A Unique Hunter

Chapter 802: Sudden change

Tucks was surprised because the mushroom the size of a thumb just now seemed to be inflated. It was half a meter in size in less than two seconds. What kind of mushroom is Nima?

"Haha, useful." Cook laughed loudly, and then took out the ice element fruit from the natural space and began to plant it.

"Cook, Cook, Cook, what is this." The first elemental fruit is already two meters high, and it is still growing taller and faster, and Kalong is also surprised.

"I'll know the result in a while." Cook is so busy now that he constantly takes out elemental fruits from the natural ring and planted them on the ice.

"Cook, Cook, this guy has grown taller again." Tucks called out loudly.

"Damn." Cook looked up and saw that Nima was ten meters tall and round, like a house, with a dark blue surface, and it continued to grow bigger and faster.

Cook made a rough estimate, at least more than 30 have been planted, and it seems to be almost the same. The first one is more than 20 meters high, but Cook still finds that the ice surface has not changed.

But where Cook and others can't see, the ice-covered area around the ice eye shrinks at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Rumble." The roots of the huge elemental fruit actually penetrated directly into the ice layer. The ice layer broke and made a rumbling sound. The entire ice surface began to crack huge cracks, and the entire ice surface began to appear cracks visible to the naked eye.

"Hurry up," Cook shouted quickly.

"Where do you go?" Tucks asked loudly, looking at the huge ice giants around him, and then at the continuously collapsing ice.

"In the air." Cook has no tricks. I don't know how deep this ice layer is, and the ice giants have already merged. A dozen giant ice giants are fifty meters high, and their huge bodies cover the sky. .

"Puff." What everyone did not expect was that the top of the first planted elemental fruit suddenly burst, and a huge blue dust was directly scattered on the sky.

When everyone was surprised, the mutation happened. After the blue dust fell, countless blue elemental fruits popped out in densely populated areas. Although the growth rate of these elemental fruits did not release the essence of life fast, but Not slow.

"Spore." Cook understood immediately.



"Puff." Then the other element fruits spewed countless robes, at least hundreds of millions of spores at a time.

"Look at Cook," Kalon roared loudly.

"It's amazing." Cook saw countless elemental fruits popping up from an ice giant, and then the color of the ice giant that was visible to the naked eye slowly faded and became smaller, but he fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, and what was left was A lot of elemental fruits.

"Buzz." But at this moment, everyone felt dizzy.

"Puff puff puff." Numerous elemental fruits exploded one after another, only the first thirty-odd huge ones did not explode, but the whole body was also covered with cracks.

"Karon, fly over." Cook knew that this was the fragment of Godhead fighting back, and immediately shouted loudly.

"Damn it, it depends on how much you fight back, or how much my life essence is." Cook smashed each bottle of life essence on the huge elemental fruit.

"Puff puff puff." These big elemental fruits were smashed by Cook with the essence of life, healed immediately, and vomited countless leopards here.

"Fly over, fly over." Cook quickly shouted loudly, and then he had a large bottle of life essence in his hand.

Countless life essences sprinkled down like raindrops, but for a while, on the route where Cook sprinkled, dense and huge elemental fruits grew, like a low hill.

"Come again." Kalon roared loudly.

"Fart, I'm losing a lot this time." Cook's life essence is not much, but fortunately, the harvest is not small. With so many ice element fruits, there must be a lot of money.

"Boom, boom." But just by this opportunity, a dozen ice and snow giants fell half and half at once, but more than half rushed into the area where the elemental fruit grows. Every time they stepped on, countless elemental fruit shattered. Actually rushed to the big element fruit, and smashed it hard at the element fruit.

"Sorry." Tucks yelled on the side. If there was no Cook's relationship, Tucks and Sofia would never even want to ride on the dragon's back for the rest of their lives.

"Not necessarily." Cook shook his head.

"Kacha, kacha." Sure enough, Cook's words had just landed. Although those big elemental fruits were hit by the ice giant with numerous scars, some of the roots of these elemental fruits protruded out of the ground and plunged directly into the ice giant's legs. The legs of the ice giant dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and made a clicking sound.

"Rumble." With a sound, a frost giant fell directly to the ground, and most of his legs had disappeared.

But the disaster was not over yet, countless little elemental fruits protruded from the root system, and a huge ice and snow giant disappeared in tens of seconds.

"Look," Sophia shouted loudly.

"Awesome." Cook was very excited, because in the distance, the snow and ice fields were quickly dissipating, exposing the huge rocky ground on the ground, but these rocks had been cracked by the freezing, and when the wind was blowing, it became a sky full of clouds. dust.

"Haha, in a little while, we will be able to see what's below." Kelong laughed.

"Stop, stop." At this time, a rolling voice roared loudly from far to near, and at the same time it brought a golden light.

"Damn." When Cook saw a three-headed golden dragon the size of an aircraft carrier, Cook was stunned. Nima reminded him that you should know that the huge flying monster is more than three hundred meters long. Meters high.

"Asshole, asshole, who asked you to come." The golden dragon roared when it came.

"Old guy, how do you roar, our poisonous dragon clan has left the dragon council." Kalong replied loudly~www.novelmtl.com~ You, you, do you know what's down here. "The three-headed golden dragon's angry words were all unfavorable.

"It's the baby anyway, old guy, let me tell you, we came here first, and any baby is ours." Karon looked like he didn't buy it.

"All the dragons will leave for me. Below are the sealed demon gods, bastards, bastards, I just slept for a while and made such a big movement." The golden dragon roared loudly.

"Devil, what is that?" Kelong asked without understanding.

"The demon **** is not a thing, but the **** of the demon clan during the war between gods and monsters." Tux's face was very ugly.

"Awesome." Cook asked.

"Well, it is said that this demon **** is an indestructible body, only a seal, I understand, here must be a seal magic circle, over time the energy of the seal has overflowed, causing this situation." Tucks replied.

"Damn, Barry, come out for me." Cook roared.

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