A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 62: The doubt of the sun god

Cook’s actions attracted more attention. Even the God of War and the God of Contract were watching Cook’s subsequent actions if there was nothing. The Sun God can only sit in the corner. There are many ways for God to come. There are many kinds of spiritual power, and the other is to directly descend on the body of a very pious believer. This kind of person has a name in the temple, that is, the holy son, the holy woman, just like Anna being caught by the dark night. The goddess descended.

This is the clone of consciousness, which can also be said to be the clone of the soul. This way of coming is more dangerous to the gods, and the son and the saint themselves have souls. Once the souls conflict, the consequences are difficult to predict. Of course, if the fit is high, then the gods can come down from time to time, just like the goddess of the night.

But now the sun **** has come down, and descended on a druid, but now the sun **** is forced by the **** of war and contract to demonstrate what he saw with divine power, the sun **** confronts the **** of war and contract God, there is no room for resistance.

"Willow, why did you say that Cook did this? This kind of provoked civil strife of the Druid race, shouldn't Cook be such a person?" God of War asked suspiciously.

"I don't understand either. Is it a revenge on the Sun God to cause the Druids to civilize?" Willie also didn't understand Cook's purpose.

The sun **** felt bitter, but the sun **** did not dare to show it, he only dared to watch the development of the situation with his head, now the state of the sun **** is like watching the surveillance, watching the internal strife of the druids, you know this is the sun **** The foundation of the sun, the sun **** wants to rush up and pinch that Kanter to death, but the sun **** dare not, because this Kanter is obviously Cook’s minion, of course if the sun **** can’t think of anything,   then you can go up to the Kanter Special hands-on.

The God of War and the God of Contract are closely watching the development of the situation. The God of War and the God of Contract are very curious. Why did Cook do this and why he aimed at the Presbyterian Church. Is it true that he really wants to destroy the foundation of the Sun God?

"No, I definitely don't want to destroy the foundation of the sun god. If Cook wants to destroy the foundation of the sun god, he doesn't need to do this at all, because this guy is not Cook's opponent at all. Would Cook need such trouble?" Willie asked rhetorically.

The God of War also nodded, but then the God of War shrugged and asked, "What if Cook is bored?"

"You..." Wei Lie was speechless. How could Nima have such a weird idea and would do it when he was bored? Is there any benefit to doing this? Wei Lie looked at the God of War very strange, even the Sun God was surprised Endlessly, I didn't expect the thinking of God of War to be like this... off the line.

"My compatriots, take a look. Listen to what these so-called elders have done. We admit that these elders have strength, but where did the strength of the elders come from? Did they fall from the sky?  It was given by the gods. No, it’s all contributed by us ordinary druids. They can enjoy these things because they have paid for the druid race, but can their children, relatives, and relatives enjoy this? No, definitely not, so These elders are guilty. They enjoy what they should enjoy, but their offspring also need these treatments. Then these offspring have more and better equipment than our ordinary druids, then the offspring of these elders must be Will lead us by a lot. In the end, these elders have become some family hereditary things. Can you agree?" Kanter shouted excitedly.

When the surrounding druids heard Kanter say this, they all nodded their heads. In fact, it has something to do with Kanter’s words. Kanter did not obliterate the credit of these elders, but recognized the credit of these elders, but Kanter aimed at It’s the family of the elders. The druids themselves are a race advocating nature, so they are particularly sensitive to unfair things. The sun **** needs everything to be in the sun, which also represents fairness and justice. These elders would actually do so many dark things.

The druids shouted excitedly: "No, no."

"No, you are slander, it is slander." The elder door woke up a long time ago. He didn't care about Kanter's duties at first, but now he sees the angry expressions of other druids. The big event is not good, although the elders will control the druid race's big and small things, but these elders also know that public anger is irresistible.

"Hmph, slander, see, these elders have learned to lie, they are no longer druids, spiritually speaking, they are no longer druids, such guys are no longer worthy of living in the world of druids. , I propose to expel these elders from our druid's world. Our druid's world does not need darkness, and we don't need such lying guys." Kanter snorted and roared loudly.

