A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 73: Butler's disaster

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"My master is not here, please come back." Mei Duo's butler replied coldly when facing the high-level sage.

"Butler, please let me know. I have an agreement with Master Mei Duo." This high-level sage is also very depressed, because he has made an agreement with Master Mei Duo, and he has been waiting for half a year. How can I know that Master Mei Duo is not there? , His mission period is running out, but without new weapons, he is not very sure of completing the mission, so this high-ranking sage has to speak well when facing a civilian.

Seeing this high-ranking sage like this, the housekeeper said with irritation: "I said that my master is not here, not there, is there a problem with your ears, you can't understand people."

"You..." The high-ranking sage on the opposite side was so annoyed by these words that he stared at Mei Duo's housekeeper with wide eyes.

"What are you, you still want to be presumptuous in front of Master Mei Duo's residence." Mei Duo's butler also stared and shouted.

"What a presumptuous." A voice came over, and Mei Duo heard the words of his butler from a distance. The anger in Master Mei Duo's heart was already very high, because in the eyes of Master Mei Duo, the butler What is what, that is just inferior servants, optional, but these high-level sages are equal to themselves.

"Master, you're back, this person is here to be a mess... slap." After Mei Duo's housekeeper saw Mei Duo's return, he rushed over quickly. The wicked complained first, but the words were not finished yet. , Was knocked to the ground by the slap of Mei Duo. Although Mei Duo is a woman, don't forget that Mei Duo is a high-ranking sage and a casting master.

"From today, you will not be my housekeeper anymore. Come here and send this servant to the Sage Association. You dare to be disrespectful to the sage, and as a servant, you dare to deceive the master." Mei Duo's anger is still hard to dissipate. , You must know that Cook's pills are not of a low grade, and Cook's talent for preparing medicines has unlimited potential in Meiduo's view, and such people personally come to discuss with themselves about the treatment of injuries. A guy was upset, if it weren't for some rules, Mei Duo would have the heart to kill this person.

"Master, Master, I didn't deceive you." When the butler heard Mei Duo's words, he thought of the charges that Mei Duo had imposed on him, and then think about the high-level sages he had offended. The butler knew that once he was not in this position, Then the consequences are very miserable, but the steward knows that there are too many ways to make a person suffer for a lifetime.

"Get off." Mei Duo doesn't believe what the butler said now, after all, Mei Duo has seen the butler's face just now. [A lot of beautiful novels]

"Master, Master, I didn't deceive you. I did everything according to your instructions." The butler heard the words Mei Duo and once again begged for mercy.

When Mei Duo heard this, she looked at the expressions of the high-ranking sages around her, and her heart became even more angry, because what the butler said was that she let the butler treat those high-ranking sages like this. Mei Duo's chest was fluctuating and she said, "Okay. , Ok, dare to discredit me, I told you to treat sages like this, what are you, you are a commoner, a servant, what reason do you have, and what attitude do you have to treat those high-level sages like that, you villain He said that he didn't deceive me, look at this person, don't know this person."

As soon as Mei Duo waved his hand, Cook's image was suspended in the air. The high-ranking sages around saw Mei Duo's hand and couldn't help but sighed at the meticulousness of Mei Duo's energy control. This person looked lifelike.

"No, I haven't seen this person." The butler remembered everyone and saw Cook's young face. Even if the butler remembered him, he would still say that he didn't remember.

Mei Duo felt even more heartache for the butler's answer, because Mei Duo knew that Cook was disdainful of lying, and there was no need to lie. Mei Duo shouted: "Really not."

"No." The butler was very proud, and there was nothing here to prove that this person had been there. Of course, the butler did not remember.

"I remember this person came, and this person told the butler that he didn't come to the master to forge your weapons. The butler rejected the young man with one bite, and said something ironic, and finally the young man left." But the butler As soon as he settled, a high-ranking sage stepped forward and said.

"Oh, you belong to Nugan City." Mei Duo asked with some impression of this sage.

"Yes, Master, just a few days ago, I was here at the time, and I also know several sages before and after me, they can all prove that this young man has come." The sage did not expect Master Meiduo I remembered myself and said quickly.

When the housekeeper heard this, he immediately retorted loudly: "Master, I did what you told me. I didn't even put in these irrelevant people."

"Irrelevant person, who is this person, do you know, this is Sage Locke." Mei Duo was almost annoyed by the steward's words.

"Locke, that Locke." The butler asked in confusion.

"I also asked you specifically. After Sage Locke came, he invited him in. You actually let people go." Mei Duo was so angry, the housekeeper doesn't remember what he said. This is still competent. Butler.

"He didn't say what his name was." The butler replied stiffly.

However, the sage who came out just now said with a sneer: "You didn't ask anyone's name. Locke sage is the legendary creator of Black Ridge City."

