A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1149: Cook's strength

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Puff puff!

The two huge lightsabers inspired by the verdict and the trial swept directly out. The spider web was cut directly by the energy lightsaber tens of meters long, and then cut to the earth giants and elemental creatures in the distance. A magic spider hanging from the top of the cave.

After the earth giant was cut, most of them were not dead, and the body glowed yellow, and then the seemingly broken earth giant returned to its original appearance. As for the Balrog’s subordinates, they were all non-physical guys, but two. The powerful light energy brought by divine arts still made these elemental creatures wailing.

The angel's action made the three lords completely angry. Hundreds of earth elements roared to the sky, and a burst of yellow light gleamed at the top of the cave, and then the area where the angel was was shot down by the dense earth thorns.

The angel's speed was extremely fast, but in the next second, a few meters high soil thorn appeared on the ground, and several angels who could not dodge were pierced.

"Healing." The angels are the most powerful. They can not only heal, but also fly. They also have powerful magical attack power. The injured angels heal themselves.


On the other side, the Balrog’s men spewed countless flames, but instead of burning the angels, the flames burned a lot of magic spiders. Some magic spiders screamed and screamed. There is magma, once it is contaminated, it cannot be shaken off at all.


The Abyssal Demon Spider Lord saw this scene and barked his teeth at the Flame Demon. The Flame Demon didn't care at all. No matter how great the Demon Spider was, could he still enter the lava river to make trouble for himself.


On the other side, the leader of the earth giant and the three elders have just moved up front. The earth giant simply ignores the long sword summoned by the three elders. There are patches of yellow armor on his body, which looks like armor. It is a materialized earth element shield.

"Damn it." But what made the three elders vomit blood was that the earth element lord actually had a double hammer in his hand, and it was an earth artifact from the Mageweave Association.

On the other side, the Balrog saw the artifact in the hand of the earth giant lord, and a spear made of red crystal appeared in his hand.

"This..." The Fifth Elder was also dumbfounded. You said that you, the Lord of the Flame Demon, are inferior to each other. You still use the artifact spear now, which prevents people from living.

Only the lord of the abyss demon spider watched the great elder of the angel clan rushing towards him, his belly bulged, and the webs of spider silk descended into the overwhelming net of the great elder.

"Holy Flame." The great elder roared, with golden flames all over his body, but the spider silk spit out by the Abyssal Demon Spider Lord was actually very fire-resistant. This spider silk was brown, and it would be easy to be ignored in the darkness without looking closely.

The Lord of the Demon Spider jumped, and then disappeared. When the Great Elder was killed, he was faced with a group of Demon Spiders who exploded. The black liquid sputtered by the Demon Spiders was strongly corrosive.


An angel was grabbed by a piece of brown spider silk, and was directly bitten into the body by the demon spider monarch on the top of the cave. Even the angel was screamed in pain, and then the whole body turned black. Obviously this demon The spider monarch is highly poisonous.

"Damn it." The elder cursed inwardly, and his figure flashed.

Puff puff!

Countless demon spiders exploded around, and the great elder was hiding in embarrassment. The energy fluctuations caused by the explosion of hundreds of demon spiders caused the great elder to be directly squeezed out of the teleportation state.

The three elders are entangled with the earth giants. The earth giants have high defenses and have artifacts, but the flexibility of the angel family is shown vividly here.

The fifth elders are a little embarrassed. Although fire elemental creatures will be killed, as long as they don’t hit the energy core, they will suffer some damage at most. This still means that the strength of the five elders is strong enough. cause some damages.

The great elder has no good way to face the Lord of the Demon Spider, because the Lord of the Demon Spider has too many younger brothers, and the spider silk is too tough. Although the holy flame is very useful, it is expensive, and the Lord of the Demon Spider has drama. Poisonous.

As for the other demon overseers, there are two great demons, all overwhelming earth giants, demon spiders, and fire elementary creatures are constantly eroding, and the number of human slaves has died. After these people die, nothing will be left. of.

Some people fled from the channel of water diversion into the lower level, and there was a rumbling in the cave.

