A Unique Hunter

Chapter 686: Mercenary mission

"Big brother, do you think this news is true?" In a quiet corner of the mercenary mission hall, two men in gray robes were whispering something.

"It should be true, otherwise you see these guys are here" The other of the two guys stretched his head and nodded. Now the mission hall is quiet and weird.

However, if a mercenary with a little bit of knowledge sees such a scene, I am afraid that my jaw will drop because the mercenaries in the mission hall are all golden badges. What does the golden mercenary badge represent? The professional is also the identity of the mercenary itself. It is also very prominent. It has a position similar to the head and deputy head.

"I'm afraid I haven't encountered such a scene for hundreds of years," a man said in a low voice.

"Who said that the mercenary union celebrations are similar to this?" Someone said dissatisfied

The staff of the mercenary union is also very worried. The staff who used to like to show people's faces are light-handed for fear of making any noise.

"I said what you are doing is here." The head of the mercenary union asked impatiently and loudly that the mercenary union is responsible for many things. This person in charge is in the task hall.

"We just want to ask if the information above is accurate" someone asked lazily

"When did I say that our mercenary union gave out false news, clearly telling you that this news is true?" The person in charge of the reception hall replied with disdain. If the person in charge in the past saw this questioner, he would at least have a good attitude. Because the question is the leader of the Cobra Mercenary Group

The Cobra Mercenary Group has about 5,000 mercenaries divided into ten teams and each team has 500 people. Among them, there are three elite groups. The so-called elite group refers to more than half of the senior professionals, and the leader of the three elite groups is An eighth-level professional, and the leader of the entire mercenary group is already a strongman at the Sword Saint level. There is also a rumor that it is a legendary strongman, but the leader of the mercenary group did not show up at all, but he came out this time.

"But I don't believe that the person posting the mission can come up with so many good things" the leader of the Cobra Mercenary Group asked

"If you don't believe it, just don't take the task," the person in charge of the reception hall replied irritably

This answer surprised everyone present, but no one left because the news is so important it is important that no one dares to leave easily.

And another person also asked: "So what do I need to prepare to complete the task?"

"It's a bloody" Someone recognized this man in black. The reason why the **** was famous is because this guy eliminated a band of thieves with his own power and he himself was also a thief, but the **** is known for a long time. But there are not many people I have seen. The reason why they are recognized is because of the two daggers on the waist

"I don't need to prepare anyone who will release the news. I can assure you that the things that this mission will bring out are nothing but a scrap, so there are so many people who want to participate and sign up quickly." The person in charge of the reception hall waved his hand and said

"I sign up for a golden eagle, I am about to make a reservation." The blood lion took out his mercenary badge and went straight to the task release window

"I'm also signing up." The leader of the Cobra Mercenary Group also passed the mercenary badge in his hand to the people around him.

"Okay, the ten quotas are already full. You can go back if you have nothing to do. Come with me." The person in charge of the reception hall saw that the ten quotas were full and smacked secretly because the reward for this mission was a golden eagle. The cub also has a mysterious reward

What level of warcraft is the Golden Eagle? Everyone on the scene knows that the flying type of ninth-level warcraft is a gold type  , which claims to be able to fight the dragon, but the person in charge of the reception hall is relieved to think of the identity of the person who can post the news.

A group of top mercenaries followed the person in charge of the reception hall to the back of the mercenary union and entered a small building

"Your Excellency, the person you need is here," the person in charge of the reception hall took the person into the hall and said with a bow

"Thank you" The news is that Cook Cook nodded and said thank you to the person in charge of the reception hall

"Don't get angry, this is what we should do. This is the mercenary participating in the mission." The person in charge of the reception hall smiled and handed a list to Cook.

The person in charge of the reception hall can’t help but laugh. This time the mercenary union’s income is very impressive. The mercenary union only charges 2% of the remuneration. It’s enough to laugh. Golden Eagle, ninth-level golden monster cub. What is this? Such a big deal

"Cough, cough, introduce myself. My name is Cook. Maybe some people don’t know me, but these are not important. Your task reward will be paid directly to you after the task is completed. But before that, you need to fill out a list as detailed as possible. Confidential, you are free to choose to fill in or not." Cook coughed twice and then distributed the scrolls to each mercenary who took the task.

When these mercenaries look at the content that needs to be filled in on the scroll, their expressions are different, disdainful, angry, and thoughtful, but no one asks, but Cook also understands that these people have a head and a face or they are very powerful. So whoever asks first means who loses face first

"Give you half an hour to fill in and you need to give it to me." Cook said with a smile, Cook can't help but smile because at least six of the ten mercenaries this time are ninth-level strong and the rest are on them. It also exudes a tyrannical atmosphere. It seems that he has his own means. The golden eagle. This thing Cook has more than 30 and it is a little guy. Cook is ready to use it all for his own use. But helplessly, Cook does not have so many high-level talents. If the gold-like monsters are given to ordinary people, it will ruin the ninth level of monsters, and the match between the monsters of the monsters and the people is also particular. It is not that the higher the mount, the better. It is just like driving. Able to control the golden eagle's flight speed can exceed the speed of sound, and there are no protective measures in this world. If an average professional sits on the golden eagle and flies in a circle, it will be upright in the high-altitude cold. Not to mention the strong impact force. Human life

In addition, there are not many people in Cook's hands. There are many people in Cook's hands, but there are really very few people who are low-level professionals and legendary powerhouses.

