A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 121: Secret

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"Your Excellency is not a demon." The man called the president asked in astonishment.

"Mozu, what kind of **** Mozu, I just asked you where you got the slave, hum, if I can't get the answer, my Tuba's method is not one-and-a-half." Cook said with a cold snort. It looked like he cared about slaves.

"Your Excellency..." The president tried to speak to Cook.

"You **** sir, I hate you hypocritical and cunning humans the most, and don’t think that your **** alchemist association is very powerful. If I want to, I can kill you all. Answer my question and go slave. Somewhere, for so many years, tens of millions of slaves." Cook's voice is getting colder and colder.

"The slaves we bought are all in the Golden Plains. We need a lot of food and a lot of equipment..." The man who called the president replied.

"Bang, don't think I'm so good to deceive. The Golden Plain is a human territory. You think I dare not check it." The next moment, Cook grabbed the president's head and hit the wall heavily. There was a bang, and then Cook asked sharply.

"Ge... Your Excellency, what I said... is true." The man called the president stammered. This man now feels that there is no magic in his body. It seems that the whole person is only his own head and his body. The parts are not under my control at all, and my soul seems to be facing a giant beast. I dare not make any changes at all. As for releasing magic at such a close distance, judging from Cook’s skill just now, the president Don't dare to do this at all.

"Boom, bang, bang, **** human beings actually lied to me." Cook slammed the guild leader's head against the wall a few times, and the metal wall was slammed.

After the collision, Cook took out a small crystal bottle. Inside the crystal bottle was a fleshy little bug. The little bug was covered with white fluff, just like a caterpillar, but pure white. , But there is a little long golden hair on the head.

"Do you know this thing?" Cook put the crystal bottle in front of the president and asked.

"This, this... this is a super-order poisonous insect." The guild leader's face turned white.

"Hey, yes, seeing that these fluffy long hairs don’t have them, they carry powerful paralyzing poisons. After this poisonous insect enters your body, you will not perceive its existence at all, and because it is attributeless, it will never Dissemination of magical fluctuations, and the most important point is that he will lay countless eggs in your body. When these eggs hatch, millions of poisonous insects will draw nutrients from your body. At this time Those who come into contact with you, those larvae will get into other people’s bodies, just like a plague, and slowly, everyone around you will become the nourishment of these insects." Cook said with a smile, in fact, this poisonous insect It wasn't that great. Cook was disappointed by the poisonous insects, because as the poisonous insects continued to grow, the toxicity was slowly degrading, but the IQ was getting higher and higher. He would act like a baby and be cute, which is higher than the average pet IQ.

"No, no, no, what I said is true, all the slaves were sent to the Golden Plains, what I said is true." The president heard Cook say this, thinking of his family, his own Lovers, my friends, such poisonous insects rolled out of their bodies, shouted in fear.

"Then the slave went there, somewhere in the Golden Plains." Cook asked sharply.

"No, I don't know. I gave it all to the headquarters. I'm just the president of the branch here." The president looked at the poisonous insect in Cook's hand. His body was stiff and there was no way to move. His head was shaking desperately, but the slightest Can't break free.

"Say, who is the demons." Then Cook asked again.

"You are here for the Demon Race." In an instant, the guild leader calmed down and asked in astonishment.

Cook that embarrassed, so forgiving a big circle, I don’t know that I just asked it out, this guy will understand, Cook said in a cold voice: "You said I was a demons at the beginning, so I have to figure it out and say ."

"I said, I said that the demons are the controllers behind the dark camp and the enemies of all creatures. Yes, all creatures, these demons are very cruel..." the guild leader said.

"Lying, why haven't I heard of the Demon Race?" Cook asked grimly, and slammed the guild leader's head again.

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency, this is our core secret. The reason why we buy a large number of slaves is because those demons also need a large number of slaves. Their tower of power is sealed and it takes a lot of life to unlock the seal, so We have to risk a large number of slaves on all planes in the plane of chaos.” The president was frightened by Cook’s brutal way. Of course, he was more likely to be a Bunnyman. After all, in human perception, the rabbit Humans are a kind of orcs, and orcs are very rude and rude.

"The Tower of Power, what is that?" Cook looked very confused.

