A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1105: deliver

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Delaixi didn't react at all: "Mining, mining requires such a big guy...no, spaceship!"

Cook ignored Delaisi, but stood in the control center. Now is the time to test the construction wizard. Assemble these hundreds of meters in size with the minimum accuracy of one-tenth the thickness of the hair. In the eyes of outsiders, it is simply not easy to escape.

But hundreds of meters, heavy components, can only be said to be put on once. It is impossible to say that the position of such a component is a bit wrong after being put down. Then I move it. This is impossible. The movement will cause friction. There is a special coating at the junction with the components. This coating acts as a bond. After the energy is turned on, the coating will directly penetrate into the two components, making the two components look like It is the same during casting, and between components, for accuracy and stability during construction, different interfaces are used, because large components are constructed while receiving energy.

Operation, delicate operation, this time is a test operation, the huge mechanical arm of the puppet is just like one's own hand under the use of Cook.

On the energy projection of the control center, there are countless data displayed, red, green, yellow, and black, all of which are constantly beating.

Delaisi looked at it for a few times, and felt dizzy, and quickly ignored it.

These data are wind speed, humidity, air pressure, as well as the weight of the component, the distance between the component and the component, and so on.

What Cook has to do is to place each component in the place where it should be placed through manipulation. The data is the most intuitive response.

Cook's speed is not fast, because it is the first time for Cook to use such a huge construction puppet, but Cook does not need to be fast. To do these things, it is necessary to be fine, as long as the final goal is reached, it will do. In the eyes of the wizard, there is no speed, and some only results.

Pieces of components are placed where they should be placed. The entire basin is a huge assembly workshop with many auxiliary facilities, all of which require Cook to operate.

Just like when constructing, the supporting measures of the spacecraft must be supported to a proper position, otherwise the uneven force will cause some parts to deform.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

One month.

Two months.

It took four full months for Cook to complete the construction of the entire mining spacecraft. During the construction process, some problems also appeared, which caused Cook to re-produce the components.

The components used to produce such an armed transport ship are components of the same batch of materials. Just like the materials used in this spacecraft, there are spare materials. Once the spacecraft needs to be repaired, the best is the original material. If there is no one, then only use other materials. Material replacement.

After the core of the control center was put in place, Cook collapsed to the ground completely tired, and Cook fell directly into the control center of the spacecraft, and fell asleep beautifully.

I slept for two days in this sleep. If it weren't for the hungry belly, Cook probably wouldn't be able to get up. Cook's strength would be followed by a huge increase in appetite.

"Energy transmission is on." Cook began to manipulate while eating the spirit fruit.

After the energy transmission, the various systems of the spacecraft began to self-check, and Cook stared at him unblinkingly, an hour later.

"Yeah!" It was normal, everything was normal, and Cook couldn't help cheering.

"Congratulations, Lord Wizard, for advancing to Tier 9 Constructed Wizard, you can go to the inheritance space to carry on the inheritance of the wizard." A message from the wizard book came out at this time.

"Tier Nine, haha." Cook laughed when he heard this. In fact, Cook picked up a lot of cheap components this time. First of all, a large part of the construction puppets are the original construction puppets in the dock. No, Cook also has something to learn from. The second is Cook’s physical advantage. As mentioned earlier, it is also harder for a person to engrave ten characters on a piece of rice than an ant. If an ant can Engraving on rice that is half the size of your own body can easily engrave thousands of characters. This is Cook’s advantage in building the core of the control center. In addition, it is the sword fetus, the special attributes of the sword fetus, and the connection with Cook’s mind. It makes it easier for Cook to control it, and other construction wizards require extremely delicate operations when using the construction puppets at the core of the manufacturing control center. Cook uses different magic weapons and tools. One is holding a mining pick. , One is automatic tunneling equipment, which is totally different.

All the advantages are gathered together by Cook to have today's result. The logic of the wizard book is to only look at the result, not the real situation.

"Inheritance space, what is it?" When Cook encounters things now, his first attitude is doubt, not excitement.

Cook also understood why the emperors were suspicious. Cook found that he had this tendency. No matter what it was, he should first doubt it.

After the doubts were buried in his mind, Cook did not care about the space for inheritance, but opened the roof that constructed the spacecraft. After the roof was opened, Delaisi knew why such a huge space was reserved at the top.

