A Unique Hunter

Chapter 795: The chairmanship trial

"Interesting." Tucks looked at the death sickle and showed a meaningful smile with interest.

"Humph, what do you mean." The face of Death Scythe is ugly, how ugly it is, how ugly, even if the voices of Cook and Tux are small, who is Death Scythe is almost the strongest person in the entire plane , How can I not hear these little voices?

Death Scythe watched Cook and Tucks walk into the conference hall, followed in, and said, "I'm not a weak person, Lisson."

Everyone went into the conference hall again. The conference hall was actually not that big, but what came to Baron Cooke’s territory? The earth magicians just moved their fingers casually. The new buildings are just fine, and the strength of these buildings is very good. It is stronger than stone.

Of course, the decoration was ordered by Cook. The entire conference hall is actually a circular hall, enough for people on the spot to have a meeting. Of course, the seven or eight kilometers around are marked out by Cook, and this will be the Alliance of Planes. Headquarters.

Of course, the real estate prices in the Baron of Cook have soared again, and the soaring is not doubled. Of course, the baron of Cook has expanded to the Natal Mountains again, and no one dared to object. After all, the Baron of Cook almost has Nearly a thousand legendary powerhouses.

"Ahem, since there are three candidates for chairmanship, then let's vote." Kokorov can only stand up and say with his scalp.

"No." To Cook's surprise, Tucks and Death Scythe both stood up and opposed.

"Why not?" someone asked.

"That's right, aren't all the chairmen of the plane alliance produced like this." Someone immediately continued.

"Hmph, the chairman's position has been empty for tens of thousands of years, and I think that if you want to be chairman, force must be the first." Lisen hummed and stood up, looking at Cook with a cold eye, apparently aimed at Cook.

"I think so too." Tucks also stood up.

Mori said to Cook on the side: "Teacher, these two guys don't know if they are crazy. The Dark Empire and the Light Empire didn't participate in the affairs of the plane alliance before, and I didn't expect to participate today."

"Hehe, I think so too, but we have to compete not only with force, but also intelligence. If we only need force, hehe, it's better to choose one of the beasts to be the chairman." And Cook sat stumblingly. , Said with a smile.

"Haha." The people around immediately burst into laughter. There is no way, Cook is a magic pattern master, and this is still something to be appreciated.

"Sharp-toothed guy." Lisson looked at Cook and said disdainfully.

"Puff, the tip of your teeth is in your mouth, that's not a mouse." Cook deliberately puffed out a laugh, it looked like he heard something ridiculous.

"You..." Lisen was almost speechless by Cook.

"Haha." Tucks laughed loudly, because the dark empire and the light empire were always opposed, and they were enemies of generations.

"Huh, if you want to sit in the chair, then you have to pass my level first, otherwise..." Lisen looked at Cook and Tux, snorted coldly, dropped a word and sat down. The meaning is obvious, just don't beat me, then don't want to sit in the chair.

Cook was a little disappointed about this. Cook himself wanted Lisen to fight with Tux first, and then take advantage of him, but he did not expect that Tux was not fooled and made himself a target of Lisen. , Cook didn't have a smack, and he had a different view of these old guys.

"Although I don't think force is the standard of chairmanship, it can be one of the standards." Tucks also said and sat down.

What else can Korov do? You must know that although the Light Empire and the Dark Empire are not as big as the Maru Empire, their strength is not low. Korov glanced at Cook and gave Cook an apologetic look. Said: "Then we conduct a chairperson trial, and the person who completes the trial will become the chairperson of our plane alliance assembly. Do you have any opinions?"

The people below saw that the three candidates didn’t have any comments, and they didn’t speak anymore. Anyway, it’s not because of their own trials, but everyone did not see. Cook wrote two words in the palm of his hand for Kokorov to see. , You must know that Cook and Kokorov are sitting on the podium.

"Ahem, but since the abilities of the three candidates are very strong, I am afraid that it will be unfair to the three candidates. After all, it is impossible for the three to fight each other. So I decided to set the goal of this trial. Here, there is a relic called Ice Eye during the Great War between Gods and Demons." Kokorov said with a smile.

"And according to the news we have learned, there is a possibility that there are god-level items in the ice eye." Kokorov saw that there was no objection, and threw a blockbuster again.

"What." Now everyone is fried, god-level items, the weight of these four words can be said to be heavy, and it can overwhelm the maximum weight of all chips.

"Yes, but I want to remind everyone that there are a lot of ice elemental creatures living within more than 500 kilometers around the ice eye, that is, within a range of more than 1,000 kilometers in diameter. After a rough estimate, there are almost Two million ice creatures are almost a textbook for ice creatures." Kokorov introduced again.

At this moment someone laughed loudly: "Haha, I am an ice magician."

"Congratulations, you can't go." Kokorov said with a smile.

