A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 200: Reach an agreement

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"Ten thousand people, how is this enough!" everyone else shouted.

"I said, the need for adaptability training is not just a simple battle, and it also requires cooperation. The way we fight in Liberty City is completely different from yours." Lina explained quickly.

"Our dragon does not need training!" The golden dragon said.

"We also don't need training in the Holy See of Light." The Pope of the Holy See of Light said again.

"Hey, each of you can bring a team of two hundred people. Normally, we will go to the plane of **** for a test. After the test, if you decide to bring tens of thousands of people at once, we also agree. Isn’t our portal so afraid of your use? No?" Li≯∞, w$+Na Yu explained earnestly.

Hearing Lina saying this, although the people present were a bit dissatisfied, they did not object to it, because what Lina said was right. Seeing that no one responded, Lina was also relieved. Just now Lina stood there. On the opposite of everyone.

"You can organize people who enter the plane of hell, as long as you are ready, we can pass here at any time." Lina stood up and said.

"Wait, Mrs. Lina, in what way should this plane selection be carried out?" the person below asked.

"This question is very good. We have two opinions here. The first one is based on race. Which race has the most, then that race is the choice. If this race gives up, then it's a different matter. Of course, since then, we humans can occupy It's a big deal, because in all planes, there are the most humans." Lina answered.

"We don't agree with this method." Hearing Lina said that there are most humans, the Dwarf King said first, yes, according to human greed, it is almost impossible to give up.

"Then the second method is auction." Lina opened the mouth and continued to answer.

"Auction? How could we have so much money to buy a plane?" The golden dragon called out just after Lina had finished speaking.

Lina said with a smile: "It is not selling money, but according to the percentage of profit distribution. After all, we discovered these planes first, and then we eliminated the demons in the brigade. According to the truth, this plane should be us. Yes, but we are short of manpower, so we give up a part of the profit. We will use this percentage at auction. Of course, the situation of each plane is different. Look at this plane, there are more than five million dwarves, one thousand There are two million orcs and fifty million humans. This plane contains rich mineral veins. As for the specific number of mineral veins, we need to further confirm it, and there is also a huge smelting factory on this surface. The annual metal output is Millions of tons, not even magic metal."

"There is also this plane, which is an important food producing area. The light here is very sufficient, the climate is mild, and it can be planted at any time, and it can be harvested at any time. The annual output of grain here is as much as billions of tons." Lina continued to explain.

"When the auction comes, we will issue a detailed report to everyone, and of course everyone will investigate it carefully." Lina saw the people below thinking about it and continued.

The three-headed golden dragon looked at the people around and didn’t say anything. Everyone was thinking about the pros and cons of these two methods. Of course, the first one is absolutely impossible, because everyone knows that the number of people is the largest, no matter what plane it is. , But there are also the most humans attending meetings here.

"What do you think of the temple?" The three-headed golden dragon asked the Holy See directly.

"Our Guangming Holy See tends to be the second." The Holy See Pope said.

"Hehe, everyone there has no faith." Lina dropped a blockbuster again.

"Mrs. Lina, do you mean that there is no faith in any race there?" The Elf Queen of the Temple of the Goddess of Nature heard this and asked quickly.

"Yes. Everyone, whether they are elves, dwarves, dwarfs, or orcs, has no faith. As long as you have enough power, it is not impossible to completely establish the plane of the Holy See." Lina said afterwards.

The temples present were all tempted, but someone immediately objected: "I am opposed to this. If the temple is to establish a single plane, then these planes will be the same as the planes of **** in countless years. I think the independence of the great churches should be cancelled. The right to build planes."

It was the great sage of the orc family. Just after the great sage finished speaking, he felt a powerful murderous aura. Obviously, these more than sixty temples were very angry at the great sage’s proposal, but the others were bright. There are at least a hundred powers in the three temples, and there are more than five hundred people here. This removes some of the opponents, who doesn't want that.

The first to shout was the golden dragon: "Well said, I agree with this. I think everyone can vote by show of hands."

Hearing the golden dragon coming out, the others raised their hands immediately, and none of them failed. The Pope of the Temple of Light immediately stood up: "I disagree."

