A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 210: Corpse Eater

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Cook and his team quickly got on the magic spacecraft. Although the number of people who went to this time was only hundreds of people, the lineup was very strong. Among them, the Temple of Light occupies about one third, and Cook occupies ten. People around, the rest are other temples, the temple of the goddess of nature, the temple of the goddess of luck, the temple of the gods of war, the temple of the goddess of wealth, and so on. There are basically two or three people in each temple, although they are not pope-level masters, but these people are at least. With the existence of the archbishop level, even the dragon clan has several dragons. 800

This lineup is on any plane, it is basically crushing. Divine art and magic are completely different. Magic requires magic and mental power, and divine art does not need it at all. It may seem like a very ordinary priest, The level of the magical skill released may be very high. The only thing related to the release of the magical skill is the amount of the magical skill the gods give you, which has nothing to do with other aspects.

The mana spacecraft was flying in the starry sky, and everyone was quiet, but the atmosphere was a bit depressed, because everyone present knew what the purpose of this trip was.

"Your Excellency Cook, I don't know how your Excellency discovered the King Kong Burst Beast." A beast soul warrior in the Temple of God of War asked.

"Inadvertently discovered." Cook's answer made everyone very dissatisfied.

King Kong Explosive Beast, the rank in the Star Beast is very high, its own tyrannical character, the fighting power is extremely strong, even if the gods run into it, it will be disgraced, so this time most of the temples are willing to help Cook conquer this King Kong Bursting Beast is mainly to accumulate experience.

As mentioned earlier, the whole body of the star beast is precious, and it is the best material for refining high-quality equipment, but the scarcity of the star beast makes each star beast very valuable. The high-level star beast among the star beasts may be tens of thousands of years. I won't find one. Of course, it's unclear whether those who helped Cook's temple have other ideas.

After several days of flying, Cook and others finally saw the huge wreckage, star beast corpses, and huge wreckage of various magic airships.

"God, there is such a place, it is a huge cemetery." A bishop of the temple exclaimed.

"Your Excellency Cook, don't mind if we go find it." The archangel looked at the skeleton that was several kilometers long. Since the skeleton was not rotted in the starry sky, the archangel was very excited. This is a good thing. .

The rest of the people also looked at Cook and waited for Cook's response. Cook replied with a shrug: "These things don’t have an owner. You can pick them up at will. Dance the e-book."

Just after Cook’s words, some people disappeared in a flash, and then appeared outside the starry sky of the mana spacecraft. However, the archangel who led the questioning did not act. The archangel looked at Cook and asked: "Sir, don't you have anything else to say."

"Hehe, of course, some star beasts sometimes pop up in these wreckages, of course it is only the lowest star beast, which will definitely not cause any harm to your Excellency and others." Cook said with a smile.

When the archangel heard Cook’s words, he felt a little in his heart. What Nima does not cause any harm, star beasts are star beasts. In an environment like the starry sky, humans’ combat awareness and combat effectiveness will decrease a lot, of course. Although low-level star beasts are inferior, there is a characteristic of low-level star beasts, that is, the general low-level star beasts are in groups.

Lower creatures in nature also occupy the vast majority in groups, and where there are wreckages everywhere, the chance of being attacked is much higher.

"Damn it, hurry, sound the alarm," the archangel hurriedly shouted loudly.

But in fact, it was too late. Several people from the temple rushed directly to a huge bone in the depths of the wreck. This bone looked like a giant locust. When a dozen masters from the temple rushed here. When the wreckage was nearly a kilometer long, when they used their own means to collect the wreckage, inside the wreckage, a half-meter-sized creature that looked like a ladybug emerged. These creatures spread their wings as soon as they took off. The difference between the wings of creatures is that a bright light burst out from the wings of these creatures, and then these creatures rushed towards the people in the temple like a meteor.

"Boom." The masters of the temple are not vegetarians. After seeing these creatures, they know that they have been fooled. The magical skills of the temple are released extremely fast, almost all of them are instantaneous. The masters of a dozen temples release the strongest. Divine Art, Divine Art almost hit these star beasts in the blink of an eye.

"Go." The archangel's face darkened. This time it was the masters of the temples invited by the Temple of Light. Once an accident occurs, his responsibility is not small. The archangel's figure disappeared in a flash, and the ones who disappeared soon followed. There are more than twenty masters of the Temple of Light.

"Tsk." Cook sighed. For these super-powerfuls, the magic spacecraft could not stop these people at all.

Hundreds of half-meter-sized ladybug-like star beasts have no damage at all under the attack of the magic arts. These ladybugs are extremely flexible in the starry sky, and the energy sprayed from their wings makes such stars The speed of the beast in the starry sky has reached the extreme, and it can change direction at will.

