A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1086: Qiongyeyuye

After the heavens collapsed, the faerie spirit became scarcer. Only some top fairy grass spirit fruits contained very little. So Cook was shocked when he heard that the spirit wine contained faerie spirit. .

"Yes, but it's not very high. Whether it's an elixir or an immortal wine, there will be catastrophes. There are many kinds of catastrophes, such as demons, hearts, thunder, fire, water, golden, and love. Wait a minute, but these tribulations are usually randomly mixed, so among the human monks, there is the word thunder tribulation." The Great Sage looked at the spirit wine made by Cook.

Hearing this, Cook jumped up immediately: "Master, doesn't it mean that the fairy world still exists?"

"Perhaps, after all, it was too chaotic, but for many years there have been no creatures to cross the robbery, and fortunately it is with me. If you are in other places, your thunder robbery will scare countless people." The Great Sage shook his head. There were also many questions in his mind, but after the collapse of the heavenly court, he was **** with a demon rope by a certain saint, resulting in not knowing what happened later.

As soon as the Great Sage waved his hand, Thunder Tribulation disappeared, and Cook asked, "Master, didn't it mean that Thunder Tribulation cannot be disturbed, so that people who interfere with it will suffer thunder Tribulation?"

"Haha, Lei Jie, I still want to." The Great Saint said with a smile.

"You use your wine gourd to test this wine." The Great Sage continued.

Cook just put the wine gourd on his back. There is no way. The wine gourd that is more than a foot long is not very beautiful when it falls behind his back.

"Okay, okay, nine-grade ten thousand-year-old jade bamboo shoots immortal wine." Cook took the wine gourd and poured it down, then Cook screamed.

When the Great Sage heard this, his face was also happy, but then Cook cried out: "Master, this wine can actually be transformed into an eighty-grade ten thousand-year-old jade bamboo shoot fairy wine."

"Of course, this is Jiu Xian's baby, but for the eighth rank, it will take a lot of time." The Great Sage said.

"It will take five hundred years, but the highest is the eighth rank." Cook nodded and said.

"Using spirit stones, in fact, there are things similar to time barriers inside." The Great Sage waved his hand, and a pile of top quality spirit stones was placed in front of Cook's eyes.

Cook looked at the best spirit stone and kept swallowing his saliva. You must know that Cook has been doing business with the Great World School for so long, and his income is also one million high-grade spirit stones. However, the best spirit stone has been heard of. All schools have Will not sell the best spirit stones.

"I want to, I'll give you ten top-quality spirit stones for a catty of immortal wine in the future." The Great Sage looked at Cook with a smile.

"Fifty yuan." Cook heard this and instinctively bargained.

"One hundred yuan, eight-pin immortal wine." The Dasheng increased the price instead.

"Wait, let me first try to see how many spirit stones are needed." Cook didn't use the top-grade spirit stones, but the low-grade ones.

A yellow halo appeared from the wine gourd, and the spirit stone touched by the halo disappeared.

"Damn it." But when Cook looked at it and found 10,000 lower-grade spirit stones, it actually increased the wine-making time inside by one year, that is, five million lower-grade spirit stones were needed. Cook estimated. Maybe he couldn't make a loss now, so he took out the lower-grade spirit stone, and the upper-grade spirit stone was taken out all at once. Cook's mind was only concerned with the progress of time.

Within ten minutes, Cook learned that the fairy wine in this wine gourd had reached the eighth grade.

"This..." When Cook poured out the eight-pin immortal wine, there was at least a dozen catties of immortal wine, but now it's only about two or two.

"Okay." The great sage looked at the eight-pin immortal wine, his saliva was about to drain. You must know that the great sage really likes to drink, the kind of wine that has drunk good wine and then drank inferior wine every day, and who suddenly encounters good wine, who salivas It must flow down.

"Huh." Cook can't do this business now. In theory, the spiritual energy of the same volume of the best spirit stone is only hundreds of times the content of the lower grade spirit stone, but why is the value of the best spirit stone so high.

Because the best spirit stones contain more spiritual power and are more refined, so that the power of the formation can be raised several times and last longer, so the best spirit stones are generally used by each sect to prepare for protection. What is used on the mountain front is the war reserve.

The yellow color of Cook's wine gourd has changed a little, and there are two spaces inside Cook. Cook has a guess in his heart that this spirit stone has been absorbed by the wine gourd.

