A Unique Hunter

Chapter 780: Miracle "4"

Cook didn't have the opportunity to speak, and was crowded into a very large hall. This hall was magnificent and surrounded by statues of all the gods of the God of War Temple. Even if hundreds of people crowded in here, it was not so spacious.

Cook looked at the crowds of people in the hall and was shocked because the lowest level here is a holy priest. In fact, the emblems are all holy priests. Even legends are holy priests emblems. There is no other emblem to replace, but in order to distinguish between different legendary holy priests. There is a golden pattern on the chest

Although Cook was shocked, he did not say it because according to Cook he learned that in the Maru Empire, there are as many as two star regions dominated by orcs alone. How many orcs there are in the two star regions, maybe only Ma Only the senior leaders of the Lu Empire will know

"Hundreds of people just sat cross-legged in the middle of the hall and left a road. Cook was squeezed into the corner, while Ume and the Komodo war beast became the protagonist on the back of the Komodo war beast. The red flame drum also attracted everyone's attention

"Tsk tusk is actually the Red Flame Drum, this is a sacred instrument." The two orc priests in front of Cook talked with envy and said this was a goat priest.

"Hehe, this is the **** of our fox tribe" the fox priest next to the goat priest said with a smile.

"You have had more priests of the fox clan and now you have a divine envoy. What can we do with the sheep people?" The sheep priest sighed and said that the priests of the goat people awakened in the God of War temple are far less than the fox priests.

"There is no way, but you sheep people can't be missing. After all, we also want to eat," the fox priest said with a very clever smile.

"That's about planting or we are sheep people..." The saint sheep priest whispered about the benefits of sheep people.

Cook listened to the conversation between the two holy priests while watching Wu Mei's direction. Wu Mei was led by several female holy priests into the back of the hall and then changed into the priest's robe of the gods. The red priest's robe is so obvious.

Because the God of War is a fiery red armor in the record, it is said that it is all the blood of the enemy as the messenger of the God of War, so it must be red. In the Temple of the God of War, red is the highest level. Sovereign can accessory some red, but it is not pure red. The messenger is pure red

"I have seen Your Highness" everyone stood up and bowed in salute

After a tedious etiquette, Wu Mei sat on the top of the hall. Sitting side by side with Wu Mei was the master of the Temple of God of War. A swan priest. The priest talent of the swan man can be said to be the best of all races, but the number of swan people is extremely rare.

"The special envoy of the Maru Empire came to congratulate His Majesty the Emperor of the Divine Envoy" A human nobleman was brought up by a temple guard. This human being came up and bowed to salute

"Thank you, Your Majesty" Wu Mei replied with a smile

"Thank you, your majesty's envoy, please sit down." Your lord also spoke and the envoy was placed next to Cook

"Everyone, we have witnessed the birth of miracles today. This is the glory of all of us. This is also God’s affirmation of us. At the same time we have also born a divine envoy. This is our Umei." The sect master glanced at the holy priests and then Said

"The next thing we are going to do is to select the guards of His Royal Highness Wu Mei. His Royal Highness Wu Mei can instantly cast all known auras and the war dances that have already fallen are here. I announce," the Sovereign of the God of War Temple continued.

"His Royal Highness Wumei will be responsible for all the work of the War Dance Department of the Temple of God in the future. Let us continue to carry forward the war dance of the Temple of War God." The overlord gave Wu Mei a great right at once.

Cook poked his lips because Cook knew that the emergence of Umei still made the Temple of Wars. Some people were dissatisfied with the fact that no matter what force or organization, there was a distribution of interests. However, the sudden appearance of Umei made these vested interests have to face it because of the gods. Make it impossible to stop

The war dance is a branch of the priest, but in the longer and longer time, the war dance has gradually declined. Although the war dance has declined, the war dance is still an important part of the temple of the **** of war.

Cook can also guess the importance of the decision made by these interest classes. The importance of war dance is self-evident, and this department is fully empowered by Wumei. No matter whether Wumei does or not, it will not affect the current interest class. It is equivalent to isolating Wumei but in God of War. The importance of the temple war dance is also very important

Wu Mei didn’t think that if it weren’t for Cook’s instructing Wu Mei to agree to whatever others said, Wu Mei would have been impatient, even if it was so, Wu Mei kept watching Cook.

"His Royal Highness Wu Mei's war dance department will be formed later. Your Highness, whatever you need, just pick and choose." The Sect Master said to Wu Mei with a smile.

"Thank you" Wu Mei nodded and smiled to thank you

"Your Excellency, our God of War Temple will hold a grand celebration three days later. Please come by then," the Sovereign said to the Special Envoy of the Maru Empire.

"Thank you, your lord," the special envoy immediately stood up. Because this was a personal invitation to the special envoy, the special envoy had to stand up. After all, the other party is the suzerain of a party.