"Zizizi." These ladybug-like star beasts ejected green rays from their mouths, and these green rays hit the magical shields of the temple powerhouses, and the magical shields made a sizzling sound. The magic shield turned green unexpectedly.

"It's a dark star beast, **** it." Seeing this situation, a temple expert screamed in horror.

Hundreds of ladybugs continuously shoot out green rays. After these green rays come into contact with the magic shield, they will continue to pollute the entire magic shield. The magic shield is constantly corrupted at a speed visible to the naked eye. With.

"Sword of Judgment." The archangel saw hundreds of ladybugs surrounding other temple powers and the green light on the magical shield of the temple powers. The archangel frowned and waved a golden beam. The lightsaber was released, and the golden big sword became hundreds of small lightsabers during the flight.

After these lightsabers entered the airspace where the ladybug-like star beasts were located, they immediately burst like fireworks, looking very beautiful.

"There is such a trick. Yes, this dark ladybug is only fast, high attack power, and not very high defense." It's not that Cook has not had the idea of ​​fighting these star beasts, but inside the star beasts, they often There are other low-level star beasts.

Cook has also been in contact with these dark ladybugs. These dark ladybugs are extremely fast in the starry sky and are very flexible. Cook finally escaped in embarrassment. You have to ask, Cook does not have a wide range of attack methods.

Yes, Cook has a wide range of attacks, but Cook’s maximum range of attacks is only a few kilometers. In the starry sky, the speed of these dark ladybugs is at least tens of thousands of kilometers per second. Just ask Cook. How can I hit.

As for the ruling sword released by the archangel, the attack range is only a few hundred kilometers, but don't forget that there are other superpowers in the temple behind the archangel.

"The sword of judgment." Twenty people behind the archangel also released the sword of judgment, and a huge dazzling firework burst out from the starry sky.

"Purification technique." After the super powers behind the archangel released the sword of judgment, the archangel released more than a dozen purification techniques one after another. The purification technique fell on the shields of other temple powerhouses with green rays. Purified directly.

More than a dozen strong men from other temples rushed towards the Archangel's team in embarrassment.

"Damn, human beings don't have a good thing." After a dozen super powers from the temple entered the team of the temple of light, they immediately cursed.

"Come on, these corpse devourers are very difficult." The archangel hurriedly urged.

The powerhouses of more than 30 temples retreat rapidly, but the speed of the corpse eater is not known how much faster than the powerhouses of these temples, and at this time, someone discovered that the magic spaceship actually left quickly.

"Damn it, this is a conspiracy." Someone shouted immediately.

"Quick, quick." Others watched the bright temple powerhouse beside them continuously release the ruling swords, and then these ruling swords continued to burst around, forming rows of gorgeous fireworks.

"The number of people is too small, and the number of dark ladybugs hit is very small." Cook looked at the tactics of the Temple of Light and had to say, very good, but after all, this is the starry sky, so the dark ladybug that was hit now, It is the corpse-eater that the archangel said, very few, very few.

"Damn it." The archangel looked at the beams of rays shooting from the surrounding area, and he cursed inwardly. These corpse-eaters are very difficult to deal with. Of course, if the archangel is in the realm of the gods, there is nothing wrong with dealing with these corpse-eaters. Yes, but now this is not the realm of the gods, the archangel's magical power has been reduced a lot, a lot, and seeing the magic spaceship farther and farther, the archangel's long face is green.

If you fight a protracted battle with the star beasts in the starry sky, no matter what level of God it is, it will be ugly to lose in the end, not to mention that the strength of the archangel has been reduced a lot.

"Your Excellency Cook, what are you doing?" The others in the Temple of Light on the magic spaceship asked Cook with wide eyes.

"Hehe, I am keeping a safe distance~www.novelmtl.com~ before I can deal with those star beasts." Cook smiled.

"I hope so." A strong man from the Temple of Light looked at Cook and replied.

Cook glanced at this strong man. Cook could feel the dark and heavy fluctuations on this guy. Obviously these people are very powerful. Cook said, "Release the magnetic magic mine."

"Yes." The soldier manipulating the spacecraft immediately replied loudly.

A black sphere the size of a head flew out of the magic spacecraft. Tens of thousands of such spheres were released in a huge airspace. The magic spacecraft stopped slowly, and the strong inside the spacecraft could see The fireworks in the depths of the starry sky is the magical technique released by the strong of the Temple of Light.

"Your Excellency Cook, are those things useful?" A strong man in the Temple of the Gods of War asked worriedly. The Temple of the Gods of War, the Temple of the Goddess of Nature, and the dragon family did not rush out because these people got Order, follow Cook's order.


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