A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 77: Gold eater

"Dark attribute gold-eating ants." Cook exclaimed in his heart. This situation is exactly the dark attribute gold-eating ants recorded by the wizard. The gold here refers to metal, any metal.

Gold-eating ants themselves are extremely fierce creatures, and their attacks are very powerful. Gold-eating ants are different from gold-eating ants. Gold-eating ants only devour metal. This kind of gold-eating ants eats everything. There are many gold-eating ants. The most powerful of these is the dark attribute. The dark attribute carries more toxic and corrosive properties than other gold-eating ants, and since the dark gold-eating ants only live in a dark environment, they attack very well. The concealment, combined with this dark attribute gold-eating ant, is a very powerful guy, of course, it is inevitable to live in groups.

After Cook saw these guys, he understood why there was no metal in the Blackrock Wilderness, it was all eaten by the gold-eating ants, and what metal was there.

Cook started his magic eye and searched it carefully. Cook was relieved that the number of gold-eating ants here is not much, there are only tens of thousands, and the strength is not very strong. The overall strength of the individual is probably At the elementary level in the sanctuary.

Everyone is going to ask, are these tens of thousands of sanctuary beginners not strong enough?

What I want to say here is that the comprehensive strength of the gold eater is the elementary level of the sanctuary. Among them, the strongest of the gold eater is the defensive ability, which is comparable to the peak level of the elementary sanctuary, and the poisonous attribute of the gold eater is relatively strong. Probably at the high level of the sanctuary, but the movement speed and attack power are only equivalent to the level of seven or eight monsters. Of course, more importantly, most of the gold-eating ants are flightless, but flying males. The toxicity of gold-eating ants is relatively weak.

Cook thought for a moment and understood that due to the lack of resources, the population of this gold-eating ant has been reduced. If this continues, the gold-eating ant may eventually disappear and die forever.

The IQ of gold-eating ants is not very high. Of course, the queen has a very high IQ, but the queen can only control other worker ants through induction, so this gives Cook a chance. Of course, the wizard’s inheritance record has made it clear Explains several ways to catch this gold-eating ant.

Cook is going to use one of the simplest methods to deal with the gold-eating ants. A simple trap is useless, and it cannot be simply trapped like other creatures. Cook first observed the activities of the dark gold-eating ants Scope, Cook began to prepare.

"Master, I think this creature is extremely dangerous." Kanter whispered to Cook.

"Hehe, it's okay. These creatures can't hear what we are saying. To be precise, this creature has no ears, but this thing has a very sensitive touch, and it can be felt by the vibrations of several kilometers on the ground. And the sense of smell is very sensitive..." Cook introduced Kanter about the general situation of the dark gold-eating ant.

The shapes of Cook and Kanter are very strange now. The two are suspended in the air, and their bodies are surrounded by a strange energy shield. This situation has caused the distance between Cook and Kanter to be very dark attribute gold eater. These gold-eating ants didn't even know the distance.

"Master, what are you going to do?" Kanter asked when seeing a large group of dark gold-eating ants.

"In fact, this kind of creature is fierce, but as long as you know the habits of these creatures, it's easy to deal with." Cook said with a smile.

Kanter saw Cook’s confident smile. He didn’t know how he felt that these ferocious creatures would be easily subdued by Cook. Kanter saw Cook take out some metal powder and just lost it to the dark gold eater. past.

As soon as these metal powders fell on the ground, the dark gold-eating ants began to commotion, and the two antennae on their heads were constantly dancing. Then these gold-eating ants pounced on the metal powder, and these gold-eating ants sprayed directly. A black smoke came out, and the metal powder that Cook spilled met the black smoke and began to melt, and bursts of blue smoke appeared.

Then these gold-eating ants began to swallow the melted black metal liquid. Then, Cook spilled some metal powder and the gold-eating ants became frantically commotion. At this time, Cook began to act, and Cook directly reached out his hand They began to capture these dark gold-eating ants. Although these dark gold-eating ants perceive Cook, Cook's movements are extremely fast, and Kanter cannot see the speed of Cook's hand dancing.

"Kant, know why I am not acting at this time?" Cook asked.

"I don't know, sir." Kanter didn't dare to do it at all.

"Hehe, it is very simple. The most powerful of these dark gold-eating ants is defense and toxicity. Defense is not important to us, because we are not going to kill these guys, and the poison is not only a weapon of defense. , It’s even more necessary for eating. Just now the gold-eating ants sprayed the venom in the venom sac because they wanted to swallow the metal, but the metal swallowed in has not had time to transform into a new unique venom. This is our best Chance." Cook explained.

