A Unique Hunter

Chapter 793: Chairman candidate

"The speaker, the speaker is not enough. I think the mentor will be the chairman of the alliance." Mori stood up and said with a cold snort.

Mori’s words have just settled, and the people below are not satisfied. You must know that the chairman of the alliance is not the chairman. The power of the chairman of the alliance is very large, and the chairman of the alliance has a special right, that is, the one-vote veto. Even if all the Members agree to this matter, and if the chairman is unhappy and uses this privilege, then this matter will only end here.

Therefore, the chairmanship is fundamentally the most important, and it is also the most powerful person, or a person without power. The person with the greatest power can control the situation, while the person without power dare not use this vote to veto it.

As for Cook, not only does he have a good relationship with the dragon family, but also that the dragons are unreasonable creatures, arrogant and unreasonable. It can be said that the dragon is synonymous with villains. It does not matter, because the alliance is not a vegetarian. .

But after a night of preliminary understanding, Cook’s background is more than that. The woman who has a great master of the magic circle, West Asia, also has a legendary woman in the space department, Nima. This is what makes many legends With a cold sweat behind him, the Space Element was hailed as the most powerful magician. Even the gold magician who had the highest attack and defense would only beg for mercy in front of the Space Element magician.

Of course, it is not to say how high the attack power of the space magician is. Some people describe it like this. The space magician does not need magic at all. As long as the space system magician is given enough time, then these space magicians can even use one. A wooden stick kills the target.

As mentioned earlier, no matter it is a warrior or a magician with a strong vindictive spirit, it is impossible to wear a vindictive shield, a magician shield, sleep, and eat. At this time, only the space magician needs a moment. Move, and then directly use a wooden stick to stick it in your eyes, then this person will be seriously injured if he is not dead, so generally no one is willing to offend the space magician.

This is enough. After all, the legend of the space department is not a god. But what happened to the great alchemists of Nima who took the wrong medicine? They are actually called Teacher Cook. Don’t underestimate the difference between the teacher and the teacher. It’s like The difference between master and master is the same, one is just a slightly respectful address, while the other is purely an elder.

"I don't agree." The hot-tempered person stood up immediately and objected loudly.

"You don't agree." Morrie didn't know this person, so he asked with his head tilted, but he looked at the people around Cook, all of them called Mentor Cook.

"The Horson family, right? I officially inform you that you don't want to buy a magic item from outside in the future, I promise." Mori looked at it, and several people around had the urge to beat Mori violently, because Mori looked at it this way, it seemed that he disdainful of speaking, as if Mori's identity was higher, but one of the great masters still sneered at the person who stood up.

"Huh, isn't it just a great alchemist?" The Husson family members who stood up sneered at the great grandmaster, knowing that there is more than one great alchemist in the entire plane alliance.

"Haha, I am at home."

"And I."

"And me." For a while, seven or eight people stood up and looked at the Horson family coldly.

"Wow." The whole venue suddenly became lively, whispering one after another, Nima, the seven or eight people who got up were all the great alchemists.

The face of the Horson family is like pig liver, because if it is an alchemy master, the Horson family can still say that they don’t care, but the entire alchemy master of the plane alliance will do this, then the Horson family will definitely die. It’s hard to see. A great alchemist can have countless students, and the students of seven or eight great alchemists cover almost the entire plane alliance. It can be said that no alchemist in the entire plane alliance dares to defy these few. The will of the great alchemist.

Moreover, the alchemists supported by the Horson family would rush away when he heard this news. Nima, if he didn't do this, there was only one way to leave the alchemy industry.

"Why." The Horson family fell to the ground pale.

"Because these are our mentors." Mori replied, but after Mori finished answering, he felt cold behind his back, and the other great alchemists gave Mori a fierce look. Nima was flattering. .

"Why?" The Hosson family looked at Cook and asked hoarsely.

Cook stood up with a faint smile, and the rest of the people focused their attention to see what Cook was going to answer, and the Mori people were worried, knowing that the application of magic patterns is more than just alchemy.

"Because I am their mentor." Cook replied with a smile, but this answer made the people below curse inwardly.

"Cough cough, then even if Your Excellency Cook is one of the candidates for the chairmanship, I don't know if anyone has any opinions." Kokorov said immediately. Kokorov was very excited. This is Mageweaver, Kokorov. I just couldn't find the time to flatter Cook, but the opportunity came to the door like this. Knowing that Cook is a Mageweaver, the effect of flattering is definitely not better than I don't know.

