A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 34: Hadoshi's happy life

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Desen looked at Hadoshi in confusion and asked, "Why is this?"

"Haha, isn't it necessary at all? Besides, if we establish a chamber of commerce here, then others will not be allowed to intervene." Hadoshi replied indifferently. Hadoshi's thoughts are very simple. This is a credit and a political achievement. , Why should it be assigned to your Moon Demon clan?

But when Desen heard this, he came out in a cold sweat. What Desen thought of, Desen thought that he was kind to help, but from the other side's standpoint, that is, the Moon Demon clan wanted to participate. The right to speak in the black market, what this is for the other party, is a provocation.

At the beginning, Desen had some doubts about what his father, the head of the Moon Demon Clan, Ma De said, it was impossible for him to exist a few levels higher than Ma De and others. However, judging from the transactions in this period of time, he was originally What his father said is true.

Desen knows that many of the things traded are from different planes, not from the Demon Plane, but also from the Demon Vein equipment. The shipment volume during this period is almost equal to the accumulation of the Moon Demon Race over tens of thousands of years.

Desen dared not even think about provoking such an existence, but then Desen also realized that his opportunity was coming. Desen reluctantly smiled and said: "Well, we will not participate, but Your Excellency Hadoshi, I have a bold idea...?"

"Bold idea?" Hadosi was also worrying about the invitation of the Moon Demon Clan. It would be impossible for him to take the initiative to speak, so Hadosi did not see Desen's successive changes of color.

"Yes." Then Desen whispered his thoughts quietly.

I don't know that Hadoshi stood up all of a sudden, and shouted angrily: "You are an impolite request. Just wait for the existing anger!"

"No, no, Lord Hadoshi, Lord Hadoshi, this is only a private request between me and you, and a private request between me and you." Hearing this, Desen quickly stood up and comforted this Hadosi. .

"Privately requesting, do you want me to..." Hadoshi asked angrily.

"Yes, Your Excellency Hadosi, this is only a private request from a friend, not a request as a trading partner." Desen said quickly. Now Desen doesn't expect Cook to go to the Moon City or something. The most important thing is to fool this sheephead.

"But it's just me, I'm afraid that existence won't listen to me." Hardosi whispered the hypocrisy in his heart, but Hardosi seemed to not realize that it was Desen's flicker, and said embarrassedly. .

Desen was stunned when he heard Hadosi’s words, and then he was very excited. He didn’t expect that Hadosi was really willing to help. Desen hurriedly said: "Your Excellency Hadosi, as long as that adult can make the trip, some The expenses count for us, and since those who can speak up are your friends of Your Excellency Hadosi, they are naturally also friends of our Moon Demon Clan. Our Moon Demon Clan is very generous to friends."

"What are you friends of the Moon Demon, what do you want to do?" Hadoxi immediately widened his eyes and shouted coldly.

Desen was about to collapse, Nima, the goat head demon's brain broke, but Desen had to explain quickly: "Yes, it is your friend."

"Since your Moon Demon clan is so sincere, then I might as well talk about it." Haduoxi said with a smile without looking at Desen.

Desen knew what to do now. Desen found the space ring of the last transaction, and then said: "Your Excellency Hadoshi, this is the space ring of the last transaction we returned."

"Oh." Hadosi saw that several space rings were placed in his own hands, and the rest were connected in series. Haduosi's spiritual force penetrated into the space rings, and then he uttered an oh.

After seeing what was inside, Hadosi almost blinked, and then Hadosi said: "Since you are so sincere, then I will ask my friends to help. My Hadosi is based on your sincerity. , But when will I have time, this......"

"Know, know, we are waiting for your good news." Desen quickly replied. Desen is excited now, and at the same time is a little worried. In case these things are swallowed by this **** goat head, then month. Do the demons dare to find it back? Certainly not.

So Desen returned to the black market with this feeling, and then waited, but Desen first waited for three months.

During these three months, the order of the black market seemed to be very good, but one thing was not good. There were a group of demons on the black market. This group of demons was simply the gangsters and overlords in the black market.

But what reassures the various chambers of commerce is that these hooligans never harass the chamber of commerce, so the major chambers of commerce can barely survive, but the other major forces in the black market are angry, because these rascals were made by the treasure-gathering chamber of commerce. Seeing that people from other forces were not pleasing to the eye, they immediately rushed up, smashed and looted.

"Hadosi, there is something wrong with your brain, right? What did I say at the beginning!" Cook looked at Hadosi and shouted coldly.

