A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 11: Sage assessment

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"Boom. [Please go to 800 for the latest chapter of this book]" with a sound, the entire tavern fell silent.

Cook looked at the tavernkeeper lying on the ground and asked in a very unkind tone: "Do I need to say it again."

"No need, no need." The tavern owner just reacted from a dizzy state. The tavern owner didn't know how he got out of the half-person tall wine cabinet, and fell heavily to the ground, but before his eyes The power of this dwarf is very great, which the tavernkeeper has no doubt confirmed.

"Then don't hurry up and serve the wine." Cook heard the tavernkeeper's answer, and immediately shouted angrily.

When the tavern owner heard Cook say this, he quickly got up. After half a minute, Cook took the glass in his hand, and Cook took a small sip, and then Cook almost vomited. Nima was too bad to drink.

The bustle in the tavern slowly recovered, but also, in a place like a tavern, there are a lot of drunkards who make trouble, but there are few who dare to move the tavern owner. Those who can start a business will definitely not be afraid of someone making trouble.

Soon half an hour passed. During this half an hour, Cook raised his ears and collected a lot of information. For example, this is Black Ridge City, which is a small city, and Black Ridge City does not have any special products. Only some common items produced in the surrounding tribes, so the business here is not very developed, you can see the type of wine in the tavern.

The origin of Heiling City refers to the black ridge next to it. This does not mean that the rocks are black, but that the plants above are black. As for the reason, no one can say clearly.

Cook left two coins and left. In this half an hour, Cook knew enough about the price level here, at least knowing how much the wine in his hand was worth. After going out of the tavern, Cook came to the dark The Chamber of Commerce Center in Lingcheng.

The Chamber of Commerce Center is actually a huge square. Here, all commercial activities can be found. What Cook needs to do is to need an identity. Of course, if Cook does not leave Black Ridge City, it is not needed. In fact, here is Identity management is very easy, but once you have to travel long distances, you need identity, because there are many levels on the road.

"First-level businessman, is there any more vulgar name than this." Cook quickly got the first-level businessman’s identity certificate. Of course, this businessman’s identity certificate hardly needs any money, of course, he doesn’t need any money. It does not mean that no money is needed, so Cook still spent a lot of money, of course, it refers to the money that Cook has now. txt novel download

Fortunately, Cook robbed some of the **** last night. Otherwise, Cook’s money would not be enough. The businessman proved to be of little use, but the businessman proved to have an important role, that is, Cook wants to apply for others. In the case of professional certification, the merchant's certification can be used.

Sage, this is also a profession in the astral realm, where refining medicine is part of the function of the sage.

Cook looked at the functions listed in the hall of the sages, and Cook wondered whether it was weird that pharmacists, librarians, teachers, and doctors could be called sages at the same time.

"This is the merchant's certificate that you only got today. You need to have a transaction before you can apply for the sage assessment." After 20 minutes in line, Cook got such a painful reply.

Cooked egg walked out of the hall of the sage with pain. Before Cook could react, there was a star giant beside him: "Friend, do you need to make a deal."

"Deal, yes, I need it." Cook looked at the guy suspiciously once, and then replied.

"Very good, friend, you need a sage assessment, then we can make a deal, you can buy a product from me, and then I will hire people to buy the product from you, so that you can reach it A transaction, of course, as long as it is a commercial act, then there may be the possibility of losing money." The star giant's words are obvious, and that is to do this specifically.

Cook took out all his money and said, "I only have this money."

"Poor ghost, go to death." Seeing the pitiful little money in Cook's hands, the star giant threw a word to Cook and turned and left.

Cook shook his head, and went straight out of the city. There was no need to look at his identity certificate when he left the city. Of course, even if he entered the city, it was just a random check, because in the commercial plaza, Cook's money was not enough.

"Man, how do you sell these things?" Cook came directly to the front of a shopkeeper's shop and asked loudly. The thing Cook was referring to was the herbs for refining pills.

The shops of the merchants are not fixed, and they will leave after they are sold out, as long as they pay a certain fee. The plants that Cook bought with a few coins are just a small bundle, but this is enough.

Cook returned to the square again, and then Cook found a place and began to make medicine pills with great fanfare. Cook had two rocks in his hand. The people around him stopped watching Cook's movements. Both can be made into pills.