However, no one noticed that the people who died here had no souls. At the bottom of this gloomy lake, a dark altar kept shining below, and it shook slightly.

The blood of various creatures melted into the lake and left, and some humans, the corpses of the demons sank directly to the bottom of the lake, all slowly moved towards the altar, and were eventually swallowed by the altar.

Allied forces of the Council of Gods, Cook led hundreds of brave knights, and finally saw the bottom of the netherworld.

"Commander, here is more than 36,000 meters from the ground." The leader of the squadron reported.

"Split into small teams to investigate." Cook gave the order.

"Yes." The ten teams dispersed. Cook didn't believe that millions of human slaves could also learn to land directly at a distance of more than 30,000 meters. There must be a passage.

Ten minutes later, a member of the team came back: "Leader, there is a secret path over there."

Cook hurried over and came under a cliff. A five-meter-high passage was winding upward, and there were obvious traces of a large number of creatures moving.

"Let them come. A small team goes up from here, and the rest follow me." Cook immediately issued an order.

This path is very clear, and there are still a lot of objects used by humans left along the way, of course, more human bones.

"It was eaten by the devil." The members of the brave knight team around Cook looked at these half-cut bones, which were densely packed with traces of being eaten.

Cook nodded and quickly searched for the past. There were dry bones everywhere along the way. Some were fresh, some were a long time ago. Everyone knows that demons can eat people.

A few hours later, Cook and others had arrived in the dark underground world and heard a faint blast.

"I found it, leave a group of people to report back, and the rest will follow me." After Cook practiced the Fumo Sutra, his spiritual sense improved a lot.

When Cook looked over from a cave, Cook was also dumbfounded. The three lords attacked the three angels. As for the other angels, they were already killed.

The members of the Brave Knights also couldn't figure out how this angel fought against the three lords who obviously had little brothers.

"Head." A member of the Brave Knights pointed below.

Cook looked down and found that he was tired of bones, and there were signs of being eaten, and there were some corpses of goat head demon and tauren overseer.

"After I go back, kill 100 million Goatheads and 100 million Bullheads." Cook said coldly.

"Yes." When the members of the Brave Knights heard this, they whispered their orders. For the people in the Council of Gods, they did not regard demons as human beings, and of course the demons did not regard these humans as human beings.

"The demon involved, no matter what level it is, slaughter." Cook glanced at the angel. There must be a demon lord involved. Cook doesn't mind making the demon plane a lifeless plane, so that the Council of Gods It's better to plunder resources.

"Head, I know the earth giant. When I was stationed at the Demon Plane Auction House, I auctioned two artifacts at an auction, the two in my hand, as well as the Flame Demon Lord. I didn’t expect it to happen. Will be here." A member of the Brave Knights said.

Cook nodded and said: "No, you are waiting here, none of the creatures here can leave. I'll talk about it after we find out."

"Yes." The remaining dozens of brave knights led the order.

Cook looked at the great elder of the angel family, his mind moved.


A hole appeared in the chest of the great elder of the angel clan unsuspectingly, and silver blood spurted out at once, but the great elder of the angel clan was not an idiot, and his figure was hundreds of meters away in a flash.


The great elder of the angel clan looked at the big hole in his chest reappearing in disbelief, and countless magic spiders pounced on the great elder.

"The sacred fire extinguishes the world." The elder of the angel clan was frightened, with white flames all over his body. Within a few hundred meters, there was an ocean of white flames. As long as the creatures were contaminated, the white flames would penetrate into the body. , And then it will become a pile of dust within a few breaths.

"Elder, I'm so interested." Cook's voice sounded.

"Cook, you humble clerk." The great elder of the angel clan hates Cook, and the great elder has become a sinner of the angel clan.


The Demon Spider Lord bared his teeth at Cook.

"Huh." Cook pointed at the abyss monarch, and a red flame hit the monarch.

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi.

