A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 17: Points Exchange System

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After Cook left Doro, he came to the Hall of the Sage. After a series of complicated procedures, Cook finally became a first-class sage. The badge of the sage is half the size of a palm and is polished by some kind of black spar. , On the spar, there is a star, this is the badge of the first-level sage. [Dancing eBook]

Cook's specialty is medicine configuration, so inside the black round badge is a bottle-like white line outline pattern, inside this pattern is a star, this is Cook's first-level badge.

Behind the sage hall is the trading hall. Unlike Cook’s imagination, there are not many people trading in this trading hall, but what Cook needs to pay is the refined pills. By the way, I am here. Cook has points to exchange For the terminal, if Cook doesn’t want to trade on his own in the future, he can directly ask the Association of Sages to purchase it. Of course, there will be a handling fee, and it is a 5% handling fee. Of course, the handling fee is deduction of points, not money, because the sage The general purpose in the association is points, and the others are not recognized, and every transaction, the sage association will collect points, and a constant 5%, so the sage association is still very good at making money.

"Rock, not bad, I heard about your potion allocation talent yesterday. I didn't expect you to have so much inventory. Yes, I thought you were going to use these pills in exchange for money." The sage in charge of collecting the pills sees After arriving at Cook, he said with a smile.

"Your Excellency is joking, but Master Doro told me several times just now, all of which are to be replaced by points." Cook quickly replied respectfully. After all, this is also a bronze sage. The sage's approximate level is black. There are three levels of iron, bronze, silver, and gold. It can be seen from the badge that black iron is level one to three, bronze is level four to six, level seven is silver, level eight is gold, and level nine is What, Cook does not know, but it is said that he has not yet become a ninth-level sage, because the growth of sages not only depends on their own talents, but also requires huge points.

"That’s right. Points are the only thing we sages need. Points can be exchanged for anything. You can have no money, no women, no wealth, but you can’t live without points. Points can give you the most beautiful woman in the world. , Can let you have the most luxurious manor, can let you see hope when you are desperate, in short, points are everything." The bronze-level sage said to Cook.

"Yes, yes." Cook nodded quickly.

"Do you have any points exchange terminal." The sage asked again.

"Yes, Lord Doro gave me one." Cook nodded quickly.

"Well, yes, at least it is of third-grade quality. Our association also has free terminals, but that is the lowest level thing, and the equipment is free, but there is a handling fee, your own terminal, there is no handling fee. Newest Read the full text of the chapter." Looking at the terminal on Cook's wrist, the sage continued to say to Cook.

"The point redemption terminal can not only redeem items, but also view items, but every query will charge a little point, and transactions through the point redemption system will be protected by the Sage Association." The sage continued to say to Cook.

Cook understands, this sage said so much, here is the point. The sages association runs on points, and every transaction of sages will collect points. If the sages trade privately, then it will be a digging. The corner of the Association of People.

After all, the point redemption system of the Sage Association can find items. These are the resources of the Sage Association, and the transaction system of the Sage Association is not applicable when trading. Then the Sage Association spends huge resources to build a trading system. It has become a decoration. If it goes on for a long time, it is possible that the Association of the Wise will go bankrupt.

That's why the Sage Association makes so many settings for points, such as cross-space transactions, cross-space rescue, and purchase of other things, etc., with only one purpose, which is to make everyone willing to use the points.

"Yes, yes, yes." Now that he understands, Cook nodded and agreed.

If he is a native of the Astral Realm, Cook can still avoid this point system, but Cook is a foreigner after all, so he needs to be protected in transactions. Cook is not afraid to conduct private transactions, but if he has trouble Cook can’t go deep into it. First, Cook’s identity is one of the biggest obstacles. Although Cook is tall and looks a bit like a starry sky giant, on the one hand, no starry sky giant would suspect that Cook is an alien. Race, after all, this is the hinterland of the astral world. As for the second aspect, there is no high-level sage in the place where Cook is located, and naturally no one can see through Cook's disguise.

Cook is not yet confident that he can fool any star giant. This is simply impossible. Therefore, Cook uses the points system to obtain the greatest protection. After all, with this system, there will be much less trouble.

"One hundred and five five-pill pills, each with five points, a total of 525 points." The sage who spoke to Cook began to buy Cook's pills and said to Cook.

Cook saw the sage put these pills into a container, and then the container released white light, and white spots began to appear on the pills. No, moiré appeared, the sage said to Cook.

