There are a lot of things I want to defend, but there is Irena in front of me, Saya next to me, and Mina on the other side.

It should have been Saya's fault, but it wasn't why these people seemed to be focusing on him. This made him realize that it was unrealistic to reason with girls, and it was even more self-destructive to talk to three girls together. He could only act like admitting defeat. He started: It's my fault, my fault is all my fault, so... can you all stop judging me for a while? Then go and play around for a while. You may not have noticed it yourself. , but you make me quite noticeable now.

Just as he said, everyone near the ticket gate seemed to be looking in their direction intentionally or unintentionally.

The treatment of being surrounded by three beautiful girls is really enviable, and the sights around them are all full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

If he hadn't known that these three girls had some personality problems and made them feel sad, and that two of them were hostile to him, he might be very happy now.

But no matter what, when the three of them were reminded that most of the gazes around them were focused on themselves, although they all had very independent personalities and therefore did not care much about other people's gazes, they all restrained themselves a little. , allowing An Luo to be temporarily liberated.



Car No. 5 of the Lanshan train was reserved by An Luo because of his ability.

Because this is the only open car on the train, Car No. 5 is originally a Fortune car. There are no glass windows in the whole car to facilitate passengers to take pictures. The floor of the car is also a see-through iron mesh plate, and you can see the bottom through the iron mesh plate. rail.

The three girls, who didn't know he was very rich, just thought he used some evil magic to vacate a carriage, but they didn't care about it at all. They were all very happy to enjoy this rare VIP treatment.

On the other hand, An Luo was sitting on a chair in the middle of the train, bending over and crossing his hands in front of him, while looking intently at the tracks below, as if he was seriously thinking about life.

But what he was thinking about wasn't life, he was just thinking about why the situation was like this? It's obviously supposed to be a happy graduation trip, but why are all the things that should come and shouldn't come come?

..... Sure enough, this can only be blamed on Barnier. He wants to do things too well, right? He must find a way to take revenge and go back, otherwise he may never have peace in the future.

But how to take revenge and go back is worth pondering. Ah, no, rather than revenge or anything like that, finding a way to deal with the current things is the top priority.

Although he felt that nothing strange had happened between him and the sisters... Well, maybe he couldn't say that. To say that something had happened, it was just...

——An Luo, what are you doing there? Come and watch together!

While An Luo was thinking hard about how to solve the problem, Irena noticed his frown and pulled him to the window.

The girl who seemed to have put her previous dissatisfaction behind, pointed to the valley in the distance with a bright smile, and said excitedly: Look! How beautiful the red and yellow are mixed together~! What are we waiting for when we go back? Let’s solve it slowly and enjoy this trip now, right?”

Hmm, um... you are right. In the final analysis, are you still planning to settle the matter? You should give me back the emotion I felt just 10 seconds after you showed up!

An Luo, who was hiding his inner depression, sighed silently and nodded, leaving his worries behind for the time being.

Listening to the clang-clang-clang-dang sound made by the old-fashioned train as it moves forward slowly, and looking at the colorful maple leaves on the mountain not far away, everyone can clearly see the red leaves falling in the wind, making the scenery below The dense shrubs also dyed the bright red carpet.

And An Luo could also notice the gray hair floating from the edge of his field of vision, and couldn't help but break into his field of vision and brush against his cheek from time to time, accompanied by the fragrance of his hair that was mixed in the wind.

Seeing the maple leaves falling in the wind, with a beautiful girl beside him, an indescribable romance made An Luo feel better. He even wanted to thank Barnier... .And Mina, who grabbed Saya not far away and prevented Saya from coming to cause trouble for her.

Elena didn't think too much, she just focused on admiring the beautiful scenery that seemed to cleanse her body and mind. At the same time, she inadvertently took the initiative to hold his hand.

I don't know if it was infected by the maple leaves or because of the dusk light, but a seductive blush appeared on my face.

Even though this girl was shy, she still held his hand. He couldn't help but cast his eyes on her side face subconsciously. He clearly felt that the protagonist in the movie would unconsciously look at the girl next to him when admiring the scenery. Feeling.

Because at this moment, the girl with the shyness on her face was obviously more touching than any beautiful scenery, which made him unconsciously hold the girl's face with his free hand, and kissed her without hesitation.

This scene made Saya, who was still looking at the Hozu River below the train and the colorful mountain scenery on both sides, notice that she lost interest in admiring the scenery for a moment, and felt a strange feeling in her heart.

...Miss Irena was kissed...Brother is kissing someone...

Both of them were her favorites, so she didn't understand her current mood, whether she should be sad or happy. She just looked at the scene in front of her with complicated eyes, muttering and worrying that she didn't know how to sort out her emotions. Feeling.

Even though she herself proposed the policy of indirect marriage and planned to kill two birds with one stone, this scene made her realize that her perfect plan did not seem so perfect.

Looking at Shaye's complicated expression, Mina's expression was also quite complicated: she liked her sister, but her sister liked An Luo and Irena, and now the two people her sister liked didn't care about them. They kissed her right there, so that her sister could see her clearly, but she also happened to have a clear view of her sister's expression.

