Megumin rejected the proposal without thinking.

Let me tell you...don't you want to get up?

Of course I do.

Then it's not good for us to be in a stalemate like this, right?

...It's not good, but...I'm not willing to accept it!

While An Luo was holding her wrist, Hui Hui grabbed his wrist with her backhand while speaking, staring straight at him with her red eyes.

Aren't you willing to give in...?

Of course!

What should I say? Could it be...


Megumin, who interrupted him loudly, was obviously shaking hard all over, but she blushed and turned her head to look at the wall aside, pursed her lips and fell into silence again.

This made the girl smile with shame, and An Luo had no choice but to pull her to sit up again, letting her hold his hands, and with helplessness, he held her hands and touched her. Shoulder short hair.

Meihui, to be honest, in my heart, you have always been a very cute... very cute sister in appearance.

——Stop lying! Who would be in love with a sister! Megumin suddenly raised her head and glared at her with almost gritted teeth: And what does it mean to be cute on the outside?!

Uh...what are you talking about? I've never done anything weird like that to you?

The sudden groundless accusation made An Luo confused for a moment, but he didn't want to shake his head. However, this made Huihui stand on tiptoes with a biting expression, and suddenly closed the distance between the two parties. She could breathe here. When she touched his body, she said with a mixture of shame and anger: The last time you touched my breasts! Wasn't it... hard, hard!

Ah, you said what happened last time, that was...

Explain it!

...The weather is nice today.

Just like Megumin who was pressed on the bed before, this time it was An Luo's turn to turn his head and look in the direction of the window to avoid Megumin's gaze.

Because no matter what, he couldn't say it now. What happened at that time was entirely because he kissed Bai Yu on the rooftop... He just happened to be calming down on the steps when she bumped into him.

And his actions like this just reversed the positions of both parties, and he who was originally dissuading and leading suddenly became passive.


Hui Hui held An Luo's hand with both hands and looked at An Luo's side face. After a while, a malicious smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.


What...? Huihui's sinister laughter made An Luo immediately wary: What do you want to do? I'm telling you, don't use any crooked ideas.

Tell me, what do you think would happen if I told what happened at that time?

...You provoked me first, right?

That's another story. After all...we are brothers and sisters here, right? You are like a beast among beasts~

In terms of threatening others, Huihui seemed to have been personally taught by An Luo. She chuckled as if she was planning to use a killer move that would kill the enemy by a thousand and damage herself by eight hundred.

But... before An Luo could say anything, she suddenly said with a bright smile: Of course, it doesn't seem good to lose both sides, so how about I give you a new choice?


It's nothing~ I'm just curious how you guys developed like this.

...This... It was not easy to tell others what happened last night, so An Luo was troubled for a while, and then said hesitantly: If I must say it, I would probably get on the bus first and pay for the ticket later. Bar.

...Who made the move first?

Uh, five or five?

Fifty-fifty?? Is this still fifty-fifty??

Oh, everything is possible. Just a kid like you, please don't think so much.

It was not easy to describe these things in too much detail, so An Luo broke free from Huihui's restraints and reached out to flick her head. When her head fell back and she subconsciously covered her head, she shook her head and said: I can't say these things now. What's the point? Can't we just skip this matter? As a sister, you should support your brother in his matters, right?

...We are not real siblings, and I am no longer a child! Hui Hui clenched her fists and tried to retort, but what she said made An Luo feel...if she wasn't a child If so, there is no need to emphasize this point, right? Although there was an element of doubt in it.

Oh, you are such a kid... How about I buy you a new game console? Or if you want any games, can I buy them for you too?

Don't use this kind of thing to deal with me! I'm not a child anymore!

...Don't you want it?

I want it! But! I, I...I want something more than these! You idiot! Pervert! Big breasts control! Don't you know anything!?

In the midst of a sore nose, Huihui felt the hot air blocking her throat, her chest felt painful, and tears oozed from her eyes. As if she could no longer bear it, she could barely control her emotions and picked up the pillow next to her and threw it directly at An Luo.

Under the girl's huge strength, the soft pillow hit An Luo's subconsciously raised hand, and exploded, causing a large amount of goose feathers to scatter in the air.

The whole room felt like a sudden snowstorm, with countless white feathers that resembled snowflakes falling from the sky.

