A Unique Hunter

Chapter 130: Conference "First Update"

What Cook didn't know was that in a room that was no more than 50 meters away from Cook in a straight line, the atmosphere was tense. Among them, Lala, Siji, and three middle-aged people were staring at Siji angrily. , And Siji looked at Lara with a faint disdain, and Lala said loudly: "That room was originally the room I was in charge of, so I should be responsible for this matter. This is the union's rule!"

"Bah, your room, then why did you faint? I suggest you go back and take a rest. If I didn't go in time, you would have delayed such a big thing, so I should be responsible for it!" Ji replied with a sneer.

Lala looked at Siji angrily, and said loudly, "What's wrong with the fainting? I can't continue when I fainted. Are there regulations in the union?"

"Okay, stop arguing. What you want is nothing more than the benefits of this matter. I suggest that the first-class deacon of Siji should be responsible." The three middle-aged men are the directors of the thieves’ union, which is the presbytery. , But not a permanent director, just a director who handles daily affairs.

"Thank you Elder Fendi for being fair!" Si Ji immediately said thankfully, because Si Ji was promoted by Elder Fendi, and Elder Fendi was so handsome, it was hard to believe that this was a thief.

"I don't agree. The trade union has regulations that whoever is in charge of the room will be responsible for the end." Another elder shook his head and denied.

Elder Fendi looked at the thin middle-aged man sitting opposite, and said sarcastically: "Yes, Elder Sack is right, but I wonder, can a thief who likes to faint really appear in S Inside the class-class confidential room?"

"Hehe, what I said is that Lala should not be responsible for the S-class confidential room, but the previous work should be left to Lala. I suggest that Lala be responsible for this matter, and the elders should give it a high degree. And raise Lala's authority level." Elder Zack is not jealous, and immediately countered.

"Grass!" Siji cursed secretly in his heart. Not only did the old Sack let Lala be responsible for this matter, he also had to increase his attention and authority level. Wouldn't this not be a step forward, and Siji could imagine that the union would do nothing. Do not hesitate to set up a special department for this purpose.

"Okay. Stop arguing, the information of the guest has been collected. Take a look. This little guy has a promising future. You may not know that the full-time assistant of Mentor Lyle. This morning, the wizards’ union was changed. A director, that’s the teacher Lyle, and according to the information collected by our thieves’ guild, the last time the secondary invisibility potion came from Master Lyle’s handwriting, and this time it is said that Master Lyle became the master, the pharmacist. ......!" An elder in the middle said lightly.

"Yes, Lyle has not only become a pharmacist, but also found a very special potion, the talent awakening potion. In theory, taking this potion can have a 30% chance of successfully activating the talent, and there is no limit to the number of times." At that time, ten people walked in one after another in the small conference room, and one of them was a very ordinary young man who walked and said.

"Great Elder!"


The people in the conference room opened their eyes and stood up excitedly. There is a 30% chance of awakening. This is several times the magic circle activation, and the most important thing is that it can be reused, and the magic circle activation cannot be repeated. Used, all the elders here have no descendants, and there is no huge family behind them. For the family, to stand upright for a long time, the most important thing is the number of awakened talents. These people respectfully salute and walk straight ahead. I got to my position in the middle, and said, "Sit down. We have just finished attending the meeting of the Mage’s General Union. This time it’s mainly the meeting for the distribution of awakening potions and the meeting for collecting materials. As for the detailed information, only the permanent directors Be open, the rest must be highly confidential, and no one is allowed to disclose what we say today. We are one step ahead of those churches this time."

"Follow the president's instructions!" Everyone hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Take the potion out and I'll take a look!" The president then ordered.

"Perfect level of secondary invisibility potion, very good, very good! You must ensure that the line of Cook continues. Since this kid can get such a potion from Lyle, then the awakening potion may not be able to get it. Let’s discuss the establishment of a special department to liaise with Cook and manage the medicines obtained from Cook. However, I declare that it is not allowed to use those medicines without the approval of any three elders of the Presbyterian Church. Yes, in the future we may have to face an extremely difficult test." The president said sharply. For the largest intelligence organization on the mainland, although the anomalies in the Orc Wasteland are vague, the Thieves Union still keenly discovered some The news, although the orc Gema holy mountain is a forbidden area for other races for hundreds of miles, but for thieves, it is not necessary to go to the Gema holy mountain to find useful news.

"Then who should be responsible?" Director Fendi asked in a low voice.

"Well, the trade union has regulations, whoever should be in charge is responsible." The president looked at Lala and said helplessly.

"Thank you, President!" Lala quickly thanked, and at the same time waved a fist.

"No, it's not fair...!" Si Ji immediately shouted, but when the chairman glanced at it, Si Ji immediately stopped.

"You mean that the rules of the trade union are unfair?" Sack glanced at the gloomy president, and stood up and asked in a deep voice. In fact, Sack was not too happy in his heart: "Idiot, you don't know Lala It is the immediate family member of the president! If I accidentally discovered that the jewelry that Lala wears has the family crest of the president's family on it, I would be kept in the dark! Jump, jump, jump quickly!"

"Director Sack, please speak responsibly!" Siji did not speak, but Fendi stood up.

Now Sack almost laughed three times. I'm not afraid that Fendi won't stand up. Just stand up and see that I am not dying of you. Sack resisted his excitement and asked doubtfully: "Then it means the president. Unfair?"

"Grass!" Fendi had the urge to vomit blood, and cursed in his heart: "Nima, you said this? I still said a fart!" But Fendi didn't dare to speak anymore. It involved the regulations of the union. This is a question of the trade union. Everyone in the Presbyterian Church will be mad, and for the president, I am afraid that no one dares to upset a ninth-level thief. Fendi finds helplessly that he has nothing to say and dare not say anymore. .

Seeing Fendi's appearance, Zack continued to attack: "Then Director Fendi thinks what the unfairness mentioned by Deacon Siji means?"

Seeing Fendi continue to endure, Sack's heart became more and more excited: "A little deacon, dare to yell in front of the president~www.novelmtl.com~ Isn’t that fair, what else? What kind of regulation is fair?"

"Moreover, as one of the council members of the union, I just asked what Deacon Siji meant? Elder Fendi actually asked me to be responsible for speaking. Could it be that what Deacon Siji said, we just ask the directors? Now, I would like to ask Director Fendi, is there such a rule?" Sack continued to expand the attack.

"Also, Director Fendi just stepped up and said that I was responsible for speaking. Then I would like to ask Director Fendi. Doesn't Deacon Siji need to be responsible for speaking?" Sack looked at Fendi, whose expression became increasingly weird, and did not relax at all. 'S continued to ask.

"It's still said that Deacon Siji's remarks were instigated by someone!" Finally, Zack took off his big hat.

"You slander...puff!" Fendi was spit out a big mouthful of blood by Zack, and then fainted softly to the ground. Fendi did it on purpose, because if he continues to let Zack perform, Fendi doesn’t know. What kind of words will this fellow say?

Sack looked at Fendi and said with a sigh: "Dignified directors like to faint. I think director Fendi is no longer suitable for his position!"

Fendi, who originally wanted to pretend to be dizzy, heard Sack say this, and his head was completely fainted. Sack noticed Fendi’s action and muttered to himself: "Since you like dizziness, then I will Complete you! Hey!"

Automatic update, hehe! The early bird gets the worm, at least everyone has the flowers again. Give Ryan some!

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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