"Yes... that guy is Locke." The butler's eyes widened, and he finally knew who Locke was. Isn't this the guy who made pills for his master?

"Come here, take it away." Mei Duo became even more disgusted when he heard that the steward called Cook using that guy.

"Master, master, I'll go to Sage Locke, I'll go..." The butler saw the guard behind Mei Duo rushing towards him, begging for mercy.

"It's late, Sage Locke went out to practice, it is precisely because Sage Locke is going out to practice, so he came to me personally." Mei Duo looked at the butler who was dragged away and said coldly.

"God, **** Sage Locke, you actually cheated me..." The butler was dragged away by the two sages, still shouting loudly.

"Damn it." Mei Duo felt so angry when she heard the housekeeper's words.

"Come here, drive away the housekeeper and family. I don't want to see such an uncultivated fellow." Mei Duo was really angry. After Mei Duo finished speaking, the guard behind Mei Duo rushed into the house. , Drove the housekeeper's family out of the residence.

A group of brass giants are patrolling the street. The reason why the giants can become the official establishment of Black Ridge City is thanks to Cook's help. This group of brass giants just patrolled this area and heard someone shouting: "Damn Locke, I curse you not to die, I curse you..."

"Who is that, dare to make a loud noise." The brass giant patrol is mainly to maintain public order on the streets. Because of the construction of Black Ridge City and the continuation of the war, a lot of people have been added, and the number of civilians has increased by hundreds of thousands. People, of course, this patrol is a subordinate organization of the Sage Association, and it also has management authority for the Sage.

"Who is this man? Who is cursing?" The brass giant captain watched two sages dragging a civilian. The civilian cursed loudly, and the patrol captain stepped forward to question.

"We are the guards of Master Meiduo, this is our badge..." the two sages replied, and at the same time showed their identification.

When the brass giant heard that the civilian dared to curse Cook, he immediately widened his eyes: "This guy dared to roar the street, bang."

Captain Brass Giant said, and then punched down. The butler’s jaw deformed. Obviously his jaw was broken. Captain Brass Giant said with a sneer: "You dare to curse Mr. Locke. I think you don't want to live out. This is Black Ridge City."

"Come, take away, go to prison first, and give this kid a good lesson." Captain Brass Giant didn't care what the guards of the two so-called masters, and directly ordered, the two sage guards saw more than a dozen. The brass giants, wisely did not resist, not to mention the identity of these brass giants, it is easy for these dozen brass giants to abuse two of them.

"Kacha, Kacha." The two brass giants immediately stepped forward, first breaking the butler's hands and feet.

"This is a felon. We are afraid that this fellow will escape." The two brass giant guards also explained in a cold voice.

Seeing this scene, the two guards shuddered all over, and then left directly. Obviously, these brass giants have a certain relationship with Locke Sage.

"Fuck, you won't be more careful, what should you do if you die." The brass giant captain looked at the butler who rolled his eyes, with more air intake and less venting, complaining.

"Shit, the big deal, let's just leave it. I heard that Mr. Locke is going to establish the Outland Legion, and the big deal is that our brothers will go to the Outland to mix." A brass giant pouted and said with disdain.

"Father, father, what's the matter with you." But at this moment, a few civilians rushed over, but these civilians apparently lived very well, rolling all over, a woman with a big pie face pounced on The housekeeper called out loudly.

"These people are also suspects, take them away." The Brass Giant captain said coldly when he saw this scene.

"Boom, boom, boom." Before the housekeeper's family could react, they were put on the ground by the brass giant and dragged away. The housekeeper's family disappeared from then on.

The president of the Association of Sages knew about such things~www.novelmtl.com~ and said, “Isn’t it just a few spooky people? If they are missing, they will be missing. If everyone who is missing has to be searched, then we Not to be exhausted yet."

When Cook saw the light again, Cook felt that he was about to throw up, and Cook muttered to himself: "This Nima is still a short-range teleportation. Who built this teleportation facility? It's too rough."

Looking at Cook's appearance, Rambo said indifferently: "Mr. Locke, it hasn't been teleported. This is unique to the Sage Association. This is the top secret of the Sage Association."

When Cook saw Rambo’s arrogant look, he really wanted to vomit this guy’s look. Such a rough transmission facility was just a substandard product in the Liberty League, so Cook didn’t even look at Rambo. Then he left the basement with dozens of bronze giants around him.

"Fuck, what's to be proud of? Isn't it just a garbage pharmacist who prepares medicines? If Lao Tzu reveals his identity as a real person..." Rambo muttered very uncomfortably in his heart when he saw Cook's arrogant appearance, and at the same time decided Give Cook a lesson and know how to respect a real person.

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