A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 39: The legend that broke the myth

The leader in charge of identification received some information from the headquarters, and then asked: "Sage Locke, can you explain why you want to do this."

"I object, this is the secret of our Black Ridge City." Hearing this, the president of the Black Ridge City Sage Association immediately stood up and loudly objected.

"I also oppose it." The rest of the sages in Black Ridge City also objected one after another.

When Cook saw this situation, he shrugged and replied: "I'm sorry, I'm from Black Ridge City."

"We can guarantee that this matter will not be spread. We believe that it belongs to the top secret." The leading sage said.

"And once Locke Sage's method can be applied on a large scale, then Black Ridge City can still collect a lot of points." Among the five identified, someone said.

The president of Black Ridge City looked at Cook, and he understood what he meant. That is to say, Cook made his own choice. Cook didn’t understand the point income of Black Ridge City, but Cook understood that he would configure the Golden Ring Detoxification Pill. But one million points, it’s worthy of teaching and learning, and now I’m talking about it, wouldn’t it be my job?

"Sorry, I can't be distracted when preparing the pill." Cook declined gently.

Cook’s remarks seemed to others to be true, but the old guy at the headquarters laughed and cursed: "This guy, he definitely wants to earn points, one million points, and I’m the old man. Let’s see how to teach and teach."

"That's right, this is the Jinhuan Jiedu Pill." The other old man also said.

Cook sorts the herbs, not fast or slow. The sorting is very careful. After sorting, Cook starts to smash. Because the medicinal effects of the herbs are different, after Cook smashes them, he also needs experimental pills. When smashing, Cook used professional observation tools. Because the parts of the herbs are different, the speed of smashing, as well as the speed of feeding, and the time are different. This is to make the smash to achieve better results and make the pills During the configuration process, the responses were consistent.

After crushing the various medicinal powders, under everyone's horrified eyes, Cook sprinkled water into these pill powders. Yes, sprinkling water, everyone was shocked. What is the reason for Nima.

But the proportion of Cook sprinkling water is very small, just let the herb powder slightly moisten. After the materials are ready, Cook starts to prepare the configuration, professional weighing tools, professional mixing tools.

"Puff." Unsurprisingly, the pill that was allocated for the first time made a puff, and a green smoke rose up and failed.

Cook's expression did not change in any way, but he carefully looked at the test record and analyzed it secretly, and the high-level minds of Heiling City were brought up. You must know that this is related to the future of Heiling City.

The scene was silent, and after Cook analyzed for more than ten minutes, Cook prepared for the second configuration. Cook was also a little depressed. Without the assistance of mental power, the only reason for the failure was to rely on continuous experimentation. Several reasons can cause failure, which requires one by one experiment.



"Puff." After failing four times in a row, the head of the Black Ridge City Sage Association turned black, but the scene was still silent.

The old guy at the headquarters was also very puzzled: "No, this kid should have succeeded."



"Puff." Cook continued to expand on the road of failure, and the atmosphere on the scene became more and more depressed. If it weren't for the fear of disturbing Cook, the president of Black Ridge City would have asked loudly.

"Well, now the nature of this herb is almost thoroughly eaten." It turns out that Cook was testing the medicinal properties of these herbs. The medicinal properties are actually purity and trace elements. As long as this is found, Cook will be confident that the configuration will be high. High-quality pills, let alone success.

"Seven products." Once again, the pill was successfully born from Cook's hands. The sage in charge of identification hits with a light of identification, and the seven cloud patterns suddenly reappear.

"Very good." The sage in charge of identification was also amazed.

The old guy at the headquarters also has some tiny faces, but the old guy is puzzled: "This success rate is too low."

"What is this kid doing?" The old guy at the headquarters just finished muttering, he saw that Cook started the largest mixing equipment with pills, and directly added all the powder in order. The pills are basically three to five. , Up to ten and twenty, and hundreds of them are configured together. It's no wonder that Nima doesn't fail.

During the mixing process, Cook continued to add the materials, and the way of adding them was different. Some were poured in at once, some were sprinkled in, and some were poured in several times.

"Hey." Everyone sighed, and Nima was sure that she was preparing pills, not cooking.

Half an hour passed, and seeing that the material was nearing the end, someone immediately discovered something was wrong: "No, why didn't it fail."

"Yes." When other sages heard this question, they were puzzled.

The president of the Black Ridge City Sage Association thought of Cook preparing hundreds of high-quality pills in one night, and then looked at Cook's current actions, and stood up suddenly, shaking with excitement.

Seeing the president’s reaction, the rest of the sages also reacted. They thought that Cook configured hundreds of high-quality pills at a time, breaking the myth that high-quality pills can’t be configured with more than two at a time. Yes, from history So far, high-quality pills have been configured one by one, hundreds of them at a time. Everyone is excited to think that it is the sage of Black Ridge City who breaks this myth.