At this moment, the girl's shoulders were still rising and falling violently with her breathing. Although she tried to calm down the violent outburst of emotions, she did not achieve any results. After An Luo slowly put down his hand, he showed a distressed expression again. .

Of course he understands Megumin's thoughts, but in the past he has only regarded Megumin as his sister...or in other words, he has tried hard to treat Megumin as his sister, but occasionally he can feel Megumin's charm and charm as a girl. The cute side.

But at that time, he ignored Megumin as a child and a younger sister... Although he had done some pretty outrageous things, and those things also meant that he did not completely regard Megumin as a younger sister.

younger sister? Or a girl? These two different ideas made him feel quite distressed from time to time.



In the room where countless white feathers were falling, and the scene was like a scene from a fairy tale, the two stood there for a long time without speaking.

The girl's slightly moist eyes looked straight at the other person, but perhaps because she couldn't bear the intense gaze, the person being stared at turned away.

After being silent for a long time, the girl finally stepped forward as if she couldn't bear it anymore, took another step towards An Luo and spoke again.

...I, I——! Her voice trembled together with her shoulders that couldn't help but rise and fall, and her eyes that stared upward shone with red brilliance as her emotions agitated.

The petite girl lowered her head again, and then took a deep breath. It was as if I was trying to accumulate courage in my chest along with the air. It took a long time before I finally plucked up the courage again: ——I like you too!

...Well, I know. An Luo nodded calmly, but Huihui was stunned: Oh... you know??

No, I think... how should I put it? Normally it should be like this? Or probably like this? An Luo scratched his cheek awkwardly, not knowing how to face this rare and honest girl. And...: ...I don't know how to describe it better, but I know it anyway.

...This is not a joke or a metaphor. What I said is pure. I mean it purely as a girl, falling in love with a boy? And the relationship between brother and sister we are playing, or It doesn’t matter that we are companions living together in this different world. It is not a relationship between brother and sister, nor friendship, but love... Yes, I have feelings for you! - I, as a girl, like you ah!

...It doesn't matter if you don't emphasize it like that. I really know it, and there is no strange understanding. Don't worry.

He repeatedly emphasized the emotional significance of this, and no matter how ignorant he was, it was impossible to misunderstand it. It was a sincere confession without any falsehood. An Luo didn't know how to deal with it at the moment. He just said with a little trouble: Even if you are now That said, but you also know what I was doing last night? Don’t you think it’s a little too late?”

It's not too late! The Red Devils are not afraid of competition, why not just grab it!

...I knew from the past that you only learned explosion magic, so I began to think that something was wrong with you. But even so, your statement is not very good, right?

You are the one! It would be too rude to say that something is wrong with me!

...You said something strange first, okay? You can't blame me for that, right?

Then you shouldn't say there's anything wrong with me!'s my fault, right? By the way... An Luo paused mid-sentence, then reminded: Although it's not good from me, but you Don’t you want to confess now? Why did you quarrel with me again?

It's not that I want to quarrel, it's you who got into trouble with me first! You were the first to tell me that I was wrong!

...Well, that seems to be the case.

It's not like it! It's the fact! It's really...!

After stepping on him angrily, Megumin dropped her shoulders in depression and turned her back to him to hide her expression. But even so, An Luo could see that her ears had turned red at some point.

It was obvious that this confession was the result of all her efforts. The past relationship and the sincere emotions that were completely undisguised now made him feel that he should respond well.


Hui Hui, there is actually something I have never told you, but I think I should tell you.

What? If you have something to say, just say it quickly. If you want to refuse, just refuse. Anyway, I don't care anyway!

Uh, don't you care?

Anyway, it's a rejection. I've been prepared for it! Anyway, if I want a figure, I won't have a figure; if I want a face, I'll just have a face! If I want to be gentle, I'll just have a face! If I want to be handsome, I'll just be handsome!

...Are you bragging or damaging yourself?

Because Huihui always had her back turned to him, An Luo couldn't confirm her current expression, but couldn't help but shake her head in amusement.

Huh, isn't that the truth? But from my perspective, the result of the answer you gave is just a little regrettable!

Megumin lifted up her short black hair, crossed her arms and turned her head away, trying to show her arrogance.

