A Unique Hunter

Chapter 127: Thieves Guild "First More! 》

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"Now it's time to buy auxiliary materials for refining pharmaceutical agents." Cook looked at dozens of bottles of Yalong's blood, his mouth cracked.

But Cook immediately realized that the blood of the dragon is divided into good and bad, and Cook quickly asked the sky eye: "Sky eye, what kind of dragon blood is the best for refining the dragon power potion!"

"Earth dragon, iron-backed dragon, the larger the size, the greater the power and the better the effect!" Tianyan replied.

"Chu, earth dragon, iron-backed dragon, there seems to be only one iron-backed dragon, what can we do?" Cook muttered to himself.

"Actually, Yalong is small in size, and the refined medicine has the lowest side effects, and the higher the quality of the medicine, the higher the power increase after use. Similarly, the higher the chance of success." Tianyan explained.

"So the only five-level sub-dragons are pterosaurs and thorn dragons, what is the best choice?" Cook asked again.

"Wood thorn dragon, because your lord is also wood, and the dragon power potion refined by thorn dragon has a certain chance to have other buffs." Sky Eye made a choice.

"What buff?" Cook asked with blinking eyes.

"Permanently increasing the mental power or increasing the magic power level, or awakening some kind of talent with the dragonborn blood." Skyeye's answer made Cook's heart beat, but Cook suddenly thought that something like this was definitely impossible.

Cook asked again: "Are there any restrictions?"

"Yes, the first time I use the blood of the dragon, it is best to use the same blood in the future, so that the superimposed effect is more ideal." Tianyan's answer made Cook directly speechless.

When Cook heard so many restrictions, he had to plan carefully what Yalong’s blood would be the most ideal. One is to consider his own situation, and the other is to consider long-term development. However, Cook lacks the necessary information. So there is no way to judge which Argonian blood to choose.

"It looks like it's time to go to the Thieves' Guild!" Cook touched his head and thought to himself.

The thieves' union is not set up in a hidden place as everyone imagined, on the contrary! As the largest intelligence agency on the mainland, the general trade union of the thieves’ union can be described as luxurious. The thieves’ general trade union, which has the strongest resistance to magic, and the hardest obsidian, stands on an area of ​​hundreds of acres. In the mountainside opposite to the Wushuang Academy, although the Wushuang Academy is face-to-face, Cook took a car pulled by the Warcraft for more than an hour, mainly after several inspections along the way. On the contrary, the fare cost a full five. A purple gold coin, relatively speaking, the carriage is the slowest and the cheapest, the price of the Warcraft is moderate, and the most expensive is the magic vehicle of the dwarf. This is mainly due to the curiosity of human beings.

However, the inside of the Thieves Union is different from other places. According to the confidentiality level of the information required by the guests, or the level of confidentiality that the guests think, the confidentiality level and room are freely selected. The charge for each room is based on the confidentiality level of the message. And the degree of confidentiality of the room is based on a comprehensive charge. Just like a husband who wants to entrust a thieves’ union to find out if his wife has a lover, this kind of charge is relatively cheap, only a few hundred gold coins, but this man needs an S-class confidential room, so he will add Charge a room fee of 1,000 gold coins per hour. On the contrary, if you are the leader of a mercenary group and need to find some kind of monsters, just in the E-class secret room, then you will not charge any fees, because the news itself is worthwhile Great price.

Depending on the degree of confidentiality, the floors that guests go to are different. The S-level is on the sixth floor. Cook went straight to the sixth floor. There are more than 20 rooms on the sixth floor. The first floor is E-level. There are hundreds of confidential rooms.

Cook opened a room marked with no one, and opened the door. Cook found that there was a cave in it, and its luxury was no less than the presidential suite that Cook had seen. A young and beautiful young woman saw Cook opened the door and came in. He stood up and walked over quickly, and said with a smile: "Guests, please here, welcome to the thieves' union, I'm a staff member on the 18th, customers can call me Lala."

Lala looked at Cook for a moment, and from the eyes of a senior thief, Cook had no more than 1,000 gold coins on his body, but what made Lara more puzzled was that Cook was still holding a little girl, little girl. Holding the roast leg of lamb on Dior Street in his hand, the taste is very familiar. You must know that this roast leg of lamb is 100 gold coins a pound, because these lamb legs come from small rams that are only 20 kilograms old. The whole body is snow-white, there is not a trace of weeds, and I have never eaten a single grass. It is also fed with wild honey and some magic herbs. The roast leg of lamb shop on Dior Street only sells ten lambs a day. I haven't eaten the roast lamb from this barbecue restaurant for several days. It is said that it was packed by someone. I can't help but suspect that the boy in front of me packed it?

"Does the guest drink juice, ale, or coffee?" Lala guided Cook to sit on the soft sofa, and then asked graciously.

"Is there a limit on the quantity?" Cook asked when he saw Xiao Lei's mouth full of sauce, and wiped Xiao Lei's mouth with a soft fine linen cloth.

"No limit!" Lala was almost stunned, how could she say that? However, the professional habit made Lala react instantly and smiled, but it was a bit far-fetched.

"Well~www.novelmtl.com~ have a glass of ale, and a small bucket of juice, preferably with honey, and preferably with locust honey!" Cook nodded and replied.

"Okay, please wait a moment, guests!" Lala opened his mouth. Acacia honey is the best honey. It not only has a strong scent of locust blossoms, but it is also clear into the water. Such locust honey is counted in a pound. One hundred gold coins, then to add to a Xiaotong juice, at least one pound.

"What kind of service does the guest need from our thieves' union?" Lala tried to make herself smile, and she found that the little bucket of juice was held in her hand by the baby in front of her. There was a long straw. The stretchable metal straw is probably worth hundreds of gold coins, because it is made of white iron. To look at the smooth surface like a mirror, it may take a master blacksmith to polish it for a whole day.

"Well, I need the details of all known Yalong on the entire continent." Cook said lightly.

"Kang Dang!" The cup in Lala's hand fell to the ground all of a sudden, and the black coffee splashed everywhere Lala wondered if she had heard it wrong, and actually wanted the known details of Yalong on the entire continent. This person is not sick!

"What? There is a problem, so I just need the level and type, should I be able to do it?" A magic halo flashed through the mage robe on Cooke, and the dark brown coffee mark disappeared. Only Xiao Lei looked at herself. There were a few black coffee spots on the snow-white clothes, rolled his eyes at Lala, and then continued to drink the juice. Cook looked at Lala displeasedly and asked with a frown.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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