Half an hour passed quickly. Cook collected the scrolls, but Cook sighed after a cursory look. But Cook still said: "Everyone can gather at the Orc Hotel tomorrow morning. Naturally someone will guide you. "

"It's over." Cook left ten mercenaries after he said that. They looked at each other and felt a bit inexplicable, but no one said that ten mercenaries also started to leave.

"What do I mean by this?" It's not that the ten mercenaries don't know each other. After all, they are all at the same level.

The blood lion has a very good relationship with the leader of the Cobra mercenary group, so after they left the mercenary union, they found a place to sit down and asked the blood lion in confusion.

"Haha, this mission is absolutely correct. If I knew that the publisher of the mission was this person, I would have gone to receive it." The head of the Cobra Mercenary Group smiled and said, after taking a big sip of wine, he looked confident.

"I said I listened to you and filled in all the content that should be filled in" Xueli said without asking who it was, but running on.

"I said I'm also doing this for you. Why did you hide your head and reveal your tail by yourself for so long? Don't you dare not reveal your identity? If you have the support of this person, you are rampant on the mainland and no one dares to say anything." The group leader said angrily

"I said I am an offended family of magicians" Xue Hu looked around and asked suspiciously.

"It's so rare that people don't even have to do it, and someone will try to flatter you, but you will work hard for this mission. Not to mention that the magic family is offending the magician guild. If this person comes forward, it will be easy to settle." I just don’t ask who this person is, so I don’t say anything

The blood lion finally couldn't help asking: "Who is the publisher of this mission so powerful?"

"The powerful people not only make good relations with the dragon clan, but also possess the dragon monsters and powerful forces. As for wealth, it is said that the Bright Empire and the Orc Empire still borrowed a lot of money from this person. Money is useless to others. There is also a great master-level pharmacist instructor, and there is also a Frost Titan tribe to follow..." The head of the Cobra Mercenary Group said angrily

"I know who it is" I will understand when I say the blood dog

"But what did he call us this time?" The blood lion is a lone mercenary. The source is a bit narrow.

"What I think is the beast tide in the south" The Cobra Mercenary Group has its own intelligence system, so I guessed it.

The next day when ten mercenaries came to the Orc Hotel and were led to the highest level, when Cook took out the space bags, everyone was stunned. The space bags were made of the hides of the nine-level beast. Not to mention the key is that space magicians are really rare. Some depicting magic arrays require extremely deep skills.

But what Cook took out were nine space bags. Cook said with a smile: "In these space bags, some supplies are prepared based on the content you filled out yesterday. The magenta ones are potent healing potions and the blue ones are spiritual recovery potions. The rest is the magic recovery potion, but unfortunately you still don’t believe me, so someone submitted a blank scroll of the paper. In addition, I prepared a set of equipment for everyone, but this equipment needs to be returned after the task is completed."

"No." The blood lily picked up the space bag that Cook gave me and grew up. The reason why the **** lily is strong is that he is a very rare bloodline professional and the **** lily has never seen blood. The magic recovery potion of the system, but Cook took it out

"In addition, the strength potions, agility potions, thieves and stealth potions, have their own explanations. The quality of these potions is relatively high, so they are slightly different from ordinary potions. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask in person.” Cook continued smiling.

Hearing these words, the blood lion immediately spoke up and took out a dagger from the space bag and asked, "Do you have any idea about this dagger?"

"Hehe, this is made by the fangs of a vampire bat with blood-sucking and bleeding effects" Cook smiled

The blood deer immediately grew up with her mouth. Nima has a foot-long fangs. How big is a vampire bat. The blood deer has not had time to speak, the leader of the cobra mercenary group, so he whispered: "Your Excellency is this equipment? It’s magicweave equipment"

"Yes, but the equipment is to be returned. I finally borrowed it." Cook nodded and replied.

"Lord Baron, Lord Baron, don’t you know that I didn’t know it was you? Yesterday I was drunk so..." At this time, someone couldn’t calm down. That’s the experience of the leader of the Oak Mercenary Group who submitted the blank scroll yesterday. Abundant mercenaries, the leader of the oak mercenary group saw that the person next to him took out the potion. The leader of the oak mercenary group knew that this was at least a top-quality potion, and Cook Ming said it was a consumable item. That is to say, things that don’t need to be paid. As for the people who said that the magic pattern equipment is there, there are not many people who have seen it, and at most it is just one piece, but the guy next to it took out a set of more than a dozen pieces of equipment and put it on the Oak Servant. The head of the legion can no longer calm down, even if he is a star knight

"Well, you can fill it in again" Cook did not refuse to pass the scroll

Another person said: "Your Excellency, why is the space in your space bag larger than the space sold by the Wizards’ Guild"

"Because this is also a magicweave equipment" Cook replied with a smile

"What" the man exclaimed and then shivered

"What are you doing?" Cook didn't expect this man to grab his wrist, Cook yelled and shook his wrist

"Boom" This person was directly shaken off by the power of Cook's wrist

The people on the "hissing" scene all sucked in air-conditioning, and their mouths were wide open. What kind of perverted power is this kind of perverted power that shakes people away with a flick of their wrists. Besides, this is not an ordinary person.

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