"Well, I'm here today, everyone invites those who need to be invited. Three days later, we will hold the coronation ceremony of the envoy in Tasang City," the sovereign finally said

Hundreds of holy priests hurriedly executed the order. Although these priests were very jealous of the temple in Tasang City, the benefits of miracles were not only in Tasang City, but also in the God of War temples in the two star regions with the most orcs. Face blossom

Because the actual benefits of Tasang City are not much, because Tasang City does not have many orcs in the star field, and the star field where the orcs is located will fall to a great advantage.

There are only dozens of people left in the huge hall, but these dozens of people are legendary masters, Cook secretly smacked their tongues.

"His Royal Highness Wu Mei doesn't know what you think about the war dance department" Sect Master asked with a smile

"I, I, I will leave it to Cook to deal with." Wu Mei didn't know what to do, so he pushed the matter to Cook.

"Hehe" Sovereign is also very troubled by Cook's existence. Although there is Cook in the oracle, as the Sovereign, he doesn't know how a human priest appeared. You must know that even if the talents of priests appear, humans can at most become intermediate priests. Cook is such a Metamorphosis has never appeared in the records of God of War Temple

"Since His Royal Highness Wu Mei has given this to me, then I have some ideas" Cook replied with a smile

"Please speak" the suzerain said with a smile, lacking vigilance in his heart

"The establishment of a department is nothing more than two aspects. One is money and the other is people. However, the war dance is now declining. Rejuvenation is not a day or two. I think we should start from one point. As long as this point is successful, then we Can be extended to all the temples of God of War" Cook said eloquently

"Be more specific" Sovereign just said these four words

"First of all, we need a piece of land, we also need the corresponding building to perform war dance musical instruments and some funds. We also need some priests and apprentices," Cook said with a smile.

"Your Excellency thinks that point is appropriate" The Sect Master asked with a smile, but he wanted to know that if Cook Lion opened his mouth, he would have no way to stop it.

"I think Tasang City is suitable for Umei, your Highness," Cook also asked with a smile, but to show the existence of Umei, Cook asked Umei

"I agree" Umei gave Cook an angry look and said

"Then the God of War Temple in Tasang City will be used as an experimental site for the war dance, but are there some priest apprentices" the suzerain asked worriedly, so I don't need to say if I am really worried.

"Hehe priest apprentice just happens to be different in the way of performing war dance and war song after all." Cook laughed and said that it doesn't matter who you choose, but the genuine priest will definitely be drawn into various forces in order to minimize trouble. The priest apprentice is one. Good choice

The Sovereign took a deep look at Cook and said: "Well then, but how many apprentices are needed"

"You don't have to worry about the lord, let's recruit the little apprentices by ourselves." Cook laughed.

"Damn" the suzerain cursed secretly in his heart. It is certain to know that the suzerain wants to place someone, but it is too difficult for Cook to insert someone. Who knows if the person to be inserted will be selected? I can say that there is no such thing. Too many determinants

"That's okay," the lord can only helplessly agree

During this period of kung fu, Cook fought against the sovereign once, but the dozens of legendary old guys on the scene clearly couldn't help but look at Cook for a high point. After all, it is not easy to think of so many.

Wu Meisi did not know about the confrontation between Cooke and the overlord, because Wu Mei gave this matter to Cook and was very relieved.

The special envoy of the Maru Empire has already paid attention to Cook because a human being in Cook actually had a seat in the meeting just now. This is very unusual. You should know that the high-ranking priests are all orcs. It is not a human being at the top of the orcs. What's this in the meeting

Only now did the special envoy realize that this human being had a special relationship with the **** envoy. This made the special envoy concerned to know that although the Maru Empire is a monarchy, the royal family's rights are not very large. Most of the rights are controlled by the parliament.

In this way, the high-level situation of the Maru Empire is very complicated. Various temple councils and royal families are mixed together, which can be said to be fundamentally unclear. The temple has always wanted to increase seats in the council, but there are so many positions to get more positions. It is necessary to exchange interests. Of course, how the interests come from, that is, the stronger the strength, the more benefits are obtained. It can be said that the final parliament position has a lot to do with strength.

The royal family of the Maru empire has never given up on the right to seize power, so the appearance of envoys who can draw in the Temple of the God of War for these forces means a new round of expansion of the Temple of the God of War, so the envoy came so fast, but these Cooks don’t know.

The general framework was settled in the negotiation. Generally speaking, both parties are very satisfied. The suzerain is satisfied with the fact that the number of orcs on the Tasang plane is not large. Even the results that Ume can make are limited, and their influence is limited. interest

Cook is assured that the Tasang plane himself is related, and there are many people in the Temple of the God of War, plus there is a basic plane behind Cook, there are many orcs there, so in terms of personnel, Cook does not worry about the nobles having the Lyon military headquarters. Couldn’t there be any results with Mike? The most important thing is that Tasang’s orcs have little clans and tribal influence.

Both parties ended this conversation happily. The remaining Cook and Umei had to wait for Umei to be officially crowned. Of course, the noble banquet agreed by Lyon could not be attended. It was not that Cook did not go but the banquet could not be held. God The influence of trace is too great

"Hello, Lord Cook," the special envoy of the Maru Empire approached Cook and said with a smile.

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