The venue was silent. Even if someone was dissatisfied, they didn’t dare to say it. Seeing if they didn’t, the Hosen family was a role model. Several members of the Hosen family left with a pale face. This was the vanguard and died directly On the beach.

"Hehe, since it's the chairman's position, I don't know if there is one of mine." A person stood up.

Seeing this man, someone with a happy face and someone with a gloomy face, Mori stood up and asked: "Takes, when did you like the chairmanship."

"Haha, if I'm in another place, I'm not interested, but in this place, I'm interested, no one opposes it." Tucks replied with a smile. Although the people at the scene looked a little ugly, there was no one. Opposed.

"Who is this?" Cook asked Kokorov in a low voice.

"The paladin of the Light Empire, legendary level, is known as the most powerful knight in the entire plane alliance." Kokorov simply replied.

"No one." Cook asked frowning.

"No." Kokorov replied directly.

Cook was amazed at this, but Cook didn’t care. No matter how good you are, Nima, the little angel in the natural space is amazing. Cook squinted his eyes and looked up and down the top expert in the league. He was already thinking, How can this guy work for himself?

Cook didn't know what kind of shock it would be if this idea was known to the people at the scene, and Tux had a sense of danger, but Tux could not find the sense of danger from there.

"Takes, if you want to play, then why don't you have me." A beautiful woman in leather armor stood up and played with the dagger in her hand.

"This is the Dark Empire." Cook asked guessingly.

"No, it's the famous Thorny Rose from the Plane Alliance. It has been chasing Tux for a long time, but the Paladin believes in..." Kokorov explained with a smile.

"Interesting." Cook glanced at the woman, and then he knew what Tucks thought, because this woman was also dressed too boldly, almost like a bikini. The Holy See of Light values ​​chastity very seriously. Ke also murmured a little, how could the woman like Nima reassure her husband.

"What do you look at?" I don't know that this woman is not a good match. Seeing Cook looking up and down, he shouted to Cook angrily.

"I'm sorry." Cook quickly touched his nose, as if admitting his mistake, everyone was not surprised at this, but the next moment, Cook immediately made another sentence, almost shocking the whole meeting.

"I just saw your outfit. I thought I saw those dancers when I went to the tavern." Cook said slowly afterwards.

"You, you bastard, my Bloody Mary is going to kill you." Mary looked at Cook, and shouted to Cook with an angry breast.

"Haha, Tucks, I understand your difficulties. If you marry such a dancer and go home, I'm afraid your helmet will be green, let alone your hat." Cook said with a loud laugh, disapproving.

"Thank you." Cook did not expect Tucks to have a cold look, and he actually said thank you, and with this thank you, the people around immediately understood that Tucks actually disliked Mary.

"You two bastards, bastards." Mary shouted angrily when Cook played like this, her body twisted and then disappeared.

"Haha, thief." Cook stood up and laughed disdainfully.

"Teacher, go quickly, this girl is not easy to deal with." Mori hurriedly stood in front of Cook and said loudly, and Chakra, who was behind Cook, was depressed to vomit blood, and no one behind Nima saw him.

"Everything gets out of the way, isn't it just a woman." Cook pushed away the magic directly without annoyance, and Morrie was shocked, because Morrie was on guard and was actually pushed away by Cook.

"Haha." The people around all laughed and watched the jokes. After all, a low-level "In the eyes of these legends, Cook is simply not low-level ~www.novelmtl.com~ If you want to face the famous Bloody Mary, I am afraid The consequences are already predictable.

But when Cook took out something, everyone around him was sweating coldly. Cook didn't forget to introduce: "Is it a new type of portable meteor cannon?"

"It's really the best." Mori looked at the complicated patterns on the barrel of the thick-mouthed Meteorite Cannon in Cook's hand. His saliva was about to flow down. You must know that this is a magic pattern.

"Excellent." Several great alchemists looked at the things in Cook's hands, all drooling.

"Disperse, disperse, let the instructor let the whole idiot woman, whoops." Chakra saw the opportunity and immediately shouted, but before he finished speaking, he flew out immediately, apparently being attacked by Bloody Mary. Fortunately, Chakra has a magic shield, and Bloody Mary has no weapons.

"Bloody Mary, let's go outside to practice." Cook asked with a smile.

"Dead." At this moment, a voice suddenly rang behind Cook.

"Boom." Cook kicked directly behind, making a loud noise.

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