A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 69: Fast promotion?

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The news is indeed very detailed. The name of the city mentioned in the news is Bawang City. At the edge of the known world, the environment there is extremely sinister and there are huge mountains everywhere. The name of Bawang City is from here. You can see the opposite. , But it takes at least a few days to pass. Sometimes the sages clearly see that there are precious resources on the opposite side, but when they pass, they are gone, and they just stare eagerly. [800]

Not only that, but there will continue to be meteorites falling from the sky in Bawang City. To live here, luck takes a large part. If you are not lucky, a stone falling from the sky will ruin your home. Of course, it is not impossible to kill people. Rarely, Bawang City has the most astronomers in the entire star realm. Every stone falling from the sky here is a huge wealth. Of course, there may also be some strange vortices here, and some creatures will be sprayed out by this vortex and fight. This is how most pets come. If you are lucky, if this whirlpool is near you, then you will be rich. Therefore, luck is very important in Bawang City.

The reason why Bawang City is a silver-level city is not because of any strategic resources produced here, but because it is the part of the Star Boundary Great Gorge that rises to the ground. It has always been a place for tribes to compete, and the tribe believes it is part of the canyon According to the agreement with the Sage Association, this place should belong to the tribe, but the Sage Association must not do it. It should belong to our Sage Association. According to Cook’s understanding of the strength of the Sage Association, it must be occupied. So this is also one of the dangerous places in the entire star realm. The tribal warriors who are unlucky here are very powerful, and there is more than one tribal warrior.

After reading it, Cook was a little convinced. As for points, they were already drawn by the point system. Cook looked at it carefully again. Cook confirmed that the vortex belongs to a kind of space. As for the specific This needs further identification by Cook.

These spatial vortices may have been opened by the gods themselves, or they may have been inadvertently involved like Cook. Anyway, Cook still doesn’t know how he came to Black Ridge City, but it should be something spatial. Mischief.

Cook checked the cost of Barwang City again, and then Cook was relieved, because it only needs 5,000 points to teleport to the past, but there are regulations for the goal of teleporting, and it must reach level 5, otherwise it will be dangerous. Yes, this is a hard and fast rule, and Cook can understand that teleportation is not something anyone can use, just use space teleportation. If it is not the kind of large teleportation array, ordinary people will teleport to it, and it will be stupefied. What are the sequelae? This involves the power of energy, the problem of stress, and the problem of energy corrosion and resistance. ()

An ordinary person who is attacked by lightning will probably belch, but if a strong person is attacked by lightning, it may just be paralyzed. This is the power of energy and the problem of resistance. The calculation is very complicated.

After Cook got the news, he opened the systematic training program that the training master gave himself. After reading the program, Cook secretly smacked his tongue. He is a master of training, what to eat every day, what to train, and What tests are very detailed, and there are several follow-up plans, depending on the direction of Cook's growth.

"Real person!" After reading Cook, he thought of the real person the chairman said. Cook didn't expect the legal profession to be so powerful here, but it also shows from another aspect that the energy of this world is very stable.

But obviously the legal professionals here are a group of scholars, and there is no such fighting madman, so the outside world does not know the existence of real people, even if Cook does not ask.

"Mr. Locke, hello." The person in charge of the training room smiled brightly when he saw that Cook came, because when Cook came, it meant that a lot of points were credited.

Cook came after preparing the pills. After all, if Cook was the commander of the Outland Legion, the points needed would not be a bit and a half, and the pill is a high-priced thing. There is no harm in preparing in advance. Why didn’t Cook reply to Heishui and others? From Cook’s point of view, this is a question of attitude. Anyway, Cook himself is not in a hurry. If he takes the initiative, he will lose the right to speak during negotiations, so Cook calmly came. training.

"I want to reach level five as soon as possible, is there any way?" Cook asked directly.

"Mr. Locke, you are against the Association of Sages..." The person in charge of the training room was taken aback when he heard Cook asked, and then answered formulaically.

Cook gave a weird smile, and then said: "If there is any, I will add an extra 10 million points."