Hadoshi was squatting on the ground, trembling, because his master appeared in front of him out of thin air, and then kicked himself to the ground with a fierce kick, and there were several demons around Hadoshi who wanted to do something. He was torn into pieces by his master, and Hardosi could still feel the sticky plasma on the ground.

"Lord, master, I, I don't know." Hadoshi's brain almost crashed, and he stammered.

"I said at the time, in the black market, we should be low-key, low-key, as long as others don’t provoke us, we don’t care about that much, but now you, I don’t think I need a guy like you, I don’t know what I think. What is it, you are low-key now? I wish everyone would come to check you?" Cook kicked Hadoshi away again. The mage tower itself absorbed energy, Cook estimated that it would be almost a month, but three Months, of course, Cook is still in a good mood. After all, beauty is not company, but when I returned to the black market, I found that the entire Jubao Chamber of Commerce was famous. This was not what Cook wanted at all. I saw that Hadosi actually collected a few Goat head demon, bull head demon, that mess, so it's only blame for Cook not to get angry.

"Master, master, master, please, master, I'm wrong, I'm wrong." Hardosi heard Cook say this. Even the bones of his body that were kicked by Cook almost broke, but Hadoshi quickly crawled over, begging for mercy loudly.

"Hadosi, what do you think you are, you are a servant, do you think you are the boss of the Treasure Chamber of Commerce? Your position can be done by anyone." Cook saw Hadosi like this, and said coldly.

"Master, Master, I was wrong, I know, I must not make mistakes again." Hadoshi quickly begged for mercy, Hadoshi was arrogant only after Cook said so, and everything is his own Even if the City Lord of Moon Devil City was polite to him, it was because of his master, Hadoshi was not a fool. After thinking about it, he became more afraid and kept shouting.

"Okay, get up, clean up here, and go back to the base." Cook disappeared in a blink of an eye. Hadoshi saw the scene around him as if he was dreaming, but he saw the flesh and blood around him. Hadoshi felt a deep fear.

Hadoshi is also a strong man in the sanctuary. Hadoshi didn't feel at all about how Cook came and left. At this time, Hadoshi felt deep fear and awe for Cook. If it is teleport, it doesn't even have any spatial fluctuations.

Hadosi hurriedly asked the others to clean up, and then hurried to the base. Hadosi had no longer thought of other things.

"Cook, I blame it for not reminding Hadosi, and evacuated everyone." Murphy said after hearing Cook talk about Hadosi.

"You are not to blame for this. Those who withdraw us are inevitable. After all, our people are easy to be exposed over there. It is normal for this Hadoshi to beat it. If it weren't for this Hadoshi, there are still some useful places. I really want to kill this guy." Cook said, waving his hand.

"Hehe, these are all small things." Connie said with a smile.

"Little things are not trivial. We try not to let the people of the demon plane pay attention. After all, we are not only us, but also the sanctuary plane. If there are hundreds of sanctuary and demigods dying on this demon plane, Is there any benefit to our free alliance?" Cook disagreed with Connie's view, because the consequences of these trivial things are difficult to predict.

Connie heard that Cook’s tone was a little bad, so she didn’t say anything. After hearing Cook’s explanation, everyone became cautious. After all, if it was really like that, the Liberty League would fall apart immediately, and Cook wouldn’t want a big family. Want to return to the sanctuary plane.

"Then what should I do now?" Wu Mei asked worriedly.

"The Chamber of Commerce in the black market must be withdrawn~www.novelmtl.com~ Otherwise, if someone finds a base, it will be troublesome. In the future, the transaction will go directly to the Moon Demon City to trade. With the support of the Mage Tower, I don't think it is a problem. Hadoshi can't show up anymore, otherwise Hadoshi will be caught, and it will be easy to find out what happened between me and Hadoshi." Cook thought about it and said.

"Cook's words are reasonable. Although the Mage Tower is very powerful, how can I say it? We can't rely on the Mage Tower. The contents of the Mage Tower can only be said to be our last guarantee. Don't rely on the Mage Tower." Lina Agree with Cook, after all, there is no mage tower that can settle everything.

"Then who is going to the Magic City this month?" Xia asked.

"Hehe, why should someone go? We don't need to keep one person, but just set a certain time, such as three months, five months, or once every six months." Cook laughed.

Lina laughed and said after listening: "Cook's attention is great, so that it can increase the sense of mystery. At that time, everything will be placed in this mage tower, and the moon demons can directly transmit whatever they want. ."

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