A Unique Hunter

Chapter 109: College Mandatory Task "8"

"This idea is unrealistic. We have the materials for arranging the magic array, but the environment for arranging the magic array is extremely harsh. Not only must the ground be flat, but the cornerstone of the magic array is not ordinary stone because of the defense that the magic array can withstand. It has a lot to do with the foundation stone, because the magic circle will transfer part of the attack energy it bears to the foundation stone. This alone does not work.” It was Wells who was speaking, an intermediate magic circle master, and also a big one. Magister.

"Then may I ask, is there any way to isolate this plant from the gas?" Cook asked after hearing it.

"If this is the case, a simple protective cover can be arranged, but this protective cover needs to consume a lot of magic cores or magic crystals." Wells hesitated and replied when he heard Cook ask this.

When Cook and Zagot heard Wells say this, they were relieved. Cook and Zagot were very curious about what this plant would look like if it were ripened. In this world, there is such a Aggressive plants, but most of them are vines, thorns, or dead trees. There are few types of flowering. Then according to the rules of nature, flowering will definitely bear fruit. The thought of such phantom plants will relieve a certain Zagot was excited about the kind of fruit that had never appeared before, because that would definitely mean that he, the participant, would definitely be recorded.

Thinking of this, Zagot didn't hesitate to pat his chest and said: "Isn't it the magic core? I'm out."

"In this case, please trouble your Lord Wells." Cook thought of it himself, but when Zagot said so, there was no dispute, and he asked Wells.

"In fact, this kind of protective cover is very simple. There is a set of simple protective covers in the supplies we carry, which are generally used to temporarily guard the camp." Wells said while looking at the captain. Under such circumstances, The captain can call the shots.

"Ahem, Cook, come here." The captain coughed twice, and then greeted Cook.

Cook came to the side with doubts, looked at the captain in surprise, the captain looked at Cook, and then said: "Cook. I want to know what happened to my baby mount?"

"Well, is there any problem with this brigade captain's mount?" Cook asked very uncomprehendingly.

"Damn it, Cook, did you use some kind of potion to make my little baby so docile? If you can give me this kind of potion, then I will agree with you to use a simple protective magic shield." Captain Angry, threatened at Cook.

"Captain, even if you have this kind of potion, can you buy it with money? As for the simple protective cover, do you think I can't help it without it?" Cook looked at such a sturdy woman and replied playfully .

"Boy, believe it or not, I can find a chance to kill you." The captain said with gritted teeth.

"Haha, Captain, I believe you can do it, but do you know my family, do you know who my mentor is? Do you dare to do it?" Cook smiled and said contemptuously.

"You, haha! Cook, don't you know that there are many accidents?" The captain was shocked when he said that, but then he laughed. In fact, the captain mainly wanted to force Cook to tell. If the reason for his abnormal mount was not Cook, the captain would not believe it.

"Haha, this is exactly what I want to say, Captain, don't forget that I am a pharmacist! You have been alone with me for so long, in case..." Cook did not know what the Captain said. It's true or false, but Cook doesn't want to just bow his head, because the secret cannot be told at all.

"You are cruel! Cook, now I officially tell you that the materials we carry are used to build outposts, not for other things. In addition, we will give you one day. If we can't pass this time tomorrow This canyon, then I will choose another way." The captain said proudly.

"Okay, as you wish!" Cook left this sentence and left. In fact, Cook muttered to himself: "You go, unless you don't want your mount!"

Cook did not get the protective magic shield, the captain and Lenny also left. Without Lenny’s rainstorm, the phantom magic plant began to move around again. Cook looked at Zagot and asked: "Are we really Want to destroy it like this?"

Zagot also understood that this phantom magic plant has no protective ability at all. Of course, this means that when it rains, the phantom poison will be washed away by the rain, and the plant will also perform itself. Protected, if there were no heavy rain, Zagot would not dare to imagine, and Zagot judged that this magical plant was still in its infancy, and if it were an adult, it would not have such a big weakness.

"Cook, is there any other way?" Zagot didn't want to give up. If such illusion magic plants were cultivated, then he and Cook would be celebrities immediately, and celebrities in the entire pharmacy circle.

"This thing is afraid of water... wait! Water! We can directly build a pond to submerge this illusion magic plant with water, and then we can cultivate it again." Cook replied helplessly, but said that he was afraid of water. Cook said with bright eyes.

"This is a good way, but we have to pay attention to the depth of the water, not too deep, otherwise it will not cause damage to the plants." Zagot also brightened his eyes, and then suggested.

