A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 123: conflict

"Catch them all back to me. You fight in the tavern. I don't care, but you have spread to the street and damaged the building." A soldier who came in said.

When Nathan heard this, he jumped up and shouted: "Catch it back, dare you, don't know who I am,  I am from the Morris family, I think you guys want to go to the Abyss Fortress."

"Take it away." The soldier who entered did not answer Nathan's words, but said with a wave of his hand.

Dozens of soldiers rushed up, and Cook shrugged indifferently and said, "Go and go."

"Let go of me, you bastards, idiots, I'm the Morris family...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuued Nathan but several soldiers rushed to him and immediately arrested him. , And then the soldier took out a helmet-like thing and put it directly on his head, Nathan could only make a whining sound.

"I'll go by myself." Cook said when he saw the soldiers rushing up and wanted to take measures against himself.

"Boom boom boom." These soldiers didn't listen to Cook's words at all, and continued to charge, but then they flew upside down.

"I said to go by myself. Don't blame me for being rude again." After Cook shot out a few guards, these guards didn't suffer much damage at all, and Cook shouted loudly afterwards.

"Kill!" The soldier who gave the order just now saw Cook actually make a move and gave the order loudly.

"Bangbang." But just after the soldier gave the order, dozens of guards fell to the ground in a series of blows.

"With you people, you want to do something with me?" Cook said coldly.

"Boom." The other people in the tavern saw this scene and disappeared. In less than ten seconds, the guy watching the excitement disappeared.

The soldiers who escorted Nathan left Nathan and rushed towards Cook. The result was still limp. Nathan took off his head and dropped it. Seeing this scene, he laughed: "It's over, it's over, you guy After that, I dared to attack the guards."

"Haha, is it? You caused all of this, so you think I will let you go?" Cook asked with a smile when he saw Nathan's arrogant appearance.

"Hehe, isn't it?" Just after Cook finished speaking, a voice rang at the entrance of the tavern.

When Nathan saw this man, he immediately said loudly: "Manager Pondy, this guy took my space equipment."

"It turns out that there is a rescuer, but the rescuer you called is so rubbish, and want to save you?" Cook looked at the guy dressed up as a magician contemptuously. Cook really disdainful. You are a middle-level sanctuary It's a fart, the guy who knocks down with one punch.

Pondy heard Cook's words and said with a sneer: "Really?"

"Boom!" Without warning, Pang Di reached out his hand and pointed towards Cook, and a black flame swept toward Cook. It was so sudden and so fast that the flame didn't have any temperature at all.

"Go to hell!" Nathan exclaimed loudly when he saw Pondy's move.

The black flame hit Cooke all at once, but what made Pondy's heart palpitating was that after the black flame hit Cooke, it went out all of a sudden. You know, this is a dark fire. I have never heard of it. One who dared to resist the flame, in time, also had a magic shield, so it went out?

"Just this means?" Before Pang Di could react, Cook appeared in front of Pang Di's eyes. Cook pinched Pang Di's neck with one hand and said coldly.

"You...puff." Pang Di lost consciousness just after saying a word.

"Ah!!!" Nathan saw the horror. The head of the Morris family's chief burst open, and blood spewed out, like a fountain. Only then did Nathan feel it. Fear, exclaimed.

"Hey, I hate trouble the most." Cook sighed. Cook originally wanted to inquire about the demons in a low-key manner. Then he knew that he would meet Nathan. What made Cook speechless is Nathan. It is actually a member of a big family. This trouble is not small. Cook doesn't know what to do now, but one thing is certain, that is, the trouble has to be solved.

"Help, help!" On the roof of the pub, Nathan was hung in front of the pub, screaming loudly, Nathan's muscles were constantly twisting, and the screaming sound came far away, while Cook sat On the roof, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

"Put the people down." Dozens of soldiers came soon in front of the tavern, and these soldiers commented on Cook with an eyeful eye, and one of them shouted at Cook.

"The Morris family actually wants to rob my things. This is a grievance between me and the Morris family. The others had better get out of the way. Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite." Cook stood up, and said condescendingly.

"Who are you, this is the golden plain, not other places." A magician levitated from the ground and asked Cook harshly.

"Shoo!" Cook took out a magic hand crossbow, then shot it at the magician, making a sharp piercing sound.

