A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 45: Preacher Cook

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"Chuck!" Anna smiled, and sat down next to Cook, and then looked at Cook with beautiful eyes. Anna was really strange. You must know that Cook said all things about stars are true, but this It was also known to very few people in the God Realm. Why did Cook know? Anna couldn't help thinking more.

When Cook saw Anna's appearance, he asked a little irritably, "What are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at who you are, how do you know the secrets of the stars?" Anna asked directly, but Anna's nerves had tightened, and he paid close attention to Cook's mental fluctuations. $top$dot$&().()()().(o)

Cook said with a smile: "Hey, I just know, and I know more than you think."

"Then talk about it?" Anna was really curious about the secrets of the mysterious space of stars, because in everyone's eyes, the stars were eternal.

"Then what do you want to ask?" Cook heard Anna say this, and asked with a smile, this is the different direction of civilization development, just like the physical technology civilization on the earth, it is difficult to imagine a chip the size of a fingernail The calculation speed is so high, it’s hard to imagine that it can accurately strike the enemy tens of thousands of kilometers apart. In this world, it’s almost impossible. Even the gods don’t have such powerful power, and the weapons made by physical technology can Destroying a plane dozens of times, and on the plane of magic, even a **** cannot easily destroy a plane.

On the plane of magic civilization, the focus is on individual strength, while on the plane of physical technology, it is the power of unity. Although weapons can strike enemies tens of thousands of kilometers away, this kind of weapon requires a lot of people to work together to make it. .

In the era of magic civilization, it’s hard to imagine that you can talk directly and communicate face-to-face with distances of tens of thousands of kilometers. This can also be achieved in the magic plane, but that is almost only a few talents can bear, but in the physical technology plane, ordinary Even civilians can enjoy it.

Cook has this knowledge, so although Cook's strength is not very strong, whether Cook is in the plane alliance or in the sanctuary, even in the demon plane, Cook's power is Unprecedentedly powerful, because Cook is not alone. If you want to move Cook, you must first break down Cook’s current power, but is this possible?

Anna didn't expect Cook to really answer, Anna pondered for a moment and asked: "Do stars exist forever?"

"No, stars also have a lifespan." Cook replied directly, without even thinking about it.

"Uh!" Anna didn't expect Cook to answer it all at once, looking at Cook in astonishment.

"In all worlds, there is no eternal existence, even the sun we see or the plane we are on has a lifespan." Cook further explained.

"Can you elaborate?" Anna asked.

"No problem." Of course Cook has to say, in fact, Cook also wants to share something with others.

Anna was very pleased when he heard Cook say this, but then when he saw Cook stand up, Anna looked at Cook in confusion, and Cook smiled and said, "Of course I didn't say it to you alone."

In Anna’s unbelievable gaze, Cook called a large group of people, first Cook’s confidante, then Sebastian, waiting for some close people, even Bagru came, this is The core personnel of the Cook Force.

There are not many people, there are hundreds of people, and they are the people most trusted by the various forces under Cook. Now it can be seen that these people are also divided into camps. Behind Sia are a dozen old men, but these dozen This old man is very arrogant in front of others, but he is like a pupil in front of West Asia. This is the apprentice of West Asia and Cook, the apprentice of Mageweave!

There are also several behind Lina. This is Lina’s apprentice pharmacist. Behind Murphy are several gnomes. There are also several foxes who are the highest officials of the Chamber of Commerce. Connie has the most people behind, with a total of twenty. These are all talents of administrative management, not to mention behind Wu Mei, the all high priest is a war song apprentice.

The other is Sebastian’s intelligence system. There are as many as a dozen. They are elites, of course they are loyal to Cook. Baglu is the only one, shaking his head. Even halflings have two representatives, both He is a heterogeneous among halflings, like fighting but not cooking, and has good talent. Behind Xinna are dozens of Titans. Don’t get me wrong, this is a guard, and of course there are some miscellaneous personnel, so there are easy things. A hundred people.

"Hehe, today I call everyone here to tell you something about the stars, but I hope that after you leave this door, you will forget what I said. As for what you want to understand, it depends on your own understanding. Now." Cook said with a smile.

The people below are very surprised, because in the eyes of the people below, Cook is not considered a strong person. Of course, those who know that Cook is strong will not say that, just like Baglu always believes that Cook is the strongest. big.