Lord Demon Spider didn't evade at all. The red flame fell directly on Lord Demon Spider's body, and Lord Demon Spider's body instantly burned. "A Tier 3 wizard spell, you dare to resist a Tier 1 creature." Looking at the Abyss Demon Spider Lord who was instantly turned into ashes, Cook sneered in his heart. That's right, Cook used the wizard spell of the Primordial Plane. .

When the other demon spiders saw that the boss was killed all of a sudden, they fled in a hurry, and the earth giants and the lords of the flame demon were also taken aback.

"Speaker Cook, we have no malice." The leader of the earth giant spoke for the first time, using the language of the Council of Gods.

"Then get out of the way and wait. I'll finish dealing with these guys, and I have questions for you." Cook glanced at the earth giant, a creature less than the first order, just a trash fish.

"Hmph." When the Flame Demon Lord heard Cook say this, he gave a cold snort and turned around and left.

Puff puff!

Cook stretched out a finger in the direction of the Balrog again, and a series of sounds, the elemental creatures led by the Balrog instantly turned into several large pieces, and the body of the Lord of the Balrog was instantly cut into three pieces. , Judging from the traces, it should be some kind of cutting spell.

"You move again, I promise to cut you into ten thousand pieces." Cook's voice was very cold. Seeing the appearance of the Balrog Lord, the lord of the earth giant hurriedly stood aside and did not dare to move any more.

The flame demon's body recovered instantly, roaring: "Speaker Cook, you are a provocation to my flame demon clan."

"Puff." The earth giant lord who was watching the excitement next to him couldn't help but smile. When did the Flame Demon Lord speak with his lips.

"Shut up." Cook drank coldly.

"The Great Elder, the Three Elders, and the Five Elders. The Angel Council has already unified the angel family. The three of you and the Metropolitan Angel Council who participated in this matter are wanted. Congratulations. You are already traitors to the angel family. I gave a big gift and asked me not to let the three of you go back. I also accepted it. After all, it was incidental." Cook looked at the three angel elders and said with a smile.

"Haha, haha, Cook, you despicable and shameless human being, now that you are here, then die." When the elder of the angel family heard this, he laughed, and the lightsaber in his hand turned without warning. The three elders and the five elders intervened.


But I don't know why, a thing directly hit the lightsaber of the great elder.

The three elders and the fifth elders clearly felt the actions of the big elders, but there was no time to react. The lightsaber was bounced off, and the two elders immediately flashed.

"Great Elder, you..." The Third Elder stared at the Great Elder. "You two rubbish, I should have sacrificed you earlier, and then summon the ancient demon god." The elder said disdainfully.

When the fifth elder heard this, his figure flashed: "Go."

The three elders also turned around and ran away. Cook’s strength just now made the two elders realize that they had done something they shouldn’t do. Neither of them thought that Cook had such a strong strength, and his heart was shocked. I don't believe that Cook has such a strong strength, because Cook is too young, and he has such a strength when he is less than a thousand years old.

"Humph." Cook snorted and his figure flashed.


It was almost a voice~www.novelmtl.com~ The two angel elders were beaten to death, and Cook carried the two angels and threw them to his men.

The members of the Brave Knights hurriedly **** the two of them, and then nailed a few nails on the shoulders and the roots of the thighs. The complicated wind patterns on the nails have shown that this thing is very complicated. After the nails are driven in, they actually slowly It didn't go into the meat, and no blood flowed out.

The leader of the earth giant saw that his scalp was numb, and he slowly squatted down and moved to one side. The flame demon lord shrank his head. The elder of the angel family was very difficult to deal with. Unexpectedly, he was knocked unconscious by Cook when he met. Passed away.

"Haha, haha, I didn't think about it. I didn't expect that I would personally open the ancestral seal one day." The voice of the great elder of the angel family was full of despair and helplessness. He thought it would cause big trouble to the Council of the Gods. But after knowing that it has been so hard for so long, in the end I actually knew what kind of strength the opponent had always been in my eyes, but the Great Elder never regretted it.

"Cook, wait for you to die." The Great Elder's figure rushed to the bottom of the lake. Cook sneered watching the Great Elder's performance. The ancient demon gods happened to tidy up together. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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