A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1091: Refuse

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"General, who will win this empire war?" Penney's subordinates asked.

"Although the Wizarding Alliance is powerful. The right of the Wizarding Alliance is not in the hands of one person. As long as the losses of the Wizarding Alliance reach a certain amount, then the Wizarding Alliance will face tremendous pressure. Although our Wizard Empire is not as powerful as the Wizarding Alliance, we are Hit the entire right in His Majesty's hands, so this time our empire will lose more at most." Penney sighed and opened his mouth to analyze.

"Oh, we are also unlucky this time, we actually encountered an attack from the Alliance." Penney's subordinate sighed.

"Not necessarily." Penney shook his head and said.

The subordinate glanced at Penney and didn’t ask too much. There are no simple things when it comes to the prince.

Penney sighed: "We are lucky to be able to get away. If we hadn't encountered the space node, we would definitely be wiped out."

"Then General, will this space node be opened again?" Penney's subordinates asked.

"I don't know, no one can tell the things about space, but even after the space is stable and the space node opens again, it will take a long time at least." Penney shook his head and said.

Penney's subordinates whispered: "General, then why don't we give the command to His Royal Highness, in case we have to go back later..."

"Hehe, my appointment was issued by your majesty and the military. That is to say, your highness has no right to my appointment. If I give the command to your highness, then once we go back, I will have to go to the military. The court. "Who is Penney? Would he be a fool to be a general? How many princes are there in the entire empire?

Penney’s subordinates suddenly realized that, under such circumstances, if the command is handed over to His Royal Highness, then disaster will be imminent. As for the relationship with His Highness, as long as he controls the entire fleet, His Highness will only have Endure.

"Accelerate, at this speed, but it will arrive at the airport in one month." Cook watched as a spacecraft that had left the fleet moved towards the airport.

Penney stood in the command room, and his opponent ordered: "Follow the plan."

"Yes." The people below get the order and execute it immediately.

In the control center, Cook heard a message from the Desai Prince Fleet: "Call Bekaa Airport, we can not enter the airport, but we need supplies."

"Prince Desai Fleet, please leave immediately. Bekaa Airport will not be open to the outside world." Cook refused directly. Something like supplies. This kind of spacecraft has a self-circulation system. As long as there is energy, nothing will be done. It will be lacking, but I just want to find out the reality on Cook's side.

"Bekaa Airport, we are the Royal Guard of the Wizarding Empire. If you do this, it will bring disaster to your plane." Penney said directly.

When Cook heard this, he did not answer at all. Instead, he directly issued instructions to put Bekaa Airport into a state of alert. The entire airport immediately released space interference, and most of the opened weapon systems began to replenish energy, and the defense shield was also there. Turn on instantly.

"This consumption." Cook looked at this moment and his net worth was reduced by more than half. You must know that Cook searched for a lot of high-level star cores.

On the side of the Desai Prince Fleet, seeing the reaction of Bekaa Airport, I was dumbfounded. Everyone doesn’t know the airport. The space released by the opposite airport fluctuates. Among other things, the Tier 9 wizards can’t release their spells smoothly. , Because space interference not only interferes with space, but also has a great impact on the release of spells.

Looking at the airport wrapped in the shield, Penney immediately issued an order: "Blade, stop."

"Understood." Blade's Edge is the ship that left the fleet.

Campa and Desai also hurried over. The wizard is very sensitive to space interference.

"General Penney, what's the matter?" Campa asked with head and face as soon as he came in, knowing that this kind of spatial interference has a great impact on the wizard, and it is also the most worried thing for the wizard.

"The other party started the alert mode." What Penney can say, can only answer honestly.

Prince Desai got up there, and at first glance he saw a huge energy projection, showing the airport surrounded by a shield.

"General, according to the energy fluctuation measurement result, this is a defensive type A energy shield, and it is the oldest one." A monitoring soldier reported.

"What?" Hearing this, Penney didn't calm down completely.

"General, what's the problem?" Campa didn't quite understand the fleet, so he asked directly.

"Defense Type A. At that time, due to the small number of airports, there were many dangers to face. At that time, the airports and docks were relatively few, generally less than ten, but they had at least hundreds of main guns. There are too many automatic defense towers. If our small fleet resists hard, it is estimated that the possibility of being destroyed is too great." Penney said bitterly.

