A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 80: Task (1)

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"Yeah." Cook agreed.

There was no answer. What Cook didn’t know was that his request made the youth entangled. First of all, Cook’s identity. Cook is not a real person. If anything goes wrong, he will not be held accountable. When it comes to Cook, it is on himself.

On the other hand, the youth is also very good. The city of the sky does not have a lot of energy reserves, so it closes other unused places and concentrates the energy. If Tianya City is broken in the end, then he will still responsibility.

"Okay." The young man thought for a long time, and finally gave Cook an answer.

After Cook waited for the affirmative answer, the mission area changed. The entire sight area, except for other people’s mission areas, was Cook’s mission area. Cook’s eyes lit up and he began to look around Tianya City. Creatures.

At this time, the battle of Tianya City has entered a frenetic stage. Almost all the combatants are on the wall. Various long-range weapons on the wall are constantly erupting, such as catapults, long-range giant crossbows, magic cannons, etc. All of the weapons are constantly firing.

Ke Shu, Lien and others are also on the wall. Compared with that, Lien and others have a single attack method, which is to shoot a gun, but this is a quick shot.

"Cool." Lien retreated to the edge of the city wall, and then took a run-up. Then the swift shot in his hand turned a cyan streamer through the energy shield, and then plunged directly into the body of a marine creature, and then quickly shot the shot. It exploded in the organism, forming a large hole several meters in diameter, and Lien then yelled out of relief.

Not only Lean, but the dozen or so elders that Lean brought are very conspicuous in the battle, because these elders are very clever and powerful. Although the swift spear is a magic weapon, the bronze giant It is not at the same level when used with the Star Giants. The increase of the rapid spear is added to the original speed. The muzzle velocity of the spear projected by Lean and others is very high, so the speed will be faster after the increase. The greater the damage caused by creatures.

"Patriarch, how many points do you already have?" Ke Shuke couldn't help but ask with envy because he didn't have the ability to Lien.

"Probably there are tens of thousands of points." Lien was also very excited. This place is simply a good place to earn points. Tens of thousands of points are already a huge fortune for the Bronze Giant Tribe. .

"I just don't know where Mr. Locke went." Keshu operates a long-range giant crossbow. Other giant crossbows require at least three star giants to use together, but for the bronze giant, one is fine, of course two. higher efficiency.

Lien raised his head and looked at the sky. There was nothing in the sky. The clouds were rolling, but the dazzling beams of light that kept falling from the sea in the distance let Lien know that things are not that simple.

"Bang." Just as Lien looked up at the sky, a huge beam of light fell from the sky and directly hit the head of a huge creature tens of meters away from Lien, and the creature fell directly towards the energy shield. It came down, but was blocked after encountering the shield, and then slipped softly into the cliff.

"Fuck." Seeing this scene, everyone on the wall was in a cold sweat, and someone exploded with a swear word.

"This was done by that idiot. Two kilometers around the city wall are not within the attack range of the Sky City." A high-ranking sage who was responsible for protecting the city wall yelled, regardless of whether it was operated by a real person.

Two kilometers around Tianya City were excluded from the attack area. That was because some real people directly hit the walls of Tianya City, and then caused the death and injury of hundreds of sages. Of course, there are no civilians here, and more. One time, Tianya City was breached in this way. Of course, not many people died. Don’t forget, the sages can be teleported out, of course, it does not consume points. But before Tianya City is broken, the sages here You can’t use the teleport function. Of course, all of this is done by real people.

"Fuck me, come." But the high-ranking sage's words just settled, another dazzling beam of light once again hit a creature on the wall that was struggling to attack the shield. These creatures were close to the shield, but attacked from the outside. Can block the attack, and the attack from the inside to the outside, the shield will not block.

The face of the high-ranking sage was green, but then the high-ranking sage saw the third, fourth, fifth, almost two seconds a beam of light continued to fall outside the shield of the Tianya city wall, one by one huge The huge creature that needed dozens of releases from the city wall and hundreds of attacks to solve it was hit by the dazzling beam of light, and then fell under the cliff outside the city wall.

Three minutes, it felt so long for a high-level sage, but after three minutes, the high-level sage's eyes widened, and then excitedly said: "Those damned guys have finally got their heads."

