A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 79: Loot the dragon treasure

Dragon, giant dragon, a crystal-clear dragon, to be precise, a giant dragon emitting a shining light, Kanter was stunned. He did not expect such a big guy to appear.

"Diamond Dragon!" And Cook recognized the identity of this dragon. The Diamond Dragon is a branch of the Crystal Dragon. Its combat power is comparable to that of the Golden Dragon. The strongest guy among the upper dragons, but the number of Diamond Dragons is extremely rare. And the temper of the diamond dragon is notoriously bad in the entire dragon.

Cook measured it in his heart. Cook saw the piles of gems in the diamond dragon's lair. Obviously these were the gems discarded by the gold-eaters, rubies with the size of a fist, emeralds the size of a head, and a half-man. The tall black gem made Cook's saliva flow out.

Many of these gems are extremely rich in rare elements. These elements play a very good role in equipment refining and metal smelting.

"Kant, be careful yourself." Cook made a gesture to Kanter, and then Cook flew out in the air.

When Kanter saw Cook flying out, Kanter immediately turned into a leopard, and ran back, joking, that big guy is a dragon, plus the master's perverted strength, it's weird not to fall apart.

Cook can’t laugh. Although this diamond dragon is powerful, what kind of strength Cook is now, so this battle Cook thinks is very simple, but the simple thing is here, it is the big thing to **** the dragon’s treasure, because That would become a public enemy of the dragon.

"Who is it?" The diamond dragon's eyes opened one, the huge longan locked Cooke, and a deep voice sounded.

"Hehe, introduce myself, I, human, Cook, I'm here to retrieve my own things." Cook saw a sapphire three meters high in the dragon's arms, and his eyes were about to fall. , Judging from the magic fluctuations emitted, this is a super ice magic gem, and Cook resisted the desire to grab it.

"Hehe, human beings, what you said is not these gems, right?" Diamond Dragon asked with a smile.

Cook's face has become unspeakably thick. Cook nodded and said: "It seems that you also know that these things belong to others."

"Despicable, shameless, cunning human beings, are you trying to compete with me?" Before Cook finished speaking, Diamond Dragon's eyes widened and roared at Cook.

"Really, you mean you don't plan to return it to me?" Cook squeezed his fist, and then said to the diamond dragon.

"Come on, come on. Damn human beings." The diamond dragon moved, and the whole body stood upright, full of contempt and provocation.

"Hey, in that case, let's do a duel, and the things here belong to the winner." Cook finally revealed his ugly face, no, the real purpose.

The diamond dragon laughed loudly, and then shouted: "Human, since this thing is yours, then why do you want to do this? This proves that this thing is not yours."

"I said it was mine, would you be willing to return it to me?" Cook continued to ask, his face is not a bit thick.

"That's impossible, human, I want you to know how a dragon protects its treasure, and defeats you, a **** who is delusional to **** the dragon's treasure." Diamond Dragon roared excitedly.

When Cook heard this, he was a little speechless, but Cook took a closer look and discovered that this diamond dragon is actually underage, but it is soon to reach adulthood. Cook slapped his forehead and said: Fantasy boy."

Cook saw the dragon like this, and without a word, he activated his quadruple madness, and Cook swung his fist towards the dragon.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuh The jewels shot up fell like rain, making a clattering sound.

"You dare to occupy my things, you big reptile." Cook was irrational, accusing the Diamond Dragon loudly and waving his fist again.

"Boom, boom, boom." There was a diamond dragon hundreds of meters high in front of Cook who was two meters high, like a big inflatable toy. Cook punched left and right, and dragged his tail up. Hit directly on the stone wall.

"How?" After beating for more than ten minutes, Cook finally stopped and asked.

Kanter, who had gone back and forth, was stunned for a long time. The diamond dragon was beaten by his own master. This diamond dragon had no power to fight back, and he didn't even dare to shout. What's the situation?

In fact, the diamond dragon has a bitterness, but the diamond dragon wants to resist, but every time Cook makes the energy gathered by the diamond dragon collapse, even the screams will not work, because every time Cook will make this miserable The cry was held in his throat abruptly.

"Ah!!!" After Cook stopped, the diamond dragon let out a long scream.