"How about, Cook, do you not do this business?" The great sage has Lingshi in his hand, kidding, occupying the first hole of heaven and blessing in name, and there is still a lack of Lingshi.

"I don't want a spirit stone, I want a spirit medicine." Of course, Cook is not a fool. The best spirit stone is what Cook uses for it. In the human world, when Cook takes it out, he is afraid that he will suffer disaster. , When Cook is not using it, the only thing useful to Cook is the elixir.

"Yeah. The Huaguoshan Elixir Warehouse will let you keep it, but you need to give me a pound of eight-grade fine wine a month." Dasheng nodded and said.

"Okay." Of course, Cook knows the Huaguoshan Elixir Warehouse, where there are tens of thousands of monkey monsters, obviously also under Cook's command.

"Then let's get a catty first." The Great Sage unceremoniously put away the two or eight products of immortal wine, and then ordered.

What could Cook say, and then the Great Sage said again: "In the future, the wine-storage cave will also be under your jurisdiction, and nothing else, this time the League will need the Jiupin Immortal Wine."

"Yes." It is impossible for Cook to object at all. How big is the wine cave, which stretches for hundreds of miles, and it is all large and small wine pools. Although most of them are spirit wines of hundreds of years, they are brewed by elixir. There are not many spirit wines, after all, only the great sage and the monkey two monkeys are eligible to drink the Wannian spirit wine, and other monkey demons can only drink other spirit wines according to their level.

It’s not that the great sage is stingy, or the saying, is Wannianling wine good, okay, Jiupinxian wine is good, good, but if Cook doesn’t know what is good or bad, go to drink Jiupinxian wine, not to burst into death. It is where the drunk died, the fairy spirit contained in the wine is good, good, but for Cook, the fairy spirit is in the body, and Cook's body does not know how much damage he will suffer.

Of course, the amount of flat peaches is too small to have much effect. Even so, if one eats one, Cook will feel a bulging body.

As for the ginseng fruit, it works on the soul, so it doesn't affect the body much.

Suddenly, Cook took over the wine cave in Huaguo Mountain. Of course, the monkey and the two monkeys would not say anything. They also reprimanded the monkey demon in the wine cave. If you don’t listen to Cook’s words, they will kill them directly. The elixir warehouse. When Cook opened the warehouse, he saw a mountain of elixir. Except for the monkey demon gate used to make wine, all the others were piled here.

The statements made by the monkey and the monkey made the other monkey demon in awe of Cook. Of course, the monkey and the monkey must please Cook, the fairy wine, the fairy wine, how could the monkey and the monkey offend Cook? For the Monkey and the Monkey, the Tibetan wine cave will never be managed once for hundreds of years.

Of course, Cook would not personally manage it. Naturally, the old monkey demon will continue to manage it. Anyway, no matter what happens, Cook has no responsibility. The only unfortunate ones are the monkey demon.

Cook's mind is on the side of the elixir warehouse. As for the wine cave, Cook asks the monkey demon to distill the elixir. As for the great sage's fairy wine, that is what Cook needs to prepare himself.

"Too many." The elixir warehouse is in the cave, but there are enchantments in the cave, the elixir of eternal life, the elixir of millennium, and there is no elixir of elixir. It is piled up like a mountain, and a cave with a length of more than ten miles is more than twenty high. It’s more than 30 meters wide. It’s a huge wooden box. The wood is made of Wannian spirit wood. Then each box is filled with it. These boxes are made out of the whole spirit wood, like a big circle. It’s the same as the bath tub, this is the box the monkey demon talk about, and the lid is also the lid of the eternal wood.

Wannian Spirit Wood is used to store elixir, which is better than jade. Jade only isolates the loss of spiritual energy, but spiritual wood can slowly nourish the elixir. Not only will it not be lost, it also maintains the properties of the elixir.

Of course, in the human world, how do you say that the 10,000-year spiritual wood is made of 10,000-year spiritual wood. It has thick fingers and one foot long. It probably needs a low-grade spiritual stone. These are also made of spiritual wood powder. , That is, those branches and so on, as for the huge, whole piece of spirit wood that Cook saw, it was equivalent to the value of spirit stones of the same volume.

Spirit woods are used for many purposes. They can be used to directly depict formations as magical tools, can also be used to make wooden symbols, and can also be made into other things. Anyway, they are very valuable.

For these elixir, Cook wanted to empty this place, but it was not kind. In the end, Cook didn't take the elixir of thousands of years. Instead, he took some elixir of thousands of years. What he was doing was of course alchemy.

