A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 119: Arrogant Kenny

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"Why are there so many green birds?" Cook was dumbfounded. Yes, this green bird gave Cook the feeling that he was not very strong, but if it were a group of green birds, it would be very strong.

"Tweet, twee, twee.--" The fist-sized green bird tweeted non-stop, as if arguing about something. Cook remembered the talent he hadn't used for a long time, animal language.

"Where did this guy come from."

"Who knows, this guy came when I came."

"That must be an intruder?"

"No, I look like us in every way, with the same feathers, the same cry, but the body is much bigger."

Cook was speechless. This group of green birds were chattering, meaning they were all sorts of things, and the green birds around him ignored these green birds, like a proud king.

"Damn it, come out, come out." Just as Cook was about to speak, a voice rang.

"Tweet, twee, twee." Hundreds of green birds disappeared in an instant. Cook was surprised again. Yes, these green birds appeared suddenly, so ○£ha, Cook was surprised and disappeared this time. The same is also sudden, as if moving in space.

"Why are these green birds so perverted?" Cook muttered to himself, and the big guy next to Cook also disappeared.

"Roar, roar, **** it." Then Cook heard roars.

Cook rushed out to take a look. Cook was stunned. The extremely arrogant monster had been wrapped up by a group of green birds. The body of the monster was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, even though the monster's eyes The lightning was released without money, but after the green birds were shocked, they fell on the ground, quickly regained consciousness, and then continued to charge up.

"I...no wonder the ground of this'chaotic' plane is not suitable for survival." Cook finally understood, and in the process, a large group of green birds came to the battlefield again, hundreds of meters high The monsters shone with magic light, but they did not cause fatal damage to these green birds. Instead, the sharp little mouths of these green birds would take away a bit of the monster’s flesh and blood every time they attacked. A green bird would take away 10 grams at a time. For heavy things, ten thousand, twenty thousand, less than ten seconds, this monster's body disappeared by one third.

"It's over." When Cook saw this scene, he knew that the monster was over, completely over.

"Boom." The monster fell to the ground suddenly, and countless green birds swarmed on it.

Two minutes later, the monster didn't even have any bones left. The hard bones were all pecked into pieces by the green bird and eaten. As for the magician behind, they had long since disappeared.

"Boy, you are here too!" A voice rang behind Cook.

"Ivor?" Cook looked back. It wasn't the animal trainer Ivor he had seen. This Ivor was dressed in a weird outfit, and the whole outfit was like a layer of moss.

"Hey, kid, take out everything on you, otherwise I will let my partner call all his comrades over. You have also seen the scene just now. If you don’t want to be attacked by those devil birds, just take everything Call it out." Ivor said to Cook with a smile, and at the same time a green bird's head emerged from Ivor's shoulder. Obviously this was Ivor's domesticated pet.

When Cook heard this, he smiled and said: "You shout, you shout, what am I afraid of? Anyway, I am with you."

Seeing how indifferent Cook was, Iver gritted his teeth and said, "Boy,'hand over' the things, otherwise I will do it right away, and your things will remain mine after you die."

"Haha. Haha." Cook laughed loudly.

"Tweet. Tweet." Cook smiled, and there was a chirp.

"Go to hell." Ivor saw several green "colored" shadows "shooting" at Cook, and quickly crawled on the ground, cursing in his heart.

"Tweet, twee, twee." But Ivor immediately found that something was wrong, because the devil bird's cry was full of joy instead of the hurried cry during battle.

Iver looked up and was dumbfounded. Yes, a few green birds actually landed on Cook’s shoulders, and on his head, they lightly pecked Cook with their small beaks, which seemed very intimate, like a long time. Old friends who are missing are average.

"It turns out that it's you little guys, who actually came back, haha, this is your hometown." Cook saw the seven green birds and recognized them all at once. These are the seven on the demon plane. Little guy, Cook left with a few little guys at the time, but he didn't know that these seven little guys actually came back.

"Tweet, twee, twee." What made Iver's chin almost fall is that a big bird more than one meter tall also rubbed Cook's body with its neck and made a cry of dissatisfaction.

"Come on, eat some fruit, you guys like to eat fruit the most." Cook took out the magic fruit, and the seven green birds rushed up at once, and the magic fruit was gone in an instant.