When Cook added the last material, not only all the sages on the scene stood up, but even the old guys in the headquarters stood up.

"Boom." With a sound, a pill fell into the metal plate and rolled up.



It turned out that Cook was kneading the pill with his hands. Cook pinched with two fingers, it was a mass of medicine mud, then rubbed his two fingers, and then threw it out, and it was a round pill.

"Stop, stop, don't squeeze, don't squeeze." Just when everyone was stunned, two old guys appeared out of thin air and shouted at Cook.

"Damn." Cook was taken aback by the sudden voice, but after seeing the two old guys, Cook was also shocked.

"Prodigal son, prodigal son, it's not good to do a pill like this, you have to separate, separate, prodigal son." An old guy looked at the mixed medicine mud and said with grief.

"Yes, **** it, I should have come here sooner if I knew it." The other old guy also said bitterly.

"Two old gentlemen, this pill has standards." Cook heard this and whispered.

"The **** standard, that's the standard specified by those incompetent guys, damn, damn, if this pill is configured into one, this is a legend, legend, hundreds of pills at once, legend." An old man The guy was very excited.

"Yes, that is, the legend that breaks the myth, 8-Rank, 8-Rank." Another old guy didn't know what spell he released by waving his hand, and the medicine mud actually exuded moire.

"Old gentleman, the edge of the blender is 8th grade, and the middle part is 9th grade." When Cook heard this, he stopped doing it and said.

"What." The old guy stared at Cook.

"Look." Cook pinched a pill from the middle and handed it to the old guy.

"Nine-Rank, what's going on." This group of pills really is 9-Rank.

"The mixing of the medicine mud on the edge is not very uniform, so..." Cook explained.

At this moment, one after another old guys suddenly appeared on the scene, all huddling at the place where Cook put the pills, and after careful observation, as for Cook himself, it seemed that he was ignored.

"Hey, what a pity."

"Yes, I was separated."

"But that's it, it's also legendary."

"But this is too much, a first-level legend."

"Isn't it, this is the glory of our pharmacist."

A group of old men Barabara said, Cook was speechless beside him, and Cook looked at the president and the others, they all looked like wooden people.

"Ahem, I can actually configure it." Cook heard the old guys complaining that the medicine mud was separated. Cook endured it once or twice. After ten times eight times, Cook couldn't help but remind.

"Damn it, why didn't we expect, come, come, and clean up this medicine mud." An old guy jumped up suddenly, and then shouted loudly.

"Yes, yes." The senior management of Black Ridge City reacted. In the eyes of these people, the old guys were shiny. The clothes of the old guys are not very special, but the collars of these old guys On the upper cuffs, there is also a golden moire on the chest, which represents the identity of these people and legends.

"No, no, just squeeze it into a pill." Cook saw that someone was about to pack his pills and immediately stopped doing it. Nima was all points, so Cook kept squeezing his hands together.

"Look, what a long experience it takes to be so proficient." An old guy looked at Cook's movements and was amazed. If the old guy knew that Cook had been in contact with pills for more than ten days, would it happen? idea.

"Sage Locke, can we help." An old guy asked eagerly as he watched Cook kneading a high-quality pill once.

"Of course you can, but just don't squeeze the pill to a larger size. This is all points." Cook wanted to refuse, if he pinched one less, wouldn't he be a big loss.

After being reminded by Cook, all the people present were wide-eyed, yes, what are hundreds of Nima high-quality pills? That is a lot, a lot, a lot, a huge amount of points. what.

"Okay, I'll squeeze it smaller." The old guy squeezed a little bit of medicine mud, then rubbed it, and it was done, and he easily identified it.

"Ninth-Rank, haha, haha." The old guy saw that it was 9th-Rank and couldn't help laughing.

"I'll help too."

"I'm coming too."

A group of old guys rushed to see this scene. Although it was not configured by themselves, the feeling of being born in their own hands was very, very refreshing. ~www.novelmtl.com~.

"President, hurry up, and pack up the pills that these old men pinched separately." Cook saw this scene, quickly drove away, found the president of one side, and said eagerly.

"Nani." The president looked at Cook suspiciously.

"This is done by the old men personally, and it has a very high collection value." Cook said euphemistically with a hatred of iron but not steel.

"Damn." The chairman reacted, yes, who is this old man, Nima personally pinched the pill, this pill is ordinary, it is not ordinary, let alone such high-quality.

"You all come here." The chairman looked at the other subordinates who were still stunned, rushed over, then kicked the subordinates hard in secret, and then whispered, but within a few seconds, an old man Behind him was a sage from Black Ridge City, who worked diligently.

"This mind..." And the sage responsible for the identification looked at the enthusiastic old men, and then at Cook whose smiling mouth was cracked, the corners of his mouth twitched, as for who he was talking about, hehe.

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