A Unique Hunter

Chapter 797: God servant

"Find a **** to ask?" Tucks and the so-called envoy were stunned. Nima, if you don't have such a fool, they both looked at each other with an idiotic look.

"Of course, don't you, the envoy, have never seen a god?" Cook seemed to be an idiot, and asked plausibly, as if the other party was an idiot.

Tucks and the envoy looked at each other, and they were sure there was no way to communicate with Cook. The two turned around and left, ignoring Cook at all.

And Cook was a little entangled. The little angel in his own space wanted to be whitewashed, and he couldn't just stay in it like this. Who knows what will happen in the future, and the help of these two people is a good opportunity for whitewashing. Cook was afraid, afraid that the two would unite to deal with him, and even more afraid that the entire Bright Empire was not on the plane, but one of the three and five level civilizations of the plane alliance.

Cook struggled a bit, but chose to wash it off. The further this kind of thing goes, the greater the risk, and Cook can trust the little angel's sense of dependence on him.

Thinking of this, Cook immediately caught up with Tucks and the so-called envoy, and said with a smile: "Don't you want to see the real god?"

"No!" the two replied in unison, without looking at Cook.

"As long as you swear, swear by your soul, and don't tell you about seeing God, I can let you see it." Cook looked like you have made a lot of money.

Tucks glared at Cook, because Cook said that there was already a prelude to molesting the gods. Seeing the way Tucks looked like, Cook knew that this guy really didn't believe it. Cook was depressed, right? Are you kidding me, who knows this guy is such a person.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong. I am not a god, but I will definitely be a **** in the future, an angel." Cook said as I honestly explained.

"Angel?" Tucks and the envoy looked at each other without the slightest interest. Obviously they think that Cook is fooling people again. Even if it is an angel, it doesn't mean that you can see it when you see it. It's the stars in the sky.

Seeing this, Cook shouted loudly: "You really don't want to see angels?"

"No, let's go!" Tucks replied without looking back.

Cook was really angry. How could Nima disbelieve people so much? Cook directly took Xiao Meili out of the natural ring. Xiao Meili hasn’t come out for a long time, because in the plane alliance Cook is very careful. Don't dare to let the little angel come out and let the wind go.

"Dad, this place is so beautiful!" Xiao Meili is getting fatter and fatter now. There is nothing else Cook has. There are a lot of food in her hands. There are two halfling teams in the kitchen alone. Said that Cook himself is also a gourmet.

"It's beautiful, this place is dangerous, don't run around!" Cook watched Tux turn his head, and then he couldn't turn around anymore. The **** envoy took a step and found Tux's appearance and turned his head. , Can't transfer it anymore.

"Yeah!" Xiao Meili nestled in Cook's arms. Cook's embrace was very warm, and Xiao Meili felt that there was an unusual atmosphere in this place.

"Xiao Meili, let's go here, don't go with the two bad guys." Cook deliberately turned to one side and walked over.

"Bad guys, do you want beauty to clean them up!" Xiao Meili said eagerly.

"Khan!" Cook sweated profusely, apparently Xiao Meili was taught by the murloc spice.

"Guck!" Tucks swallowed hard, feeling the interference in his throat. The angel is really an angel, and it is also an upper angel.

"Huh!" The divine envoy was also short of breath. The angel is really an angel. You must know that the God of Light is an angel.

Neither of them knew what to do. The angel was the object of worship before, but now he actually appeared in front of him. Seeing Cook turned and left, the little angel didn't have the slightest objection, and Tux ran over quickly.

After Tux was stunned, he was very excited, Nima, how did he come across such a good thing? Tux was afraid that his footsteps were too loud and disturbed the little angel. A man over two meters high stood on tiptoe. The trotting gesture is very funny.

"Puff, your humble servant Tux? Enkos? Mora...is willing to serve His Royal Highness." Tux ran to Cook, and without a word, he squatted on the ground and said loudly.

"Dad, this guy is going to be my servant." Xiao Meili seemed to understand what Tucks was doing, and said to Cook in a tender voice.

"En, Xiao Meili is in charge." Ku Kern replied, because at this time there was another person who was creeping in front of him, and that was the divine envoy.

"Dad said they are bad guys, I don't want bad guys..." Xiao Meili immediately replied.

"Your Excellency Cook, we were wrong, we were wrong, I will never fight you for the chairmanship again." Tucks was scared into a cold sweat.

"Our Bright Empire is willing to fully support your Excellency." The divine envoy also lifted the veil and said respectfully.

