

Cook was silent for a while and then said: "Takes has half a month's time to go to the ancient ruins. I can lend you the pioneer number. As for what you can do in the Light Empire, I don't care."

"Thank you" Tucks heard Cook say so that he allowed people like himself to go out to find Austrian aid

"This is a token from your master. In addition, I will give you two sets of magic pattern equipment. No matter what, you can't lose your master's face." Cook took out a white feather that looked like an ordinary feather.

However, Tucks and Sophia felt a sense of pressure against their faces. This is an innate feeling that is deep into their bones.

"Thank you" For a while, Tucks took the feathers with trembling hands and didn't know what to do.

"Give me a big man..." Sophia said as he took over

Tucks loosened his hand unconsciously when he heard this, but then immediately grabbed the feather: "Sophia, you have to stay with Your Excellency Cook to ensure the safety of the master, even if you are dead, the master can't make any mistakes... "

"Huh..." Sophia snorted softly, but Sophia felt Tux's cold murderousness and didn't dare to say anything.

"Your Excellency Cook, I will come back as soon as possible." Tucks solemnly wrapped the feathers with a piece of rare Warcraft fur and placed them in the breastplate. Of course, it is impossible for Tucks to open the Pioneer.

Mori said impatiently: "Hurry up and get annoying!"

Mori is a hundred reluctance, because in just ten days, several great alchemists feel that their level has risen sharply. If you delay it by one day, you will be behind by one day. If it wasn't for Cook to call Morrie himself, he would definitely not leave. One step

"Morrie, you can rest assured that I will give it to you when I come back." Cook promised when he saw Morrie patted Morrie on the shoulder

"Thank you mentor" Morrie replied to Cook very excitedly

"Hurry, hurry up" Morrie is not so respectful to Tux, and roars impatiently. If he can't beat Cook, he thinks Morrie will throw Tux directly on the pioneer.

"Sophia remembered" Tucks did not forget to say to Sophia before he left

"Hurry up" Mori pushed Tucks directly and closed the hatch of the pioneer. The pioneer slowly floated up in the air and flew directly towards the sky.

"Sophia, go and play by yourself" Cook said to Sophia, waving his hand when he saw the pioneer flying away.

"Your Excellency Cook wants me to go, but I will leave with the master," Sophia didn't leave but approached Cook and whispered.

Cook is not used to seeing Sophia for a while. You need to know that Sophia is the goddess of the Light Empire. This random identity is enough to make people look up. But what is the situation with Nima now?

"If Your Excellency Cook is not willing, then I will follow Your Excellency." Sophia looked at Cook and felt a little proud in her heart because Sophia had already regarded Cook as her future support.

Cook was really stunned to know that this is the goddess or the saint Nima, how can a pure person seduce him

Everyone should say that arm arms are seduce, but Cook clearly feels that certain bulging parts of Sophia are on his arm, which is unintentional, but this bulging thing keeps rubbing against it. Is it itchy

"Ahem, Sophia is not good, right?" Cook can't tell how he feels now. In his mind, Cook knows that he should push Sophia away, but another kind of superiority makes Cook not want to give up knowing that this is the Holy Goddess of the Light Empire. Not

"What is it, Lord Cook, I am the master's servant, and what does it have to do with your servant? Besides, the nobleman also has two personal maids." Sophia was very excited to know Cook's recent performance, but Sophia was heartbroken.

It’s Sophia’s identity is high, but compared to Cook, this is a scum. Thousands of legends are centered on Cook. Moreover, Cook has thousands of pieces of generous magic pattern equipment, let alone almost the entire plane alliance. A part of the wealth

Of course, the most important point is that Cook has a close relationship with Xiao Meili, just like father and son. This is what Sophia values ​​most.

"Cook" Mickey's voice rang when Cook hesitated

"Ahem, Sophia, you go back first." Cook quickly pulled Sophia away

"Your Excellency Cook, I'll go first." Sophia glanced at Cook and pinched Cook's waist with his fingers when he threw away Cook's arm.

Cook almost didn't jump up and shouted in his heart: "Seduce Hong Guoguo."

"Mickey, you're back" Cook asked with a smile looking at Mickey's suspicious eyes.

"Well, the college is really boring now. Everyone treats me with respect." Mickey said while looking at Sophia's leaving back and then sighed.

Cook was relieved when he heard this. Cook was surprised that he hadn't done anything, but why did Nima feel like being caught and raped in bed? He clearly didn't do anything.

Cook looked at Mickey and replied: "That's what they should be, who are you now, but I'm Cook's wife, and who is Cook? The legend under his hands is more than double digits."

"Sister Lina counts as a West Asian sister, counts as a three-eyed fox, counts as one plus your few students, only a dozen people," Mickey was amused by Cook's words and immediately sneered.

"Aren't a dozen or so two digits?" Cook looked like I was wrong

"How are you thinking about Sister Cooke?" Mickey asked when she saw Sophia a little more sure of her original idea.

"This..." Cook didn't know how to answer

"Sister Cooke Lori likes you" Mickey repeated again

"Well, I took the time to meet Lori in the last few days." Cook felt strange when he saw Mickey like this.

Mickey jumped up all of a sudden and said, "I'm going to make arrangements."

"Hey..." Cook looked helplessly at Mickey's back

"What the **** is going on" Cook sighed helplessly when he saw Mickey

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