A Unique Hunter

Chapter 800: Method

"It's not impossible, but it requires everyone's cooperation." Cook smacked his lips. Originally, Cook wanted the guys from the Dark Empire to stand up, but he didn't expect these guys to die so quickly.

But it’s not impossible for Cook, of course, it’s just a little trouble. After Cook left the ice eye last time, he began to ponder. Cook believes that the energy in the ice eye must be limited, even if it is absorbed and transformed by surrounding elements, This also requires a process, as long as the cyclic chain is saturated, then there is a chance.

"Hey, cooperation is not said, this trophy." Kalong said without mind.

Cook replied with a smile: "I have two options now. The first is to evaluate the value of the trophy, and then whoever wants the item will be responsible for the compensation to everyone."

"If there is no gain." Kalong was not a fool, and asked rhetorically.

"This is the second point I'm talking about. I will take out the things and everyone will distribute them now, but after the goods come out, you will not have the right to distribute them." Cook replied.

"Hehe, in case there is a god-level item." Kalong said with a smile.

"Then if there is no gain, it is still unknown whether you can get in." Cook asked rhetorically, not to be outdone.

Everyone fell into silence. Karon thought for a while, and then asked, "What are you going to bring out."

"The magic pattern equipment is just broken." Cook said with a smile.

"Good, you Cook, insidious, cunning, and mean." Keron immediately cursed.

"Here." Tucks still didn't understand, and was frightened, mainly because he was afraid of the conflict between Karon and Cook. If you know Xiao Meili doesn't know where Cook got it, that's Tucks's. The job is more than that, once the master dies, the servant will belch.

"Don't underestimate this kid, this guy can be savvy, right with the magic pattern equipment." Karon asked Tux.

Tucks nodded: "Even if it is broken, it is top equipment."

"That's it, but this magic pattern equipment can be repaired by the woman in Cook. Nima needs to be repaired. Who doesn't want to repair it, but Nima, Nima needs money." Kalong finally finished.

"What, you can repair the magic pattern equipment." Tucks was also shocked. It is true that Cook is a magic pattern teacher, but being able to portray the magic pattern does not mean that he can repair the equipment. There is more knowledge needed to repair the equipment. Up.

Anyway, the gap is as big as it gets. Kalong rolled his eyes angrily when he heard Tuckers's question, "So this is treacherous."

"Hehe, Kalong, please say whether you want it or not." Cook knows Kalong's thoughts and asked with a smile.

"Yes, why not, but I don't want to fix it." Karon said stiffly.

"Well, if there is a dragon coming to you in the future, just take out this equipment and show it off." Cook said smoothly.

"You, you are mad at me." Kelong heard that Cook sneered at himself, but Kelong couldn't help it, and shouted angrily.

Cook distributed the equipment one by one. Cook distressed, not distressed, not distressed at all. You must know that Cook has picked up thousands of pieces of tattered magic pattern equipment. The dragons are all excited, and then frustrated. The dragon, if you don't repair the magic pattern equipment, you really dare not show it off and lose the face of the dragon.

"Two pieces." Kalong gritted his teeth when it was Kalong's turn.

"Two pieces, do you want to fix two pieces." Cook asked grimly.

"You, I am mad at me." Karon yelled angrily when he heard Cook's words.

"For the sake of our good relationship, or I will get you a set." Cook deliberately teased.

Kalong's face flushed, and after a long time he shouted: "If you want me to go bankrupt, no way, I want, want, want one."

"That's what you said." Cook handed Karon a glove.

"Cook, you **** deliberately." Kalong yelled again. If it is other equipment in general, Kalong may be forbearing, but Nima will take out his gloves after she has just been hit by her clothes. , This, isn't this tempting?

"Ahem, I still have one here." Cook continued to attack.

"Damn, damn, damn, I want to rob." Kalong finally couldn't help it.

"Ahem, can you give me a set of no." Tucks looked at Cook expectingly and asked.

"Dreaming, you do what you want, but don't want to get it." Cook gave Tucks angrily replied.

Sophia is also a piece of magicweave equipment. Sophia is delighted, knowing that even if it is broken, it is still at a sky-high price. The real sky-high price is something that money cannot buy.

"The next thing to do is very simple, is to throw this kind of thing one by one." Cook directly took out a lot of tens of thousands of circular metal balls.

"But you have to come one by one, as long as it bursts out inside, and then continue to throw." Cook took it out and tried it, and the ball in his hand was directly thrown in.

"Boom." In less than a second, a huge vibration occurred in Bingyan.

"Boom." A huge cold shock wave erupted from Bingyan.

"That's it, continue." Cook took a metal ball again and threw it down.

"Boom." But this time he rushed up all at once.

"Boom." The violent explosion exploded ten meters above the ice eye.

"Ding ding ding." The dragons made a ding ding ding sound as they watched the small metal fragments contacting their bodies.

"I know why I came to you." Cook took off his shield and said with a smile.

Tucks was also surprised, tentatively dropping a metal ball at the ice-eye, and the metal ball was washed up at the entrance of the ice-eye, and metal fragments were still flying everywhere.

"That's it." Cook replied with a shrug.

"This is simple, isn't it just these things," Kalong said nonchalantly.

"Haha~www.novelmtl.com~ I have prepared one hundred thousand." Cook laughed.

"You..." Keron suddenly lost his temper.

Cook said with a smile, "And it's not just that, you see."

Following the direction of Cook's finger, everyone saw countless ice elemental creatures swallowing each other. Sophia asked loudly, "What's going on."

"These elemental creatures themselves are protected by the things below, including the huge iceberg under our feet. Hey, according to my estimation, once those guys are swallowed, they will probably produce very abnormal things." Cook guessed Said.

"Awesome, no matter how powerful it is, where can it go?" Kalong said nonchalantly, and at the same time a metal ball was thrown towards Bingyan.

"Not necessarily, if it's overwhelming, we can only retreat." Cook shook his head and said.

"It's boring to throw this stuff, let's go, let's kill those guys." Kalong yelled, stuffed Tux with the metal ball in his hand, and rushed out screaming.

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