In fact, this is the same as the development of warships. During World War II, how many main guns were on the warships, and each of them had a larger caliber, but now it is. There are very few main guns, usually just one, and the rest are missiles that strike beyond visual range.

The same is true for the airport. At the beginning, there were not many spacecrafts, and the docks were vacant when there were more, so defense and attack methods were increased.

Prince Desai heard this. He asked: "Then General Penney, if we attack, what is the winning rate?"

"His Royal Highness, it is impossible to attack. You see, this is a defensive type A airport. Around these docks, there are huge main guns. If we want to destroy these main guns, then the entire dock will be abolished. I came here this time, mainly to repair the spacecraft. If the dock is broken, what shall we repair?" Penney said bitterly.

"What a wonderful design!" The prince cursed loudly while looking at the drawing.

It's not that the prince doesn't know the appearance of some airports. Although he doesn't know very specific, but in the Wizarding Empire, there are very few defensive weapons on the airport.

Because there are countless fleets and countless detection towers in the starry sky under the jurisdiction of the entire empire. Once the enemy is found, it will not be close to the airport.

In the eyes of the prince, this is an airport, a huge armed fortress.

"Yes, I didn't expect that if it were not for the fluctuation of the energy shield emitted by this airport, we would almost suffer." Penny also smiled bitterly. The airport is in everyone's memory, that is unarmed, so Pei The Nepali wondered why there was no patrol spacecraft around here.

"General Penney, what should I do?" Prince Desai looked at General Penney.

"If our fleet is complete, then this airport is not difficult to deal with, but now all the supplies of our fleet are almost exhausted, and the shield of this airport may not be able to break, let alone so many defensive towers. It’s the main gun.” Penney was also helpless. In fact, if the supply in the fleet was still sufficient, how could he desperately get into an unknown space node, and then come to the deserted place recorded in history.

"His Royal Highness, I think we will send some people to take a look first. We may not be attacked on a small landing ship." Campa said.

Everyone is together. Although Campa has some contradictions with Peni, it is not the time for infighting at all, so Campa is also trying to find a way.

"Teacher, do you mean we send a team to talk with each other?" Prince Desai is not a fool, he immediately understood.

"Our fleet is like this. If we don't repair it again, where shall we go to find another airport, but General Penney, are you sure this airport can repair the fleet?" Campa asked.

"This is not clear. There is nothing specific about the original airport, but some general data. As for the specific authority, I really don't know this. I'm just a fleet commander. "Penny said with a wry smile. Penny really doesn't know what to do now, because this fleet is Penny's backing. Once the fleet has an accident or cannot be repaired, then the Prince of Campa and Desai will definitely do something against him. The move, but Penney really doesn’t know about the airport. After all, the two are completely different.

"Then do it, bring a gift." Prince Desai gritted his teeth, no matter what the situation, dealing with each other is a must.

Prince Desai said. Penny and Campa looked at each other. They both wondered who to send. Because this mission was very dangerous, neither of them wanted to do it with their confidants. Although the credit is also great, the credit is What's the use now, on the contrary, the danger is even greater. If the other party does anything, it really has nothing to do with it.

"General, who do you think should be sent?" Prince Desai saw that the two hadn't spoken, he was a little puzzled, and then asked.

Prince Desai’s thoughts are simple. Since this fleet is in charge of your General Penney, you should make your mind ~www.novelmtl.com~ What the Prince does not know is that this question has offended Campa and Penney at the same time.

Campa thinks that he is the prince's mentor. The prince does not ask himself for the first time, but instead asks Penny. This is obviously to let Penny decide.

And Penney is also very dissatisfied, because this mission is very risky, and if the risk is high, you will sacrifice your own people?

From the perspective of three people, there are three kinds of thinking about the same thing, so people are a kind of creature that can never be seen through.

"His Royal Highness, this time I am going on your behalf. You should choose from your entourage." Penney easily pushed forward and threw the prince's problem to the prince himself to solve.

"His Royal Highness, what the general said is reasonable. This time, your Highness will represent the Wizarding Empire on your behalf, or your people will be suitable." Campa heard Penny say so, and said, because the people in Campa's hands are not Many, and they are all their own cronies, as for those who are not very close, they are not qualified to be representatives.

"This..." Prince Desai saw that the two people agreed, but he still didn't want to understand, so he didn't directly agree, but calculated it in his heart. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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