"There is such a huge warehouse of elixir, if my alchemy has not grown, then I am an idiot." Kuk is actually very smart, and Cook uses this as his own warehouse.

Then Cook didn't refine the alchemy first, but began to wonder why this spirit wine became immortal wine after being distilled a few times, or was there any connection between spirit energy and spirit energy.

In the alchemy furnace, Cook began to distill the spirit wine again. The spirit wine began to distill at the temperature generated by the spirit stone excitement array. The temperature was random, because the age of these spirit wines was different, and the ratio of raw materials was not itchy, resulting in stickiness. The quality and other aspects are different, so the temperature will change slightly.

"No problem?" After five distillations, that is, after five revolutions in the pill furnace, Cook observed the spirit wine in the pill furnace. The purity was increased many times, and the volume was reduced many times. This is inevitable.

"Huh!" But when Cook opened the pill furnace, a layer of robbery cloud began to form above the pill furnace. Just above the pill furnace, there was only a large white cloud on the futon, and there was a crackling sound inside the cloud.

"Don't worry." The Great Sage's voice rang.

Of course Cook wasn't worried. A small blue lightning hit the pill furnace, but nothing else happened. In this way, the wine in the pill furnace was another nine-pin immortal wine.

"Nine-pin Wannian Huangjing aging fairy wine, the highest can reach seven-pin inferior." Cook got the news after filling the wine with wine gourd.

"Aging?" The Great Sage also obviously heard two different words that Cook said.

"Yes, the last nine-pin Wannian jade bamboo shoot fairy wine was not aged." Cook nodded.

"Temporarily put it in your wine gourd and save it." The Great Sage said.

Cook nodded. In the scene just now, Cook didn't understand at all. There is no change in the spirit wine in the pill furnace. Why is it that after opening it, after passing thunder tribulation, it is immortal wine?

So Cook refining again, and it is still very smooth. In fact, a few turns of spirit wine is relatively simple, because the temperature fluctuation is not very large, and there is a certain temperature difference, unlike alchemy, but also pay attention to the nature of each other.

"Could it be that after countless years of aging, this spirit wine has long been reconciled with yin and yang, and reached the perfect ratio. Just like alchemy, refining the elixir also requires calculating the five elements to achieve yin and yang harmony?" Thinking of this, Cook A move in my heart seemed to reveal the truth.

Once again, it went smoothly. Cook's spirit was observing the spirit wine. This time Cook did not treat the spirit wine as the spirit wine, but looked at it in front of the alchemy pill.

Under the surprised gaze of the Great Sage, Cook actually used the alchemy of alchemy, but this is the alchemy of the public, mainly for collecting alchemy.

The spiritual power of the magic circle in the pill furnace was still fluctuating under Cook's pill formula, and even the spirit wine began to change, becoming a little agile.

"Out of Dan." Cook reached out and patted the Dan furnace.

A jade-like spirit wine spurted out, and this time Jieyun took up more than half of the cave, and it was still a dark purple cloud with some red colors inside.

"Qingye jade liquid!" The big sage's eyeballs almost fell off. This kind of jade-like spirit wine, but the big sage drank a lot. This is the fairy wine that was drunk at the flat peach conference in the heavens. Yuye.

Of course, Thunder Tribulation didn't generate any power under the eyelids of the Great Sage. One after another, the Thunder Tribulation, the Fire Tribulation fell down, and reached the Qiongye Yuye, and nothing was born.

But after the thunder tribulation, the jade-like pike became more crystal clear, it looked like the best white jade ~www.novelmtl.com~ but it was liquid again, and there was still a vague flow of fragrance.

"Fifth Grade Qiongye Yuye." Cook also felt something wrong, holding the wine gourd and just aiming at the suspended wine liquid, the wine gourd was automatically absorbed in it, and Cook also knew the name this time.

"Damn it, the old wine fairy lied to us in the past, saying how rare and rare this jade liquid is. It turned out to be made from ordinary spirit wine." The Great Sage was very dissatisfied with the former wine fairy in Heaven.

"Master, fifth grade." Cook looked at the Great Sage and blinked.

The great saint saw Cook doing this and knocked on Cook's head: "Why, what benefits do you want?"

"No, I just confess my good wishes to Master." Cook's body is very strong, but the tears from being knocked down under the proud sage's fingers.

"You, hurry up and see how those monkey monsters make wine. The wine gourd can not only store immortal wine, but also make wine." The Great Sage said angrily.

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