A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 37: Pretending to be

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Maade did not act, because at the scene, there was another existence that made Maade frightened. Yes, the more he thought about it, the more fearful he became. He appeared silently, a cup of hot tea appeared silently, even though space equipment could Insurance, but looking at the soaking time of the leaves of the tree of life, you also know that it was just soaked, which means that there may be other people around this man.

After coming to this conclusion, Madder felt terrified. In the past, the conference hall, which he thought was extremely safe, was like a cage. Madder also found that Cook is very similar to humans, but as a qualified politician, these should not be asked. Sound. "Top" point " .X.o

Desen’s words are like revealing the dark scene. You must know that humans are very hostile to the demon world, and the demon plane is also very yearning for the human beings on the main plane. In the cognition of demons, humans are Food is nothing more than food. In fact, the devil treats his surrounding companions as food, but Maad knows that this view is not feasible on the main plane. Of course, there are people cannibalism on the main plane.

"Hehe, I can see that I am a human being. Don't you welcome it?" Cook was actually thinking about how to answer. Cook thought about it by drinking water, and Lina in the mage tower The others have increased their vigilance. If this Madder and others are abnormal, waiting for Mader and Desen must be a thunderous blow.

"No, what is the status of the adults, we are all very welcome." Madder was shocked when he heard Cook say this, and then looked at his son Desen. He actually opened his mouth, obviously stunned. Madd quickly replied.

"Then it's over, let's talk, what do you need?" Cook finally put down the cup and asked.

"My lord, we need your support from my lord..." Madd quickly said.

But soon Cook interrupted Mad’s words with a wave of his hand. Cook looked at Mad’s lightly and said: “Our level has an agreement. We can’t directly help other people or interfere in the struggle of other forces. Of course, if there is The indifferent guy came to provoke me, so it's another way of saying it. You know what I mean?

"My lord, that..." Madder was stunned, stammering, like a god-level powerhouse there.

"Direct assistance is impossible, but equal trade is still possible, but it doesn't matter if it involves trade products. As long as the grade is not too high, you don't think about technology. There are a few guys that are difficult to entangle." Cook touched his forehead and replied meaningfully.

Cook’s remarks made Madd sketch a scene in his heart, that is, there are other people in Cook’s circle, and there are agreements between these people, thinking of this, Madd is also relieved, after all If Cook directly interfered with the affairs of the Moon Demon Race, he would still have ideas even though he didn't talk about it.

Maade looked at Desen’s puzzled look and sighed in his heart. He knew Desen’s political talent was far from enough, but considering that his grandson still had some talents, Maade decided to cultivate his grandson to inherit the position of the head of the Moon Demon clan. And his son Desen would just be the lord of the city.

Of course, Mader certainly could not think of it. Cook said that half of the remaining half was left, and the remaining half was left for the imagination of smart people, while Desen had been educated by Mader for a long time, but it was a different kind of thinking. He never thinks about it by himself. That would be very different from the result. This is also the way Mader educates his son, but he does not have this kind of thinking in himself.

"My lord, we need a lot of magicweave equipment, and I don't know how many main plane materials the lord has?" Maade was already excited when he heard that it was possible to trade, because Cook said personally, it must be more guaranteed. Up.

"There are three hundred sets of magic pattern equipment for you temporarily." Cook said lightly.

Maade almost fainted. Three hundred sets of magic-weave equipment. Nima’s entire demon plane hadn’t had this output for ten years, and the entire demon plane hadn’t been produced in a hundred years. However, Ma De became depressed after being excited because of such a huge equipment. There is no way to eat it.

"Big, sir, we don't have so many things." Madd replied weakly, and looked at Cook pitifully.

"Hehe, as a peripheral member, you have the right to get the equipment first, but it's better not to let me wait for too long. After all, I am not alone." Cook said indifferently, as if two people said something more Irrelevant things are general.

"That’s for sure, sir, I don’t know what we need to do?" Madd was excited, Madd has already decided, these 300 sets of 50 sets, and then get the money for the 300 sets, those The flame demon, the fallen angel, and the succubus are very rich. Of course, the black dragon family is best not to meet each other. The black dragon is a group of robbers.

"Magic materials, I have dozens of Mageweavers under my hand. It’s fast to consume materials. Last time I harvested two thousand tons of cinnabar sand, but I didn’t consume it in three months. If it weren’t because of an agreement. , I have already broken open the stars to collect the star sand." Cook shrugged and said with some complaints.