Then Cook controlled the mining spacecraft and slowly flew out of the construction space. When it flew to a height of several hundred meters, Cook began to increase the energy output.

In a blink of an eye, the mining spacecraft began to accelerate slowly, and then quickly got rid of the gravity of the planet, and flew into the starry sky within ten seconds.

When Cook drove the mining spacecraft and docked at the airport, the giants such as Lien were also shocked.

And Prince Desai, who happened to be here, looked at the huge mining spacecraft, and was shocked.

"This, this?" Prince Desai was speechless in astonishment. Prince Desai and others thought that Cook was still busy refitting the spacecraft, so they knew they had just got one out.

"Prince Desai, you happened to be here. This is a mining spacecraft. You can take it away, but I am afraid that you will have to pay a part of the cost." Cook directly invited Prince Desai, who had not entered the airport many times, in, and then straight to the point. Said.

"Master, no, Grand Master, are you building this before?" Prince Desai asked.

"Forget it, all the materials and everything are prepared, just manufacturing components and constructions, we have a large construction base." Cook said nothing wrong, now on the ground, there is a huge construction base.

""Grand Master, we have nothing valuable in our hands. "Prince Desai is not poor, but when the incident happened suddenly, how could Prince Desai bring huge wealth?

"Well, you can drive away first, but before there is no energy stone, don't bother us, we will also close the airport." Cook waved his hand with a look of disgust.

Prince Desai saw Cook like this and wanted to say something, but did not say.

Cook dismissed Prince Desai, and asked Lien and others: "Lien, do you want to live here or on the ground? I must delay a while if I have something."

"Let’s go back to the ground, it’s boring here." Lien and others have been in the airport for a long time, and they feel bored. Moreover, inside the airport, special clothes are required to have a feeling of gravity. If you don’t wear it, the whole The person is suspended in the air, and the clothes and the inside form a certain suction force to simulate gravity.

"All right, then." Cook directly teleported Lien and others back.

After Lien and others returned to the ground, they were still a little uncomfortable, especially walking. There was still some difference between simulated gravity and real gravity.

Cook returned to the construction base, and then began to build the floating fortress. The most complicated part of the floating fortress is the base, which is the floating platform. However, the floating platform is ready-made, so Cook just needs to create a warning fort and auxiliary facilities.

These are much simpler than mining spaceships. Cook spent two months building four of them. Three of them were sold to Delaisi. After all, the construction of such a large base and these labors, etc. Cook didn't spend a penny, and if he didn't give others some benefits, Delaisi estimated that he would go bankrupt.

"Master, master." Although Delaisi knows that Cook has been there, don't look at the construction base that Delaisi completed, but Cook won't let in and no one can enter.

"No, this is for you. You can sell it yourself. The remaining one is for you, but you are on guard around here. If you encounter hard-breakers, you can just kill them." Cook said directly. .

"Master, master, what did the spaceship you built last time?" Delaisi had many questions in her heart.

"Sell to wizards on other planes." Cook said.

Delaixi's mouth opened wide, wizards from other planes, and wizards from other planes?

"By the way, are you interested in managing an airport, that is, the kind of airport that docks spacecraft, in the starry sky above us?" Cook still feels that the airport is not good for people to leave, but the giant is obviously not suitable for guard work.

Of course ~www.novelmtl.com~ Even if it is managed by Delaixi, unless Delaixi has three or five Tier 9 construct wizards to open the control center authority, it will be useless. In fact, this kind of thing has never happened. , Because in Cook's limited information on the Primordial World, the most time, there were only four Tier 9 Constructed Wizards, which was at the same time.

"Yes. Yes." Delaisi clearly realized that this was a turning point for the Demacia family. While others were still fighting for a **** battle on the plane, his family had already run across the plane.

"Well, you bring a reliable person. It is best to have experience in controlling weapons. Recently, a wave of people came near the airport, just in case." Cook said.

"Okay." Delaisi went out immediately. After these years of development, the Demacia family has absorbed a lot of talents. Of course, the Demacia family has more means than others to control these talents.

When Delaisi came to the airport, she was shocked when she first saw the huge planet of the prehistoric world, and the people behind Delaisi were also shocked.

"Don't look, come, I'll assign you the task." Cook patted Delaisi and said, and Delaixi almost fainted happily. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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