Kanter opened his mouth wide when he heard Cook say this. Kanter didn’t expect it to be so simple. Yes,  No one thought it would be so simple. Cook saw Kanter’s expression and patted Kanter. Said on the shoulder: "Things are often not as complicated and mysterious as imagined. Everything starts from simplicity."

Kante will certainly not understand what Cook said for a while, but what Cook said is right. No matter what it is, it starts from extremely simple. As long as you understand it from the beginning, it will become very easy. Like mathematics, it also starts with simple addition, and addition is more widely used in future mathematics.

Kanter didn't quite understand, but he nodded.

In the same way, Cook started catching gold ants like this. In fact, this process is not as simple as Cook said, because these gold ants are still very powerful, even if they are not very poisonous, if they are bitten by the gold ants , It is absolutely uncomfortable, the power of ants is very abnormal.

So if Kanter really thinks it's as simple as Cook said, haha...

Ten minutes later, the visible gold-eating ants are gone. Cook and Kanter continue to march like gold-eating ants' nests. The gold-eating ants' nests are like a cave. It is more than two meters high and two meters high. How thick is a huge cave, judging from the erosion of the rock walls around this cave, the number of gold-eating ants that once appeared here is extremely large.

"Follow up." At this time, Cook could no longer be suspended in the air, and fell directly on the ground. The gold-eating ant's cave is downward, like a deep well. Sometimes there are some gold-eating ants from Climbed out of this hole and rushed towards Cook.

"Hehe, one or two dare to join in the fun." Cook smiled when he saw the gold-eating ants coming over from dozens of meters away, then raised his foot heavily, and then stomped it down.

"Bang!" The ground shook for a while, and several gold-eating ants were directly impacted by the shock wave and flew out, and they were motionless.

Cook stepped forward, picked up these guys directly, and put them into the pet space. Cook released a large amount of paralysis potions in the pet space. These gold-eating ants would have been paralyzed without Cook's help.

"I'll go down first." Cook stretched his head and looked at the hole, then said, then jumped down.

After Cook jumped down, he found that the ant's cave was gradually curved downward, and the height inside was higher and wider. Cook shouted, "Kant, come down."

After Kanter saw the situation inside the cave, he was also shocked. Kanter never thought that such ants would build such a huge cave. Cook saw Kanter surprised and said, "Hehe, this is still small. Yes, don't underestimate any kind of creature. As long as there are enough gold-eating ants, it is not impossible to hollow out a plane."

Kanter was even more surprised, but ten minutes later, when a wide cave appeared, Kanter finally believed what Cook said, and Cook increased his vigilance, because in the last ten minutes, at least there was Hundreds of gold-eating ants attacked themselves, which shows how sensitive these gold-eating ants are.

"Master, there is nothing here. What are we going to do?" Kanter looked at the cave deeper and deeper, some of his scalp numb, staring at the surroundings very vigilantly, but in such a dark cave, his vision is limited. , To Kanter a very depressed feeling.

"This gold-eating ant queen is very smart and knows how powerful we are, so it should be hidden. The queen is the most important thing. We are now looking for the trace of the queen." Cook explained. In fact, Cook has been extremely dedicated to supporting Kanter. As for how much Kanter can learn from Cook's words, it depends on Kanter's own understanding.

When Kanter heard Cook say this, he did not continue to inquire, but began to observe Cook’s actions carefully~www.novelmtl.com~ and Cook’s expression, but Kanter didn’t know about it after a long time. How is Gram doing it.

Cook now has no time to deal with Kanter. Cook is now concentrating on investigating the traces of the queen of gold-eating ants. The gold-eating ants are the first mysterious creature that Cook has seen, let alone the ants inside. It's late, so Cook doesn't know the specific situation of the queen, which increases the difficulty.

But no matter what it is, it will leave traces as long as you walk through it. The reason for Cook's slow progress is because the area of ​​the underground ant colony is so large that Cook suspects that the entire plane of blackstone has been dug. empty.

"Master, still have no clue?" Kanter asked when he saw Cook's brow frown.

"It takes patience to find clues." Cook replied with some embarrassment, indeed, because Cook did not have clues.

"Master. Those gold-eating ants just now are clues, and I know that every creature has its own territory. I think the queen may not leave his territory yet." Kanter didn't know if he was right, so he said. Exceptionally small.

"Damn, how did I forget this." Cook patted his forehead, then jumped up and walked back.

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