A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 70: Shadow Dragon

The shadow element is a relatively rare element. The greatest attribute of the shadow element is corrosion. The shadow element also carries a strong toxin, but after the transformation of Cook’s mana puppet, it has completely changed its appearance. Cook saw The purple-black shadow arrow shot at him, and Cook did not panic at all. ====

"Zizizi." The entire magic puppet glows purple, and eight huge purple shields surround the magic puppet. This is a very rare ultimate lightning protection magic, the Thunder Shield, to be honest, the name Not great, but the effect of this Thunder Shield is excellent.

The most common Thunder Shield is the shield with the lightning attribute that rotates on twelve sides. The reason for the lightning attribute is that the lightning attribute is not easily affected by other attributes. On the contrary, some attributes are restrained, like the current shadow system, shadow bolt After hitting the magic puppet, it was broken down by countless powerful lightning power.

Cook did not stop, twenty meters high, the magic puppet may not be as huge as the shadow dragon, but the shadow dragon is a reptile, and the magic puppet holds Cook's sacred sword.

"Zizizi." Two purple lightnings were released from the hands of the magic puppet. The Shadow Dragon had no time to react, and was shivered by the powerful electric current. The palm of the magic puppet was transformed by Cook. It can release more than ten kinds of magic, and there are hundreds of magics. This is because when West Asia was repairing the magic puppet of Cook, a mechanism was set in the palm of the magic puppet, which can be drawn out and portrayed at will. The attacking magic pattern, because the magic crystal contains pure magic power and has no attributes, so it can be changed into any attribute magic attack.

"Humph." Cook snorted coldly, and the magic puppet rushed towards the shadow dragon.

"Roar!" At this time, the other four shadow dragons around also rushed over, roaring at Cook again and again, and four shadow arrows shot at Cook.

"Humph." Cook rushed directly to the shadow dragon that was hit without hesitating, but the surface of the mana puppet's body had turned golden, and it seemed particularly conspicuous in the dark canyon.

"Zizizi." The shadow arrow hit the magic puppet, making a sizzling sound on the surface of the magic puppet's body, and then one by one black spots appeared on the golden body.

"Falling off." A bizarre scene happened. The body part of the magic puppet hit by the shadow arrow fell off directly, and within a few seconds, thousands of automatic repair puppets had their spare repairs. This is what Cook came up with. It is similar to the armored plug-in. There are spare parts where it is separated, so Cook is not afraid of the corrosion function of the Shadow Bolt. Of course, there is a limit on the number of spare parts. , "Boom, boom, boom." In just a few seconds, Cook and the Shadow Dragon went hand in hand, and the shadow dragon's huge tail shook it toward the magic puppet like a meteor hammer, and the magic puppet resisted this. Click, and make an echo.

"It's time for me." After Cook took the shadow dragon's blow, he found that the surface of the magic puppet was not small. Cook was also very angry. Cook wanted to catch the shadow dragon instead of killing it. , Cook doesn't need much effort, but it's a bit difficult to catch alive.

As soon as Cook held the shadow dragon's tail tightly with both hands, the palm of the magic puppet has undergone tremendous changes. From the palm of the magic puppet, a sharp metal barb, these metal barb hooks There is a kind of gray on the tip. This is the space cutting magic pattern set by West Asia. No matter what hard object it is, it will be cut apart, just like the tail of this shadow dragon, directly cut by the barb on the palm of the magic puppet. Go in.

The shadow dragon uttered a scream, and raised its head and bit at the legs of the magic puppet. This is the instinct of a reptile, biting, but once it is hurt by the shadow dragon, it is very troublesome. The strong corrosion will make the muscles fast Corroded away.

But who is Cook, he is already familiar with the trick of reptiles. Cook ignores the shadow dragon’s bite, holds the shadow dragon’s tail with both hands, and then squeezes it vigorously. The shadow dragon does not think of Cook at all. Still dare to do it, according to the idea of ​​Shadow Dragon, Cook can only avoid this bite.

Anyone who has caught a snake knows that once the snake’s tail is caught, the snake will definitely turn its head back and attack, but this time it’s not about giving up the caught snake’s tail, but shaking the snake’s tail vigorously. This force will Let the snake's head bounce back instantly, of course, it's okay to hit the ground, but such a dead snake is worthless, so this is the first time this Shadow Dragon has encountered such a thing. The power of Cook's hands up directly makes Shadow Dragon's eyes open. Watching the magic puppet's legs far away from him.