"Mr. Locke, this is a violation..." The person in charge hesitated, then replied.

"One hundred million points!" Cook played the cards uncomfortably and directly added 100 million points.

When the person in charge of the training room heard Cook's words, his eyes widened, and then said: "It's only strength, attack speed, and physical defense that can be achieved."

"Deal." Cook did not expect such a good thing. Level 5 strength, speed, and physical defense are enough in Cook's view. Going back like this, the level 5 sage can kill how many gods in a second. It was the dragon's presence in front of Cook, which was a matter of pinching the little finger.

"But this will consume a lot of precious materials, at least hundreds of millions of points are needed." The person in charge of the training room reminded Cook.

"Brother has points." Cook answered calmly.

"It takes half a year at the shortest time, and the sequelae will be left soon, and this requires a training master to determine the plan." The person in charge of the training room knew that he could not eat this billion points, so he said. Cook can still accept it in half a year. Cook nodded and said: "I don't care about those... you mean you need points now?"

"At least 50 million points, such a transaction is not visible." The person in charge of the training room could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Cook understand, and then said.

"How to trade it to you?" Cook asked.

"Direct delivery pills, non-universal quick pills, this thing holds the most value, one counts one million points, if you give points, it will be very troublesome, and the probability of being traced is very high." The person in charge of the training room whispered Said.

"Fine." The price is relatively reasonable. After all, this is a private transaction. Although the auction is higher, don't forget that tax is still required.

After Cook reached a deal with the person in charge of the training room, Cook came back to prepare the rewards for the transaction, and the person in charge of the training room had to contact the Golden City in person. These things would not pass the points system. If so, it would be too much. 2 out.

Three days later, when Cook came to the training room, not only the person in charge of the training room, but also six people appeared, Cook's eyes widened.

"Mr. Locke, we can do your request, but you can improve your level in the city like this. That's too obvious. I think we have to experience outside for a year, and then you'd better not return to Black Ridge City in the short term. The movement is relatively small, and it’s better not to be busy with the witness level, so the attention it receives is also small?" After a sage saw Cook, he began to say, neither introducing himself nor saying anything else, even more so. There is nothing about upgrading.

Cook knew that these people were very cautious, but Cook still said, "Then what method do you plan to use specifically, will it be dangerous?"

"No, in fact, the truth is very simple. It is to use different precious resources to stimulate your body's potential as much as possible. Of course, we will pay close attention to it." The person who spoke just now continued.

When the sage was speaking, Cook felt a mental power actually looking at his body. Cook had an immediate urge to run, but Cook didn’t, and he didn’t act in the slightest, but Cook I was extremely shocked in my heart, and the mental power was released to this level, so what does it mean? It means that there are real people among the few people in front of me.

"So what about the destination of experience?" Cook originally wanted to locate the destination in Barwon City, but now Cook suspects that there are real people in it, and Cook can't do that, so he asked.

"This is negotiable, so, Mr. Locke, did you agree?" the middle-aged man who began to speak asked.

"Well, I agree, this is a non-universal quick pill worth 50 million points." Cook handed the quick pill to this person.

"Okay~www.novelmtl.com~ We will make a detailed plan, and we need to prepare some things. We must know that things that can enhance our strength are of great value. It will take about ten days. During this period, Mr. Take care of some things that need to be dealt with.” The middle-aged man who just spoke said to Cook.

Cook was anxious to leave here quickly, Cook nodded and said: "Okay, I'm going to prepare."

After Cook left the training room, the cold sweat came down from his back. Just after Cook left, one of these people asked: "Could it be that Locke is leaving like this, and we are not afraid of us running?"

"My lord..." the person who spoke to Cook just now replied respectfully.

"Don't call it an adult. My identity must be kept secret. This experiment is just a verification. If the medicine has no side effects, it will be a big gospel to the Sage Association." The speaker is not very old, and looks like It's the same as a young man, but if Cook hears what he says, I'm afraid he will jump and curse.


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