"In fact, the plane we are on is also a huge star, which means that the same creatures will appear on the stars in the starry sky, but the stars do not all shine, and there must be no life on the shining stars, because The luminous planet is called a star by me. The plane we are on is called a planet. The star is a huge fireball. The heat and light emitted from this fireball bring light and heat to the planets we live in..." Cook said Start to introduce it.

Cook said for several hours, and then Cook said: "If you have any questions, please raise your hands."

As soon as Cook’s words settled, everyone in the room raised their hands. Cook said with a wry smile: "Okay, Lina will come first."

"Cook. We live on a planet, so all the people under the planet have fallen?" Lina asked quickly.

"Haha, this is actually very simple, I just ask everyone, why do fruits fall on the ground instead of in the air?" Cook asked with a smile.

"How is this possible?" Baglu understood this, and asked angrily.

"How is it impossible?" Cook continued to ask.

"Because of gravity!" Xia also said.

"Yes, it's gravity, but how does gravity come about, because every star has a strong attraction to things on its surface, which is what we call gravity..." Cook explained again .

"So the temperature of the star is still such a high temperature here, so how high is the temperature of the star?" After Cook finished explaining, everyone seemed to believe it, and Connie was concerned about the temperature of the star.

"The temperature varies, but it is generally above 3000 degrees." Cook replied with a smile.

"That's not very high," Connie said again.

"Yes, but this is superficial, because no one can enter the star, and don't forget that the temperature of the star is that high for hundreds of millions of years." Cook replied with a smile.

Someone asked: "How can we be sure that the planet is orbiting the star?"

"Of course this is not certain. It just means that it is usually the case. It has something to do with the density and quality of the stars." Cook regrets it a bit. This Nima is a group of curious babies.

"Why are these stars floating in the sky?"

"Excuse me, is the black hole thing you said true?"

"Does your theory of the destruction cycle of the universe have actual data to support it?"

The questions one by one were like a cascade of guns. In the end, Cook answered some questions in a hurry and then slipped away.

However, after the **** Cook was respected by West Asia and others. Yes, although there is no evidence for what Cook said, it is enough to show how profound Cook’s knowledge is. In ancient times, he studied stars. Called an astrology master, they are a group of extremely mysterious people, of course they are also the most respected people, and these people in West Asia look at Cook as if they are watching an astrology master.

Of course, Cook also taught how to distinguish the direction of the constellation, but the constellation is a constellation chart recorded by the demons, which is even more shocking to the people of West Asia and others. You must know that when you are adventurous, distinguishing the direction can be said to be a very profound Learned, there is no way to distinguish the direction at night, and the method Cooke said is suitable for the night.

"Cook..." Anna looked at Cook curiously, and then asked.

"Okay, okay, Anna, don't ask, I've said everything I know." Cook quickly interrupted Anna and said.

"Hmph, don't tell me, but give me a copy of the constellation map." Anna snorted.

"You are still smart. From this constellation map, I can know where the God Realm is. Believe it or not?" Cook has long had the idea of ​​locating various planes through the universe.

In fact, in Cook’s view, the so-called plane is nothing more than a planet with different density and gravity. The reason for entering the God Realm is because the person’s own power has been repelled by the entire planet, or can’t be attracted. So according to Cook's estimation, several planes are different star regions.

As for the plane barrier, hehe, this is almost the same as the atmosphere. As for specific things, Cook needs to actually demonstrate it.

"Humph." Anna snorted, then took the constellation map and left.

"Anna, get ready. I'm going to see where the Mozu went last." After Anna was gone, Cook said ~www.novelmtl.com~Cook, will it be too dangerous? I think we With this huge portal, we are here to wait for work.... "Anna looked at Cook worriedly, and then said.

"Lina, I understand what you said. I just want to see how the Demon Race is developing. If it develops stronger, then I must use your method, defense strategy, but if the Demon Race hasn't Develop, hey, don't blame Cook for being cruel, don't worry, Cook is not a fool." Cook comforted Anna.

Hearing Cooke's words, Anna still said uneasy: "How about I go with you?"

"Anna, you still don't believe me. Although my strength is not the highest, my strength is the strongest." Cook said quickly.

"No, you have to bring at least one person." Lina refused.

"Bring someone, bring a burden?" Cook looked at Lina silently, and then waited for Lina to say who it was.

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