A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 51: Recipe level

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"Um, Sage Locke, the configuration of Swift Maru is not very difficult." The head of the Red Sun Battle Group said.

"The difficulty is not high, I'll go, I would rather allocate one hundred 9th-grade Jinhuan Jiedu Pills, and I don't want to configure such a one." Cook heard this and said angrily.

"No, I will also configure Swift Pills, but it's just not high grade." The commander of the Red Sun Fighting Group was puzzled.

"How is it possible? First, it takes 30 hours to dissolve the energy core, and then when configuring it, it must be configured within three seconds. It is not difficult." Cook cried.

"Dissolve the energy core, Sage Locke, you are equipped with a non-universal swift pill." Hongri asked in amazement when he heard Cook say that.

"Non-universal type, is there a universal type." Cook was also stunned.

"Sage Locke, if it's not troublesome, can you show me the formula." Hong Ri took a deep breath and asked.

Cook was also puzzled. Then he took out the scrolls he bought. When the scrolls were taken out, the leaders of the fifteen and five combat regiments all stood up and opened their mouths. Cook saw these people like this. Reaction, knowing that there must be something.

"No, a gold-level scroll." Hong Ri first exclaimed.

"Gold level, there." Cook looked at the scroll in his hand in wonder.

"Here, take a look." Red Sun pointed to a golden circle on each end of the scroll and said.

"I don't know, I just spent a thousand points to buy it, indicating that it is a non-universal quick pill." Cook has no idea about the formula, and there is a gold-level one.

Hong Sun shook his head and asked, "Mr. Locke, you won't be able to configure it successfully."

"There are only more than 100 pieces of Ninth Grade. It's too difficult." Cook nodded.

"More than a hundred, Mr. Locke, it's amazing, come, sit down, I will tell you the level of the formula in detail." Hongri said to Cook eagerly when he heard Cook's answer.

Of course Cook wanted to listen, so he sat down, and Hong Sun introduced to Cook: "The level of the scroll is mainly based on the two sides of the scroll, not the middle part. The white one is the general formula, which is the level of the pill. The formula, and the white one is the popular formula, which is the least difficult to configure."

"The higher level is the black iron level formula, that is, the two ends of the scroll are black. This formula is not something that everyone can configure successfully. It is also a general formula, and the difficulty is slightly higher. Of course, the level here is not Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 refer to the difficulty of configuration. Of course, the more difficult the configuration, the higher the value of the formula, just like the formula of the black iron level for King Kong pills."

"Black iron and above are bronze-level formulas. Bronze-level formulas are more difficult than black iron. However, pills have special effects, just like detoxification pills. They are special pills and not everyone can take them. It’s a designated pill, just like you have to use a variety of detoxification pills if you are poisoned, and you can’t take it indiscriminately. Jinhuan Jiedu Pills are among them."

"There is silver on the black iron. The silver level formula is more difficult, less than one percent of people can configure it, or less, and the effect of the pill is more powerful, at least it has more than three buff effects at the same time."

"Above silver is a gold-level formula. This formula has been successfully formulated in history, but no one has successfully formulated it. There is also a formula that has matured in theory, but no one has successfully formulated it. It is gold. Level formula."

After Hongri finished speaking, he said, "Mr. Locke, the non-universal quick pill that you prepared was successfully prepared 13,000 years ago, but no one has successfully prepared it now."

"Let me go, did I mean, this Nima second-level pill is too difficult, so what about the general-purpose quick pill formula." Cook finally woke up.

"This is a general-purpose formula, and does not require an energy core." Hongri worked out the formula for the quick pill.

Cook took a look and found that most of the ingredients are different from the formula he bought. The bone marrow of the double-winged purple-headed bird is used here, and there are more than a dozen herbs. The pill after preparation does not use the energy core at all. Of course the difficulty is much lower.

"Mr. Locke, look, we haven't seen a non-universal pill, can we see it?" Tongya and others immediately came up and asked after seeing Cook finished reading it.

"Of course it can. This preparation is too difficult." Cook took out a pill and spread it on the palm of his hand. There was no need for Cook to identify and stimulate. Because of the energy core, there are countless numbers on the surface of the pill. Of course, the people here call it moiré.

"Level 4 pills." After seeing the pills in Cook's hands, the people present exclaimed that the level 4 pills have their own moire effect.

