A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 102: Mad's thoughts

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The regret in Mad’s heart, this war has already started for half an hour, Mad’s calculations, how many points do you get, what Mad’s cares about right now is not a meteor cannon, nor a magic pattern suit, but The proof of joining the Freedom League.

This is what Maad wants. Although Maad does not know what kind of organization the Liberty Alliance is, but when he entered the meeting room just now, so many demigods and the peak of the sanctuary are asking Cook, what is Cook or what? Speaker, just rush to this point.

Not to mention that Madele has read it carefully. As long as there is a Free League badge, the equipment is much better, and if it is not from the Free League, the equipment is much worse.

"The **** Moon Demon clan actually colludes with the humans on the Sanctuary Plane. All races on our Demon Plane will not let go of these traitors." Kunhe said loudly, Kunhe is one of Yan Kun's trusted subordinates. One, Kunhe is also the lord who manages the Flame Demon City.

"That is, Kunhe, summon all the Balrogs to resist, and we will send people to the Black Dragon City, Succubus City and the City of Angels for help." The same as Kunhe is the descendant of Yan Kun, a young lord.

"Samo, what you said is quite correct." Kunhe smiled when he saw that Satsuma agreed with him.

"Oh, it's okay to go to battle, but how to say it, look at our equipment, what is the difference with yours?" But without Yan Kun, there were some discordant voices.

"Huh, Da, what do you mean?" Kunhe snorted, then asked coldly.

"It's nothing, I want to gather the clansmen, but it's okay, but Jiudaowan must be assigned to our family." Dao replied lightly, but his tone was very positive.

"DaDa, you **** bastard, Jiudaowan is the best place, you are worthy of a fellow?" Satsuma stood up and shouted.

I don’t know that Dadao stood up immediately, and said loudly: "Samo, you guy, be careful with me. Now it’s no better than before. I don’t think it is appropriate to be a lord at your level. The lord’s position is best come out."

"What, let the lord let it out, you **** fellow." When Summer heard this, he jumped up and rushed towards Dodo.

"Bang." Da Da fought with Satsuma.

"Haha, **** like you is based on equipment. It's been unpleasant for you a long time ago, bang, bang, bang." How can he know that Dao Da is strong, directly fattening Satsuma, and said loudly.

"Haha, it's great, how many points does this get." Just when the two Balrogs were fighting indistinguishable, a voice rang.

"That's right, there are actually sixteen peaks of the sanctuary here, and five demigod-level flame demon, we really came to the right place." Another voice sounded.

"Call for support, call for support, find Zhongbao, find Zhongbao." Another voice called out quickly.

"Who?" The Flame Demon clan rushed out one after another.

The place where the Balrog lives is in a cave near the magma. The temperature in this cave is extremely high, but the Balrog likes this environment very much, and as many as these Balrogs rushed out at once. These Balrogs were dumbfounded when they came out. There were hundreds of giant dragons around the entrance of the cave, not to mention, there are more giants, dragons, dwarves, and dwarfs farther away.

"This, is this a plane invasion?" Satsuma was stunned, looking at so many legendary races, asked in disbelief.

Different from the shock of the Flame Demon Clan, Ma De regretted that, after Ma De rushed out, he rushed to the core area of ​​the Flame Demon Clan, but what made Ma De a little disappointed was that it was already surrounded by people.

Five or six hundred dragons, and hundreds of giants, strong dwarves, and dwarfs who drive metal machinery.

"Mad, you go and support it." At this moment, Maad received an order, which was uploaded from Maad's helmet. This was the one Maad wanted. Maad had a simple idea. Even at my level, I am afraid that the capture of the captives will be quick. I need to find someone to accept the captives, but the captives do not have them, and the order of assists has been waiting.

"Kill the intruder." Satsuma roared loudly, and the whole person turned into a flame and rushed towards a giant dragon.

"Hmph, good coming." The dragon snorted coldly, shouting loudly with golden light all over.

"I'll help you." Maad shouted loudly when he saw so many dragons, giants, gnomes, and dwarves.

But after this roar was spread out, it was like a storm, and the naked eye could see a violent shock wave passing by in front of Mad's mouth.

"Huh." The surrounding dragons and the fire demons were all stunned by the huge shock wave, and some even groaned.

"Damn the flame demon, my moon demon clan will never die with you." Maade roared.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang." The people around just heard a bang, bang.