Now that he figured out a way, Cook began to implement it, but when Cook said the request, the captain refused without hesitation: "I am the highest commander here, and I have the right to reject your proposal. !"

"I said you shouldn't go too far, okay?" Zagot heard it and said in a bad tone. In fact, Cook and Zagot had commanded the demon to build a simple pool, but without the help of the water magician, this Where does the water come from?

"Too much! I'm too much, you guys are actually sitting on my baby, do you still say I'm too much?" The captain immediately jumped up and retorted.

"Hehe, in that case, then we will leave." Cook and Zagot walked out of the captain's tent and hurried back to the gorge. The captain was stationed in a col outside the canyon.

Cook returned to the place of the magic plant and looked at the released thorns still tightly wrapping the petals of the flower, and there was already a high pile of gravel and soil around it, but there was no drop of water inside. Zagot said angrily: "Bitch girl, if I didn't carry the water magic scroll, I don't need to be angry!"

"Hmph, since she cares about her mount so much, I will make her feel bad for a while, just because I still lack a mount!" Cook also gritted his teeth and said.

"Do you really have any potion, Cook, that can make the mount betray the owner?" Zagot heard Cook say this, and immediately asked mysteriously.

"Haha! Your words reminded me that although the three of us don't have water system magicians, we can exchange water system scrolls. This matter will be handled by you. I will watch it here." Cook did not answer Zago. Special question, but said with a smile.

Zagot took the two supreme magic power recovery potions from Cooke and walked out of the canyon, while Cook took out a wood magic core from the space bag. Cook has a lot of these things. When Cook took out the wood magic core, "Kaka!" The flowers of the illusion magic plant began to shake and struggle, and the thorns that Cook released made a cracking sound.

"Haha!" Cook knew that this was a biological instinct, and Cook placed the vine controlled by the thorns technique with the third-level magic core near the magic plant of the illusion system.

"Wow!" With a sound, countless roots emerged from the soil, and then wrapped the wood magic core.

"So abnormal!" Cook saw the roots absorbing the magic power of the wood magic core at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What's the matter?" Zagot returned within ten minutes. At this time, Zagot saw the white roots beside the phantom magic plant, Zagot asked in amazement.

"I lost a third-level wood magic core. In only ten minutes, this magic core disappeared nearly half. Is this phantom magic plant too advanced, or is this magic core too low?" Cook Pointed to the ground and said.

"I don't know, but according to Warcraft, it is estimated that the plant is of very high level, and according to the plant, the flowering season is the time when the most nutrients are needed." Zagot didn't know what was going on. Guessed replied.

Cook said with a smile: "In fact, this is a good phenomenon, we can speed up its maturity! But I am afraid that it will be out of control in the end."

"Hehe, it doesn’t matter, as long as we have seen it, it’s fine, and we have nothing to do with this thing, can it be that others can’t do it? You must know that there is a permanent director in the trade union but a pharmacist. Let it go?" Zagot said with a wave of his hand.

Cook was silent, obviously tacitly acquiescing to this statement. Then Cook and Zagot paid close attention to the every move of the phantom magic plant. Zagot was tens of meters away. Once something went wrong, Zagot immediately Release the water magic scroll in your hand.

Cook has been numb. For three hours, dozens of magic nuclei, large and small, in Cook's hand were completely absorbed by this illusion magic plant. The first level only takes one or two minutes, and the third level is almost ten. Minutes, it’s basically half an hour at level five, and the flowers have not changed at all. Now Cook only has the two high-level wood magic cores given by Lyle and Doctor at the time. This is very rare. Wood There were not many warcrafts, Cook hesitated, but seeing the undisturbed flowers, Cook gritted his teeth and finally took out one and threw it over.

"Kaka Kaka!" What Cook didn't expect was that just after the magic core was thrown out, the flowers that had not changed for three hours opened all at once, opening like a big mouth, and Cook was scared. , Ready to run away.

But the following scene left Cook at a loss. The flowers opened up, but the dark green poisonous gas was not emitting from the flowers, and they were picked up by the flowers straight from the wood magic core, Cook I wonder, what is going on with this phantom magic plant?

"Thumbelina?" When Cook approached the flower cautiously, the flower was about a meter and five meters tall. Before Cook could see what the inside of the flower looked like, a head the size of a little finger emerged from the petal. A pair of green eyes looked at Cook, and Cook stretched out his head and saw that this little thing was actually a little person bigger than a thumb.

"Who are you?" Cook heard a sweet voice, but it was magical language.

"Who are you?" Cook asked rhetorically with magic language.