"I didn't see clearly that it was a level five pill, I saw it was a quick pill." Cook only then saw a five-character on the seal of the scroll. This represents a level five formula. Cook has some Said embarrassedly.

The others are speechless, Nima is too abnormal, the first-level sage has formulated a five-level formula, and it is a gold-level formula, or it was made by accident.

"I remember Mr. Locke, you seem to have only prepared for five days." Zuo Heishui Deputy Commander of the Blackwater Fighting Group asked in a low voice.

"That is, I haven't rested at all for the past five days. Look, do I have lost a lot of weight." Not to mention that this Cook is still not angry, and that this makes Cook cry.

The red sun opened his mouth wide. Nima would have such a result if he didn't rest for five days. If Nima changed me, maybe it wouldn't work if he didn't rest for half a year, no, ten years.

"It's great, the five-level Swift Pill, then the Swift Arrow created, haha." Tongya laughed.

"Idiot, you are a second-level caster, you can use a fifth-level pill, you are sure you will not be blown up." The commander of the Aoki Fighting Group asked angrily.

When asked by someone like this, Tongya reacted and said distressedly: "This pill is too high in level and has an energy core, which I can't cast."

"It's a pity, such a swift arrow must be very powerful." Hongri felt sorry.

When Cook heard this, he couldn't help asking: "Doesn't that mean that I have to prepare a second-level quick pill."

"Then trouble Mr. Locke for you," Tongya said quickly.

"Well, I can only sell this thing." Cook weighed the five-level swift pill in his hand, and said.

"No, Mr. Locke, it is a pity that such a pill is sold. You can use this pill to post tasks. I think one hundred is enough to make many people crazy, such as high-level sages, high-level casters, high-level pharmacists, and Behind everyone like this, there is more than one person. I think even if these hundred five-level swift pills are not enough, it won't be much worse." Hongri said quickly.

"You mean my pills are worth more than one billion points." Cook asked in surprise.

"No, no, Mr. Locke, how can these five-level non-universal Swift Pills be measured by points? Think about it, a high-level sage of the same level will take your non-universal Swift Pills, and the speed will increase greatly. , Then how can the opponent keep up with the frequency of attacks like this, the masters often see life and death in a second, so using points to measure this kind of pill is simply desecrating this kind of pill." Hong Ri said quickly.

"Hehe, if there are fifty such pills, I dare to go to any big tribe, even the fastest tribal warrior, don't want to catch up with me." The head of the fire fighting regiment smiled. Said.

Three times the speed, what concept is this? It doesn’t look good to low-level sages, but for high-level sages, although the duration is definitely short, as long as there are enough numbers, no one can catch up with taking such fast Maru's senior sage.

"In fact, I think the level of this pill is far more than level 5." Tongya said.

"This kind of pill itself is not easy to be graded. Level 5 is only the release of energy, and the price of the herb is measured together. As for this pill, it must be promoted. I think it is almost level 7." Hong Ri Hearing this, he said.

Cook threw the Swift Pill in his hand and said to Hongri: "Thank you for your reminder, this thing is for you."

"Ah." Hong Ri was surprised when he heard this, and then saw Cook throw the pill in his hand at him. Hong Ri wanted to pick it up in his mind, but he couldn't move at all.

"Haha, don't give it to me." The Tongya beside him saw Hongri not picking it up, and he smiled and reached out to pick it up.

"Get off." Hongri roared when he heard this, and then shone with dazzling light, and everything in the room was shattered in an instant.

"Fuck." Cook was directly hit by the powerful energy and flew out, smashed through the thick door, and then fell far into the corridor~www.novelmtl.com~ and Cook's curses came from the depths of the corridor.

"Damn it, who is using force here." After hearing Cook's curse, Hong Ri was so excited that he hadn't reacted yet, a tyrannical energy shot in directly from the window.

"Bang." A dozen sages in the house flew out together.

"Fuck." A dozen voices cursed together.

"I am the adjudicator of Black Ridge City, do you have any dissatisfaction." Hearing this sentence, the adjudicator of Black Ridge City immediately turned gloomy, but this adjudicator also felt tricky because the adjudicator could feel it. The tyrannical degree of these dozen or so sages, if they really do, they will be abused for sure, so the adjudicator quickly revealed his name.

"Red sun, my ancestors." A huge curse came from the corridor, making the judge frown.

"Hehe, the pill is still there." Hongri's voice was full of excitement and excitement. As for being scolded, hehe, that's a fart.

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