A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1176: Angry Bull King

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"Niezhang, Niezhang, ah!!!" The Niu Demon King couldn't believe it. The three sons didn't come back, and almost lost their breath.

"Recognize the thief as the father!" Xuanwu Demon King said with emotion.

"Come here. Come here, give me anxious people. I want to smooth out these three wicked territories first." The Bull Demon King jumped angrily, and the Bull Demon King had nothing to do with the Xuanwu Demon King, because they were telling the truth.

"Bull Demon King, are you really not clear-headed? Earlier you drove your son away, and now you are going to grab your son's territory. You want to do this just to let the monsters from the Union of Demons succeed." Feng Yaowang said coldly.

"Those guys dare to do it, I'm a family affair." The Bull Demon shook his heart, but he still had to defend himself.

"Cow Devil, you are an idiot. At the beginning, you followed other people’s plans and let your son destroy it. Are you a real idiot or pretend to be an idiot. I don’t have many people who came up with this idea. ......" Feng Yaowang drank coldly.

"What's my mind!" Dragon King stood up immediately, staring and drinking.

The Xuanwu Demon King laughed and said, "Haha, I am guilty. You said that you have no other idea about the idea. You don't want to see the bull ashamed, and then provoke the bull to fight the Monster Race Alliance, and then you will be the leader?"

Xuanwu directly buttoned a hat on the Dragon King. Hearing this, the Bull Demon King glared at the Dragon King. In fact, the monster clan of the Dragon Palace and the monster clan on the land were in conflict.

The contradiction is over there. On the border, there is a shallow water area between the land and the sea. The monsters on land believe that the coastline belongs to the land monsters for five thousand miles, but the Dragon Palace believes that as long as it is sea water, it is my Dragon Palace’s territory. , And the entrance of Jiang He also belongs to the Dragon Palace.

Therefore, the Dragon Palace and the surrounding monsters often clashed. Everyone knows that the waves are surging toward the shore, and there are many rare things. Therefore, the conflict between the Dragon Palace and the land monsters is not small.

Of course, Xuanwu and Longgong often fought each other to fight for the first brother of the ocean.

This is also when the Great Sage formed the Demon Race Alliance without looking for the Dragon King and Xuanwu. According to Cook's words, this is a potential contradiction and an irreconcilable contradiction.

In his heart, the Dragon King wanted to be the leader, but to be honest, when he had a bad idea, the Dragon King realized that in case the Great Sage would take him in.

But on the one hand, what is the character of the Great Sage, he doesn't rub the sand in his eyes, so this chance is very small.

Second, if there is trouble, it is also the trouble of the Bull Demon King. If the Bull Demon King keeps causing trouble in this alliance, how can the position of the leader be his own?

"You are spitting blood." The Dragon King immediately cursed loudly.

"Hmph, you dare to say that you didn't have the intention of being a leader, and instigated Lao Niu to let your son test Lao Niu's enemies. What kind of heart are you, Lao Niu, so are you. You didn't want to think about it in the first place. The monkey is impatient, what can you do if you kill your son?" Xuanwu didn't care whether it was true or not, so he directly buttoned this hat on the Dragon King.

Xuanwu was afraid that the Dragon King would collude with the Bull Demon King, and the Bull Demon King was not a thing.

"Phoenix Demon King, you continue to say, you two sit down, I will not investigate the past." The Bull Demon King Shengsheng suppressed his violent temper. Of course, more of the Bull Demon King knew that even if it was hands-on The Dragon King couldn't help it, he could always run if he couldn't beat it, but in this way, the strength of the monster clan alliance would be much weaker, so he said, but the Bull Demon hated the Dragon King in his heart.

The Bull Demon King is the Demon King himself, so his eyes are absolutely not big, but the Bull Demon King is now threatened by the Great Sage, and after weighing it, he first solves the Great Sage's side, and then settles the accounts with the Dragon King.

"Lao Niu, now your three sons are members of the Demon Race Alliance, and anyway, you don’t want your son first, what other demon races will think, I think the grandson monkey did this deliberately, just to humiliate You, if you want you to grab the site, if you grab the site, other monsters will say to you, saying that your son doesn't want it. Now that his son has a site, he will even grab the site for his son." I figured it out, this monkey grandson is not simple, no matter what reaction the Bull Demon King reacts, he will become the laughingstock of the monster race.

"Then let these three wicked territories dangle under my nose?" The Bull Demon King was still unwilling. The son of the leader of the Monster Race Alliance was the messenger of the Monster Race Alliance, and the territory of the Monster Race Alliance had already reached the territory of the Monster Race Alliance Leader. Here comes the edge.

"This is your own cause. If you don't have a clear mind, use less conspiracy." The words of the Phoenix Demon King made the faces of the Bull Demon King and the Dragon King extremely ugly.

"Don't be upset, if we weren't in an alliance, I wouldn't say it." Feng Demon King said angrily.