"I took a temporary rest here, and you bothered me." The little man flew up, and Cook discovered that the little man was only seven or eight centimeters high. He was covered in green clothes, his hair was yellow, and his back There is also a pair of transparent wings on it.

"Temporary rest, then what is this?" Cook asked in surprise, pointing to the flowers.

"This is the guard I released!" The villain replied without thinking.

"Guard, what kind of guard is this?" Cook was stunned and asked stupidly.

"Curry Gera, grow more..." After a weird circumflex prophecy, the huge flower slowly disappeared, and finally turned into a seed in the hands of the villain, which is only the size of a sesame seed.

"Flower spirit! Really have such a legendary creature?" At this time, Zagot saw the flowers disappear, and he rushed over immediately, and then screamed, of course, Zagot spoke the common language of the mainland.

"Flower Elf?" Cook looked at Zagot suspiciously.

"An ancient legendary creature, a talented wood race, and a natural planter!" Zagot replied in a daze.

"Damn! Planters!" Cook knows how rare planters are. Not only do they need wood magic talents, but to be more precise they need very powerful talents that can communicate with wood plants so that they can master plants. Demand.

"Yes, quickly find a way to subdue this flower elf!" Zagot said with green eyes.

"Of course!" Cook said confidently. When he heard Cook say so, Zagot looked forward to seeing how Cook conquered the flower elf. Zagot still had some expectations, because if Cook didn't If you can do anything, then it's your turn.

"Thorn Art!" Under Zagot's startled gaze, Cook used countless vines to capture the Flower Elf directly.

"You, you despicable savages, I am..." Before the little flower elf could say anything, Cook grabbed the little thing directly, then took out a potion bottle and opened the mouth of the bottle. , The little flower elf immediately became dizzy, and then under Zagot's unbelievable gaze, directly signed a magic contract with the flower elf, and it was a mandatory contract.

"Let's go!" Cook put the flower elf in a sealed leather bag and said to Zagot.

"How can you do this? How can you directly enter into the contract?" Zagot pointed at Cook angrily, and asked with regret.

"Don't use this method, what method do you use, haven't you seen anyone coming?" Cook said angrily.

"Damn! It's a big loss! It's a big loss!" Zagot originally thought that Cook would coax the flower elf, but he didn't know that Cook actually did it directly, which caught Zagott by surprise, not to mention having no attack power. What about Flower Fairies.

"You despicable creature, let me go!" When the flower elf woke up, Cook and his party had already rushed to the area near the ruins, and the little guy woke up and cursed.

"Little girl, what's your name?" Cook used a perfect potion to learn from Zagot what the flower elves were all about.

Flower elves are a type of elves. There are males and females. Flower elves are in the legend that certain magic plants have grown for tens of thousands of years, and finally bred out of them. Flower elves can communicate with all plants and are proficient. Wood magic is a natural wood magician.

"Huh, despicable creature!" The little flower elf snorted, but with the master and servant contract, it is impossible for the flower elf to run.

"Don't say I called you Cici?" Cook said with a smirk.

"Bah, I'm not Cici, I'm Windsor!" The flower spirit's intelligence is obviously not high, and Cook also confirmed this, because the magic wave light emitted by Windsor is only level one, and Zagot Also, the adults of the flower elves are generally advanced magicians~www.novelmtl.com~ Apparently Windsor is still in its infancy.

"Windsor, do you want this?" Cook took out the last piece of wood magic core and dangled in front of Windsor.

"No!" Windsor said angrily, but the longing eyes still betrayed Windsor.

"Hehe, I have a lot of such things, as long as you are obedient, I will give you this?" Cook said seductively.

"Despicable creature, go in your dreams, I Windsor will not give in." Windsor cursed after hearing the refusal.

"Hehe, I don't want this, then do you want this?" Cook took out a crystal coin. For advanced creatures, the temptation of non-attribute crystal coins is very powerful, because the magic core has the original beast after all. Some attributes of, maybe these attributes will suppress the attributes of the use of the magic core itself, although the effect is not big, but for advanced creatures, a little impact may lead to a decline in talent, which is why the magician is most respected It's meditation to restore magic power, not a lot of magic crystals or magic cores.

"No..., huh!" Windsor hesitated now, because Windsor obviously felt that there was much needed energy in this thing.

"Answer a question for you!" Cook said with a smile when he saw Windsor's appearance. At the same time, he handed Windsor a coin. When Windsor struggled to pick up the coin, Cook's smile became even brighter. Up.

Sorry, some things have delayed the update, and the outbreak is delayed by one day!

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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