A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 32: 1 The formation of a series of positive plots

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Cook can sleep there. Cook now has a lot of things in his heart. The most important thing is the way to return to the gods. Now Cook is not worried about his ability or not to get the artifact, but how to get back. Cook Now that he has more than seven million points in his hand, there is no problem at all in redeeming a few artifacts. If Cook can leave now, Cook will only spend the points in exchange for the artifact and then run away. 800

But now the road to the God Realm is still very slim, so Cook is not in a hurry. Besides, he just charged the price of the artifact. Could it be that Cook himself will be taken advantage of, and Cook is prepared to wait and see about the artifact, anyway. No one cares either. After all, the power of the artifact is already great in Cook's eyes, but in the eyes of these starry giants, it is really small. After all, the individual's strength lies there.

"But why does this casting have something to do with the pill." Then Cook put his thoughts on weapon casting, and I have to say that this kind of monopolistic thing Cook liked more.

But the rules here seem to be different from the Sanctuary Plane. Even forging weapons is a different method. Cook can’t tell that the level of civilization is higher, but it is undeniable that if the God Realm confronts the Star Realm, Then the guy in the gods is scum, nothing more.

"Tomorrow, I must go and see what kind of profession casting is." Cook made up his mind, and then took a break. Not to mention, in this world, Cook sleeps back to the way it was before. It will be very sleepy. This may have something to do with the environment. After all, the level of the astral realm must be higher than that of the gods. This can be seen from the strength of the creatures bred by the plane.

Cook slept peacefully, and the core leadership of the Black Ridge layer had to worry about it. What was placed before the minister was a normal expenditure of nearly 100 million points, which means that as long as a silver-level city is established, The lowest level of consumption requires nearly 100 million points of overhead.

Not to mention in terms of population, the proportion of sages, and trade. In fact, there is no need to say more about trade, because the manifestation of trade is taxation, and the operation of the city requires taxation. Most of the use of Silver City is It is a sage, and what a sage needs, it needs points. I don’t want ordinary people. Even ordinary people can use points to pay, so points are an imminent thing.

"It takes six months for Silver City to be established, and during these six months we went there to find hundreds of millions of points. Eighty e-books/" The minister looked at the items on the list, and his mouth was bitter. Before, everyone just watched When I arrived at the prosperity of Silver City, I didn't see what was behind the prosperity. It was supported by massive points.

"Hey, one hundred million start-up funds are needed. As long as the 100 million start-up funds are circulated, there will not be a lot of investment every year in the future." A sage sighed.

This is correct, after all, after hundreds of millions of points are consumed, trade will be formed when they are released. In the end, a portion of the tax will be collected and returned, and the points needed every year will not need so many points.

"That's right, but what should we do about the maintenance of Silver City, various things, and the fact that Black Ridge City does not have any pillar industries, it is a large amount of follow-up funds every year." Someone said, shaking his head.

"Hey, blame me." Minister, I don't call him the president now. The president has a sad face, hundreds of millions of points, how many points is this, I'm afraid Heiling City's total points for ten years are not that many.

"President, this is a suggestion from the headquarters." A sage took out a scroll and handed it to the president. The scroll was sealed.

"Oh." The Silver City has a certain degree of autonomy to a large extent, but don't think that it can be lawless. It still has to be under the jurisdiction of the Golden City.

"Tsk tsk, these old guys." After the president finished reading it, he sighed. This is the advice of those old guys. The president now fully understands that it is a shame to be alone.

Why do you say that? There are many, many, silver-level cities in the entire star realm. This time the old guys agree that they are ready to kill the monkeys. Yes, Heiling City is the monkey, and no matter what, the old man of the Golden City The guys are invincible.

Why? If Black Ridge City fails after being promoted and is demoted and demoted, the old guys in Golden City will say to other cities that have this idea: "You still want to become Silver City. Have you seen the end of Black Ridge City? That is the shame of the entire sage association, it is to be recorded by history, so please be sober."

If Black Ridge City succeeds, my hometown will say: "Look, you were not satisfied at the time, thinking that Black Ridge City should not become a Silver City, look at people's income for a year, then look at you, what are you Someone’s income from Black Ridge City will come later."

