A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 106: Sad Black Flame

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When Maade heard this, he finally woke up. Maade looked at the sun **** and said: "I will not go to the gods., the latest chapter visit:..."

"You're crazy." The sun **** really wants to beat Madder, yes, you don't know how to praise, who can have such a chance.

When Cook heard Mad’s words, he immediately understood Mad’s thoughts, but Cook still said: "Maad, your talent is basically impossible to advance in this world, but the God Realm is a completely different world. , There is a place suitable for God’s life, where you may be promoted."

When Maade heard Cook say this, his heart was very entangled. On the one hand, Maade wanted to go to the God Realm. After all, after being promoted, his life could be greatly improved. If he didn't go to the God Realm, he would hug Cook’s thick legs. It's also a very good thing, so Madder is a little tangled.

The Sun God and the other two god-level powerhouses are not idiots, they have already reacted, and the Sun God admires Cook even more. In front of the'door' of the God Realm, the Sun God opened his mouth and said: "I see it, this It's that Cook was testing the spirit of that month, and he tested it with the hope of promotion. This is really a big deal."

"Unexpectedly, there really is such a possibility." Another god-level powerhouse said.

Hei Yan saw these three god-level powerhouses ignore him, so he coughed and said: "Three adults, we..."

"Shut up." The three gods glanced at Hei Yan in disgust at the same time, and then roared.

"When we speak, do you have the right to'interrupt'? What kind of thing are you?" The sun **** directly yelled.

"You, you." Hei Yan was so annoyed by the words of the sun **** that he pointed at what the sun **** wanted to say but didn't dare.

"Bang, what are you doing that actually offends us." He didn't know that a **** next to him kicked Hei Yan to the ground and shouted coldly.

"Papa. Remember, kid, this is the realm of the gods, not the plane of the devil, so you'd better be careful, otherwise you don't know how to fall." The sun **** even squatted down and patted the black. Yan's cheeks were pressed twice, and he said lightly.

"But it's a member of the Wasser family, and my grandfather is a member of the Council of the Gods." Hei Yan knew that something was wrong, and immediately yelled.

"Boom, boom, boom." When the three gods heard Heiyan's words, they punched and kicked Heiyan. Heiyan was the opponent of these old people in the gods and was violently beaten.

After the sun **** finished beating, he said: "Members, parliamentarians don't care. I am a law enforcement agency. If you want to move me, you must pass the parliament. No matter how arrogant you are, be careful that we take your skin."

"What are you doing?" At this moment, a burly human came over and asked three gods violently beat Heiyan.

"Captain of the guard, we are educating a newcomer. This newcomer is very rude to us, and also said that it is from the Wasser family." The sun **** explained.

"Oh, educate newcomers, that's right, these newcomers think they are so great." The captain of the guard said as he prepared to leave.

"No, no, these guys have announced their'private' grudges. These three guys are acquaintances with my enemies." Hei Yan yelled out loud immediately.

When the captain of the guard heard this, he asked coldly: "Are you colluding with the people below?"

"Captain of the guard, dare me, this acquaintance..." the sun **** explained in a low voice.

"Papa, false accusation, the newcomer who just came up wants to falsely accuse the boss, and then make false accusations later, don't blame me to directly seal your godhead." After hearing the explanation of the sun god, this burly human was facing the black Yan slapped the face, and the head that Hei Yan had hit was swollen. Just kidding, the captain of the guard was at least one level higher than Hei Yan. Hei Yan's mouth and nose were bleeding.

"Very well, you are doing well. The life of our mountain giants is now good. The last time I went back, I found that it was Cook’s help. Our people are growing very fast. I will see Cook in the future. I say thank you." The captain of the guard patted the sun **** on the shoulder and said.

"Definitely, definitely." The three gods of the sun **** looked at the back of the captain of the guard leaving, and they were all "excited" in their hearts. Nima has such a relationship and will at least not be bullied in the guard in the future. The chief is the **** of war.

The three sun gods turned their heads to look at Hei Yan,'Yin' said with a smile: "You kid doesn't remember'sex' for a long time, so you dare to sue. It seems that the lesson just now is not enough."

"Ohhhhhhhhhh!" So there was a cry of extreme pain inside the'door' that came down.

"Hehe, the newcomer nowadays is so arrogant." The captain of the guard looked at the group leader's quizzical gaze, and explained with a smile.

"Huh, teach those newcomers severely." The leader is a tall Titan.

Hei Yan stood on the side with a swollen nose and swollen face, very well-behaved, but Hei Yan's heart was very miserable. Yes, at the level of the Devil Plane, he was a rookie here. Even the sun **** could easily handle this. Hei Yan, Hei Yan swears in his heart that he must let his ancestors give these **** low-level creatures a good look.