.....This somewhat complicated relationship makes Mina's mood as complicated as Saya's.



The small train clanged, clattered amidst the noisy noise, and drove for a total of one hour.

When Irena and An Luo recalled that there was a pair of sisters next to them, they separated quickly. However, compared to An Luo, who was thick-skinned and indifferent, Irena's face remained red and did not fade away for a long time.

Even when he got out of the car, he still couldn't recover, so he glared at him dissatisfiedly, as if blaming him for not choosing a good time, so An Luo, who got the advantage, could only smile and comfort him as much as possible.

The sun sets very early in Japan in autumn. It's already dusk after four o'clock, and even the sky is basically half dark. The sun has completely set before going down the mountain.

Walking on a dim road with only scattered low wooden buildings around but no tourists due to the weather, the crows of crows could be heard from time to time in the sky, which gave an inexplicable eerie feeling.

However, the four of them were all people with special skills, and they were all travelers who would camp in the wilderness from time to time. They didn't care about this level of gloominess at all. They just maintained an eerie silence and walked collectively to the street below the mountain.

When a gust of autumn evening wind whistled by, Shaye suddenly broke the silence, looked at An Luo and slowly said: Speaking of which, this is a different world... How should we go back? My brother seems to be Looks like he has a solution.

Do you want to go back? I can take you back?

No, it's quite interesting here. I want to play for a while, but I just want to ask first.

All right......

Brother seems a little disappointed?

Noticing that An Luo was a little disappointed because he was looking forward to peace, Shaye also pouted a little unhappy, so An Luo could only quickly change his words: Ah, no, you are thinking too much, I am the biggest The advantage is that I am very hospitable, and you will have no problem staying at my house for a long time!

As soon as he said these words, Irena also became unhappy. She raised her head and cast a dissatisfied look at him: An Luo... What do you want a girl to live with your parents?

Of course I won't do anything. Please, Irena, please don't put your dirty thoughts on me, okay? Can I be that kind of person?

Huh? Am I dirty? Then when I used Saya's body to kiss you, why didn't you resist?

The mention of Irena's old story made An Luo feel guilty for a while, but he also actively mobilized his brain. After brainstorming for a while, he immediately said: Because what I like is you yourself, not your appearance! No matter what you become, in my heart you are you!

That's so good~ Irena narrowed her eyes and smiled, but before An Luo could breathe a sigh of relief, she suddenly asked again: But you should also be able to imagine that we can change it back, right? Why can't you wait until we change back? Do you dare to say that you don't have any strange thoughts in your heart?


Answer honestly! When An Luo was speechless, Irena stretched out her hands and pressed his face from both sides, making him look at her and looking at him with all her strength, as if she didn't intend to see any changes in his emotions. .

...I think it happened too suddenly, and if I reject a cute girl unconsciously, it would be a bad thing for me as a man!

...You, as long as you are a beautiful girl, can anyone be fine?

No, no, that's not the case. It's just that my relationship with Saya is actually very good, so... well, how should I explain it better?

Feeling that this kind of thing was really difficult to explain, An Luo unconsciously turned his attention to one of the parties involved, hoping to get help from Saya.


Brother, brother...that's how you look at me.

Saya covered her mouth with one hand. Although she wanted to hide something, she still had an uncontrollable smile on her lips.

This scene made Mina very crazy, and she couldn't help but stare at him... It seemed that she had no choice but to vent her inner dissatisfaction in this way.

But Irena's smile suddenly became brighter: What is this? Cheating on the spot? Or in front of me?

No! I haven't done anything yet, and I don't have any intention!

This kind of thing will become darker and darker if he is not careful, which makes him really feel helpless, but he can only try his best to explain, hoping to make Irena believe that he is innocent... maybe... Not so innocent.

Just when the situation was becoming more and more serious, the group of people happened to be about to reach the avenue below, and at this time... the people visiting from the other world couldn't help but be stunned when they looked down in the open space. Time has forgotten An Luo, who was targeted by them.

Because when they came to the small slope, they could already see the bustling night scene of this modern city. Although it was not late yet, the sun had already set and it was considered night, but the city was brightly lit, which was consistent with the silence of the night in their memories. There is a huge difference from darkness.

The entire city was filled with lights that seemed to outshine the stars, vehicles coming and going, and bustling passers-by. This bustling night scene even made the three of them doubt their own eyes.

Are there so many people during the day?

Irena looked at the flow of people below at night, which seemed to have become much larger. She unconsciously asked the three people beside her, but Shaye unconsciously said: I think there should be no... .”

There are more people on the street at night than during the day. It's not normal no matter how you think about it... Is this really an illusion or a dream?

Mina, who had always maintained a calm mind, had serious doubts about the endless flow of people on the road in front of her and the thousands of lights in the city.

No, no,'s time for commuting and school. It's normal for there to be many people at this time. Moreover, people in this world have to go to work and go to school during the day. Apart from rest days, they can only go out and play at night. ?