Maade and Desen took a breath of air. There are dozens of Mageweave Masters and Nima's entire demon plane. I don't know if there are so many. When they heard that Cook opened the stars to take the star sand, they were shocked.

"In addition, the price of food on the main plane is charged one-third of the previous price. The reason why the price is so high is that I want to cross the plane to go to the main plane by myself. You also know that my business is very urgent, although once I It can carry tens of thousands of tons, but it consumes a lot of things." As soon as Cook reached out his hand, a simple scroll appeared in Cook's hand, and Cook put it in Mad's hand.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir." Madder was very excited. The main plane of things is on the demon plane, which is a luxury.

"This is the goods your peripheral members can buy, the quantity... unlimited." Cook paused on purpose, and then said two very pretending names.

"No, no, no limit!" Desen opened his mouth together.

"Of course you have to trade this thing, because I also collect these things from other peripheral members. It is impossible for someone like me to owe money, right?" Cook shrugged and said, the central meaning is that I can't If you are in arrears, then it is impossible because you took the initiative to pay in advance.

"It should be, it should be." Maade didn't show Desen the list on the scroll at all.

Mader opened the scroll and was completely stunned. This scroll was also magicweave equipment with magical fluorite powder on it, but Madder didn't know how to use it, and looked at Cook stupidly.

"Flip with your fingers, just like flipping a book." The excitement in Cook's heart, this is a problem that Cook presented to Xia. It is something similar to an e-book, let alone being dealt with by Xia's disciples.

Madd flipped through it with his hand, and sure enough, another content appeared. Madd kept flipping through it, and there were thousands of materials.

"Okay, don't decide I'm leaving anymore." Cook looked impatient.

"My lord, buy 1,000 tons of wine, 1,000 tons of fruit wine, 1,000 tons of spirits, and 5,000 tons of grain..." Maade said quickly, full of dozens of materials.

"Well, put it there, and what do you want to trade?" Cook asked afterwards.

"Trade now?" Madder asked incredulously.

"Of course, find a warehouse." Cook said very considerately.

Madd hurriedly led the way. Madd led the way like a humble servant. Cook walked behind him proudly. As for Desen, he bent down and followed behind, just like a little follower. What an eye-opener guy.

The basement of the City Lord’s Mansion, the huge space, is almost the same as the dungeon, Maade said: "My lord, this is it, and the materials we exchanged are also here."

"Okay, get out of the way." Cook commanded angrily.

Mader and Desen hurriedly hid behind Cook’s ass, and then both of them stared at the front. It was only a moment, when the huge warehouse was filled with things. Desen and Madsen looked at each other, and then Rubbing his eyes again, he found that the warehouse was really full of goods.

Maade was shocked. Nima was not as powerful as God's Domain, and there were abnormal fluctuations in the God's Domain. There was no fluctuation in the god's domain, as if there was originally.

"Well, this time we have a very successful transaction. In addition, we will collect some more mysterious or weird places about your demon plane. Your benefits will be indispensable. I will come back in three months." Cook dropped another sentence. , The whole person disappeared all at once.

"Big..." Even Maade had prepared Cook to disappear again, but after he really disappeared, Maade still felt endless fear. Yes, for such a strong man, any defense is nonsense. Yes, this underground warehouse is said to be the most heavily guarded place in the entire Moon Demon City. The Moon Demon Clan has been built very tightly for hundreds of thousands of years, but it still disappeared like this.

"Father~www.novelmtl.com~Father, it's really what we need." Desen opened a barrel of ale, took a big mouthful, and said.

"Hey!" Seeing Desen doing this, Madd sighed.

But then Madd jumped up: "Quickly, look for magicweave equipment."

"Uh..." Hearing Madd's words, Desen jumped up all of a sudden, and then the two moon demons began to look for them in the hill-like materials.

After an hour, Mader was stunned, because the two-month demon searched for several times and did not find any magicweave equipment. Madder couldn't believe that there was no magicweave equipment, but Desen bowed his head and said nothing.

But at this moment, Cook's voice sounded again: "Sorry, I forgot to equip you just now. Now I will give it to you."

Mader and Desen looked at each other, and then they saw huge boxes appear out of thin air, and then Madder and Desen immediately rushed to those boxes.

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