"Boom." Cook picked up this shadow dragon and slammed it on the body of another shadow dragon behind him who was about to sneak attack on him. The shadow dragon behind was invisible and wanted to sneak attack on Cook, but these shadow dragons didn't know it. Invisible in front of Cook, it is no good, and the magic puppet is not a creature, the field of vision of the magic puppet is three hundred and sixty degrees.

"Boom." The two shadow dragons came into close contact again. The shadow dragons on the other two sides did not expect Cook to see through the invisibility at all, because the series of actions just now can only be said that the guy behind Cook was out of luck. , Because there is no sign that Cook has found the shadow dragon behind.

Of course, this is actually just a smoke bomb released by Cook. The two shadow dragons fainted after being hit by Cook several times, but Cook did not relax, because just this attack made the magic puppet inside The mana reserve was reduced by one-third, especially for that burst of shadow arrows that resisted the shadow dragon's release. The opening of the protection was the most energy-consuming.

So the surrounding shadow dragons swarmed up and rushed towards Cook frantically. These three shadow dragons are all invisible. Cook saw these three shadow dragons pounce on and sneered. Cook had expected this a long time ago. As a result, not only creatures like the Shadow Dragon, but also other creatures, especially gregarious creatures, like to swarm the target.

"Boom." Cook watched the shadow dragon's movements closely. When the three shadow dragons approached Cook several hundred meters away, Cook stomped his foot vigorously, and the whole ground made a bang.

"War trampling!" This is the ultimate combat skill of Earth-type monsters. It is not only very powerful for attack, but also very powerful for defense. The transmission of huge power shocks through the ground can not only make the enemy lose balance, but also be powerful. The shock force fainted directly.

The three-headed shadow dragon was directly trampled by Cook's war and showed its original shape, exposed, and then the magic puppet roared: "Roar!"

The entire canyon seemed to be trembling constantly under Cook's roar, and then Cook manipulated the mana puppet to jump up, and then slammed his knee heavily on the head of a shadow dragon. The shadow dragon's head was abrupt. The huge power of the magic puppet smashed into the rock.

Then Cook rolled on the spot and came to another shadow dragon. He picked up this huge shadow dragon with both hands and smashed it down. Of course, the target was another shadow dragon, bang, bang, bang, several times. After going down, the two shadow dragons also fainted. 'This series of battles seems to take a long time to say, but within a dozen seconds before and after, Cook perfectly interprets the momentum of the thunder. If you do not move, you will have to step down with the mountain-like momentum and strength. The fighter plane is also very well grasped, and Cook always has the initiative from start to finish, and the deceptive actions are also very beautiful. Of course, this has something to do with the arrogance of the shadow dragon. After all, no one can see through the shadow dragon. Invisibility, so the biggest advantage of the Shadow Dragon does not exist in front of Cook, and he has to compete with Cook for strength, hehe, the five-headed dragon is here, it is no good, Cook just doesn't want to scare these guys away. That's why he looks like he is trying to catch up. 'Cook looked at the energy of the magic puppet, only one-third is left. These few seconds consumed a huge amount of magic energy, especially defense, but seeing the five shadow dragons, Cook felt that it was worth it. .

"Om!" Just when Cook was about to subdue the five shadow dragons, a loud roar made Cook alert.

"Om." A behemoth appeared slowly, but this time it appeared from the water. The exposed head of this monster was tens of meters wide. It was bigger than the magic puppets manipulated by Cook, with a head like It is the head of a baby fish, but it is covered with huge fangs several meters long like shark teeth, densely packed, making the scalp numb. This monster has eyes on the forehead, unlike other fish. On both sides.

When Cook saw this creature like this, he heightened his vigilance~www.novelmtl.com~ Because in nature, the front eyes are basically carnivores, because this can lock the target, and the eyes on both sides are almost Herbivores, because it can see the surroundings in a large area at the same time, it is convenient to run. This guy is obviously a carnivore, and the momentum this guy emits is not lower than the peak of the sanctuary, closer to the demigod level.

"Om." The monster roared at Cook, but the sound was very harsh, and he stared at Cook, slowly crawling out of the water.

Cook didn't know what this guy was here for, but the monster sent out a mental wave: "Get away."

"Ya-yah, this girl originally wanted to take my spoils." Cook reacted now, this guy actually wanted to take advantage, Cook was amused.

Cook opened the magic puppet, and then jumped down from the magic puppet. Cook, more than two meters high, is not as big as the monster’s teeth. After seeing Cook like this, the monster looked down at Cook and kept flowing. The claws of the famous slime slapped Cook suddenly.

"Haha, good coming." Cook had already started his five-fold madness, and instantly became a beast soul warrior. Cook immediately became a three-hundred-meter-high golden bimon, and the golden bimon was fierce with a paw. Fooling over the monster, Cook still laughed.

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