"Thank you Phoenix Demon King for your guidance." Niu Demon King was very angry, but swallowed it abruptly and said.

King Kong Ming saw this scene and said, "Then let's just forget it?"

"Wait first, let this matter go first..." Feng Yaowang said, before he finished speaking, there was movement outside.

"My lord, my lord, it's not good, the young masters have all ran away." A bull demon demon rushed in and said loudly with a swollen nose.

"Young Master? Run?" The Bull Demon hadn't reacted yet.

"The two young masters heard that the three young masters had foster fathers, as well as immortal weapons, territories, and demon kings. They were going to see the princess. I was knocked to the ground just as I was stopped, and I just woke up." The Bull Demon Demon said eagerly.

"Huh, this beast." When the Bull Demon heard this, he rushed out and roared.

On the side of the Yaozu League, the Great Sage smiled in his heart as he watched Red Boy and a half of the big cow.

"Mother, the child is here to be with you." Hong Hai'er didn't even look at the Great Sage, and bowed directly to the ground. You must know that Hong Hai'er was miserably bullied by the Great Sage, and even said that Princess Iron Fan was in front of Hong Hai'er. Bad thing, saying that Red Boy is an immortal species that makes Red Boy and the Bull Demon quarrel with each other.

Princess Iron Fan is also very dazed, why are her children here?

"Boy, is your father not wanting you?" Princess Iron Fan asked.

"No, my child misses his mother." Hong Haier can speak, but if he doesn't say anything, he just misses his mother.

"The child misses his mother, too." The other half of the big cow also followed, but it was more about the Great Sage.

Again, in the minds of many demons, the Great Sage is a legendary character.

"Okay, there is filial piety. I am very pleased that you two can visit your mother. There is nothing good. One set of armor for each person. Hold it first." The big sage has a bottom in his heart, and raising his hand is the meeting ceremony.

"Sun... Great Sage." Princess Iron Fan saw the armor that the Great Sage had taken out and said.

"It's okay, it's all gadgets, I'll go out for a walk first to see if the three boys are cultivating the armor." The Great Sage waved his hand and said very grandiosely.

As soon as the Great Sage left the house, he came to Cook's brewing place.

"Haha, Cook, your kid is really amazing, how did you know that Red Boy is coming?" The Great Sage looked at Cook and asked.

Cook said with a smile: "Master, this red boy is here to disgust you. A while ago, we said in front of red boy that red boy is not the son of an old cow. This red boy is lawless and treats his mother better. , But her mother followed you, and you said bad things about him face to face. You think, can he not disgust you?"

"Don't tell me, this red boy is here and doesn't look at me." The Great Sage said.

"Hehe, Master, have you given them the armor?" Cook said with a smile.

"Yes, but what does this mean for the battle armor?" The Great Sage asked with some doubts. At the beginning, Cook only told the Great Sage that the Red Boy might also come, and said the solution, that is, to show his grandeur. On the other side, at the same time give the red boy something good.

"Hey, Master, you said that if the Bull Demon King knew that Red Boy would accept your armor and immortal weapon and practice it, what would be the result?" Cook smiled.

"It is estimated that he will be beaten severely." The Great Sage pondered for a while and said.

"By the way, Master, you said that the Bull Devil believes that Red Boy has nothing to do with you, and you will definitely suspect that Red Boy recognizes the thief as the father...Oh." Said that he recognized the thief as the father, Cook was beaten severely by the Great Sage.

"You kid don't keep talking, let me tell you, if your mother knows we arranged him before, you kid just wait, and it will be up to your mother how to deal with you later." Dasheng said viciously.

"Master, what did I say, what did I say to Master, who can testify, you can't say nonsense." Cook looked confused.

"Well, you kid~www.novelmtl.com~ The Great Sage was pleased by Cook's actions, but in a blink of an eye, it really is that Cook didn't even show his face. Everything was said by himself.

"Master, don’t be afraid. Isn’t that before? Master won’t blame you. Master, red boy, don’t get in. This guy is here to disgust you. You have to get in and dig another, and the other one must see yourself. The younger brothers are all being sealed by the Demon King, and they are very enthusiastic. You should be more stubborn and treat them equally, but it is best not to accept them as sons, or the old cow is really going crazy." Cook said.

"Haha, it's good to be crazy, good to be crazy." Dasheng felt strange in his heart. According to the truth, he should feel unhappy with his sons coming to him, but he was very happy in his heart, wishing everyone knew what he raised. He is the son of Lao Niu.

"Master, it's not right for you to gloat like this, Master, do you want to make Red Boy sick?" Cook asked with a smile.

"Fuck, did I care about juniors?" The Great Sage said irritably.

Cook sighed and sighed: "Master, don't blame me for not reminding you. If this red boy often provokes you and his mother, when the time comes, the teacher and you are awkward, please don't come to me." For mobile users, please browse and read. Reading experience.

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