"Human, you are despicable, shameless, sly... Boom, wow!" Before the Diamond Dragon finished speaking, Cook kicked him again on his belly. Even the dragon skin couldn't stop Cook. With immense power, the diamond dragon can only make a gasping sound.

"How about, can I take these things?" Cook smiled and picked up the magic gem that had been greedy for a long time, and then disappeared.

"Robber, thief, bang, oop!" Diamond Dragon saw Cook taking his belongings, jumped up immediately, and cursed, but before he finished roaring, Cook beat Diamond Dragon again, so The diamond fell softly to the ground with a long cry, like an under-inflated big yellow duck.

"It's a wonderful moment." Cook feels very comfortable now. What's more enjoyable than beating the dragon and putting the dragon's treasure into his own bag, and Kanter, who was watching from above, also helped the dragon. Feeling sorrowful, watching my wealth being robbed by others, the mental harm is imaginable.

"Hami, Hami, sister, I'm coming to see you again." As Cook was scraping the treasure, a delicate voice rang.

As soon as he heard this sound, Cook increased his vigilance, and Kanter even retracted into the cave, and a huge head suddenly emerged from the black hole. This head saw what was happening inside the lair. , His eyes were wide, and he could hardly believe his eyes.

"Haha, haha. Hami." Cook laughed loudly when he saw this head, but Cook called two names immediately to hide his excitement.

"Should..., huh." The Hami just yelled a word, and was kicked viciously by Cook, and then the dragon went straight away.

What was excited in Cook's heart was that it was another diamond dragon. What does this mean? It means that there is more than one dragon treasure here. Cook was also thinking about the gems mined by the gold-eating ant just now. Cook is planning to clean up here and have a good interrogation, then he knew that he would be delivered to the door.

"Ha, you go on, go on." The Diamond Dragon who knew that the probe came in was very smart. Seeing this situation, it was like a depositor approaching the bank and found that the bank staff was collapsing on the ground, and a few strangers People are arrogantly carrying banknotes, so what the depositor will do is of course bluffing.

"You are Hami's friend, come in, come in." Cook saw this guy about to run, and rushed over as soon as his figure flashed, and then said with a smile.

But Cook’s actions were not very polite. He kicked directly on the chin of the head. The diamond dragon that had just appeared was kicked out of gold stars, and then he didn’t react, so he was rounded off by Cook. By Hami's side.

"You **** human, our dragon clan won't let you go." This new dragon appears to be a female dragon and a little chili.

"This is what you snatched from me first, don't you know that I put a group of gold-eating ants here to mine these things? After so many years of hard work, do you let robbers occupy them?" Cook Said righteously.

Kanter opened his mouth wide on it. This gold-eating ant was stocked by the master. Then the master tortured the queen just now. If the queen knew about it, he might pass out in anger. Kanter understood later. , Could not help sighing in his heart: "Humans are really shameless."

"You feed the gold-eating ants?" Diamond dragon naturally knows the gold-eating ants, and it is precisely because it is the diamond dragon that they can sleep here, because the gold-eating ants are not interested in crystal objects.

"What do you think?" Cook said angrily.

"It's impossible, you lied, we have reproduced here for tens of thousands of years~www.novelmtl.com~ The female dragon screamed.

"Lie, you just lied. I came to check it five thousand years ago, but I didn't collect these gems at that time." Cook also jumped up.

Kanter rolled his eyes, thinking that the master’s lie was about to be revealed by Cook. Kanter looked like he was ready to **** at any time. He knew that the diamond dragon named Hami was surprised and asked: "You, may live five. millennium?"

"Huh, I just don't want to take that step, otherwise you thought that what I hit you just now was your fantasy?" Cook asked angrily.

"How is this possible?" Kanter opened his mouth wide, with an unbelievable expression on his face. What happened?

"So you better hand over my things happily now, otherwise, according to my strength, you may not do some unpleasant things." Cook threatened and scraped Hami's treasure, Hami's. The treasures are so large that even the gods will care about the best gems inside.

"No, it's impossible. These things belong to us." The mother dragon jumped up and sprayed at Cook with a breath, and Hami's tail also lashed at Cook. Obviously these two dragons have A tacit understanding.

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