A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1099: Monster Race League (6)

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"Bull Demon King, was your old man barking just now?" The Great Canopy King was extremely fast, but within a few breaths, he saw the Bull Demon King and drank loudly.

The Bull Demon King, the Snarling Dog, and the three big monsters of the Dragon King were driving a magnificent speeding car. Upon hearing this, the Bull Demon King drank: "Pighead, believe it or not I will break your leg?"

"Haha, haha, brothers, this **** bull demon interrupted my leg?" The strength of the canopy king is actually not as strong as that of the bull demon. In general, he really dare not fight against the bull demon.

"Oh, Lord Canopy, who is this bastard?" Hundreds of Demon Kings came one after another, and the Horse Demon King asked loudly.

"Babies, that means being cuckolded by people, and my wife is being slept by others. It's not what kind of **** is, but others are cows, so it's a new breed, bastard." The canopy king explained with a smile. .

The monkey asked questioningly: "Isn't it a cross between a king and a cow? Is it a so-called hybrid?"

"Haha..." The Monster Race Alliance laughed loudly.

"Looking for death!" Niu Demon King's angry body soared hundreds of meters high, obviously he was about to do it.

"Come on!" With the reaction of the Bull Demon King, the hundreds of demon kings on the Monster Race Alliance turned into a swish. They drew out their weapons one after another. The Canopy King pointed at the Bull Demon King with a nine-tooth rake and drank loudly. To.

The Bull Demon King, the Screaming King, and the Dragon King are dumbfounded. The Bull Demon King is tough, but there are hundreds of demon kings, among which there are eight of the twelve demon kings. No matter how powerful the Bull Demon King is, it can beat these guys. .

"The irrelevant guy, go away." The Bull Demon screamed.

"Wang Ba Niu, open the eyes of your babe mung bean. We are together. You scolded our leader just now. This is disrespect to our Monster Race Alliance. I won't give you any color today. How do you mess up?" said the Rat Demon King.

When the Bull Demon King heard this, he took a breath, and the Dragon King asked in confusion, "Demon Race Alliance? Who is the leader?"

"Of course it's the Great Sage, who else? If you three don't say Zi Chou Yinmao today, don't think about Ansheng." The Golden Rooster Demon King also said.

The three Kings of the Sky are a little confused, this, the style of painting is wrong, these Demon Kings are not rebellious, it is said that among the Twelve Great Demon Kings, there are many contradictions, why this is all together.

The Bull Demon said in a cold voice: "If you want to fight, come on, just fight to death, I have to pull two backs."

"Haha, Ba Niu, this is a good name, Ba Niu, believe it or not we will hold you, and then send a few demon kings to take your nest?" The voice of the Great Sage rang.

"Dare you!" The Bull Demon cried out in his heart. The Bull Demon King does not look at the five big and three rough, but he is not weak at all in terms of scheming. This time, the Bull Demon King, the King Howard and the Dragon King are here to come to jokes. The Demon King didn't believe in any flat peach meeting at all.

Not to mention these three demon kings, even many demon kings who participated in the flat peach conference did not believe it.

"And you, the running dog king, did you come to die? Are you here to find my woman who wants you back? Don't worry, I will sleep for hundreds of years, and then I will pay you back." When the king said, he said.

"You, you bastard." Great King Shuotian has now become a joke of the Yaozu, the entire hill has been looted, and even his wife and daughter have been snatched away.

"Haha, I just got into your woman's and your daughter's account. Everyone had a good time together, haha, haha." King Canopy smiled when he saw King Howard, and he was very proud. The other demon kings also smiled.

When the Dragon King saw the incident today, the other hundreds of Demon Kings, the three of them must be unlucky, so he said, "I just came to see the Flat Peach Conference. For so many years, I haven't seen anyone with a flat peach, it won't be. really?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's fake or not, you just offended our leader, there must be a statement. You three guys don't want us demon kings to come twice in three days." The snake demon king said.

Strictly speaking, the bloodlines of the Snake Demon and the Dragon King are almost equal, but one is a prostitute and the other is a concubine. The Snake Demon King has now transformed into a dragon, but it is still the Snake Demon King, and the true dragons have always looked down on the Snake Demon clan. , So the contradiction between the two races is actually very serious.

When the Bull Demon heard this, he smiled: "The **** flat peach conference, even if there is, haha, just how much you can eat, you little snake, won't you eat one together, haha."

"Wang Ba Niu, don't change the subject. How much we eat is our business. Now that you offend our leader, what do you say should be done?" The Canopy King is not a fool. How can this bull devil change the subject?

When the Bull Demon heard this, he yelled: "What do you want to do? Just hit it."

"Haha, Ba Niu, how about you let us sleep with your wife? Every one of these demon kings who have slept for a hundred or eighty years, my old pig doesn't dislike what you have used. If your wife still... "The canopy king, the asshole, started talking nonsense.