"Zizizizi." The two stones were constantly rubbing in Cook's hands, and the plants were rubbed into powder. Of course, there was some stone powder, but that was very rare.

After several kinds of plants were ground into powder, Cook began to blend the plant powder with certain animal fats. The last process was to rub the pills. In just fifteen minutes, Cook had about ten pills in front of him.

The people around were dumbfounded, Nima, this is the pill. It is so simple. To know that the refining of the pill requires an extremely precise amount. If there is a slight error, the quality of the pill will become very rubbish, or even nothing. effect.

A green light enveloped the pill in front of Cook, and Cook was also taken aback, but the owner who released the green light soon screamed: "How is it possible, I actually reached the sixth rank."

"Rank Six, this is impossible." Someone nearby called out immediately, and then released a green light.

"Damn, it's really a sixth-grade."

"Not only the sixth rank, but also the first-class rank." The pills in front of Cook were baptized by green rays, and then someone explained in more detail.

Cook kept silent. Cook didn't know how the pill was graded, but Cook immediately opened his mouth. Someone immediately asked Cook, "How do you sell this pill."

"Hehe, you just watch it, I'm going to the sage assessment, but my merchant has proved that there is no transaction..." Cook smiled honestly.

"Don't, friend, come, come, I recommend you to do the sage assessment." Before Cook finished speaking, he was enthusiastically interrupted by someone.

"As far as your level, I'm sorry to recommend others, my brother, I recommend you, my mentor is famous..." Cook was immediately surrounded by enthusiasm. At least ten people want to recommend Cook, and Cook I'm wondering, is there anything wrong with this Nima recommendation?

Although Cook does not understand why these people are so eager to recommend it, there is one thing that Cook is now sweet and pastry. Since it is sweet and pastry, Cook has stabilized it, so Cook looked at the front blankly. Several people clamored to recommend Cook for the sage assessment, but Cook's blankness seemed to be honest and honest to the people around him.

"This is what I recommend first, you bastards." The star giant who spoke first roared again and again.

"Huh, who made you not as high as mine? According to the professional ethics of a sage, you see that I should retreat. It's an impolite bastard." However, someone was dissatisfied and blushed and spoke to the person who just spoke. The guy yelled.

"Haha, haha, the level is high, don't forget, the sage ethics is talking about the big level, not us who agree with the big level, idiots." The first person at the beginning laughed in return.

"No, I have to recommend it. I won't let go of the first-class pills."

"Hmph, if you don't let it go, I will let it go."

Cook looked at the number of people arguing at ten. Cook blinked his eyes. Why didn’t these guys come to ask me the client? Cook thinks it’s the best opportunity to sit on the floor and raise the price. Some money is also good. No matter in that world, money is extremely important.

"Get out, get out, no loud noise is allowed here." Finally, a group of people who looked like guards appeared.

"Go away, this is the internal affairs of our sages." Cook thought that when these guards came, the situation would get better. Knowing that these sages did not give these guards face, someone yelled.

"Which part do you belong to, the city guard or the inspection team, dare to disrespect the sage?"

"Climb, climb, climb; I am angry with Lao Tzu, and make you look good."

"Dare to say that I'm making a noise here, believe it or not I'm making trouble for your boss."

"What to see, get out of here."

Amidst Cook's stunned expression, a group of aggressive guards left in a desperate manner, and Cook seemed to see these guards in cold sweat.

"Could it be that the profession of sage is very awesome." Cook's eyes lit up in an instant.

"Who is making noise here, I don’t know this is the entrance of the Hall of the Sages." This time someone spoke, and the person who spoke was also a guard attire, but this guard is the guard of the Hall of the Sage, not the guards on patrol. .

"Sir..." Someone just wanted to explain.

"Well~www.novelmtl.com~ I'm here to tell you, what is the situation, go to the Dispute Resolution Office of the Sage Hall, don't make a noise here, otherwise it will be bad if you are punished." Said waving his hands.

"Yes." A dozen people crowded Cook into the sage hall again.

"Brother, tell me, which **** made you have to have a deal to be assessed." After entering the sage hall, a sage patted Cook on the shoulder affectionately.

"That's why I haven't heard of this rule."

"It must be those **** **** who are bullying newcomers who have changed. I think these **** should be severely punished."


Cook didn't expect that he would be deceived, so he did not hesitate to point to the staff member who allowed him to make a transaction. In an instant, Cook saw at least five or six wise men rushing up.


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