A Unique Hunter

Chapter 134: Refining the Dragon's Power Potion "First Watch"

Cook left the resident of the mercenary group with agitated mood. After returning to the college, he couldn't calm down for a while. Cook clearly felt Connie's affection for him. Cook didn't know what to do? Cook almost knows nothing about feelings. Cook feels that feelings are N times harder than refining medicines. After a while, Cook calmed his mood and made up his mind: "Let's go with the flow!"

In fact, Cook did not realize that his affection for Connie was not rejected. If he refused, he would not say let it go, but would directly reject it in his heart. He would not say let it go. In fact, every man There are dreams of embracing each other, and Cook is no exception.

Cook sat in the laboratory in the dormitory with some materials in front of him. These materials were all the centuries-old medicinal herbs that Cook had purchased on the Xenoplane. Only Ningshenhua was purchased by the Thieves Union, which is actually the largest The stolen goods sales group.

The first step for Cook is to separate the harmful substances in the blood of the thorn dragon. This requires the light magic crystal, and the powder of the light magic crystal is directly poured into the blood of the thorn dragon, but this requires working under low temperature conditions. , Cook bought a condenser specially for this purpose, a device used to preserve fresh blood of monsters, and some people used it to make ice, but the consumption of the ice magic core is relatively large, not ordinary people can't afford it.

Cook did not wear gloves, because the gloves would cause jerky movements. Cook picked up the polished light magic crystal powder and sprinkled it evenly and slowly into the shaking blood of the thorn dragon. The blood of the thorn dragon was light. The magic crystal powder rolled violently, and a faint black mist was continuously emerging, which was sucked away by the ventilation device in the laboratory.

The temperature of the crystal bottle containing the blood of the thorn dragon gradually rises. The temperature of blood cannot be higher than a certain limit, otherwise it will fail. Cook frowned, and with a mental force, the magic supply of the condenser was increased again. When it became bigger, he felt that the temperature of the crystal bottle had become normal, and Cook added the light magic crystal powder again.

Over time, Cook has sweated on his forehead. There is no way. Long-term mechanical shaking of the crystal bottle is a test for everyone, but Cook’s eyes are getting brighter and brighter because of Cook’s The magic eye found that the crystal bottle has three levels clearly defined. The bottom of the crystal bottle is black, the middle is gray, and the upper half is actually green. Obviously, the green is the vitality of the thorn dragon and some other beneficial things. The gray ones are useless things in the blood, and the black ones are obviously impurities.

Cook let the crystal bottle stand still for ten minutes, then slowly picked it up, and poured out the top layer of liquid. This is the first step. The blood is purified. After the blood is purified, the real refining is the rest. Use the wood magic core to urge the essence of the dragon’s blood, so that the things in the dragon’s blood that are beneficial to the human body are stimulated. Of course, in order to make the medicine less tyrannical in the human body and increase the degree of absorption by the human body, add some The auxiliary magic herb is very necessary, otherwise Cook can't guarantee that he will become a half-human, half-beast monster.

Three hours later, when Cook looked at the golden liquid in the potion bottle with stinky sweat, Cook was excited, and Cook quickly asked Sky Eye: "Sky Eye, is there anything I need to prepare for taking the Dragon Potion!" "

"Yes, first, it is best to control the body at an optimal level. Second, prepare a lot of food. Third, prepare a training place!" Tianyan must answer questions again.

"The first and the second are easy to understand, what is the reason for the third?" Cook asked.

Tianyan explained: "The third condition is to maximally squeeze every trace of talent in the body. After taking the medicine, if the maximum training is carried out during the absorption of the medicine, the result will be stronger than the result without training. To 15%, whether it is physique or endurance!"

"Okay, I'll take a good night's sleep!" Cook got Tianyan's reply, so he had to put the potion in the space ring, get ready to rest, and adjust the body to the best condition.

Early the next morning, none of the people around the Magic Academy found a very helpless problem, that is, dozens of breakfast shops around were actually closed, and finally someone who knew me knocked on the door and asked, it turned out that it was still dark. Someone took away everything they wanted to sell at a high price.

People scolded in groups and had to head toward the nearby street, secretly cursing the guy who bought breakfast for having diarrhea.

And Cook is now in the soldier training room. As there are no people in the academy, it is empty, but one corner is filled with countless foods, such as ham, bread, milk, pancakes, pizza, mashed potatoes, barbecues, etc. With a strong aroma.

And Cook is wearing a training suit for heavy armor warrior training, a bloated garment with iron sand added to it, divided into several levels, the heaviest is up to a thousand catties, not only that, but Cook also holds a bow and arrow in his hand. , Shooting arrows shivering while running.

"Can't stand it!" Cook yelled, dropped the bow and arrow in his hand and then pounced on the food. No matter what it was, Cook just stuffed his mouth for half an hour before he felt better. .

"Damn, what kind of bows and arrows are you holding? This belly is a bottomless pit!" Cook seems to have no way to train, so Cook can only use his brain, hold food in his hand, and then keep running laps while eating. , Thousands of gold coins, and a few tons of food entered Cook's stomach within a few hours, and the training suit has soared from two hundred catties to seven hundred catties.

Cook looked at the food he had eaten, and he felt hungry colic in his stomach~www.novelmtl.com~ Cook dropped his training uniform and rushed out of the academy, and then rushed into the largest nearby A large restaurant, where lunch is being prepared.

"Hey! Bring up any food. Uncle I packed the food here today!" A bag was thrown in front of the boss, and Cook grabbed a big turkey that was 20 kilograms and bit it.

"Come, here!" The boss immediately shouted loudly when he saw that he had more than one hundred gold coins.

"Quickly, roast a hundred of these turkeys first, and then have something to eat cleanly and prepare, uncle, I'm starving!" Cook took the time to shout.

"But this turkey is three gold coins one!" the boss said with a frown.

"Take it, I'll give it to you, get something out quickly!" Cook threw a shiny object directly, and then quickly continued to nibble the roast turkey.

"Devil, devil, magic crystal coin, okay, damn, what are you doing, go, kill the three cows in the backyard, there are fifteen lambs, eleven fat sheep, and another hundred The turkey is also killed, and the things that are being roasted. After roasting, they will be served to the uncle, as well as all the wine in the wine cellar and the milk. Don’t forget to add honey to the milk. Damn you. Guys, hurry up. Everyone will add a hundred gold coins today. Hurry! Hurry up and get my knife. I'm going to kill the **** lazy donkey too...!" The boss shivered. I squeezed the things in my hand quickly, and shouted at the servant under my hand!

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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