"Chirp, chirp." A few green birds cried beside Cook's ear, and they gently clamped Cook's ear with their mouths.

"Okay, okay, let you eat enough." Cook was itchy by these seven little things, so with a wave of his hand, a lot of magic fruits appeared in the air.

"Swish!" In the blink of an eye, hundreds of magic fruits were gone.

"Tweet, twee." And there was a tweeting sound in the surrounding woods. Cook saw that some devil birds actually sandwiched a magic fruit and kept running away, while other devil birds followed closely, from time to time. Peck a piece down from above.

"Space equipment, this kid actually has space equipment." After seeing this scene, Ivor was shocked. The space equipment was hailed as the top equipment. In time, Ivor had such a high status and no space equipment. The Bunnyman actually has space to equip, how can Iver not be tempted?

"Tweet." And the one-meter-high devil bird following Cook saw other devil birds snatching magic fruits, and gave a disdainful cry, and then a pile of magic fruits appeared.

When Cook saw this scene, he rolled his eyes. The devil bird Cook had equipped it with space equipment. Now this guy actually took it out to show off. Ive's eyes were even bigger, and his saliva was about to flow down. Pets have space to equip, which makes Ive even more envy and hatred.

"Yo, Master Ivor, didn't you threaten me just now? Now you threaten to see?" Cook felt Ivor's gaze and said jokingly.

"Boy, don't be proud." Ive said bitterly after receiving such ridicule.

"Bang, smug, I'm smug, what's the matter?" Cook kicked Ivor out with one kick when he heard Ivor's words. Ivor didn't expect Cook to do it.

"Boy, you're looking for death." Ivor stood up as he rolled and roared loudly.

"Tweet." The first person who expressed dissatisfaction was the one-meter-high devil bird next to Cook who called to Ivor.

"Damn it, you wait for me." Iver saw this scene, and the figure rushed into the forest as soon as he dared to threaten Cook.

"Run, run!" I don't know that the gap between Cook and Ivor is too big, to the point that Ivor didn't even think of it. Cook suddenly appeared in front of Ivor, holding Ivor in a hand. Neck, said coldly.

"Puff...Puff!" As soon as the devil bird next to Ivor was about to attack Cook, he was pecked and fainted by the big devil bird next to Cook.

"Little..., kid, if you have the ability to kill me, someone will naturally trouble you, don't think that the devil bird is your support." Ivor said with a flushed face.

"Hehe, Master Ivor, what I want to tell you is that these devil birds are not my backing, but my own strength, click." Cook squeezed Iver's neck with a slight pinch, Ai Fu didn't believe it until he died, as a superior person on the plane of chaos, he actually died like this.

And the pet next to Iver actually kicked the'legs' to death, which surprised Cook, and what made Cook surprised is that the other devil birds didn't seem to care at all, Cook thought he was going to run away again. .

"Boss, Boss." Cook appeared in front of Luoda very embarrassed, his face full of excitement,'excited'.

"Brother Touba, how dare you come back, don't you know if someone is looking for trouble with you?" Luoda quickly put Kukla aside and whispered.

"Boss, I don't have a place to go now. Besides, didn't I have been ‘forced’ in a hurry just now, and are the human magicians so powerful?" Cook replied with a helpless expression, there are still many scars on his body.

"Those guys are as simple as human magicians. Those guys are members of the Alchemist Association. Our equipment and various systems are made by this association. The strength of this association is very strong, and we can't provoke it." Roda spoke.

"Oh, where is the headquarters of this association?" Cook asked afterwards.

"That's in the golden'color' plain~www.novelmtl.com~ where the human settlement plane is far away from us." Roda looked at Cook suspiciously, and then replied.

"That's good, those guys get support in a short time, boss you still have time to arrange for me to leave." Cook said to himself.

"Tuba, you are wrong. The Alchemist Association has a teleportation array and it will be there soon." Rocky said, shaking his head.

"Then I am miserable." Cook said in a daze.

"Haha. It's not miserable, but miserable, miserable." At this time, Kenny's voice came over, and Roda and the others retreated.

"Boss, you guys, this is..." Cook asked with a look of disbelief.

"That's the IQ of the orcs, kid, these guys told me to come." Kenny enjoyed the situation very much, and Kenny was already thinking about how to entertain Cook well. ;--28936+dsuaahhh+27008013-->

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