The God of War looked at the head of the parliament law enforcement team, and then said: "The Wasser family, it seems that we have to do it. These guys from the dark plane are very dissatisfied with our Council of Gods. Heiyan is a good opportunity. You should tell your subordinates to'force' Heiyan. It is better to let the Wasser family get involved. Then, hehe, as for the vacated seat of councillor, then You replace it."

"Yes." The head of the Titan calmly answered a yes, but his heart was'excited'. Members, this is the right to speak in the decisions of the entire parliament. Although it is not very big, it is better than the current obedience to orders. More than one grade, from wage earners to shareholders, this is an essential change.

Maade eventually followed the sun **** into the God Realm. In fact, Cook didn’t want to test Maade at all, but that Maade was there. The Moon Demon clan was difficult to control. What Cook didn’t know was that Maade was there. The God Realm was also left out of the cold, because these gods knew from the mouth of the sun **** the guy who had failed Cook’s test. Maade was inexplicable about this, but it was countless times better than the treatment Heiyan received. .

The disappearance of the black flame made the entire family of succubus completely a flock of sheep, and Cook captured millions of succubus, and all of these succubuses disappeared. This news made the succubus family more panic. Yes, the destruction of the city of angels and the great changes of the black dragon clan have made the creatures of the entire demon plane feel fear in their hearts. Yes, fallen angels, black dragons, and balrogs are all powerful races on the demon plane, but this All three races were defeated in an instant.

As for the succubus family and the ‘chicken’ head demons, the people are panicked. As for the tauren demons, the conflict between the sheep head demons has also disappeared.

Moon Demon City began to expand its construction. The countless goat head demon who were recruited were working hard to build the city. As time goes by, the number of goat head demon and tauren demon is increasing because they do ordinary work here. , You can eat very full, so that the goat head monster, the bull head monster almost feel like they are dreaming.

"You said that there are so many good things from the Moon Demon Clan. This sweet thing is called white bread, which is much better than dry meat." A bullhead chewed slowly and ate a basin-sized piece. Mantou said intoxicatedly.

"That is, there is also the ale in the evening. After drinking, it feels more refreshing than doing ten ladies." Another bull demon also ate the big steamed bun and said.

"Why don't you say that, and the work is just hard work, there is no danger of entering the mine's "hole"." There is also a tauren who chews slowly, drinking a sip of water from time to time.

"I said that we will work harder when we work, and strive to finish it early. I really hope this day will last forever." The leader of the team ate a big bun and said.

"That is, now I think of eating'meat', and I want to vomit." A bullhead said.

At this moment, a huge voice rang: "Now we announce a news that our Moon City has decided to build five settlements around the Moon City. Now the settlements require a lot of manpower, everyone with relatives and friends, though. All are called here, and regardless of race, our treatment is to ensure that we are full, and we are still living at the current standard. In addition, in a month's time, we will open the market and exchange things for food and drinks."

"I'm going back and calling my family over." A goat head demon roared loudly and was about to run away.

"Wait, wait, you call for me too."

"And I."

"And I."

"You help us call, we have done the work assigned to you, and the food will be left for you, how about it?" a small group of sheepheads said immediately.

"Okay, I'll help you." The Goathead Demon who was going back said immediately.

Thousands of bullheads and sheepheads have left Moon City, but the progress of the project has not decreased, but has improved.

"It doesn't seem that everyone is born to be a wicked person." Cook said when he saw the performance of the Goat Head Demon and the Bull Head Demon in the recent period.

"That's ~www.novelmtl.com~ Then this Goathead, Minotaur will not be included in the cannon fodder sequence?" Connie asked.

"Well, if there is still a chance to save, don't put in the cannon fodder sequence." Cook nodded and decided the fate of the Goathead and the Minotaur clan. In the layout of the war between Cook and Connie, the cannon fodder sequence refers to that kind of The guys who have no value at all are naturally cruel, just like the flame demon clan.

"But it's just the flame demon clan. Is there too little cannon fodder?" Connie continued to ask.

"Don't hurry, train these Balrogs first, and the Blackrock Wilderness Base is almost established, so I'm going to the Lost Plane to find the traces of the demons." Cook said with a wave of hands.

"So fast?" Connie didn't expect Cook to be ready to act.

"Hehe, the plan hasn't changed fast, and I can't guarantee what kind of reaction the Mozu will have after receiving our news. The first step is to act first." Cook stood up and said with a smile. . --28936+dsuaahhh+26550893-->

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