Cook suddenly didn’t understand. Of course, it’s mainly because Cook didn’t understand that magical magic is different from ordinary magic. The magical magic depends on the gift of God. People who use magical magic are like believers in the Holy See. When an angel is an angel, it is like Yalong facing a giant dragon. Heaven is under pressure, and once it is shot, the magic will be devastated and the soul will be destroyed. Therefore, these two people are so respectful. Of course, if the two of them have little beauty Back to the Empire of Light, hey, the Pope forgot!

"Xiao Meili, let these two bad guys be your servants and let them work all day." Cook said to Xiao Meili with a smile.

"Well then, I will bestow you **** servants as the Lord of Light." Xiao Meili said with a wave of her hand.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Tucks and the envoy looked at each other, and couldn't help feeling agitated. You must know that the little angel was given in the name of the Lord of Light just now, which means that the blood of this little angel is the God of Light. The descendants of, you must know that the Holy See of Light does not enshrine a god. There are more gods in the light camp, and the position of the servant can be granted in the name of the Lord of Light. This is enough to prove that the blood inheritance of the little angel comes from the Lord of Light God.

Moreover, the two obviously felt that the world around them seemed to have changed. The **** servants were not restricted by the laws of heaven and earth. The power of these people was the comer and the master, that is, the gods. The two obviously felt their own cultivation. To promote more than one realm.

"Takes, you take this backpack!" Cook was also polite and threw the huge backpack directly to Tucks.

"Yes!" Tucks took the backpack excitedly. For Tucks, the position of the servant is unimaginable. The power of the servant comes from the master, so as long as the master is still alive, then The servant will also live, and the little angel in front of him is obviously still a young age, and the life span of an angel is the most common tens of thousands of years. If the master reaches a certain height, the life span will increase.

The divine envoy is also very excited. Although the divine envoy is very noble, it is only in the lower plane. Although the divine servant is the lowest existence in the divine realm, it is still thousands of kilometers larger than the position of the divine envoy. more than.

"This is a cold pine nut. The shell must be peeled off." Cook took out a handful of mung bean-sized pine nuts and handed it to the envoy. Although the envoy is a beauty, Cook is just like his servant.

The envoy was also dumbfounded. I haven’t done the job of peeling pine nuts, but I didn’t dare to express dissatisfaction. Seeing that, the little angel is very dependent on Cook. Of course, the little angel calls Cook’s name. People filter automatically, not because they don’t want to control, but they dare not. Nima is an angel, an angel, not a cat or a dog.

The two looked at each other, and then not only did Tucks put on their backpacks, they also peeled the pine nuts, but Tucks had never done anything like this. At the beginning, they squeezed it hard and everything turned into powder.

Later, the strength was better controlled, and it was much better. Xiao Meili ate pine nuts so much that it was so sweet, and Tucks was about to collapse. This Nima was even more uncomfortable than fighting, such a small pine nut.

But Tucks still looked happy, the **** servant must have the consciousness of the **** servant.

The road in the back, Cook, is much easier. Just tell me something. Tucks runs faster than anyone else. Nima, run faster without peeling the pine nuts.

The name of the envoy, Cook, is also known. It is called Sophia. It is indeed the envoy and the saint of the Light Empire. Cook secretly surprised the identity of this person. Of course, Cook would not have any ideas.

Tucks reminded Cook quietly together in private: "Your Excellency Cook, does this master call you something..."

"Thank you!" Cook became alert and thanked in a low voice. If he is in this low-level plane, Cook doesn't care, but Cook still wants to make a step forward. Who wants to be in a mess?

Tucks just smiled, and then the group of three people, no, the four got along very well. Although Tucks and Sophia wanted to turn Xiaomei from Cook, they didn’t have the slightest confidence in their success. This makes the two of them strange, it seems that Cook is safer.

However, as they gradually entered the core area of ​​the Ice Eye, Sophia and Tucks finally found something wrong, because both of them had to use grudge or magic to resist the low temperature here~www.novelmtl.com~ but Cook is still In that way, no magic power or grudge was used at all.

"This place is much more powerful. You have to be careful of those seemingly floating ice fog." Cook looked at a large area in front of him. Numerous ice elemental creatures formed a huge defensive circle, and the naked eye could see far away. In the place, a huge crystal-like mountain, like a huge steamed bun.

"There are ice eyes on it!" Cook pointed to the distance and said, looking at Tucks and Sophia, the skins of both of them showed a strange white color, and the two of them covered their bodies with fighting spirit and magic. To resist the temperature here.

"Rainy!" Tucks and Sophia watched Cook as they talked, and the heat that spewed out turned into ice particles and fell on the ground, making a rustling sound.

"Cook, how did you resist the chill here?" Tucks finally couldn't help but asked.

"This, the ice potion, just one bottle can be used for half a day." Cook took out a bottle of potion and replied with a smile.

"Nima!" Tarks and Sophia were full of black lines, they can use space equipment! The two understood instantly.

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