"Yes." After a glance, Cook knew it was true.

"Liupin pills have three hundred and sixty five, each with six points, for a total of 219o points." Liupin pills were screened out.

"Yes." Cook also nodded and said.

"Seven-pin pills, ninety-five pills, each with eight points, seven of which are normal points, and the other is a bonus point for high-quality pills, a total of 76o points." Seven-pin pills were selected.

"Twenty-six eight-pin pills, each with 18 points, eight of which are normal points, and the other ten points are extra points for high-level pills, totaling 468 points."

"The total number of pills is five hundred and ninety-one, and the basic points plus five hundred and ninety-one. The total points earned are 4534 points. There is no deduction of handling fees for the turned-in items, so the points you get are 4534 points." Finally, Cook The total number of points earned is so much.

Cook had an illusion that the sage in charge of the appraisal looked a little jealous. After Cook confirmed that he had obtained the points, he immediately left. The points are stored with the sage badge, just like a bank card, but What Cook didn't know was that Cook's credit rating had reached the silver level.

The credit level is a very useful level. The credit level is divided into five levels. The black color means that you can't get any points to use. The amount of points is like a loan. The higher the credit level, the higher the amount you can use. , Is the same as a credit card.

White, refers to the general, can be worth a little, but there is a limit, bronze, double the credit, which means that Cook now has more than 4ooo points, then Cook can be worth twice the existing points, which is Eight thousand points, silver, is ten times, that is to say, Cook can return 40,000 points. As for the final gold, it is a hundred times the amount, but the interest rate after the amount is also very high.

After Cook left the exchange point, he found a quiet place inside the sage association, and then checked the exchange terminal to see what items could be exchanged. After Cook just joined in, the silver level credit allowed the searching sages The readers were surprised to know what the silver credit rating represents, that is talent, because only the better the talent, the higher the credit rating.

"Task, item." Cook muttered in his mouth, and then opened the task system with his mind. Yes, this terminal is controlled by mind, and what appears is a palm-sized magical projection in front of Cook's eyes. thing.

"Why are there so few mission points? This one escorts a caravan with only 500 points, and it is a large caravan.

"There is also the task of escorting medicinal herbs. It only costs 1,000 points for 300 kilometers and requires ten people."

After Cook saw the mission system, he was surprised, and soon Cook realized that the points are really valuable.

Cook hurriedly looked at the item exchange system. Cook first searched for the 8-Rank healing pills. Knowing that after Cook searched a lot, there was nothing. Cook was a little puzzled. Did he just exchange it for twenty? How many?

Cook searched again, and this time the Seven-Rank healing pill was finally seen by Cook, but it was gone within two seconds after Cook saw it, and it was obviously exchanged.

"A profiteer, a profiteer, I bought one of them for only 9 points, but here is forty-five points sold, and the silver level is also limited, your mother." Just a rough glance, Cook was stunned. Yes, it is absolutely violent, 5oo% profiteering.

Then Cook saw that the profits of the sixth-rank and fifth-ranks were at least three times the profit. Cook's gas is not good, but the form is stronger than human beings. Just like the banks on the earth, it is the same huge profit. You save ten thousand. How much is it in the year, but how much is the bank loan with 100,000 yuan, let alone how much profit those merchants use 100,000 yuan, and finally your 100,000 yuan passes through the bank, then the merchant, and finally you ten Years later, I used this 100,000 to buy things that I don’t know how many times, and the result was that you paid the capital, the bank passed it, and the merchant passed it. In your hands, it’s worth a mess, but you have no choice but to save it.

"Huh~www.novelmtl.com~ I didn't look at it." Cook looked at it and turned to search for other items.

Cook's appearance quickly attracted the attention of other sages around. Someone sighed: "Tsk, at first glance, this is a newcomer. Actually using the points exchange system when Jingyuan is not applicable, this is to collect points. , And the ten points given by the newcomer, I think it will be consumed by this guy."

"No, ten points are ten hours." Someone immediately disagreed.

"You are stupid, you only need one point for a search. I ran out ten points in half an hour." Someone said immediately.

"Hey, yes, I was only two minutes away. I saw a note from a high-level sage, and I read it all at once, but I read less than a hundred words, and there is no money. This Nima note is based on There is a charge for each word."

"Hey, this cheating system." The rest of the people sighed, because the redemption terminal will not remind you to consume points, but when there are no points, you will be given a detailed bill immediately, and then your terminal has no points. In the case of, it is a waste product.

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