"Why?" the person asked immediately, and everyone around him was shocked.

"Because there, the strong ice elements will be intensively attacked by the surrounding ice elemental creatures, and the ice elements inside cannot be absorbed because the elements are too tyrannical." Kokorov explained.

"I don't believe it." The ice magician shook his head and said.

"Hehe, believe it or not, it's up to you." Kokorov said with a smile.

However, someone said below: "Then this is a solo trial or you can team up."

"Form a team." This person's words were just asked, and there was an answer immediately around him.

When Korov heard this answer, he couldn't wait to draw his face immediately. At that time, he was just looking at himself and showing off. He didn't expect the allure of god-level items to others, but Korov looked down and found that everyone was looking at him.

"Well, well, but there are up to ten people in each group, and this time the spoils need to be turned in." Kokorov discussed with several permanent members, and then said.

"Turn it in. If you can't turn it in, you must know that God-level items can be soul-bound." Lisen asked, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, let's see if we people can extract our souls." Kokorov replied with a smile. Even Lisson felt a total chill. Nima's question was wrong, and everyone was angry. .

"Well, whoever puts out the higher the value of the spoils in the end, then who is the chairman, and the trial will officially begin tomorrow, and you can also collect some information." Kokorov dropped another sentence again and was about to leave.

"Ahem, as a candidate for chairmanship, I remind everyone that it is best not to imagine Bingyan so well." Cook coughed.

The faces of the people around were very strange, but they didn't say anything. After Cook returned to the room, he directly asked Lina to teleport herself to the Maykai Empire, where Cook summoned Barry out.

"Barry, tell me honestly, what is in Bing's eyes." Cook asked seriously.

"I see, the things in Bingyan are not something you can touch now, even those old guys can't." Barry replied inexplicably.

"Not even the Tucks and Lison." Cook asked again.

"No, but if these two guys work together to attract attention, we may still have a chance." Barry was thinking, and Cook didn't know how he could see his thinking from a ball. of.

"But you have to tell me what it is." Cook asked grumpily. If the thing is not good, Cook will ignore it.

"It's nothing, it's just a complete law, ice system, and there is life in the ice system." Barry answered Cook's question.

Cook exclaimed: "Don't pass, can the law be something you can see."

"Who told you that you can't see it? According to your words, it's a fragment of Godhead, but it just so happens that this fragment contains a complete law." Barry replied angrily.

"The godhead fragment, this thing is better than the **** core." Cook asked enthusiastically.

"You have said it, one is fragments, the other is complete, you said that is good." Barry's answer made Cook depressed.

"Hehe, we have a plan." Cook said with a smile. Lina and the others looked at Cook like this, knowing that Cook was about to cheat again.

Sure enough, a well-informed guy came to ask Cook the next day: "Your Excellency Cook, it is said that the ice eye is a god-level weapon of the ice system."

It stands to reason that Cook should answer in the affirmative directly. I don't know Cook's answer is: "Nonsense, how can it be complete, then our plane can bear it, most of it is broken."

Lina and others didn’t understand at the time, but when I looked back, Cook was too insidious. If the direct answer is, no matter whether they believe it in detail or not, they will always have doubts in their hearts. But when Cook said that, others are willing to believe. .

When it came time to set off, Lisen’s team was already full, because Lisen had the title of Death Scythe. Surprisingly, there was only one woman next to Tux. Of course, he couldn’t see her face. Sa blindfolded her eyes, and it was surprising that Cook was alone.

"Your Excellency Cook, you won't bring a few more people, you know that someone went out last night and never came back." Kokorov asked meaningfully.

"I haven't come back, I am afraid it is the strong ice system." Cook asked guessingly.

"Hey, Lord Cook, you are really smart~www.novelmtl.com~Kokorov, this is naked flattery.

"Not yet started." Cook asked, rolling his eyes.

"Competition begins." Kokorov said loudly, and the three teams began to march towards Bingyan. None of these people used any strength, because no one knew what they would encounter in Bingyan.

Therefore, thousands of people in this line took a dozen huge mana airships, marching toward the ice eye, and occasionally curious monsters came to test them, and they were immediately crushed by countless mental powers. The legendary combat power is no matter what. Elemental attack.

"Hehe, good luck to you." Cook looked at Lisen who was heading into Bingyan, hehe smiled and waved, Lisen and others quickly entered the remains of Bingyan, and they were flying.

"Your Excellency Cook, you have so many things." Tucks asked in surprise when he saw Cook take out a huge backpack like magic.

"Oh, I forgot to remind. You can never fly in the Ice Eye Ruins, because the ice elemental creatures on the ground release the ice type attack increase by at least 5 times, even the attribute damage will increase by 5 times, and the space items cannot Use it." Cook was asked by Tucks, and immediately jumped up and shouted in regret.

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