An Luo looked at the back of this petite girl, patted her head and brushed the feathers off her head, and then said with a feeling of wanting to sigh again:

Are you putting the facts aside for now? It's time to turn around now, right? We are talking about such an important matter, but you keep turning your back to me. No matter what, it doesn't matter. Is it strange?

I reject!

It's so straightforward to refuse...why?

——I am Megumin! As the leading magician of the Crimson Demon Clan, I am the one who carves out the future on my own! I am taking the hard line! Naturally, I cannot take the ordinary path at this time!

Well, that's good to say, but what about the facts?

...If you see my current expression, I will definitely not be able to help but kill you first, and then die myself!

Facing An Luo, a person who could completely see through her, Huihui was silent for a while before biting her lip unwillingly and whispering the truth of the matter.

This answer was exactly what he imagined, and An Luo couldn't help but sigh: ...No matter how you say it, it's too extreme, isn't it? And it's also too unreasonable? Don't hold me back even if you want to die. , you want to kill me first or something...

Stop being so nagging! You are going to reject me anyway, aren't you! Then just reject it directly, you don't care if I turn my back to you or what! Now this is entirely because your own requirements are too high!

Megumin waved her hands in mid-air angrily, complaining in turn that he had too many demands.

I always felt that it was not the same thing to continue this stalemate, so An Luo quickly gave up on continuing to care about this aspect. After a little tangle, he chose to deal with the girl who had been following him around and cheating since the beginning, and who was like a younger sister. Confessed.

Yes, because he didn't know what kind of object he should treat Hui Hui, so he rarely chose to confess.

For him personally, this was something that was very difficult to talk about, so he pondered for a long time before sitting on his desk, looking at the feathers on the floor, and slowly told what he had done recently. .



Whether it is his impure heterosexual interactions with multiple girls, his plan to marry all of them, his dream of opening a harem, or even his future wives who cannot accept a harem, they will open up a different world. s solution......

All kinds of things he had said to Alice before, he also said to Megumin at this moment.

This made Huihui a little dumbfounded. She turned around blankly and looked at him carefully up and down, and then frowned: You man... you are indeed trash!

No, this should be considered an ordinary thought for men, right?

Even if it's ordinary, only those nobles would do this kind of thing!

This... I can't deny it.

Although Huihui's mood seemed not to be good, An Luo also clearly discovered that her mood did not change as much as expected, so he couldn't help but asked cautiously: ...Excuse me for a moment. Why do I feel like you're not surprised?

Of course, my mother has said it a long time ago! Your future will definitely become like this! After all, men, hehe... are not all virtuous. Once they have the ability, they want to have many things, no matter it is All kinds of rare things, or all kinds of beautiful women want to be your own, and you have been a pervert from before. What's so surprising about this? No, maybe I should be surprised, you can't even Have you already taken action?

At this moment, Megumin looked at him like he was looking at trash... But she didn't have this kind of look recently, which made him feel a little nostalgic for some reason.

Chapter 9 Yoyo’s visit·Huihui’s second confession

Meeting Megumin's cold gaze head-on, An Luo unconsciously missed the past, the girls who had treated him with such contempt.

Of course, he didn't have a strange sexual fetish. He just missed it a little and quickly ignored the sight that could no longer harm him.

...Don't you have anything to defend? Megumin, who maintained her cold gaze, saw that he didn't say anything, so she looked up at him with her hands on her hips, and whispered: It's okay to be said like this. Is it because you don’t refute because you understand that you have nothing to explain?”

No...that's not the case.

How was that?

Although it's inappropriate for me to ask this personally, I'm still a little surprised. Since you can understand what kind of person I am, why... do you still like me??


An Luo's question made Huihui speechless for a moment, and she couldn't help but start to think about this problem, and nodded to herself: Indeed... you are not like a normal hero at all. Although you have masculinity, Sometimes they do, but sometimes they push me forward without hesitation and use it as a shield... But when it really matters, they protect me, but they also teach me a lesson afterwards... There is no tolerance at all!

...I feel that I am responsible for you...if I had left you alone, you would have been killed by the Headless Horseman long ago for your misbehavior.

Ugh!...Although I'm not willing to give in, I have no way to refute...

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