The druids below hardly reacted. Even the God of War and the God of Contract, and the God of the Sun didn't know why Cook did this. The God of War asked suspiciously: "This is over.

"I don't know what Cook thinks." Willie also shook his head. According to Willie's estimation, Cook should kill these elders and then support Kanter on stage.

"Get out, get out." Many druids yelled. Yes, these druids still support this decision. After all, if Kanter really said to kill these elders, the following Drew Yi could not decide what to think, so Cook changed his approach.

"Okay, come guy, drive these **** guys out of our druid world, and inform all races that these druids are no longer from our druid clan, and what these people do is the same Our druid race has no relationship at all. Our druid world needs a group of true leaders, not a group of guys who just think about their offspring, relatives, and cronies." Kanter continued to shout loudly.

A group of druids rushed up and escorted these elders out. Everyone has to ask these elders if they don’t know how to resist. Hey, these elders have lost the slightest fighting spirit, because there is still a guy who even the sun **** wants to go around. , These elders also knew what the result would be once Cook started, so they had to act obediently.

Kanter’s series of actions have won the belief of a group of druids who shouted: "Kant, Kanter, Kanter."

"Excuse me, Kanter is here to announce one thing, that is, I Kanter does not believe in the sun **** from today, so I also break away from the druids. I am now a follower of Lord Cook and it is no longer suitable for doing The leader of the druid clan, here, I propose that every druid camp, no matter how big or small, choose a respected and capable tribe, and then these tribes form a council similar to humans, and then elect The person who presides the parliament can also learn from humanity. Every time the chairman of the parliament serves for a few years, if the chairman is not suitable, the parliament can pass impeachment at any time. Of course, I believe that there is no perfect person or perfect person, but as long as it is fair , Bright, I think everyone can still accept it." Kanter said here.

When Willie heard Kanter say this, he screamed: "High, this idea is high, and it avoids the dictatorship of the Presbyterian Church. Although the council is under the leadership of the chairman, it is also under the supervision of the council."

But then Kanter went on to say: "I set up a supervisory group. This supervisory group is led by the most prestigious among the druids. Then this supervisory group is responsible for supervising the councillors, and can accept ordinary people. Reporting provides certain supervision over the behavior of members."

"Okay, this time is better. The idea of ​​this supervision team is very good, but if it is implemented..." Willie saw this and called out again.

"Willow, is it as good as you said?" God of War asked.

"Hey, you just saw the surface. In fact, Cook did this with deep meaning. Don’t look at the fairness of the parliament. In fact, there are a lot of tricks in it. I’m sure that if the parliament is established, within three years, These druids are going to be under Cook's control again." Willie said.

"This, this..." Hearing this, the sun **** stood up angrily, trembling, obviously already extremely angry.

"Boom." But then the sun **** was kicked on the ground by Willie, making a bang.

"It's you bastard, I told you bastard, don't look at Cook controlling the druid, I'm afraid Cook doesn't control the druid, if Cook controls the druid, you will be lucky. So don't think about what to do with Cook, we won't agree in the first place." Then the God of War warned.

"This ~www.novelmtl.com~ The Sun God was completely puzzled after hearing the words of the God of War. The foundation of this Nima was shaken, and it was lucky.

"You know what a shit, do you know that there are millions of orcs under Cook, what are these orcs, do you know?" God of War asked a series of questions.

The sun **** looked at Willie, then shook his head. Willie said angrily: "You're going to count on Cook to see your **** druid race. I tell you, God of War is because of Cook's The subordinates of millions of orcs have directly increased their combat effectiveness by one-fifth."

"Impossible!" The Sun God knows how difficult it is to increase combat effectiveness at the level of God of War.

"Huh. Cook's Chamber of Commerce has developed a simple water pump. This pump has added millions of people to the entire orcs clan and fed more orcs. These orcs have become more pious, even My combat effectiveness has also increased by one-third. This is also because of Cook. You are still angry. I told you that Cook doesn’t care about the beliefs of his subordinates. In Cook’s subordinates, belief It’s free, so you have to think about how to strengthen your relationship with Cook. Maybe your hope of promotion lies with Cook.” Willie’s words made the sun **** stunned. There is a place for freedom of belief. , This is simply impossible.

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