A Unique Hunter

Chapter 162: Reverse the "second more"

Sorry, it's late!

Manli is full of hatred in her heart. Manli is the biological daughter of the fortress commander Danif. Manli is also a believer in the Temple of the Night Lady. This time, Bishop Levy came to help Danif obtain the last treasure in the ruins. Yes, I saw Manli, so Bishop Levy hinted that Danif wanted Manli to be his personal guard. In fact, he was his woman. Bishop Levy was powerful and was one of the thirteen archbishops of the temple. So Danif did not hesitate to count on Manli, and then personally ordered someone to feed Manli to Lulu. Dew is a very expensive aphrodisiac, and it is a magical potion, which cannot be exempted.

Manly saw Cook who was knocked out, turned around and left, but the restlessness from the inside of her body made her stop, and she put on a dress indiscriminately, and then picked him up. , When Manli came into contact with Cook's strong body, she actually had the urge to take off Cook's clothes.

"Damn!" Manli cursed secretly. Although Manli had heard of the sordidness in the temple, it happened to herself. Manli felt that she could not bear it, especially her father, who actually exchanged herself for the temple. Manly could not accept the verbal promise of the famous old stallion Maliwei.

Manli came out of the tent carefully. Manli was very familiar with everything here. Although many fortress guards saw Manli, they just nodded slightly to Manli. Manli felt the heat of Cooke's body. , I can't wait to take off her clothes immediately, but Manli still holds on, trying hard to use the strength of the pressure to show her desire.

However, if you want to reveal this magic potion, the more you run the vindictiveness, the stronger the effect and the faster the attack. Manli has only one thought in her mind: "Leave, leave far away!"

Manli didn't know how to get out of the camp. Manli summoned her own mount Earth Dragon. Obviously, Manli had a large pet space on her body, and the huge Earth Dragon appeared in front of her instantly.

"Go!" Manli felt itchy and hot all over. Manli knew that the effect of the drug had taken place. The longer it was suppressed, the stronger the outbreak would be. When the earth dragon saw Manli, he wagged his tail affectionately and watched. When I arrived at Cook, I was even more excited and ran like a joke.

On the other hand, Xiao Lei in the underground base felt an unusual aura, frowned and sensed it, and then gave the order using the unique communication method of the dragon clan, so the huge body of the earth dragon turned a corner towards the other. Moving forward, Xiao Lei continued to snuggle in Connie's suspicion, playing with the two snow-white peaks, squinting her eyes with a look of enjoyment.

Cook was awakened by a strange feeling. When Cook opened his eyes, he was completely stunned, because a woman was madly galloping on him, and the two towering twin peaks kept under the shining starlight. He was jumping up and down, and the bursts of pleasure made Cook almost think he was dreaming.

"My God, have you bid farewell to a virgin in such a way for more than 40 years in two lives?" Cook wailed in his heart.

Looking at Manli on her body, Cook knew that nothing was right to say now, so Cook pushed hard, and then hard pressed the woman under her body, and Manli was completely drugged Confused, Manly couldn't help not resisting Cook's savage sprint, and she worked hard to cater to it.

"What's your name?" An hour later, Cook and Manly both slumped down. Cook crawled on Manly, feeling the amazing elasticity of the woman's chest, and he was about to move again. At this time Cook Yu Manli had left the earth dragon's back a long time ago. Although Cook was on it when he woke up, he soon discovered where he was, so he moved the battlefield. As for the earth dragon, it was far away. Happily playing with a five-meter-long tabby cat.

"Humph!" Manli pushed Cooke away and picked up the clothes next to him, only to find that the clothes were broken into strips, and the space ring and weapons on Manli were gone. Obviously her father was for safety. Consider, but not your own safety.

"Wipe!" Cook was pushed by Manli, and a foul language burst in her heart. This woman is really true.

But when he saw Manli bowing down looking for clothes, revealing her attractive back and the looming privacy, Cook picked up Manli, then pressed it down fiercely, and shouted: " You unreasonable woman, do whatever you want, Lao Tzu's women must listen to Lao Tzu!"

"Lao Tzu's women should listen to Lao Tzu!" This is the language most commonly used by Cook's other father. Although Cook knows how much his father loves his mother in private, in front of outsiders, Father is always the master of the house. Cook always regarded his father's words as his goal when he was very young. When Cook understood, Cook found that he actually had the idea of ​​a big man, and he had developed it. This character.

"You!" Manli was taken aback by Cook's sudden attack, and then she was about to fight back fiercely. However, due to the initial personnel and the desire to reveal too much fighting spirit, her physical strength was even worse. Manli was also surprised by Cook’s powerful strength, but then Cook’s actions stimulated the residual medicinal power in Manli’s body. Manli found that she was hugging the young boy’s neck tightly, and worked hard to cater to it. Cook's brute force crashed.

An hour later, Cook looked at Manly, who was limp under him, and an unclear feeling flooded into Cook's heart. Star Knight, Star Knight, what happened to him, he was still riding by Lao Tzu, and Cook discovered This is actually a sense of accomplishment, and Cook was stunned by his own thoughts.

"Do I have an abnormal tendency?" Cook played with Manli's elastic waist ~www.novelmtl.com~ and the two soft and elastic meat **** on the chest. This feeling made Cook reluctant to give up.

"Smack! Enough, if you don't want to die, let's leave as soon as possible, I'll tell you..." Manli snapped Cook's messy hand. Manly was in a mess and didn't know how to face Ku K, so Manly decided to leave Cook temporarily and escape first.

"Shut up, you will be my woman from now on. If you hear no, Lao Tzu's woman will listen to Lao Tzu from now on!" Cook shouted immediately. Cook felt that he looked like his father on earth, very imposing .

"Fuck! Your woman, okay! But do you think you are a second-level hunter worthy of my star knight?" Manly patted Cook's hand, because Cook's hand touched it again. Then Manli asked softly.

"Why don't you deserve it? We want money, people, strength, eh, isn't I still young?" Cook immediately jumped up, then took out a set of samurai suit from the space ring and handed it to Man Li, she also took out a set of her own, no way, Xiaolei used to tear clothes faster than buy them.

Manli put on a samurai uniform, and made Cook swallow her saliva involuntarily. Then she said disdainfully: "Money, how much money do you have? Ten, one hundred magic coins? People, just you. There are still people in the second-level hunter? But yours is not too small!" The last sentence Manli looked inside Cook's crotch.

"You! You woman wait for me! Xiao Huang, come here!" Cook shouted loudly.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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