A Unique Hunter

Chapter 813: Magic curing

"That's not right, it's more than dozens of times this Nima magic barrier." Cook just came in and only saw the empty place and thought that the visible place was the newly opened space of the source of magic, but now the spiritual power has swept away there is still a space barrier. Shadow of

"And this is elemental solidification" Cooke muttered incredulously, looking at the big sand in the center of the source of magic.

"Hmm, fortunately there is me. Otherwise, you want to solidify. Wait a hundred or more decades. It will be possible." A voice rang next to Cook. Of course this is a mental communication.

"Shocked me." Cook was startled to discover that Barry Cook was relieved. Barry can be said to be made by Cook, so the relationship between the two is very strange, a bit like Cook's son. general

Cook looked around and said, “I feel like it’s not safe here. There is no magic barrier. It’s like people are not wearing clothes.”

"Come on, you have solidified the magic and want to have a magic barrier" Barry said angrily

"I said how do you know so much" Cook asked Barry in surprise

Barry replied helplessly: "I don't know anyway, I'm just inexplicably aware that I just found out that you fainted, so I came to check it out and found that the magic power in your source of magic power is extremely pure, and then I helped you solidify.

"Thank you" Cook is also very excited because there are three forms of magical power. One is that the floating elements are very loose, and the other is liquid, and the last is solid. Lina and Xi are in the process of magic liquefaction.

This process is very complicated and lasts for a long time. The floating elements are compressed, compressed and purified before they become liquid. Once they become liquid, the space in the source of magic is empty, so add the floating elements again and continue to compress and purify. Don’t even think of filling the entire source of magic with liquid magic for decades

"Hehe solid is not the same as liquid, don't believe you try it" Barry suggested with a smile of course Barry itself is a round elemental creature. The joking is just a tone that can't be seen.

When Cook heard this, he quickly poured a bottle of magic recovery potion. When the magic recovery potion was just poured into his mouth, Cook felt that something strange had happened. An inexplicable suction directly took the magic recovery potion still in his mouth. The wood elements in the middle are absorbed cleanly

"Cough cough cough" Cook swallowed the magic potion but the reservoir in it was caused by this abnormality. Cook almost poured the liquid into his throat.

"Haha, you know, the solid is not the same as the liquid. The solid will automatically absorb magic. Don't believe it, try it with a magic core." Barry laughed at the appearance of Cook.

As soon as Cook took the magic core out of the natural ring, he felt a chill on his fingers, and then some white powder fell from Cook’s fingers, but within a few seconds, the magic core became a waste product.

"This, this" Cook was excited

"Do you know why the sanctuary is so strong? The solid magic power transforms and absorbs the elements faster. That is to say, as long as the sanctuary is invincible in the extreme environment where ammunition and food are exhausted," Barry explained

"And after you have a solid nucleus, you can stimulate this to form a domain. Of course, your current nucleus is still a bit too small to support the domain. I guess your condensed nucleus must be the smallest," Barry teased Cook.

"But I am the lowest level" Cook looked like I was not afraid

"It's possible" Barry also agreed with Cook's approach

"Haha I want to replenish the magic" Cook laughed and picked up the magic healing potion

Barry hurriedly stopped and said: "You can't do this. Your current mental strength and soul strength are simply not enough to control the core that completely absorbs magic power. And you have thought about how many bottles of magic power recovery potion you need to grow without this core."

"How old is it?" Cook asked after listening

"How big the space of the source of magic power will increase, then you need to use the laws you understand to refine the core and then form the core" Barry opened his mouth and replied

Cook's cold sweat instantly filled the space where Nima's magic power was sourced. Cook asked again: "But don't I have to fill up the space all my life?"

"Cough, the element concentration of the sanctuary is about dozens of times that here, and the life of the sanctuary is thousands of years. Of course, only those who are talented can condense the **** core, otherwise you think that as long as the sanctuary can condense the **** core, this Some people can become magical apprentices at most, and some can reach the ninth level and reach the holy level," Barry replied in an angry voice.