"Looking for death." When the Bull Demon King heard this, he came up with anger, and rushed towards the Great King Canopy.

"Hit!" On the side of the Demon Race Alliance, the Ma Demon King roared, and hundreds of Demon Kings threw spells at the Bull Demon King, and then rushed over with their weapons.

The most unlucky is the King of Sky, who is very famous, but the strength is considered second-class among the demon kings. Among these hundreds of demon kings, most of them are weighed, and I feel that they are still right. The odds of winning are relatively large.

King Skyroar was baptized by hundreds of spells in an instant. Before this spell was finished, hundreds of demon kings would go on together. Hundreds of weapons of the demon king smashed against King Skyrocket. He passed out after being beaten, and he didn't know how many bones were broken.

"Hit that Dragon King." The Snake Demon King immediately cried out when he saw this.

So before he had time to shoot, he immediately threw spells at the Dragon King, and then threw weapons. The weapons of the Demon King were all refining some of his own organs, such as claws and horns.

When the Dragon King saw that King Howard was not aware of his life or death, he immediately shouted: "I am not...boom boom boom."

"This coward, blood escaped away." In the bursting spell, a blood beam shot out at once and disappeared into the sky instantly, the Snake Demon King said with hatred.

On the side of the Bull Demon King, the Canopy King, the Horse Demon King, the Golden Rooster King, and the Tiger Demon King had no strength to fight the Bull Demon King. Looking at the scene, the Bull Demon King would be defeated by a stick of incense.

"Huh!" The Bull Demon roared, and a huge spell rushed towards the surroundings.

"No, this guy is going to run." The Snake Demon King shouted loudly, and hundreds of spells and weapons were smashed in the surrounding area.

"Wait for me... Whoops." As expected, the Bull Demon King fled away at once. He didn't forget to say something cruel before he left, but he yelled right away.

"It's still hard, believe it or not, we took your nest." With a wave of the canopy king, he withdrew his nine-tooth rake.

The three big demon kings almost met each other, one was seriously injured, and two escaped. The dragon king’s injury has not been cultivated for thousands of years, and it is impossible to recover. It is the bull demon king, who was hit by the canopy king’s rake, only for the bones. Cut off two.

"Great King Canopy, are you here?" Ma Yaowang looked at the fainted King Sky.

"Oh, forget it, for his woman, his daughter is comfortable serving me, so I can throw it out." The Great King of Canopy looked kind.

But all the demon king present knew that the reputation of the king of snarling was ruined, and he cursed secretly in his heart. The king of snarling was not a thing, too insidious. After the king of snarling woke up, he knew why he was killed. Let it go. I'm afraid that the heart of death is gone.

"Nonsense, you can throw it away, don't talk nonsense." The voice of the Great Sage rang.

"Go, go back." The Great King Canopy kicked the Great King Shuo Tian away, then waved his hand.

"Leader, Lord, I have completed this mission, right?" After the Great King Canopy returned hurriedly, he stood in front of the Great Sage and asked.

"No, it counts everyone together, but I don’t treat you badly. If the number of ginseng fruits is insufficient, I will use flat peaches. Each person will divide a flat peach, horse demon king, rat demon king, golden rooster demon king, snake demon king, canopy king. , Tiger Demon King, Rabbit Demon King, and Yang Horn King each have two flat peaches." The Great Sage said.

"Thanks to the leader." The other little demon kings did not expect to have their own benefits. Hearing the words of the great sage, they immediately spoke. As for the other demon kings one more than himself, that's for sure, this is the twelve great demon kings.

"Come on, cheers, and celebrate the victory of our Monster Race Alliance for the first time. Don't worry, if these three guys want to be disadvantageous to everyone, I will personally lead the team to break the legs of these guys." Dasheng said. .

"Cheers~www.novelmtl.com~ When the Great Sage said that, many demon kings were relieved.

The Great Sage was very happy now. Just now, I just said that these three demon kings actually ran and were seriously injured. This always felt that the Great Sage finally found the right feeling that Cook said.

"The following is a group contest, divided into elders according to their positions. The elders are at the level of the twelve great demon kings, the rudder master is the second-class demon king, the hall master is the second-class demon king, and the messenger is the third-class demon king, elder. The rudder master, the rudder master governs the hall master, and the hall master manages the messenger. As for the specific person who manages who, then we will allocate it according to the principle of whoever is closest. If you have any comments, you can mention it in person. Demon generals, let's talk about the specific number at that time, let's compare first." The Great Sage waited until everyone finished drinking, and said.

The following demon king has no objection, but when grouping the first-class demon king, the second-class demon king, and the third-class demon king, everyone generally thinks that they should be assigned to the first level. The eight great demon kings in the demon king made a test, and no one said anything.

"Great King, Great King." When a group of Great King Howard's subordinates found Great King Howard, the Great King was lying on a rock, only his head was still shaking, and his whole body was even more terrible. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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