Thinking of the calculations of the old guys, the president gritted his teeth, is that he is the monkey, and behind this monkey is the snickers of the old guys.

"Damn it." The president gritted his teeth.

"Here." The president handed the scroll to the others.

"What does the above mean?" a sage asked after reading it.

"I don't know what it means." The president has been forced to go crazy. On the surface, this scroll is a suggestion, but it is actually an order. The president wanted to squeeze and force Cook, but there is this After the scroll, even if it is squeezed or forced, you must be careful.

After the president roared, he also felt wrong, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I...I am under too much pressure."

"President, we understand." Although the rest of the sages feel a little uncomfortable, in the face of this situation, what is the situation in the top leader's mind, everyone understands in their hearts, not only the top leader, but even the rest of the sages are anxious Endless, why is it because of points. Once Black Ridge City fails to meet the Silver City standard, the infrastructure built by the massive points invested by the headquarters will all exist in the form of debt. This is not just for a silver-level city. , But all silver-level cities.

Yes, Silver City has a minimum standard. As long as this standard is exceeded, I am sorry, and downgrade. It is precisely because of this system that the momentum for the Silver-level city exhibition is very sufficient.

Of course, as a sage, the measurement of points is one aspect. The most important thing is the number of sages. The minimum number of sages in Silver City must reach 300,000, and they must account for more than 1o% of all the people, and it is not just this. There is a hard and fast rule, and there are many assessment standards. Once there is a certain unqualified, congratulations, you will face a massive penalty of points. Yes, the penalty is points and fines, and it does not require your consent, directly from the sage The association’s internal points system deducts it. Points are not hard currency, but virtual items. Although they can be exchanged for real objects, they must first have points, and once there are points, they can be directly deducted.

The president sighed: "Let's try our best."

"President, I have a way." A sage flashed his small eyes, which were full of sly expressions, of course the light of wisdom would do.

"Say." The president doesn't care about it now, as long as the Silver City can be established, he will go all out.

"We can make an internal announcement to let everyone think of a way, and we can give a big reward." The sage didn't dare to say too much, and whispered.

"Heavy reward, there are points, we are not enough points." A sage said immediately with disdain.

The president is also a little disappointed. Yes, he is rewarded now. Who knows if there is a way or not, but who is the president? That is the leader. How can he express his position easily? It is a mistake to express his position easily, so the president is dull. Asked: "Be more detailed."

"Hey, our heavy reward is a real heavy reward. Once a sage figured out this method, then this method will also be implemented by the sage. We can set a minimum standard, and we can give a certain commission if we pass this standard. Of course, this is definitely not public, it can only be said to be a reward. As for the failure to achieve, hehe, we have not pursued this sage’s fault. We still want to have rewards. For us, we need 100 million a year. Points, then we can set 100 million points as a standard, and clearly stipulate that the taxation needs to reach 100 million points, and over 100 million points, such as 110 million, then we can directly reward the 10 million points in the first year Of course, it can be points or equivalent physical objects. We have to formulate an increase. For example, if the tax is 110 million this year, the annual increase must not be less than how much. Once it is low, the reward will naturally be There is no ~www.novelmtl.com~ and the heavy award of this sage is lifted. You must know that the points are still in our hands." After the sage finished speaking, his voice was particularly low, because this method is not so open and upright. .

The other people looked at each other, their faces were speechless, and the president also sighed and said: "Hey, your idea is good, but if anyone has such a way, we still need to help us."

"That is, those who have such a method still care about the reward." Someone asked grimly, his tone already full of anger.

"Hey, it's not necessarily. We can add one more. If it doesn't reach it, then this person will be responsible for the losses our association suffered." The sage continued to laugh.

"Fuck, this is the person you are targeting." Someone reacted.

"Yes, but the last one does not need to be written in, because then according to the rules of the Sage Association, the loss will naturally be borne by someone, and even if Black Ridge City is downgraded, we still have an excuse not to, after all, someone is very It’s dazzling, we believe in someone, is it wrong.” The sage finished.

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