A Unique Hunter

Chapter 115: major discovery

Sorry, my friend died and drank numb. There is no ability to code words at all, so I can only update it with a guarantee and make up tomorrow!

A purple ray of light shot out from the wall next to it, and then repeatedly swept Cooke's body several times, and another voice came from Cook's mind: "Scanning finished! Please come in!"

Only then did Cook slowly step into the gate. Cook looked around. There was a huge space, but there were countless doors and countless windows in this space. Cook's eyes were almost protruding. , Eagerly rushed to the nearest window.

"The whole piece of magic crystal is a huge and extremely pure crystal of several square meters!"

"The white iron counter!"

"Seats made of fine iron!"

Cook’s eyes are full of gleaming golden light. You must know that white iron is the best material for forging weapons. Only dwarven master blacksmiths can forge such white iron. As for magic crystals, the higher the purity, the greater the value. Touching everything here excitedly.

This is obviously a clothing store. The seemingly colorful clothes in it turned into countless dust as soon as Cook entered the door, only the shelves and seats standing in the store.

Cook rushed into another door. Inside was also a clothing store, the same shelves and the same seats, but the difference was that Cook found several piles of corroded bones in this store, and Cook gave a light blow. Then countless powders disappeared completely.

Cook wandered around many shops and found that there were some clothes, all of which couldn't escape the sharpness of time. Cook looked around with his magic eyes and finally saw a few shops with a faint magic light.

"Clothes made of the fur of Warcraft!"

"A superb water staff!"

"There is also a pair of magic earrings!"

In this huge space of tens of thousands of square meters, apart from the shelves and seats, Cook’s harvest is three kinds of magic items, and it comes from the dead. Even the magic items change after the baptism of time. It's almost useless.

Cook walked out of this huge space. The moment Cook walked out of the door, the wall was closed. Looking at the extremely smooth wall, who could think of a huge space inside.

Cook looked at the length of the passage that he didn't know, and dispelled the idea that he was looking for it alone. Cook quickly rushed out of this huge corridor, and after he got up to the ground, Cook looked at his mouth in a ruined bush. On, obviously Mickey and Zagot are there.

Cook said about what he knew, and Zagot excitedly asked: "Really there are so many white irons, and the huge crystals with extremely high purity that you said?"

"Just go and see. I guess there are still some things in it. There are more than a dozen such magic portals where I walked. Obviously, they are all trading places or large bazaars in this civilization! "Cook said while quickly leading the way.

According to the same method, Zagot selected the blue metal card, and Mickey chose the orange metal card. The three of them came to the space where Cook had reached. Zagot was immediately stunned, and a gust of wind ran over. Circle, and then exclaimed: "Cook, Cook, let’s get rich. We are rich. At least hundreds of tons of white iron. This is white iron. The price of white iron is several times that of gold. There is also fine iron. The fine iron!"

"Yes, just those inconspicuous counters, the shelves are invaluable!" Cook can understand how valuable the weapons of the cold weapon era are. Maybe a piece of steel in the industrial era is worth a few steamed bread, but if you put this piece of steel In ancient times, it might be worth ten thousand gold. This is the disparity of the times.

Then the three of Cooke opened their doors one by one, and the three of Cooke became more and more surprised, and finally became numb.

"Various daily necessities made by white iron!"

"A fur coat made of top-notch warcraft fur!"

"A beautiful necklace made by Mithril!"

"Earrings made by magic core!"

"Various furniture made by monster bones!"

"Furniture made of various animal bones!"

"A candlestick made of pure gold!"

"A wine set made of magic crystal!"

Wait, wait, and the number of these things is not one or two, but countless pieces, almost hundreds of tons to measure. The three Cooks found some magic items from the remains of the dead, but these magic items passed The baptism of time has become extremely fragile.

"Cook, why can't I open it here?" Zagot exclaimed.

"I'll take a look!" Cook took out his red metal card and opened it all at once. Cook asked in surprise: "No! Why did I open it?"

"Damn, I came to open this door and said that I didn't have enough authority! Damn!" Zagot looked angrily at the blue metal card in his hand and said loudly.

"Uh!" Cook finally confirmed that the colors of these cards represent authority, and Cook looked at Mickey with a sigh of relief.

Mickey’s orange metal card can also open the door. Mickey is holding a sheepskin scroll in one hand, which records the types of items that enter all the spaces on both sides of the passage from the entrance.

"Damn, why is there nothing here?" After the three of Cooke came in, they found helplessly, the inside was extremely empty, with only some white iron counters.

Cook felt a bad premonition and opened the last few doors on both sides of the passage one after another. Without exception, there was nothing else in it, all dead and empty, only these pure metal things remained the same.

Cook looked at the end of the passage. This was obviously the place where the magic snake lived. A fishy smell rushed into Cook’s nose. He rationally told Cook that there should be a way out, and Cook used it quietly. The magic eye took a look and found the same socket as expected.

"Boom!" When Cook's red card was inserted into the socket, a booming sound rang, and a huge space of tens of thousands of square meters appeared inside. Cook and the three slowly walked in. When Cook walked out hundreds of meters ~www.novelmtl.com~, he was surprised to find that the space was divided into several layers, and the middle was like a supermarket on the earth and the top could be seen from below.

"Oh my God, at least it is the best lighting stone!" Zagot pointed to the dozens of huge light sources on the top. The lighting stone is called the light magic crystal, which is an extremely expensive magic material.

"Cook, look, there are so many corpses here!" Mickey exclaimed. Cook looked along Mickey and found that there were thousands of corpses here, just as Mickey screamed. , These corpses were turned into dust by sound waves.

"Cook, look at them, these are glasses!" Zagot rushed into a shop next to him, raised what he was holding, and Cook saw a pair of large magic crystals.

"Glasses!" Cook also walked in curiously and looked at the hundreds of spectacles in the shop. Cook couldn't help squinting his glasses.

As Cook looked at these precious glasses made of magic crystals of various colors, Cook wondered: "What's the use of these things?"

"These are magic glasses, which have the function of making calls, checking information, and scanning magic levels!" Cook was still wondering, and a mental fluctuation passed into Cook's mind.

"No way!" Cook knew clearly that the mental fluctuation came from the red metal card on his body. Cook took out the red metal card with a weird expression, but there was still nothing unusual about the card. , But thinking of the sudden mental fluctuation, Cook's face turned green.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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