A Unique Hunter

Chapter 782: See also duel

ps: New year and new weather for everyone. As for the red envelope...

Of course Cook didn’t know what was happening. Cook was walking around the streets of Tasang City with Umei, but Tasang City became crowded because of the miracles, but since it’s shopping, it’s crowded and crowded.

The chambers of commerce in other Star Regions also seem to have seen this business opportunity. Countless merchants flocked to Tasang City. Some strange goods have also begun to be displayed. Tasang City had to transform Tasang City’s largest square into a booth. The price is high, but tens of thousands of stalls have been robbed long ago

Cook looked at the densely packed heads and the various stalls next to him, but Umei excitedly took Cook's arms and looked at him with big eyes.

"The best gems, the best gems, I'm the best gems. Look at the color and transparency." A man dressed as a human mercenary stands on a pile of semi-finished gems.

These gems are not all peeled off, just a small window is opened like a gambling stone. The color of the gems can be seen from these windows, but it is impossible to know how big the gems are.

"Why don't you take a look at Wumei" Cook asked while looking at Wumei and smiling like those gems

"Okay" Wu Mei and Cook walked to this booth

"Two of these are the best gems, look at the color and the transparency." The stall owner saw that Cook is well dressed and ebony is also beautiful and hurriedly solicited.

Gemstones are also a precious magical material in this world. Many alchemists need gemstone powder. The various uses of gemstone powders of different colors are also different. Large gemstones can also be used as carriers of some magic or amplifying magic.

Therefore, there is a profession in this world that is a jeweler, but these jewelers are not making jewelry, but jewelers who make magical jewelry. They have a complete set of theory for polishing, cutting and inlaying.

However, gems are all associated mines, and the outer shell of the gems cannot penetrate the spiritual power of the gems, so no one knows the size of the gems. This is luck. However, experienced mining masters can judge the inner gems based on the color pattern of the outer stone skin. But this is not 100%, so some miners sell gems directly like this

Selling gemstones like this is very popular. After all, some of them are rich, but those who buy them don’t see those who lose

Cook and Umei looked at these gems from the opened window. The quality of these gems is very good. It can be said that they are the best gems and the colors are also very pure.

"What kind of like?" Cook asked Umei

"Purple and white" Wu Mei replied, tilting her head

"I want this one, this one, and this one." Cook pointed and bought all the purple and white window gems on the stall.

"Well, there are sixty-five thousand three hundred magic crystal coins." The stall owner hurriedly took the gems that Cook needed together and calculated it.

"Cook, this gem is so weird." Wu Mei pointed to a finished gem. This gem is like an opal on the earth, but in this world such a gem is worthless and inferior.

In this world, pure gems are high-end gems

"Hehe this is also very nice to wrap it all up" Cook said with a smile looking at the opal that is full of fist size

"There are more than 70,000 magic crystal coins, so how about I receive your seventy thousand magic crystal coins?" The stall owner quickly took out a linen pocket and filled them with gems.

"If the guests want to open the gems on site, I can cut them for free" the stall owner asked while watching Cook install the gems

"I'll go back and drive slowly by myself" Wu Mei said cheerfully

"No trouble, let's go back and drive by ourselves" Cook replied with an interested smile when seeing Umei

Cook directly put the linen pocket containing the gems into the space inside the ring. The stall owner saw the linen pocket that he needed to hold with his hands. Cook actually lifted it up with one hand and was shocked to know that these stones are enough. Hundreds of kilograms of Cook's body is not as light as the wave of vindictiveness. I am afraid that he is a high-level professional.

Cook and Wu Mei started to wander again and sell all kinds of weapons and equipment not only brand new but also second-hand, as well as some magic materials. Cook looked at the discoverer's booth and it turned out to be classified. Cook is in the area where he trades ore gems. area

"Where are we going to Wumei" Cook asked Wumei

"I want to finish shopping here" Wu Mei said excitedly

"Well, let’s go over there and there is food over there." Cook didn’t say anything and directly agreed to point to one side because there was a fragrance passing over there.

"Delicious Warcraft meatballs are added and various useful magic herbs are added to take a look." Just walked into this area, Cook heard a loud voice

"Hehe is actually a halfling" Cook looked at the area where the food was almost full of halflings. Cook has a kind of intimacy to know that Cook has a full-time halfling cook on the plane.

