A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 93: Moon City Raiders

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The other moon demon saw this tauren soldier unwrap the bandage wrapped by the moon demon leader. As soon as the bandage was unwound, the moon demon leader’s wound began to bleed. Only a bottle appeared in the hand of the tauren soldier. Some of the transparent liquid in the bottle was poured onto the wound of the head of the Moon Demon, and a burst of blue smoke rose. , The latest chapter visit:.

"There is no poison, the blood is normal." Another Moon Demon said with surprise when he saw that the blood on the wound soaked by the water was normal.

"Nonsense." The tauren soldier immediately took out a bottle of light green ‘medicine’, and then dropped a few drops on the wound, which healed at a speed visible to the ‘naked’.

"Come on, drink this bottle." The tauren soldier then took out a small bottle the size of a thumb. The liquid in the small bottle was dark red'color'.

The head of the Moon Demon was not afraid, and took the bottle in one sip and drank it. What shocked the surrounding Moon Demon was that the remaining bottle, the tauren soldier, took it back.

"Okay, the arm will grow out in an hour, but the newly grown arm is definitely not as strong as the original one, and needs recovery training." The tauren soldier stood up.

"Growing out, this...really growing." A moon demon whispered, but then the surrounding moon demon were shocked, because the moon demon leader's arms were really slowly growing come out.

All the moon demons were stunned. This Nima had never heard of it. The Tauren soldier said with a smile: "As for your minor injuries, we were more serious during training. I am not a specialist. The'medicine', the'medicine' in your hand is limited, but you can ask the City Lord of Moon Devil City to request our master, otherwise if we help'in private', if the effect is not good, I will leave first."

The Tauren's words stunned all the Moon Demon, and the Moon Demon who was blinded jumped up: "Let's go and find the city lord."

All the moon demons rushed towards the city. After the tauren soldiers returned to the guarded place, several other guarded soldiers gathered around: "Laza, you guy is lucky, I don’t understand, that Why did the Moon Demon find you, but this time the mission was completed well."

"Thank you, captain, I'm telling the truth." Laza shook his head triumphantly.

"But it's rewarded, do you want to treat me?" another soldier asked.

"Of course." Laza immediately agreed.

"Good job." The rest of the soldiers said one after another.

Yes, this is just a small task, but in the eyes of these soldiers, it is a small task, and the impact on those moon demons is great. Moon demons never thought that there is such a magical medicine in this world. Potion, the material of the Demon Plane is inherently scarce, unlike the Sanctuary Plane, so it is not comparable to the magical Potion.

The'medicine' agents used by Laza are generally equipped among soldiers in Liberty City. Almost all combat'medicine' agents can be used for curing'medicine', restoration'medicine' and so on. There is a bottle, and among the soldiers who are in charge of investigating, there are some special "medicine" agents, stealth "medicine" agents, flying "medicine" agents and other "medicine" agents.

And what are these small task maps? Favor, yes, Cook is using the ordinary Moon Demon to gain favorability.

There were some soldiers left in Moon Devil City, not many soldiers here, because after all, there was a god-level powerhouse like Maade here. When Cook appeared, he was already in the City of Angels.

"No way, these guys are so fast." Cook saw the burning city of angels and opened his mouth.

"It seems that the Holy See is not an ordinary person this time." Lina sighed.

"Go, go to Black Dragon City." Cook turned around and left. What Cook wants to do, of course, is to pick up the bargain. If he can meet the fallen angel, then Cook can also show his strength, but Cook sees the angel The city was destroyed once, so if you don't know how to show up, I'm afraid this fallen angel will be desperate.

"Nima." After Cook arrived in the Black Dragon City, he found that the Black Dragon City was actually in ruins. Yes, the entire Black Dragon City was like it was turned over by countless people. Cook cursed secretly, apparently led by three golden dragons. 'S teammate successfully completed the task.

"Forget it, these guys' hands and feet are fast enough." Cook said with a sigh for a while.

As for why Cook didn’t go to the place where the Succubus and Balrog were located, it was because the land of the Balrog was in the Scorching Canyon, which was a hundred times hotter than the Black Dragon City. Cook alone could bear it, but Cook alone could deal with living in There are countless flame demons in the magma, it is impossible.

As for the succubus, the place where he lives is the Succubus City, where it is said that it is even more ‘chaotic’, and the place where the succubus is located is in the underground world, otherwise the skin of the succubus would be so white.

"This is a good thing, anyway we have to charge tolls." Lina asked puzzledly.

"That's not the case. This is the accumulation of countless years of wealth. Besides, how much tolls are collected, and there are a lot of loot points." Cook replied distressedly.