"Puff, Demon Arrow!" A hole was immediately pierced through the shoulder of the magician, and the magician then fell on the ground, exclaiming.

"I said, this is my personal grievance with the Morris family. Next time I will not shoot the shoulder, but the head." Cook repeated it again.

"Bang! Scream!" Nathan was also shocked by Cook's fierceness. Despite the pain, you must know that the status of the magician in the golden plain is very high. I haven't said who actively provokes the magician. When Cook saw that Nathan hadn't screamed, a fruit hit Nathan's head, and Nathan's head was bled.

"Sell, why don't you tell the Morris family to know." Cook said very arrogantly, and everyone around him smacking his lips when he heard Cook say this.

"This is a face-slap, hanging a Morris family member on this street. I don't know where the stunned green came from, maybe there will be one more person in the Abyss Fortress." A warrior said with a smile.

A magician next to the warrior said, "The Morris family is very arrogant."

"People have arrogant capital, but I don't think this person is easy, just take out the magic arrow, this is not an ordinary person, I may have some conspiracy, after all, there are too many people who are dissatisfied with the Morris family. "Someone said.

When everyone was discussing, three magical fireworks appeared in the sky, and then there was a loud rumbling noise from the street, and people watching the excitement hurried away.

"The Morris family is working, everyone gets out of the way." The nurse, a heavily armed knight riding a unicorn, rushed towards the scene rumblingly.

"Since it belongs to the Morris family, there is no reason to let it go." A bow appeared in Cook's hand, which seemed to be made of some kind of vine.

"Magic arrow!" When Cook took out a shiny silver arrow, someone around immediately exclaimed.

The knight in the distance was at least five or six hundred meters away from Cook. The Kukla bow, shooting arrows, and the silver arrow shot past with a silver light.

"Death!" The leading knight looked at the arrow shot by Cooke and roared angrily. His body was shining with blazing flames. The spear in his hand shot a red vindictive blade and swept towards the silver light.

"Boom!" The whole city seemed to shake. A mushroom cloud rose up among the knights. Dozens of knights became a pile of rotten meat, and the buildings on both sides of the street seemed to have been cut by some huge force. Generally, it became ruins.

"So rubbish, I am embarrassed to run rampant in the street, isn't this looking for abuse?" Seeing the result, the people around were very surprised, the power of this arrow was too great, Cook said even more disdainfully.

"Just now, that was the Knights of Thorns of the Morris family?" someone asked incredulously.

"Yeah." Someone hummed.

"This, how is this possible?" the questioner just cried out in disbelief.

"I think the Morris family is in trouble." Someone said gleefully.

Cook took out a magic scroll, ripped it apart, and shouted loudly: "The **** of the Morris family, want to grab my things from the uncle, come on!"

"The Morris family is a bunch of bastards, a bunch of rubbish. A bunch of robbers." A voice resounded hundreds of kilometers. Everyone was surprised when they heard this voice, because the Morris family has great strength in the entire human-ruled society. Yes, there are people who dare to provoke?

"Huh." On a hill dozens of kilometers away from Cook, the entire hill and surrounding are tall castles, which look like a small city. This is the core of the Morris family, Morris A small town, said to be a town, is actually a small town.

The Morris family occupies hundreds of kilometers of land around this town~www.novelmtl.com~ On this land, the Morris family has absolute rights and autonomy.

"Has it been found out, who is this person?" In a large conference room, an old man asked. The old man looked like an ordinary old man.

"No, but we already know the cause of the matter. This person bought a lot of food in our shops on other planes and put it into the space items. Nathan knew it, so after the target reached the golden plain, Nathan took the shot. According to the information provided by witnesses, all the people Nathan led were dead. There were also two patrol soldiers in the squad. Our Knights of Thorns were also hit, and more than 50 elite knights were lost. , The target has a magical bursting arrow, a magical bursting arrow." A middle-aged man answered.

"Unable to find out, it must be from several other families, otherwise, why can't one person's identity be found out." Someone patted the table and said.

"After the matter is resolved, Nathan will be sent away, and will never be allowed to step into the golden plains. As for the people who dare to provoke our Morris family, let him disappear." After the old man listened, he faintly ordered.

"Yes, immediately dispatch the trial knight." The middle-aged man immediately bowed to take his orders, and then left the conference room.

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