"You mean I need to go to the sanctuary" Cook asked

"Why are you so stupid? I just said that your current nucleus was condensed with my help. Your own mental power and soul are not enough to control this thing. Even if you have so much magic power, nucleus is condensed. The bigger it is, the harder it is to control you. Now it’s to improve your mental power..." Barry yelled at Cook in an angry voice.

Cook also smiled awkwardly and said: "I'm fainted"

"I'm so angry" Barry left a sentence and disappeared into Cook's body

"By the way, can Barry help Lina and Sia condense a bit?" Cook remembered Sia and Lina

"Hmm, they entered the sanctuary as soon as they condensed, would you like" Barry's voice sounded in Cook's mind

Cook knows how to do it. Cook saw that Barry ignored him, so Cook wondered how to improve his vindictiveness. Cook first estimated how many earth elements he needed.

One by one, the earth elements were entered by Kukla into the source of fighting energy. The source of Cook's fighting energy is a huge vortex. This vortex will automatically absorb the fighting energy and then give it to the cycle. Even when Cooke is not pushing with mental power, it will be slow. Spin

"I suggest you throw the earth element into the center of the vortex." Barry did not know when he entered the source of Cook's anger and suggested

"Does it make any difference?" Cook asked in surprise

"I don't know but I feel like this" Barry couldn't answer, so he answered honestly.

Cook fell into contemplation. The way Barry was born was strange and Barry’s memory didn’t know where he came from. Cook didn’t dare to joke about the impact of the earth element. This method Cook has tried. Not sure

But after hesitating, Cook directly threw the earth element into the whirlpool with mental power

With a "boom", the vortex of the source of fighting energy suddenly accelerated to a very high speed.

"Lost again" Barry shouted again

After "Boom" lost one again, the vortex actually continued to expand slowly and reached an unpredictable speed.

"Guide the grudge, hurry up" Barry shouted loudly

"Ah" Cook's spirit just guided a violent torrent of vindictive energy and followed Cooke's mental power into the veins, but this time the vindictive energy seems to be a tension that is constantly being supported by the veins that have been subjected to high pressure. The piercing pain hits Cook's soul

Although the veins and veins are split, the powerful self-healing ability of Cook's body and the self-healing ability of the wood-type fighting qi itself make the veins and veins instantly recover, but they are swollen again by the larger torrent of fighting qi behind and then healed again.

"Guide and guide all the tendons that don't have vindictive energy into vindictive energy" Barry shouted

"Understand" Cook gritted his teeth at this moment. For just two seconds, Cook felt as if countless years had passed. General vindictiveness had circulated in the main veins, but he didn’t know what happened. Stout and faster

"It turns out that the pressure in the middle of the vortex is very high. The earth element will stimulate more wood elements after entering, but the earth element is not consumed all at once. The pressure of the vortex makes the increased wood element have to rush into the veins. I let Cook lose one more..." Barry carefully looked at the vortex in the source of fighting energy and finally understood, but the subsequent scene astounded Barry because Cook caught more than one earth element and had four The earth element was swept in by the whirlpool because Cook now has no mental power to control these earth elements

"Boom boom boom" a grudge impact caused Cook to roll on the ground. The pain in the heart made Cook have to grit his teeth but the things in the secret room suffered.

"Boom" Cook's attack opened up the defensive array in the secret room

"Cook good luck." Barry can't help it looking at Cook's appearance. After all, Cook can't hear anything at all, but Barry also admires Cook very much because Cook is still guiding his anger even under such painful torture.

"How could this be so" Cook wailed in his heart because the veins have been ravaged at least ten times, but the impact speed of vindictiveness is getting faster and faster, and the amount is getting bigger and bigger. But fortunately, the veins are always getting bigger and bigger. In the widening, Cook still barely able to guide

"Rumble" and when Cooke guided again, he found that the amount of this time was actually more ferocious than the previous ten times. Cook's mental power has not reacted to the vindictiveness and automatically circulates in a circle. There are countless small veins. It has been expanded ten times from the original without grudge

"Damn   I forgot to throw out the extra earth element." Cook woke up now and waited until Cook looked at the source of the fighting spirit and found that he had disappeared. Cook wailed.

ps: late

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