A Unique Hunter

Chapter 137: Sam's tangled "first more! 》

When Sam took out a pocket size less than half a meter, the overall yellowish brown, which looked like a bow made of a withered vine, Cook asked in amazement: "This is the greatest strength. bow?"

"This is a master forging of our dwarf clan who obtained a trunk of a 30,000-year-old devil vine while traveling. At that time, the location of the devil vine was in ruins, and even the entire mountain peak was almost razed. The ground is level. The ancestor has searched for a long time and only this section is left. It was originally more than ten centimeters in diameter. It was fired by our ancestors. The highest temperature inside the volcano was baked for several years before it became In this way, because the devil's vine is between animals and plants, its branches are extremely tough. Our dwarves have used countless ways to change its shape. We had to build this bow according to its original shape. After the creation is successful, only the contemporary dwarf king can pull this bow, but Cook, you also know that the bow is not suitable for our dwarves, so it was sold to the magic city, but without exception, no one can pull it, but can pull it. The one who opened this bow didn't think it was a magic bow, so he stayed here all the time." Sam explained.

"Devil Vine, that is the most terrifying king of the jungle, how could it die?" Cook asked in surprise.

"Our grandmaster ancestor finally guessed that it may be that this devil vine comprehended the laws of the universe and left this plane in a human form." Sam whispered.

"Is there really a god?" Cook was taken aback by Sam's words.

"Why not? But your magicians are atheists. We dwarves have our own gods, gods of forging..." Sam replied loudly with staring eyes.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, then Sam, tell me how much this bow is worth!" Cook quickly interrupted.

"Just collect you half a million gold coins. Anyway, this thing has been around for a long time. If it weren’t found when we cleared the warehouse, we wouldn’t know where it was. Moreover, this bow didn’t take much effort at all. We just pulled it up. A metal bowstring is enough, but the material is more expensive, just charge you a storage fee. "Sam doesn’t pay attention to the things at the bottom of the box. Things that no one has ever asked about for countless years are replaced by gold coins. No one will say anything.

"Well, I'll give you five million gold coins in total. I still need five hundred thousand gold coins for arrows. I need bone-piercing arrows, armor-piercing arrows, and fine iron arrows!" Cook generously took out a magic crystal card , This is not my own money spent do not know distressed.

There is an instrument for reading such a magic crystal card in the Wildhammer shop. As soon as the magic crystal card was inserted, Sam asked angrily: "Mr. Cook, I think you need to change a magic crystal card. There are only 1.5 million gold coins on the crystal card!"

"Hehe, I got it wrong, I got it wrong, it's this one!" Cook had prepared it a long time ago, because I didn't know the amount of gold coins in the two pieces was not full.

"Deal!" Sam inserted another magic crystal card and saw that there were five million gold coins, and Sam cracked his mouth with a smile.

"Sam, do you have a higher level of engineering* here? Look at my low level. If you encounter any accidents during the adventure, I still want to take care of your Wildhammer store business!" Cook did not take back the other A magic crystal card, but asked mysteriously.

Sam frowned, very entangled, engineering* This stuff Sam has here, and there are a lot of them, but it doesn’t matter whether it’s the Magic City or the Dwarf Kingdom. "Dwarves are made up of tribal leaders and are called the Dwarf United Kingdom" It is listed as a controlled item, but Sam takes into account big patrons like Cook. In the past two months, Cook and Cook’s mercenary group have brought millions of gold coins to the Wildhammer store. Sam Weiwei Ready to agree to Cook at the first thought.

"What a strong aroma!" Suddenly Sam was attracted by the strong aroma, looking at the crystal bottle in Cook's hand, his face full of incredible.

"Hehe, if you are a little embarrassed by Uncle Sam, then I am willing to make a deal with you. Come and taste the wine I brewed with the ancient recipe!" Cook said with a smile. In fact, this is just for Cook. Rice wine is distilled from the wine made from corn. Corn is the food of the common people. The rich eat food made of flour, including wine, because the corn has a rough taste and is not easy to cook. The main reason is that shelling is too troublesome. The taste of flour is so good that no one cares about corn. Only the black bread eaten by civilians and slaves is baked from this corn. This kind of black bread is not real bread, but a kind of wowotou. So the wine made from corn is also the most inferior wine, but Cook found that ale is exactly like beer and cannot be distilled at all. Only the wine made from corn is the real wine that can be distilled. Cook uses the equipment of the pharmaceutical laboratory to distill. After a few bottles, I found that the taste was okay, basically reaching 45°.

"This is wine? How could the wine be colorless and transparent?" Although Sam didn't believe it, the rich aroma of wine from the bottle made Sam's saliva flow out.

"Haha, try it!" Cook was like a big bad wolf who seduced Little Red Riding Hood.

Needless to say, Sam had already raised his neck and poured it out: "Goo! Goo! Hiss! Good wine~www.novelmtl.com~ Good wine, Cook, please tell me what wine is this?" Sam jumped up excitedly, even though Sam kept breathing in the air.

"Hehe, this is the wine used for sacrifice in an ancient religion in ancient times. As for the name, there is no way to verify it. Only I know this in this world, and I have already made this wine!" Cook said with a smile.

"Cook, what do you want?" Sam deserves to be sent by the Dwarf Kingdom to take care of it. In fact, it was sent by the Wildhammer tribe in the Dwarf Kingdom to take care of the business. He was very smart.

"I need you to provide me with advanced engineering*, the number is unlimited!" Cook replied with a smile.

"No, no, it's impossible. The number of advanced projects* is not many, and it is more of a controlled item." Sam explained eagerly.

Cook said to Sam shook his head word by word: "I can leave the recipe and production method of this wine without reservation, remember! I will give it to you without reservation!"

"I need to report this to my superiors, but can you give me another bottle of this wine!" Sam thought about it, and when he smelled the scent of wine, Sam gritted his teeth.

"Okay, give you half a month, or I will go to the Gnomish Chamber of Commerce. By the way, please send the items I bought to the resident of the mercenary group!" Cook nodded and agreed, and then finished. Left.

Sam hurriedly jumped up and shouted loudly: "No! Cook, you must not give such a good thing to the dwarf gang of profiteers, you just wait for my good news!"

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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