Cook and the others returned to the Moon Demon City. Maade and the others did not know that Cook had already been to the City of Angels and the Black Dragon City. Maade had smashed all the Balrogs in the Moon Demon City. There were tens of thousands of Balrogs. Died under Mad's hand.

Desen and others did not expect that Cook would come so fast. At the time of the final blow of Maade, when the city of Moon Demon City was broken, Desen and others were already ready to flee, but they knew that Cook was actually there. As soon as he appeared, he immediately killed Yan Kun, and Yan Kun's huge head was shattered. At this moment, all the moon demons cheered.

"Father, what should we do? We have too many casualties, do we ask for help from adults?" Desen asked his father quietly when he saw the injured Moon Demon.

"That's for sure. After this time, our Moon Demon City can at least calm down for countless years. Your lord is really amazing. He actually killed Yan Kun directly. This'jerk' Yan Kun is dead." Mad said Yan. Kun was still very angry.

"Father, my lord is here." Desen said quickly when he saw Cook being surrounded by a distance.

"Thank you, sir." Madd hurried forward and bowed to salute.

"Haha." Cook smiled and didn't say anything.

Desen also quickly said: "My lord, please rest in the city."

"No, I still have things. These are some of my subordinates who will assist you in rebuilding." Cook doesn't want to stay here too much. You must know that in the Blackrock Wilderness, there is the most important thing.

"My lord, please save our people." Madd heard Cook's leaving and said quickly.

"Okay." Cook disappeared with Lina after speaking.

At this time, a Bunnyman came out, Mad and Desen were surprised at the strength of Cooke, and even more surprised at what this low-strength Bunnyman did.

"I'm the head of the medical team, you bring all the wounded, priority is given to serious injuries." The Bunnyman said to Mad and Desen.

Maade was dumbfounded. Yes, in the legend, the bunny people among the orcs are the most useless race. Of course, apart from the beautiful “female” bunny people, they know what kind of medical team the bunny people actually belong to. Head.

"Thank you, thank you." Desen quickly said thank you, and then the wounded were sent to several huge tents.

As soon as Mader and Desen were about to enter the tent, they were stopped by two soldiers: "Sorry, you can't enter ‘chaotic’ here."

Maade looked at the two warriors, with strange lines on their bodies, these lines exuding a fascinating faint blue light.

"Magic pattern." Maade's eyes shrank. The magic pattern was not actually drawn at first, but the magic pattern growing from the inside to the outside on the body of some powerful creatures. This is because the magic elements in these powerful creatures reach An abnormally saturated state, and then condensed into a strange pattern.

Desen was very smart. Seeing that his father hadn't said anything, he quietly retreated. After half an hour, a moon demon finally came out. He had been entering just now, but he didn't come out.

"Zach, Zach, it's Zach." The Moon Demon that Moon Demon had seen out, shouted ‘excitedly’.

"I'm here, I'm here." Zach's face moved'excited'.

"Zach, I saw half of your head collapsed just now, why is it better now?" Made hurried over and asked, yes, half of Zach's head, the most advanced one, was shattered, deeply Got stuck.

"I don't know, I'm confused, and I'll just wake up." Zach saw that it was Mad, and quickly replied respectfully.

"Mysteriously." Madder looked at Zac suspiciously.

A soldier on the guard said: "It should be paralyzed. This is something that a severely wounded person must use for major surgery."

"Major surgery." All the moon demons were very interested in this new term.

"According to what this soldier said, the head was sunken down, it should be paralyzed first, then the head was cut open, the broken skull was taken out, and some'medicine' was used to restore the damaged skull. Finally, the skull was covered with steel. Fix the nails, and then use a strong recovery of the'medicine' agent. After the skull has healed, start to suture the outer wound. If you don't believe it, look at the scar inside the scalp." The soldier continued to explain.

"No~www.novelmtl.com~ That is, the brain is cut open and I can survive."

The surrounding moon demons doubted what the warrior said, but when Madd took off Zac's hair, a clear scar appeared in front of everyone.

"Moreover, you will basically not be able to be a fighter from an injury like yours, because although you have recovered, there should still be a problem with the speed of reaction." The fighter who exuded a sturdy aura continued.

"How do you know that this was what a bunny man told me when I was leaving just now." Zach looked at the soldier and was confused.

Upon hearing this question, the sturdy warrior covered in magic patterns immediately said with a mournful face: "Because I am also a medical soldier, but I'm here to stand guard today."

"You, medics." Everyone was shocked, the sturdy aura exuded by this Nima, the powerful guy is actually a medic, --28936+dsuaahhh+25921712-->

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