"Well, I helped you this time." Madder clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"You, you, where did you come out." A giant dragon was furious, because dozens of higher-level Balrogs that came out just now were actually brought down by this month's demon.

"Don't you call for support?" Madd asked suspiciously.

The surrounding giant dragons and dwarves looked at each other, and a giant finally said: "I called for support just now. I thought a magic spaceship would come, but..."

"Asshole, we discovered this first." The dragon had to let go, and glared at Mad.

"Hmph, I'm the patriarch of Moon Demon City, Ma De." Ma De said with a cold snort as he saw that he didn't want to get through.

"Huh, you are the god-level powerhouse?" Not only the dragon's eyes almost fell off, but even the giants and dwarves were stunned.

"It's me." Madder is now determined to take care of these guys.

I don’t know that these giant dragons, dwarves, dwarfs, and giants not only did not feel angry when they heard Maad’s name, but said with joy: "Your Excellency Maad, these prisoners are yours. Do you think we have another cooperation? "

"Cooperation?" Madder asked suspiciously.

"Yes, we guys can only pick these and omissions. Look at the **** over there in the Freedom League, big and small, no one is missing. Together, you will occupy half of the captives. , So many of us occupy half, what do you think?" A dwarf strong asked with a smile.

"Okay, just do that?" Maade immediately replied when he heard that there was such a good thing.

Maade cooperated with the giant dragons and these skirmishers. These skirmishers are powerful, and Maade is even stronger. These guys are in the realm of no one among the Balrog clan, but even if the Balrog clan is defeated, Cook etc. People are still very vigilant.

"The flame demon clan can't have only Yan Kun a strong, there must be other strong hidden, and according to the talent of the flame demon clan, the flame demon is more than this half-god strong." Connie looked at the battlefield. The state of affairs, said.

Cook also nodded. The reason why Cook asked Mad to go is not because he let Madder appear to attract the strong of the Balrog clan. Attacking the Balrog clan is very simple, but how can a huge race have no strong? Take the people of the Holy See this time, the loss is a bit heavy, because in the city of angels of fallen angels, there is actually a god-level powerhouse hidden, although this god-level powerhouse, this powerhouse makes five saints The son saint was scrapped directly.

There is also a god-level in the Black Dragon City, so thousands of giant dragons have died partly and partly injured. Now there are only a thousand dragons. There will certainly be god-level powerhouses in the Flame Demon clan, so Cook asked Maade to go out. Wait here.

"The most fearful thing is that the strong will not come out and will make trouble for us later." Connie said worriedly.

"Hmph, we have to force this guy out even if we are persecuting. After all, our future strategic focus is not here. The Black Dragon King and the Fallen Angels don’t need us to worry about, but we have to hold this flame demon in our hands. The most critical step for the clan." Cook said.

"Well, I'll make the attack slower and catch all the Balrogs that I see." Connie said when Cook said so.

"Just do it." Cook nodded and said in agreement.

Desen has never been so happy, not only Desen, but also other soldiers of the Moon Demon Clan. Tens of thousands of Moon Demon are advancing very fast on the front of more than ten kilometers. The moon demons formed countless teams, supporting each other and attacking each other, just like a big mouth constantly devouring countless Balrogs, each team is just a tooth.

"Interspersed!" Desen ordered loudly.

"Boom, boom boom." Countless soldiers of the Moon Demon clan attacked frantically, fighting together into the formation of the Flame Demon, reaching a distance of tens of meters.

"Cut." Desen said loudly when the time had come.

So the moon demon army that interspersed in the flame demon formation cut across at once.

"Call for support, thirty meters ahead." Desen shouted loudly.

"Boom!" A dozen Balrogs gathered together were hit by beams of light falling from the sky~www.novelmtl.com~ and killed. "Desen saw that the back of the flame demon broke up, and immediately roared.

The entire flame demon clan has become more and more skilled in cooperation. As long as there are injured, they will immediately withdraw from the battle. They will be rescued by the medical soldiers who come afterwards. It continued to provide fire support, returned prisoners, and treated the wounded.

"This is the real war." Seeing such a huge posture, Desen silently affirmed in his heart.

"Boom, boom, boom." At this moment, a bang bang bang sounded like the heart of some kind of creature.

"It's finally here." Cook murmured when he heard the voice, and then rushed out instantly.

"All teams, shrink defenses." Connie quickly gave orders, and a dazzling red light slowly radiated from the distance. --3661+xs409752-->

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