"Part of the Aion, this is the most powerful magic item built by the demons. The demons in the Aion are immortal." The president said quickly, regardless of whether it is confidential or not. Up.

"Nonsense, even gods will die. The eternal existence of **** is a lie. I think you are lying to me, what demon race, where, why I have never heard of it, and Your lie logic is very problematic." Cook stared and slammed the president's head against the metal wall again.

"Really, really, the demons need the blood of the wisdom race of our bright camp. The blood of the creatures in the dark camp is of little use, and the demons also need some subordinates to provide a lot of living supplies, magic materials... . "The words were not finished, this time Cooke hit the table in front heavily.

"Liar, lies, human beings are really treacherous, cunning guys, damn, those demons are so powerful, they have been killed long ago, and they need back control." Cook said with disdain.

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency, what I said is true, because the demons don't believe in any other races. The demons were almost wiped out by other races." The president felt his head was like a big circle, and he felt like Cook It is even more slanderous.

"Huh, what is the Tower of Power." Cook asked again. Cook now believes what the president said, but Cook didn't believe it completely. Cook decided to go to the Golden Plains, where to check the details. .

"The Tower of Power is actually to transform the human body structure to make creatures stronger and stronger, and it is said that the Tower of Magic Power is also on the side of the demons." The president looked at Cook with fear, for fear of being hit again. Now, the speaking speed is very fast.

Cook had countless thoughts in his mind, and this tower of power, Cook, had also heard of it, but he did not expect that it would actually be here in the demons, and the strange scene seen on the tower of resurrection, is it between the parts of the tower of eternity? The link does.

As for the Tower of Aion, Cook has guessed from the Tower of Resurrection. Due to the particularity of the demons, once these demons are harmed or died, they can use the Tower of Resurrection to continuously cultivate the same talents and comprehend. The body of the same law, and as the understanding of the law progresses, the soul fragments of this demon race continue to melt into other bodies. When all the soul fragments are integrated, then the demon race is equal to resurrection, eternal life It's done.

With a sound of "ang!", the president fainted happily.

Cook ransacked the guild leader's room, and then Shi Shiran stepped into the teleportation formation to the golden plain. Of course, Cook was now restored to the human form.

"Pit, it took more than a dozen relays to reach the Golden Plain." Cook sighed with complete relief. What appeared in front of Cook was an endless plain. The entire plain was like gold under the shining of the sun. , That is the color of countless grains after they mature.

"A good place." When Cook saw the golden plain, he knew that the temperature, humidity, and rain here are very suitable because the plants here grow extremely fast.

"Brother, are there any gains? My bid here is extremely fair." Just as soon as Cook came out, he approached Cook alone and asked with a smile.

"Harvest, yes, I don't know what price you are paying." Cook said with a smile. After more than a dozen transfers, Cook knew that this was a businessman from the Golden Plains, and these merchants obviously regarded themselves as adventurers, yes, After more than a dozen transmissions, Cook knew that humans occupies dozens of large and small planes here, and these planes are connected to each other by magic teleportation arrays, and there are many places where these many planes need powerful adventurers. Therefore, the profession of adventurer is very common in the entire human world.

"It depends on the merchandise." The human businessman quickly replied with a smile.

"I'll look at the price you gave first." Cook asked calmly.

"I can see that you are an old bird. I don't know where you came from." The businessman praised Cook.

"Haha, do you want to change the price after I have said it? I want to see the price of all the products~www.novelmtl.com~, I will sell if it is suitable, and we will not talk about it if it is not." Cook is also transferring Knowing that these businessmen had such a method on the way, said with a smile.

"Damn, am I not being favored by Goddess of Luck today? I actually met an old guy." When the businessman heard Cook say this, he angrily handed Cook a piece of animal skin with merchandise on it. And the price.

"Stop, check." Just when Cook was about to take over the hides, two human guards said to Cook.

"What do you mean?" Cook immediately took off his helmet and cursed angrily.

"Sorry, sir." When the two guards saw Cook doing this, they quickly apologized and left.

And the businessman curled his lips and said, "These guards have gone crazy in the past few days. Every guy who leaves the teleportation formation has to be checked. It's really inexplicable."


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