Because three minutes later, the marine life that attacked the city wall was gone, and they were all hit by the dazzling beams of light. Now the dazzling beams of light were clearing away the sea creatures.

"Everyone take turns to rest and eat quickly." The high-ranking sage issued an order together. One-third of the guards on the city wall went to one side and fell asleep. You must know that sleeping is a luxury at this time, and the logistics are early. The prepared food and some buffing pills were delivered.

The high-level sages were vigilant at the beginning, but half an hour later, the high-level sages sat on the wall boringly, because there was no low-level marine creature within two kilometers of Tianya City, although the high-level sages did not know the level of these creatures. Occasionally, one broke through the two attack areas and entered within two kilometers. Before his body completely crossed the two kilometers line, he was hit on the head and then sank into the sea.

_ "Half of the people rest." The high-ranking sage then gave the order again, and then the assigned person immediately fell asleep.

Cook’s record has long been paid attention to by other real people. After seeing Cook’s record, the young man with Cook shook his head: "Hey, a real person is not as capable as a child. If these people have this little I don’t have to worry about the lack of energy anymore for my child’s half record."

"Director, this kid's talent is very good, but his mental power is too bad." A real person next to the youth shook his head and said.

"Yes." Another real person also said.

The young man shook his head and said: "This Locke's mental power is poor, but the level of his mental control can be compared to any of you. Look at this data record, the use efficiency of mental power reaches 85%, what about yours."

"I am 40%." The real person who spoke just now looked at the data, and then replied awkwardly.

"By the way, in other words, you need almost three points of mental power to use a little of Locke's mental power. You said this mental power is not bad," the young man said.

"But when the battle broke out..." another real person continued.

However, before finishing speaking, he was interrupted by the young man waved his hand: "Fighting, now which of us is going to battle in person, if you and Locke operate a magic puppet alone, are you sure to win?"

"This...no." A real person looked at Cook's energy usage rate and accuracy rate, then shook his head and replied.

"By the way, the energy reserve of the magic puppet is limited. Even if it is converted, there is a peak. Maybe your energy is exhausted, and Locke has a lot left." The young man saw that the real person finally agreed with his words. , Said happily immediately.

The other two real people shook their heads. The battle is far from as simple as imagined. Especially the magic puppets. The energy utilization rate and accuracy are useless. It depends on the immediate reaction, bad luck, and a fatal attack. Can be seriously injured, of course these two real people do not argue with their boss, because the boss is definitely the winner.

"Well, or let's let you fight against the Locke puppets." The young man saw that the two subordinates were silent, and knew that they must be dissatisfied, but there was no way to convince himself, so he spoke.

"But he is not a real person yet, so he didn't use..." a real person said.

When the young man heard this, he understood. The two people did not refuse, that is, they were willing to fight. The young man waved his hand and said: "The rules are dead, and people are alive, so they just have fun."

"Well, then I will try my best." A real person nodded and promised. As for what to do as much as possible, it is not in everyone's understanding.

Cook feels that he is playing games played by children in general. Although it consumes a lot of mental energy, it is also limited ~www.novelmtl.com~ and Cook can recover mental energy very quickly, so it consumes basic It can’t keep up with the speed of recovery, so Cook’s mental power is still very full. In Cook’s eyes, it’s like children playing games. It’s not too much effort at all. It’s just moving your fingers. (ps: I often play games. Being abused by elementary school students, I don’t know if my talent is bad, or because I don’t have much time to play with elementary school students, so I don’t talk when playing games. As for yy or something, I don’t know, hehe...)

Looking at Cook's record, the youth was also a little worried. You must know that the puppet battle is much more complicated than this, but the youth was worried for a while, because the youth continued to worry about the energy problem of the Sky City.

"No. 58, 67, you finish the mission." The young man looked at a few rankings, and then issued an order.

But within a few minutes, two real people came to the youth and asked: "Director, why should we terminate our mission."

"Look at your record, the attack rank countdown, the energy usage rate countdown, the accuracy rate countdown, the overall ranking countdown, you are embarrassed to ask why, go to the logistics department." As soon as the youth waved his hand, a light curtain appeared, and then he became angry. Said

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