An Luo, who was inexplicably very interested in the performance of these three girls from another world, explained to them the reason why there were so many people at night, then he took the lead and said without looking back: Compared to these Everything is fine, it’s getting late now, let’s find a place to eat first, shall we?”

——Ah, speaking of this being a different world, then it means something that has never been eaten before?! Saya's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly rushed forward to An Luo's side, raising his little head in pity. Looking at him anxiously: Brother, can I treat you?

Do you have this world's money on you?

Not at all!

Don't be so proud. An Luo knocked her head casually, shook his head and smiled: Then of course it's my treat. After all, I can't let you call me brother every day, right?

Brother is so nice~! I like it the most!

Ah, well, I understand, thank you...

It should have been a happy thing to be confessed by a beautiful girl, but when he noticed the cold gazes from both sides, he had no choice but to treat Saya's words as a joke, and dealt with it vaguely and looked at her immediately, without giving any advice as usual. Mina, who had a good face on his face, changed the subject and said, What are your plans?

Hmph...I know without you having to say that you will definitely not invite me! And I won't let you invite me! No, it should be said that even if I starve to death, I won't ask you to invite me! Sister! We ourselves Let’s go! We don’t want this guy please!”

Mina snorted angrily and turned her face away from him, focusing on herself and pulling Saya forward. Saya didn't know what to do for a moment, but even if Saya wanted to stay, she still pulled her hard. leave.

It was completely conceivable that Mina would solve the money problem in this way, so An Luo just smiled and watched the two of them, and then followed at a distance with Irena.

..... Not long after, Mina and Saya stumbled into a Western-style restaurant, and Anluo and Irena naturally followed them in.

When Saya noticed them, she couldn't help showing a distressed expression at them, while Mina glared at An Luo, obviously dissatisfied with him following him.

However, she didn't bother to pay attention to him at this time. Because she couldn't read the words, she just ordered a bunch of them on the menu. She planned to use illusion magic to turn the leaves picked up on the road into money by observing the money others used to pay. .


Although physical currency is still widely used in Japan, this store happens to be relatively expensive and basically requires swiping a card or scanning a QR code, so... she was immediately dumbfounded.

Her little brain couldn't figure out how to complete the payment with the QR code and card, but the waiter waited with a silent smile.

She had no choice but to use her wand inside her cloak to turn the leaves in her pocket into the mobile phone she had seen before, and handed it over with the QR code displayed on it.

Although she didn't understand the principle, she thought that she could pass the level directly by swiping like this... However, the situation did not seem to be as simple as she thought.

She had just scanned the QR code to complete the payment when a notification sound came from the phone of the customer who had just left in front of her. When she took it out and saw that it was a deduction reminder, her expression suddenly changed.




(PS: Recommended book. I really shouldn’t be a dog licker

Although I haven’t seen it, but the name sounds very impressive, so if you are interested, you can check it out...

By the way, this is the last day, remember to vote, vote, vote~~)

I really shouldn't be a dog licker

Chapter 15: Mina’s change and Saya’s disruption

The payment code is only valid within a certain time limit, and will become invalid after a certain period of time. Therefore, the victim who copied the QR code and successfully paid out naturally did not go far.

She was even the person in front of her and had just walked to her table. Therefore, the middle-aged woman who had been robbed carefully looked at the bill on her mobile phone, quickly frowned, turned back to the counter, and took a picture. He patted the counter and said angrily:

What's going on with you? I just paid the money, and now you're giving me a messy bill??

Um...guest, what are you talking about? The waiter at the counter looked confused.

The woman simply pointed the phone screen at her: See for yourself, isn't this the list from your store?

This is... The waiter looked at it seriously, frowned and looked at Mina, who was just as confused as before: Guest, this is your bill... .....What is going on? Can you please explain it?

Huh?? What's going on...?

Mina's confusion still cannot be resolved, because she doesn't even understand where she has a flaw.

However, her bewildered look seemed to the waiter and the female guest that she was obviously pretending to be stupid, and that she was too panicked.

After all, she was a pretty and serious girl who probably wouldn't do such a thing. But even if she wasn't too suspicious at first, now she seemed suspicious to them.

Although it was strange to follow and scan stupidly, and how to do this was also a problem, but this panic also seemed to make them couldn't help but increase their suspicion.

Guest...please don't do this. If you do this, you will not only cause trouble for our store and other customers, but you will also cause trouble for yourself.

The waiter's tone was obviously serious, but she didn't even explicitly say that she wanted to call the police. Even if Mina knew that she meant to call for something like a guard, she was still quite confused and couldn't figure out the specific situation.

She didn't know how to deal with this unknown incident at all. She couldn't help but look at her sister at a loss. However... Saya's confusion was basically the same as hers. Saya, who didn't understand modern payment methods, was also confused. What is going on now.

The two of them seemed to be in a panic due to guilty conscience, and they showed no intention of giving an explanation, which suddenly made the atmosphere at the scene become sinister.



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