A Unique Hunter

Chapter 154: Describing the Magic Array "No. 3"

Yacuo hadn’t answered yet, Baglu took the lead in cleaning up with twenty-eight tall ogres, including himself. Yacuo saw that the guys like Baglu directly discarded the things belonging to the tribe. On the ground, and then smashed, he immediately ordered loudly: "Quickly, take out all your own things, or they will be smashed by these damned guys."

Therefore, the cleaning speed is extremely fast, and Cook also took out more than a hundred exquisite throwing guns. This was originally prepared by Cook himself, but now Cook has rewarded Yacuo. After all, more than 300 people in this tribe are considered themselves. Yacuo’s mouth burst when he saw that Cook was so generous, but with that long fangs, dark skin, looking at the incomparable ferocious, more than 300 roots were made by dwarves. This is a very professional weapon. It is not a low-quality product made by yourself. Yacuo clearly remembers that in the Troll King City, such a spear can be exchanged for ten extremely strong clansmen. There are also among the trolls. War, this is because of the different beliefs between trolls. Just like humans, the three hundred shot guns were in the hands of his tribe. Yacuo was already muttering in his heart: "The **** Luotuo tribe actually provokes itself five times and three times. Is it a surprise attack? My daughter is pretty, it’s not bad to **** it back and be the fifth wife!"

And Cook's move truly subdued the entire troll tribe. The eyes of those trolls who looked at Cook were full of worship instead of the anger just now. Worshiping the strong is the common rule of these tribes.

And Cook looked at the uneven ground and frowned. Knowing that the ground needs to be extremely flat to describe the magic circle, Cook looked around and found no one capable of doing this. Cook couldn't help but sighed: " These guys are strong enough, but they can't fight against them!"

Cook’s subsequent actions shocked everyone present. The six-meter-five-meter giant Ghost Slashing Sword suddenly appeared in Cook’s hand. Cook wielded the huge Ghost Slashing Sword with one hand on the ground. Go' Keng! Keng! ’Shovel up.

"Kang Dang!" Seeing the scene before him, Baghru's two huge swords fell to the ground. Baghru looked at the two proud giant swords in his hand. The difference between a toothpick and a kitchen knife in front of the ghost sword is basically the difference between a toothpick and a kitchen knife. The two pairs of small eyes are full of doubts, but seeing Xiao Lei, Bagru has an extremely absurd thought in his mind: "Is the master really a humanoid? Warcraft?"

Even Connie was taken aback. The orcs dropped their jaws to the ground. They all looked at each other's weapons, which were only three meters long. They were only half of Cook's length. As for talking about teeth, they were all over now. In a cold sweat, thinking of Cook sweeping through his tribe with such a perverted weapon, he couldn't help but rejoice: "Fortunately, I didn't annoy the master. Otherwise, holding such a big guy, my tribe would just die early. It's gone."

As for Bell, Besu's eyes widened, as if he didn't believe that this was Cook, but another person. The only person who was calm was Xiao Lei. In the arms of Connie who was snuggling, this little guy didn't bother to move. , But a pair of small hands took the opportunity to reach into Connie's clothes.

"Okay! Yacuo, take someone to clean up these crumbs." With the help of glasses, Cook straightened out the unevenness, and Yacuo quickly ordered his men to do it.

And a group of Yellow Hoofed and Bagru a group of ogres all gathered around to look at the weapon in Cook’s hand. When Cook saw Bagru’s appearance, he smiled and asked: "How about it, Bagru, try a bit?"

"Thank you, Master!" Baglu hurried over.

"Bang!" Bagru saw that Cook used one hand to pick up the Ghost Slashing Sword with one hand, and Cook gently threw it away. The ghost Slashing Sword weighing nearly four thousand kilograms swept Baglu all at once. The man fell to the ground with a dull noise.

And then four huge ogres lifted up the huge ghost-slashing sword. The red hoofed orcs all touched them, and then they watched Cook's eyes change completely. This is real metal. Ah, look at the back of this one-handed sword. The metal palm is thick. It is an orc's palm, not a human. The wide blade is more like a huge door, and the door is six meters high. People looked at Cook’s eyes changed and became a little bit afraid. Only Connie still looked at Cook with a smile. She didn’t feel that Xiao Lei had torn off a button on her chest, a pair of purple. The big eyes were looking inside curiously.

"Connie, put on guard, and the following things are not allowed to be disturbed." Cook saw that the empty space had been cleared, and he told Connie that Connie was the head of the war department. For these minor issues It's just a matter of waving.

Then Cook took out a magic furnace, which was dedicated to the alchemist. Cook poured three catties of mithril into the furnace, and then added some magic crystal powder and some other additives. Cook didn’t recognize it anyway. , This was purchased according to the list issued by the Sky Eye, and Cook is now just a puppet under the command of Sky Eye. It takes a long time for the mithril to melt, mainly because there is too much mithril.

Then, under everyone’s surprised eyes, Cook started to draw some complicated lines on the 500-meter square with a white dye. This action shocked the five people in the different space. She even covered her **** lips and exclaimed: "How could this guy still have a magic circle?"

Cook concentrated on the lines given by the eyes of the sky and began to portray ~www.novelmtl.com~ Inside Cook's glasses, the ground has been covered by countless lines, and there are strange runes, Cook is full of It took an hour to draw, and then Cook took out the sharp dagger and began to trace it along the lines.

It took three hours to portray Cook this time, because sometimes Cook had to add some other materials into the magic furnace, and he had to replace the magic crystals in the magic furnace.

After finishing the characterization, Cook took out a bag of magic crystal powder and some other additives, and then evenly sprinkled it in the line, some places were still inlaid with magic crystals, while Xiah went crazy in a different space: " Damn, **** guy, this is an ancient magic circle that I don't even know! And what on earth is this guy doing? The power of a five-hundred-meter-diameter magic circle is equivalent to a second-level curse!"

"What?" The rest of the people exclaimed, knowing that West Asia is a nine-star magic array master, who is almost unique in this world, in terms of magic arrays.

PS: Everyone is awesome. Ryan has changed three times a day. It has basically reached 7,000 characters. It has been out for two weeks, but the results are not ideal at all, and the collection does not increase at all. I hope everyone can click and add to the bookshelf. Ryan is incomparable Thanks to everyone, these three events are all made by Ryan staying up late. Usually Ryan will take a rest at ten o’clock in the evening. It takes several hours to sit in front of the computer, not to mention entertainment. Apart from uploading chapters, other times All disconnected!

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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