"It's so fragrant, I want to eat" Wumei's saliva almost flowed out and whispered to Cook

"Go" Kukla took Umei and went

"Two of these are the flesh of the purple rat, plus some special spices made by our halflings, and some useful magic herbs. The beauty will be more beautiful and the man will be stronger if you eat it." The halfling saw Cook and Umei immediately introduced loudly.

"Come and try a few" Cook saw the fist-sized meatballs made of Warcraft meat fried golden in a frying pan and cooked in a kind of yellow soup. It was soft and appetizing.

"Okay, ten magic crystal coins." The halfling used a small wooden bowl, a wooden bowl, and a ball with some spices on it. The aroma immediately filled with the heat from the ball.

"His Royal Highness, slow" Wu Mei was about to take the **** and rushed over to a group of orcs to **** the **** from Wu Mei's hands.

"It's you" Cook looked at the orcs who rushed up were not the guards of the temple of the God of War, but they didn't wear the clothes of the guards of the temple.

"My lord, we have to be responsible to the young lady." The captain of the temple guards explained to Cook in a low voice. These temple guards knew that Cook was capable and had to be careful not to come over with a foot at least to lie in bed for a year. This is a precedent. of

"Responsible" Cook hasn't spoken and the halfling who sells things jumps up and shouted

"You mean that I have a problem with this thing," the half-length roared loudly, waving a kitchen knife.

"You guys dare to question our halfling's food, you are insulting our halfling's personality. I want to..." the halfling jumped up and shouted.

When Cook saw that this thing was going to be bad, he pulled the halfling into a hand. The halfling regarded food as his own life. The captain of the guardian of the temple said that it was an insult to the halfling.

"What are you holding me for? I'm going to a duel with this guy" the halfling cook jumped up and shouted

"Haha duel," the captain of the temple guard laughed and said disdainfully while standing in front of the halfling

"For our duel, I will seek justice for our halfling's cooking" the halfling replied loudly without showing any weakness

The captain of the "cooking" temple guard immediately shed cold sweat, and he didn't even know what to do. How to fight

Cook is speechless by the side. You should know that in the Maru Empire, as long as the word duel is said, it is sacred. Besides, the attitude of the captain of the temple guard just now also agreed.

"Hey" Cook sighed and patted the captain of the guards of the temple. It is obvious that you are going to be embarrassed by your own duel with halflings.

"Don't follow me" Wu Mei was very upset watching the food was taken away

"And you two will leave me. I don't welcome you here." The halfling looked at Wu Mei and said this and immediately shouted at Cook and Wu Mei.

"Uh, it's not our business," Cook said in amazement.

"Don't you know" the halfling asked with wide eyes

"I don't know..." Cook replied

But just said a few words, he was interrupted directly by the halfling: "If you don't know you, you are all together. Our halflings do not welcome you."

"Sorry to welcome you" the halflings in the whole area shouted loudly

Cook was speechless and looked at the halfling and said, "There is no room for negotiation."

"Unless you can beat me in a duel," the halfling said triumphantly

"Hahahaha, this is how you said you should fight." Cook laughed and said that Cook's cooking skills are extraordinary. There are so many delicacies on the earth. Although Cook can't make all of them, it is definitely not a problem to learn from it.

"This is what you said to prepare." The halfling was surprised when he heard Cook's voice yelling. The surrounding halflings were surprised if Nima, a human being, is a fool, dare to fight our halflings.

Then these halflings immediately swarmed around, and when they were young, a venue was vacated. The surroundings to watch the excitement were even more confusing.

"Wu Mei, how about coming to help me?" Cook asked with a smile.

"Okay." Wumei likes lively the most. Besides what Cook said, Wumei listened obediently.

"Humans, if you have courage, this courage is worth asking your name," the halfling who was dueling Cook said loudly.

"But you don't deserve to know my name kid" Cook grinned, but he almost killed his body when he said something

"Good humans, if I win, you can crawl me three times on the ground" the halfling jumped up and roared furiously.

"So if I win, you will be a cook for me for three years" Cook replied not to be outdone.

The "pop" halfling and Cook high-five, then walk away and start a duel

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