Lina did not expect such a thing to happen, but most of the people in the raised hands were from the Free League, so Lina stood up and said: "The resolution is passed. All temples shall not have independent rights to the plane, so each of us The plane gives 20% of the share of the major temples, and I think the 20% share should not be less than five Holy Sees. If it is less than five, the temple will be disqualified from entering this plane, and if you agree, raise your hand."

"Huh." Except for the people in the temple, everyone else raised their hands again. When the others heard this, they were relieved. If a Holy See owns this 20% share, I'm afraid that the rest will worry about whether they will be The temple has seized power, and the divine power and king power are in constant struggle.

The people in the temple are very disappointed. Yes, to establish a pure kingdom of God, this is something that all the senior leaders of the temple want to do, but obviously others will not let it. The Pope of the Temple of Light did not expect such a thing. , Isn't it still competing with other temples?

Seeing this, Lina felt more happy in her heart. There are really only one or two forces on a single plane. This is not a good thing for Free City. If there are more hot forces, then Free City will benefit more.

"Okay, it's so decided. In fact, 20% of the entire plane of **** should be quite a bit, and have you thought about it? This 20% just refers to your share of interest, but we don't restrict you from spreading your faith. Right, this is mainly related to your divine arts restraining the demons. If you don’t have these divine arts, I think we will charge you back." Lina saw that the people in the temple were a little unhappy, so she explained. One sentence.

The people of the temple immediately brightened their eyes. Yes, the entire plane of **** has hundreds of billions of people. What is the main purpose of the temple is to spread the faith, what is needed, is the population, and the rest is not important.

"Well, we Guangming Temple agree, and we only need 5% of the benefit." Guangming Temple discussed with the people of other temples, and then said.

"No, because we need to work hard at the initial stage. As for what we should do in Free City, we have to rely on you for the rest." Lina shook her head and said.

In fact, you must invest in a plane at the beginning, and the gains after investing are also huge. No one has refuted Lina's words this time. Liberty City has done enough. Liberty City found it and Liberty City solved it. With the main force of the Demon Race, if Liberty City doesn't bring you to play, that's okay. Now that people play with you, don't be picky.

After reaching the initial intention, the people present signed the contract, and then in Lina's stunned mouth, these people broke up.

Immediately afterwards, the whole Liberty City became lively. First of all, the major temples in Liberty City became the main hall, and the temples bought large tracts of land in the outermost area of ​​Liberty City, and they built temples and temples. The construction of the temple was very fast, it was completed in almost a week, and then dozens of miracles appeared again after the completion of the temple. If there is no miracle after the temple is built, it cannot be called a temple.

With this wave of miracles, housing prices in Liberty City have soared again, and there has been no transaction volume. Except for some houses released by Liberty City, there are no others. And Liberty City is now building dozens of floors of houses. Not to mention, the price of such houses is even higher than those of low houses.

Interested people also find that the number of people in the major temples is constantly increasing. Generally, there are not too many people in each temple, but on the way to the major temples, the most are the teams of the major temples, and this is the case every day.

After the first wave of major forces entered the plane of **** through the portal, they were shocked when they saw the huge steel base and the huge number of magic spacecraft in the base. The metal building was thousands of meters high. , This is simply unimaginable.

"My God~www.novelmtl.com~ Is this your Free City built?" The Pope of the Temple of Light exclaimed, and everyone was shocked.

"Yes, this is a forward base." In fact, Liberty City is very low-key on the Sanctuary Plane, and a bit high-key on the Devil Plane, but everyone thinks this is the high-end power of Liberty City, but the building in front of it shows The war potential of Liberty City is huge.

"Haha. Welcome everyone." Cook hurried back from the Starry Sky Fortress and welcomed him with a laugh.

"His Royal Highness Cook." Don't look at the high status of the Holy See Pope, but when facing Cook, he still keeps a low profile. Don't forget the friendship between the angel Xiaomei and Cook in the temple is not shallow.

"Brother." A white shadow rushed towards Cook, and Cook hugged him. It turned out to be Xiao Meili. Xiao Meili is now like a three-year-old child, but the light energy surging in Xiao Meili makes Cook was very frightened. Obviously Xiao Meili's growth rate exceeded Cook's expectations. Of course, Cook did not expect Xiao Meili to come to this dangerous plane of hell. --22632+dwnhbasua+12621593-->

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